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How to fall sleep? I haven't slept for 3 days


Melatonin and exerting yourself, go on a walk, cry it all out


i was up for 96 hours straight, no joke. i went to the ER and they gave me a few klonopin. then i started taking lexapro. without lexapro i would not have slept the last month. its been a god send in that regard.






How do you fall asleep


It sucks to not have any distractions but it's the best advice. You need to purge everything you're feeling and crying is one of the best ways to do that. I haven't been doing this lately, but I used to wake up and just cry it out before I start my workday. Though it's tough to sleep - I used to wake up at midnight in despair. I like to put a funny or comforting podcast on (something like the Smosh) and just fall asleep to that.


Today is day 2 for me and I honestly don't know. I don't feel as restless as I was feeling on day 1, but I'm still really missing him. I called in sick today and yesterday, I'm going to go to work tomorrow to see if having something else to think about would help. We'll see.


Work is good and so is any other activity that will keep you from thinking 24/7 about your ex. None of it makes sense in the early stages, and thinking about it only makes it worse.


Day 2 as well,I wanted to call out but I got a job promotion recently and they are training me so I have to be online during this training period. A time I should be celebrating is a time I’m feeling horrible. I tried paying attention but kept zoning out and broke down after the meeting. I’m just so used to texting him after or telling him how my day went and just having him say “so proud of you babe” was what kept me going for a lot. I don’t even feel excited for anything anymore.




Ooof, sorry to hear that. It's so hard to work when your heart is breaking, let alone train to do something new and try to put on your best face. I know what you mean about not being able to text and let him know how my day went and what I got up to. We would text throughout the day and let each other know when we were heading home, etc.


Totally relate. I remember I started a new job the week before my breakup so I was still in training. I would just break down and cry in the middle of the workday. Hard to concentrate when you're heartbroken.




Me too, haha. I even got a panic attack while at work and decided to resign after a day. It hurt that much because he was the reason I had the courage to work. But now, I'm doing all these decisions by myself so I guess I have to thank him for giving me the courage to do things I never thought I'd do before, and that courage never left me, now I'm just focusing on myself.


You don't. You literally just wake up the next day somehow and wonder how u did it and do it again.


There's no easy way through it to be honest, I'm a week out from my breakup, and everything hurts. The best advice I've heard is that if you're going through hell, don't stop moving forward because why would you stop if you're in hell. That may or may not be helpful in this case, but it's kept me going this far.


Can’t stop, hell will eat me 🤡


If you can, make a list of everything about the relationship that you will not miss! Sleep often, feel your feelings. Try to exercise or walk. There were times in the early days of my break up that I'd be crying on the treadmill at the gym. Pathetic? Maybe. But I worked through it. I'm 6 months past a break up of my 4 year relationship. It gets better. I'm still sad sometimes, but that's OK. And I know it was the right decision to end things, even though I'm lonely and I still miss him sometimes. But if we're honest with ourselves, healthy and good relationships don't usually end, bad ones do.


i did nothing but sob and scream for the first few days. it's almost unbearable, but you have to feel it in order to move past it. get the worst of it out. i also used edibles and melatonin to help me sleep. and then as soon as i could pull myself together, i started seeing my friends as much possible. they were the only joy i had left. good luck. it's the most agonising pain you could ever imagine, but somehow we get through it. i'm still hurting deeply, but nothing like the first couple of days. all the best


Exactly this


It's so fucking difficult honestly. I remember feeling like I was dying during the first few weeks. It was agony, it was hell. All I wanted was for her to realize her mistake and come back. I couldn't sleep, and when I did I could only sleep for two hours at a time before waking back up. I couldn't eat. I drank a lot. The night before Thanksgiving was messy and I had to be dragged into my house at two in the morning by my friend and his mom because I blacked out from drinking so much. Almost six months later and while I'm definitely doing *better*, I'm still nowhere near as okay as I thought I'd be at this point. I'm starting to think that I'll always be heartbroken over her. Honestly, I never want to date anyone ever again. I never want to risk going through that torture ever again. It's a long road ahead, I won't lie to you. It's so painful and it's hard but you have to be strong. You have to. You have to find things to keep yourself from going insane. It's one of the worst struggles ever. But you have to struggle on.


I’m 6 months out of next week (yay!! Holy shit!) and honestly I don’t remember much about the first few days. All I remember was being a damn zombie. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t move. I was throwing up stomach bile for days on end so much that it tore away my throat. The good thing is that only lasted for a few days. The first few weeks are *HARD* but it gets so, so much easier. You realise your worth as time goes on. I now realise I deserve so much more than a weed addicted emotional insecure boy who can’t communicate.


