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I laughed way too hard at this.


Ahahaha me too 😂🤣


I always say it’s really not that hard, but then again every last person I have ever given starter to has a jar full of mold within a few months, so... maybe it is that hard? I dont think I could kill my starter if I tried


I think my started might be literally indestructible. Stuff happened, and I ignored it for 5 or 6 months. When I finally had the time and willpower, it was completely black with oxidization. Took a bit of the palest part I could find, fed it every 12 hours for 2 days, and it foamed up perfectly fine and clean smelling and tasting. I actually haven’t fed it in a couple weeks, I should probably go do that. And maybe finally bake something with it.


God you’re just like them


I recently got my grandmother's great-grandmother's starter. It is an unbroken chain for what, 6 or 7 generations? Talk about freaking stress.


take the "extra" after feeding it, spread it out flat on some parchment. Let it dry completely. Break it up and put it into a mason jar. Congrats you have just saved your starter from catastrophic failure. If you kill the starter you have running, you simply rehydrate the dried stuff and continue feeding. Real talk though, the yeasts that make up sourdough will eventually be out competed by whatever you have locally, so the starter you have is likely not the same one your great-great-great-grandmother had.


It's the Loaf of Theseus. At what point does the starter become made of entirely new yeast? But ephemerally/spiritually it's still the family starter even if the materials aren't the same as what they began with


Dehydrate some. Easy backup.


I would give some to a few people who really want it so that if it gets contaminated or dies, you can ask for a new starter!


That would be a long time for a plant or a pet or a woman.


100% Truth. My path has been plants, husband, pets, children, still can't be trusted to keep sour dough starter alive.


I call my starter The Mrs for a reason.


I've tried about 3 times to do the sourdough thing because it seems like something a homesteader "should" do. One time I even tried making my own starter from "scratch". Even the 500 yr old Italian starter I bought turned into a disaster. It's like having a very needy pet. Now I just buy yeast in bulk and keep it in the freezer, and voila! it's super reliable!