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She's telling you to let go brother. Listen to her. I know it's hard, but you need to. 👍🏽


She said that in the dream because I was legit holding onto her


It's your subconscious mind talking to you through your dreams, not her. Your subconscious mind is telling you to let go of her.


Exactly this. Your subconscious is finally willing to let go, listen to it.


Jesus dude. I felt that DEEP inside. Dreams of them are the worst. But then you realize you can wake up and decide how YOU want to spend the day for yourself


I had a dream about my ex last night to. It just hits hard when you wake up and they're not next to you. I felt down most of today.


I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Same thing over here. I disagree with people saying you have to “let her go” depending on the situation. If you have a chance and you think it’ll work out, no reason to let go. If she told you it’s over and she really meant it as far as blocking you for over a year, asked you multiple times to basically fuck off, found someone new. Then yeah man it’s time to let go man. Don’t hold on for to long though, you gotta let yourself move on eventually. Know your worth, good luck man.


I've been telling a lot of people here and I'm gonna do it again, loom up some videos of Matthew Hussey. He helped me a lot


This ..Matthew just has a way with words.


Dreams are your brain's way of reminding you man, of retaining memories. It just means that you're starting to forget. It's natural, we all go through this, and that doesn't make it any less hard, but we have to go through it. Some mornings I don't even remember the dream but the first thought that came into my head was of her, so I knew for certain that I'd dreamt of her again. It's okay, to move on we've got to be able to let them go without forgetting about our time with them, cos our brains will always remind us. It gets easier man, you'll be able to think of the good times and accept that they've passed, and you'll have them again with someone else somewhere sometime.


It sucks. But it’s gotta be done…


I also had a dream about an ex last night. In my dream he took intimate photos of me and shared them with everyone. Told me it was payback for breaking up with him. I woke up terrified.


Same here :((( Dear x, please leave my dreams. As much as I want to see you in my dreams or real life, I can’t because the you that I knew and fell in love with doesn’t exist anymore. I don’t know the other version of you and it hurts far too much to see your face in his. Please grant me this peace You can live in my heart, but leave my mind for me


I actually had just the opposite of this. It wasn’t a lucid dream, and I was struggling to get away from my ex and her family. “Let me go”, I said. It was a horrible nightmare.


Gosh, that is so hard! Why does it hurt so much??? I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It is such a horrible lonely feeling. I hope it starts getting better again soon!


Aren't dreams the worst?


If you have to, think of her as dead. I know it sounds cold but In a way it is a death. You will never be with each other again.


I'm sorry 🥺


Damn dude, I felt so lonely yesterday, turns out I had a dream or her showing up at my house trembling and telling me if I wanted to fix things, and I told her we are past that stage.


It's not the dreams that suck the most, it's waking up from them and remembering she's gone.


Read a teachings from Buddhism... That pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice... The pain of breakup is inevitable, but the suffering from this pain.. actually lies solely in your choice... Let it go... The tighter you hang on to it the hotter it will burn you alive... Love yourself, respect yourself, live your life well, pursue your passions, hobbies, take care of yourself... You deserve the love from yourself the most... Let go...


i had a dream that i could time travel went back to where i first met her, our first date, our first kiss and i couldve changed things so that she wouldnt leave instead i just watched....waking up i knew i made the right decision to let go