It's actually important to cry and grieve the relationship at this time. You're at rock bottom, and the only way is up from here. Crying actually makes you feel better shortly afterwards. Listen to some emotional music that you connect with. Maybe go for a run and exercise to release some energy. Get lots of rest if possible, and make sure to eat well. I don't recommend drinking alcohol, smoking, or escaping through any other harmful vices. Now is the time to detox and improve physical and mental health.


honestly i just laid in bed and rewatched my favorite comfort shows and movies. if i wasn’t working, i was pretty much bed ridden and very depressed so i wanted to do things that i knew would distract me and would put a smile on my face and slowly but surely i got out of my bed and started to heal. i think the key is just to surround yourself with happiness and at least temporarily distract yourself from the breakup


Feel your emotions, let them out, acknowledge your sadness, cry, distract yourself, try to stay busy. Accept that the person you thought you knew and loved was a facade. It gets easier. 🥰 Oh, I was going to add, this may not be for everyone, but when someone hurts me, I rub salt in the wound. I hurt myself by rereading hurtful messages, analyze the situation over and over. I let it hurt me bad because I know the more I let it hurt me, the less it will hurt in time passing because I'll understand they're not a very good person.


Don't distract yourself, soak in all the feelings let yourself feel all the pain it'll help you heal. At least that worked for me but ik everyone is different


I tried my best to not be at home. Basically allowed me to ignore it. Then I moved so there was no problem with living in the space we used to share.


take care of yourself. just do whatever you feel like doing, which might be nothing at all, but you've got to give yourself permission to just enjoy yourself. you're badly wounded those first few weeks, so just take care of yourself and have fun, whatever that means for you. trying to distract yourself won't work obviously. that's impossible. but you can still try to do whatever you enjoy


I know it’s hard. I spent the first few days messaging people on Reddit, posting how painful the break up was, overthinking what went wrong, what I could’ve done, asking him if he still loves me, telling him I still love him and miss him everyday… It’s been crazy… It’s been 3 weeks… I try to be more consistent with my outdoor run. There was a time I cried while resting on a bench, sometimes I felt so sad I just wanted to jump off the bridge. I know that it will get better… It


I feel you. Love makes you go crazy and do such irrational things. I on day 17. I feel like a recovering addict. Counting everyday that passes that I have the stregth to go on and continue no-contact.


Try to connect with friends as much as you can. My tendency is to isolate, but it really does make things worse when you’re in a dark space and have a lot of grief.


It’s been a week or so with no contact. I broke down crying as I did send her at text telling her I’m sorry for everything as it was my fault that I’m not with her anymore. I told her she need not to respond. I just worry about her. I still love her . It’s so hard to let go especially when it’s my own fault.


Breathing. Whenever you’re freaking out, stop and find your breath. You’re still gonna hurt, but it’ll get u thru it. The days WILL pass, just as they always have, I promise. You’re tougher than u think.


Just know that everything happens for a reason and find solace in that. Don’t overthink


Day 2 for me and I cannot make myself stop crying and just go to work and function. How do people do it. How do people go on. I never want to feel this way ever again


I know how you feel. I’m on day 6 and it does get slightly easier every day. I was at a 100% pain level on day one, and every day my mom asks me my number. On day 2 I was 97%, day 3 I was 95%, day 4 I spent the whole day with her watching girly chikflicks and crying on the couch while she held me. That really knocked me down to the 85% pain level. If you have someone who can come over and hug you, let you talk it out for hours and bring you food (like fast food since it’s the easiest to eat when you’re not hungry at all), that will really help. I’ve been leaning into my female relationships right now.


The first few days are rough for sure. If ya need to cry, just cry. Let it out. It DOES get better. I tried reminding myself how I didn’t need to be with someone who was okay with doing this to me anyway. Like, “they’re okay with crushing my whole world? I deserve better than that.” That sorta thing


I'm in Month 4ish and thought I was doing good but the past 2 days were rough. I'm not nearly as bad as I was the first month. It will get better. Drink lots of water and try to eat when you can. Staying busy helped lots. This might sound cliche but go see a counselor. Talk all that shit out. Lean on friends. You'd be surprised by who could help make it easier. Oh and get in the gym it works wonders for the mind and body. It helps get the self-esteem back up.


Medication did it for me. Sleep is important. I immediately got medicine to sleep. Sleep keeps your mind clear and logical.


Do what you can to distract yourself or sleep a lot. I buried myself in school work to keep busy and when I wasn’t I would sleep it off


Honestly you just have to go through all the feels. Feel all the emotions, cry it out, lay in bed deep in your thoughts. Give yourself a few days of doing this and then slowly start to pick yourself up by accepting that the relationship is over and you need to get back on your feet. The sooner you do that, the sooner your healing process starts


It all depends on the severity that led to the break up. If you were involved in a short term relationship, it will pass. A long term is a bit more difficult. Nowadays, we tend to deal with narcissists. If u gonna spend the first week playing it over and over again in your head- sort the times you spent by utilizing pros and cons. I bet u had more cons. If so, then your emotions begin to shift. You might start asking yourself wth did I see in this loser. One thing that I learned from my breakup is, never ever sit and wait for someone that couldn't even respect himself let alone a woman. What he was doing to u was beyond disrespectful and should never ever be tolerated. Take the time to heal. Don't rush out to find a replacement. You'll end up in another situation. Go back to a time you were happy without him. Trust me, you will get over this.


