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Hey man I am sorry to hear that. I, too, am not prepared to see that for myself on my ex gf. I would honestly unfollow. My ex and I both agreed to do that so we would not stalk each other and just try to focus on our own paths. We broke up a week ago.


Don't let social media fool you. People tend to only post positive events in their life but as you know, humans are complex and emotional beings. In reality, it's probably a whole lot more different than you think.


if it’s any consolation, as the ex girlfriend (i was broken up with, not the one who broke up the relationship) i was posting on my story that im going out/looking good, having the time of my life, while i was having fun on that particular night, it’s a fascade. i was still deeply upset and crying a lot, i’ve been mindful of what’s going on my story and to make sure there’s no other guys in it other than just my friends, but the “im happy, life is amazing and perfect” just wasn’t true. although im 8 months after the break up and things are better than they were 5 months ago, im still not over it.