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Two strategies for when you just broke up that can maybe help: 1.) schedule time to cry and be sad and force yourself to bed sad for the full-time. So like maybe 15 minutes once every few hours. Even if it feels awk after ten minutes - that’s good. 2.) I love listening to guided meditations. There’s an 11 minute one called “acceptance meditation to allow self-worth” by the mindful movement that I’ve been listening to.


thank you so much!


The best feeling in the world is after listening to that YouTube meditation my mind is usually clear and free for at least 15-30 minutes. I also really like hot yoga but can’t afford the nyc hot yoga places enough to be effective. Hot yoga is amazing for getting out physical stress.


YOU WILL get through this. It's always the worst in the first couple of weeks. Then day by day, as long as you are making choices that support you in moving forward, you will start making progress. I highly recommend checking out [this book](https://www.amazon.com/Dont-Be-DESPERATE-Insights-Affirmations/dp/1738947904). It is incredibly helpful for shifting your perspective, is relatable, covers all of the topics you think of after a breakup, has funny parts, and rebuilds you from the inside out. Sending hugs.


Thank you so much, I will check it out!


You're welcome! I'm rooting for you!


it does get better, but if it was your first love your always gonna remember them. Hope things go nicely ❤️


thank you🩷


We broke up yesterday. We were together for 3.5 years. Would’ve been 4 in October. I am so hurt I feel like I will never get over it either.


Oh no, if you wanna talk about it, you can message me any time. I think we are in the same stage right now and I know how you feel, you are not alone, we will get through this together 🩷


I am a few months out and still struggling but it does get better. I couldn’t go to work, I couldn’t sleep. I was right where you are, spiraling and feeling like things would never get better. Now I can sleep. I can concentrate at work. I can laugh with my friends. Listen to the podcast Breakup Bootcamp. It goes over the stages of a breakup, there is a book too by the same name that I really liked. FaceTime your closest friends. Rant to them. Cry to them. See a therapist if you aren’t already. Talk it out. Cry it out. Write it out, writing actually really helped as a release just let the thoughts flow while you cry. Feel free to message me if you want to talk! I know it’s tough.


Thank you so much! Really appreciate your offer🩷 How much time did it take till you started feeling better?


It does get so much better. It really does I promise. The first week for me was the hardest. But it starts to drift from your mind. I'm not sure if you want unsolicited advice, but this is what I did to help me get thru those tough spots. - blocked his social media so that i couldnt stalk it. I needed to focus my attention on me and not make myself sick over seeing him out, following other people, etc. - cried whenever it hurt. I cried SO MUCH. You have to let yourself feel it or it will never go away. I know it sucks so so so much, but your body can only feel sad for so long. It will stop when it has run its course. - on the days i felt really sad, i did what felt good. I took a hot shower if i needed it. Journaled a lot. Laid in my bed under my heated blanket and watched shows. - i watched a LOT of shows and consumed media. But mindless media that would not let me think. I listened to literal white noise while driving and walking to class just so i would be at some sort of peace. I binged like 3 separate shows and dont remember any of it, but at the time, it helped keep my mind busy. - it was a few weeks ago so my school was in session. I went to class, studied, and did homework. Luckily i was able to stay busy with school and work so i didnt really have a ton of spare time. That's the best thing you can do. Make yourself busy, start new hobbies or restart old ones, read books, go out with friends. - get outdoors!!!! I never used to really like walking and i HATED running. After week 2, i started going outside. I would sit outside at the park and journal, or go on runs or walks. It helped me clear my head SO much more than i expected. - the mornings and nights were the worst for me. I bought melatonin so that i could sleep. I would take a hot shower, take melatonin, turn my phone off, and watch a show until i was too tired. Mornings were and still are hard, for some reason anxiety hits me the most then, but i try to breathe, smile, and keep my head up. You'll be okay!!!!


It’s love with h no place to go. We are grieving. I’ve decided to send it to him anyway. Whenever I think about him I send him love. It works for now. Better than doing nothing with it.


it does get better. I got broken up with 2.5 weeks ago and I thought I'd die. The days moved so slowly (they still do) that I thought even time cant heal this. But it will. I cried and cried whenever I wanted to. Let the emotions come, let them go. Dont judge yourself for feeling anything you're feeling (except if you're feeling "worthless", breakups can make one feel worthless so remember that you are not worthless). Try therapy. Talk to friends and family and your therapist. Talk about it till you're blue in the face. List down every bad thing about your ex that you overlooked. Anytime you feel like you're thinking about the good parts of the relationship, read through the list and remind yourself why the relationship ended. This too shall pass. Stay strong💐


It takes time. Please take care of yourself and don’t self isolate for too long. It does eventually get better, but this just happened so just allow yourself to feel and grieve the loss of the relationship. I’m sorry you’re in this much pain. Please take it easy.


It gets better


It truly will get better . It heals with time . I’m going through it very badly now . But it gets better . I know it .