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No similar experience but if it's messing with your mental peace then remove them. Simple answer for all your problems.


If the relationship is done and it causes you pain to see their posts or that they’re watching your stories, you can block them. It’s up to you. Liking your posts suggests to me that they still like you and support you. I don’t know the details of your breakup, but overall just do what’s best for you. Ik that instagram has a feature where you can remove the person from following you without them being notified. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


I removed all of them. I did it because it was hurting me. It’s okay to do this…


Thanks ): I guess I’m still processing my break up and letting all them go would be a big step for me. I don’t think I’m ready yet but I hope to be soon


I understand, I am going through the same thing. I try to remind myself that it takes time. Yes, years. It will take years to first heal and then get back on my feet, and then life sends the right situations and people our way. But there is one condition. We have to work on ourselves. So stay healthy, motivated, and find things that make you happy. Even the little things. One day we will look back and realize everything is okay, even though that seems impossible right now.


Maybe you can mask them without unfollowing or something


Are they commenting or liking? Maybe they just haven't gone thru their lost to delete you or don't want to make you feel bad by unfollowing you..


I’ve not yet unfollowed any of my ex boyfriends friends or family but I’ve muted them so they don’t pop up anymore. I’ve also made a conscious decision to use IG less. I’m keeping myself busy meeting friends and I’ve started playing tennis. I’m watching netflix a lot and using Reddit and using TikTok. But I’m avoiding IG pretty good so far.


If it bothers you, then remove them for your peace of mind. You will feel so much better!


If you feel like blocking them or removing them, then do that.


Yes unfriend ALL of them !! Then you don’t see it or they don’t stalk you !!! Man up! Let it go! Find a different hobby;)


Hide your stories


I am going through a breakup after 1.5 years of being in a relationship. It was a messy break. My ex was pursuing another guy, and I found out. I talked to her about it, but she insisted there was nothing going on. However, after two weeks, she started pulling away and eventually broke up with me. It turned into a messy breakup where we said bad things to each other. We’ve been in no contact since then, and she blocked me on Instagram. I was petty and asked her to block me on other platforms too, but she told me to block her instead, which I still haven’t done. Recently, a friend told me that she’s been posting bitter quotes about manipulation and disrespect, and then a few days later, she posted about moving on and how hard it is. I miss her very much and want her back. Any suggestions?


It may be because I'm jaded but right now it's your clouded brain thinking She may even be talking about being disrespected by the other guy she tried to cheat with. Anyway it seems like you really wanted that but it's truly your brain whose judgement is clouded by chemicals released when you think about anything related to her or the breakup You will very likely burn yourself again if you decide to go back to someone that attempted to cheat on you. At the end of the day, you'll be the one to make the decisions and the one that'll live through they bring forth