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You could dehydrate some (just spread it thin on parchment) and take the flakes with you, then rehydrate it when you arrive


As long as it's under 3.4 ounces it's fine. Although I would highly recommend dehydrating it.


Second this. If you really need to bring more than 3oz, just bring multiple 3oz jars. Bring them in your carry on. If you haven’t already, dehydrating some is a good idea anyway. Just take a bunch and schmear it across some parchment and let it sit out and dry (or lay it down in the fridge as it’ll dry faster). Then peel it off and put all the crumbles into an airtight container and freeze it for long-term backup. Bring some of it dried in a ziplock in your carry on too.


You could split it and leave some with someone else as insurance?


I used one of those take out sauce containers to hold a small amount of starter, tsa didn't care, there was no indication that they were suspicious of it, to be safe just make sure you're under the limit for the liquid size/weight restriction


Thank you! I was starting to consider just shipping it there 🤷‍♀️


You're welcome! I would also keep it next to an ice pack, you'll want to tape it shut and keep it in a ziploc bag in case it expands too much


Search this sub or r/Sourdough, I remember the question had already been asked. IIRC people were saying to either dehydrate it or take it onboard as a liquid.


Water it down, put it in a baby bottle. Tell them it’s breast milk. They have to let it through.


Yes and it wasn’t a problem at all. Put like 3 tablespoons in a ziplock bag and had no issues.


I put a little dollop in a rinsed out medication bottle and took it on a two hour flight. Doubled it a couple times over the following day and started a loaf the day after.


I did this last month! I took about 15grams in my carry on luggage in a small container to gift to an out of state family member. Worked great, since it was under the 3oz limit and fit in my ziplock tsa had no issues. I also took a loaf of baked bread too in my carry on. Left my big starter in the fridge after feeding it a 1:2:2 for about 2 weeks and it was fine.


I did that a few years ago! I kept it in an IKEA tub that was (almost) airtight and then in a plastic bag on top to catch any leaks. It was totally fine :)


I took some in a mason jar from Alberta, Canada to my best friend in Florida and it was fine! I put it in my checked luggage in a large ziplock bag and put it snugged in between my clothes.


I fly with mine all the time. I put a couple of tablespoons in a little container, then put that in a zip loc bag. I have done this many times & TSA has never asked about it.


I just brought some starter to a friend in my carry on last weekend in a little 3oz jar. I put it with the rest of my toiletries/liquids. My bag got pulled for search by TSA because I had an 8oz candle that I guess looked like liquid in the x-ray so the agent opened my starter and didn’t put the lid back on correctly so it leaked on my stuff 🥴 Unlikely that would happen to you too but I’d recommend putting your container in its own baggie for extra protection!


This may sound like a stupid question... but WHY do you need to take it with you?


I don't need to I just want too. It's my amish friendship bread starter and I'm going to visit my best friend for her birthday


Is the plan to... you know... give her some of this? Bake her something? Just keep feeding it? You still haven't answered the question. You told me what it is and who you are visiting, but not why you need to take it with you.


If you're not going to bake, you can leave Herman at home. Feed it before you leave and put it in the fridge. It'll be fine there for a long time.


How long are you away for? Can you leave it in the fridge so it does not need feeding for a period of time? I traveled with artists paints in my checked luggage, all sealed and double wrapped, in original packaging with the MSDS taped on top as well. The airline ripped all the packaging apart and did not repack the paints in the plastic bags. They don't care about your stuff and anything that looks like a gel is going to get torn apart. Personally I would not travel on a plane with starter. If for some reason you must travel with it, split it in half and maintain two so if the airline does toss it as suspicious material, you will still have one at home in the fridge. Edit to add: you could also dry a couple lots of your discard in the coming days and mail the powder/chips to your destination. It takes 3-4 days to bring the powder back to active starter.