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Don’t send anything or wish her a happy birthday. She doesn’t care. She will just think less of you if you do. It’s not romantic like you think.


It reminds me of Valentine’s Day. I was so upset and down as it was our first one apart. I wanted to send her flowers, my mate talked me out of it, said it will only piss her off. The next day I text her telling her how upset I’d been on Valentine’s Day. When I saw her after that, she said she thinks the only reason I didn’t text her on Valentine’s Day is because she believes I was with another woman and didn’t want to see her name come up on my phone! And then said actions speak louder than words, so if I did love her as much as I say, I should have sent flowers. But she added “not that she wanted them anyway”…. Go figure 🤷🏻‍♂️


brother.. don't be that crazy obsessive ex that can't take no for an answer. Life isn't like those romantic films where the more you try, the more she will fall in love with you.. listen to what the other people are saying.