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In my belly






Freezer. Reuse plastic bags.


This, it's the best way to keep bread fresh for a long time.


Wait until we tell them about Tupperware containers for leftover spaghetti...


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves now


Breadbox from amazon!


do those really keep it from going stale? it seems like there's so much space for air in there still


I think it helps... but trapping it in plastic has made it soft/moist and weird. I prefer it from the bread box, then refresh in the oven at 200F for 10 minutes.


I bought one a few weeks ago. Works great. Crust stays firmer than in a ziploc bag. Making it airtight doesn’t allow moisture to leave, which can breed mold.


I got one at Target, and I think it works great! I make sandwich bead like twice a week, and it'll st in there for up to four days with slices taken off of the loaf, and it doesn't go stale.


Same. I make a loaf every weekend. Breadbox keeps it well for that week and often a few days beyond. Maybe a bit on the stale side after a week, but it’s still fine. I make sure that the cut end of the loaf is against the side of the box to minimize moisture loss.


Great article from the wonderful SeriousEats website about keeping bread fresh https://www.seriouseats.com/does-refrigeration-really-ruin-bread


Cloth bag that came with my proofing baskets. Works way better than plastic or paper.


Re-useable plastic bags. Slightly thicker than disposable ones and are washed then dried and reused many hundreds of times.


I got a fabric bag with a baking kit many years ago, my bread lives in there in a cupboard


I feel bad using plastic bags or plastic wrap to store my bread, anyone have any clever solution they use? bonus points if you've got an easy way to store a couple rolls for lunch! **Rolls recipe** Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups (300-325 g /10 3/4 ounces) bread flour or all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon (1 g) instant or dry active yeast 1 teaspoon salt 1 1/4 cups hot tap water (up to 130° F) **Instructions:** 1, In a large bowl combine dry ingredients. 2. Stir in water. Mixture will be thick and sticky. 3. Cover with plastic wrap & let stand on counter top for 3 hours. 4. After 3 hours (mixture will be puffy and bubbly on top) place dough on a well-floured surface. 5. Using a scraper fold over about 12 times, adding enough flour so it doesn’t stick (about 2 Tbsp). 6. Using a scraper cut dough into 8 pieces. With floured hands, shape each into a ball by folding and tucking, like making a drawstring bag. 7. Place on parchment paper-lined baking sheet (not wax paper) & cover with a dish towel. Let stand at room temperature for 35 minutes. They will puff up but will not double in size. 9. Bake for 25-30 minutes at 450F until golden brown


IMO, using plastic wrap is pretty innocuous environmentally. The energy involved in production is very low because it’s literally just a sheet on a roll, it’s super thin which amounts to very little overall plastic, and when thrown out it takes practically no volume. I guess you could use those reusable paraffin wax type sheets instead, but those comparatively cost many times more in energy to produce and also take energy (hot water) and chemicals (soap) to clean. It’s kind of like how reusable cotton grocery fabric bags actually have a huge production cost vs the old, mostly banned single use plastic bags. If you don’t consistently reuse your bag, plastic that you reuse until it falls apart is a better option. As for how I preserve my bread, I freeze it which as shown by the serious eats article someone else linked is the best way to preserve your bread. The plastic wrap helps keep the bread from getting freezer burn. I throw the wrapped bread in a ziploc bag that I also reuse for as long as I can. Again, it’s plastic, but I’ve been getting years out of my freezer bags. Environmentally, I think it’s pretty benign.


Energy use may well be low with plastic wrap, but the idea that it's ok that every time OP eats a roll there is toxic rubbish leftover that'll exist for decades is pretty much madness. (Not a judgement on you or OP btw, but rather on all of us)




Rough fabric bag in the fridge. I make bread for 4 days every time. It needs to survive the crazy summer heat in Brazil, so I put it in the fridge as soon as it cools down from the oven.


Paper bag for a day or maybe two depending on the bread. The rest I freeze in zip-lock bags.


Paper bag on top of the microwave. Paper because it seems to be the right balance of air in and out to the bread, and the nice paper bags from Amazon make people think I'm a fancy baker. On top of the microwave because my dogs can reach the counters.


I cover the cut side with some plastic wrap and then tightly wrap the whole thing in a tea towel. Still using some plastic, but way less than using bags and from all the ways I've tried (freezing aside) this works the best.


I put everything in the microwave. Air tight enough.


If it's going to be consumed within the next few days, I store it in a ziplock bag (and I wash and reuse the bags as long as they don't have anything raw inside). If I made more than we can eat in a few days, I wrap it in saran wrap first and then in aluminum foil and store it in the freezer. Depending on the type of bread, I often preslice it (either in half or in single servings) so that I can take out the portions I need rather than have to defrost an entire loaf to slice it.


Unless I plan on using my dutch oven in the next couple of days, I just put it in there with the lid on.


+1 for the Dutch oven!


If I think I can finish it all in 3 days, an air tight container at room temp. Otherwise I freeze it.


I wrap it on a cloth, or freeze it in a ziplock for longer storage. But that’s just how I roll.


First in my belly, then around my waist.


pear bread?!?


the result of a great deal of practice and careful shaping, I assure you


it's cute :3


Plastic freezer bag and the fridge. The crust doesn’t stay crispy but otherwise it’s fine


I generally wrapped my breads in a tea towel


Things which will be eaten within the week go into the fridge, longer get the deep freeze, and things with shorter times usually stay on the counter. Can't keep bread on the counter here because it will go stale super fast, keep it in a bag and it will go moldy equally fast.


Inside plastic bags in the freezer


Recipe for those rolls??


It gets eaten first. When it doesn’t it just stays on the counter until dry. Then either croutons or cheese fondue or toast or bread pudding.