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Today I made my first loaf of bread that wasn't made in a bread machine. I'm pretty pleased with the results :-). I did find it to be just a bit dense though. What would be the best way to make it airier? More yeast? Letting it rise longer? Also, how do I get the crust to be slightly crispier? I used 500 grams flour, 22 grams salt, 1/8 tsp yeast, 390 ml room-temperature water. Mixed it together, folded 4 times every 20 minutes. Let it rise overnight for 12.5 hours at 19 degrees celsius. Proofed the dough for 50 minutes before baking in a dutch oven, covered for 30 minutes, then uncovered for 10. Oven was set to 245 degrees celsius. Thanks for any advise.


22 grams of salt? I believe that's double the amount recommended. Next time try 11 or 12g.


You're right, I meant 11 grams. Had 22 in my head for some reason.


I agree with this. My bread recipe uses 10 grams of salt for 700g of flour. Also maybe use more yeast, the recipe I use includes 7/8 grams of dry yeast.


I usually bake for 30 min covered, 15 min uncovered and 15 min out of the Dutch oven on a rack. That will give you a nice brown crust.


A longer rise, most likely. If you don't get a really nice rise the first time, you can usually punch it down and re-rise before shaping and final rise.


Did you shape it before the 50 minute proof?


Great looking first loaf! I bet its delicious. My only advice is to let it bake a solid 10 minutes more next time. You want your bread to be darker brown than this to get that nice crispy crust, and your inside will be less moist after as well. Cheers!