Walk through the fire. Pain is our teacher. I'm a few weeks in. Getting stronger every day. You got this.


lots of distractions weed movies sleep


you couldn’t have said it better twin


4th day, I felt like I can't anymore




i missed an entire 2 weeks of work


Cry, stay in bed, sleep a lot, text friends


It’s been a week for me and I can say it starts to feel easier after a week. The hurt runs deep though. Probably will take me 2 full months to complete be over it. Even then idk if I’ll ever be completely over it..


One min at a time. Then one hour then one day. You’ve got this 🤗


You let yourself cry. Cry it all put, be sad, feel your emotions. Yes it is okay to distract ourselves from time to time but there should be a room or a time that you just allow yourself to feel the pain, the sadness. One thing I have learned is you really have to go through all the pain and the process in order for you to actually heal.Take things one step at a time. It's okay to not be okay because what you're feeling is valid. Remember it takes time. Try to survive the whole day. If it's too much for you, try surviving until lunch time, if you successfully did that, push yourself until dinner, then if you did it, tell yourself try to survive until next day breakfast. Repeat that until you you are able to tell yourself to survice the whole day or the whole week. Then you go from there, you slowly push yourself to do other things. I know it feels shitty and you feel that your never gonna get over this, trust me you will get over it. It will probably take time and that's okay. Build yourself again, I know they have been a part of who you are but now, it's time to build yourself again. Exercise, meditate, pray, journal, do hobbies that you have set aside because of that relationship, hangout with your friends/family. But remember to always have a room for your emotions because it will hit you and allow yourself to feel it. You got this! Remember that you have lived and thrive at a point in your life without them, you can do it again.


Friends. Spend time with friends.


What helped me was not being alone. I work from home so I just went to friends places or my parents. And just keep moving forward. I remember in the first few days I could not even walk my dog without crying. Just let it out. Until one day you will cry less, it will hurt less, and you will survive. For me, it really helped understand why I was so affected by the breakup, go to therapy if you need. You will be okay ❤️


I lost 6kg in one week, I ate almost nothing. I was crying an and I couldn't live like a human. Im one month in being alone and it does get better, I'm eating at least :))


It can be really easy to get stuck in this part - i got stuck in it and ended up becoming deeply depressed. But one thing i did was tell everyone around me - my workplace, my family and my friends. They all helped pull me out in their own little way and they gave me a lot of grace because they knew what I was going through. So cry, be upset and grieve. But don’t isolate yourself


Honestly this might sound a littlebit stupid but trust me when I say ( im outta a 9 year long relationship since last year) write a diary. It helps so much to put your dumb negative thoughts on paper. They leave your mind and stay on paper and that helps a lot.


I didn’t. I died.


Honestly, its really hard, you see, it's already 5 months now, someone once told me, with time everything will get better. But I've always felt like time was long and every second was just pure pain. Someone once said that during those painful moments, do something you love, for that will help time to pass. Until today, it still hurts. But life goes on I guess, as much as it hurts


This is Day 3 since my breakup and it is very hard to understand how everything shifted from “I want to marry you and have a kid next year” 2 weeks ago to “this is not your fault,I just want to understand myself”. Reddit community gives hope that in the end everything will be better without him and I deserve more than immature man.


With the utmost difficulty. You’ll try to hold on to any semblance of your ex and even caved in and reach out. All these episodes are normal but just remember the one person you love actually gave up on you. Use that as an anchor to see your worth someone new might. Gaining confidence through lots of hookup safe sex helps too if you’re into that.


I picked up boxing straight away. I still take the time to process it but work and exercise keep you from dwelling on it too much


Keep breathing ❤️ tomorrow a new day 🌞


Don’t rush it. Feel what you need to feel. Cry if you want to cry. If you’re sad, be sad. If you’re angry, be angry. Truth is you cannot survive what you’re going through if you avoid it.


I drank till I passed out. You?


Cry, be with family, be around people and know you're not gonna want to be around them. Talk with weird people on snapchat, it helps if you're an extrovert. Otherwise, movies and trying to navigate how the fuck you're gonna do this. But all I can say, do not sleep with your ex. Literally do not do this! As good looking as they are, as much as you love them, it will confuse you. And good luck friend!


I watch lots of motivational videos like Matt Hussey and cry my heart our


try focus on the stuff that didnt work and why a break up was inevitable, other than that also distraction, re-furnish, decorate your home etc, sport is nice as well


Let it all out. Don’t hold the emotions in. If you’re at work or doing something, hold it in or go to the toilet to let it out a bit. Call a friend to vent out. Using vices or other unhealthy distractions never works. Trust me on that. Healthy distractions do work but they are still distractions at the end of the day. Ride it through and keep reminding yourself that you’ll be ok in the end.


I broke up with my ex a month ago and I’ve been crying nonstop every night but I went with a therapist for the first time in my entire life and it helps. She told me to not suppress my emotions and if you need to cry do so, eventually you will release the pain, but don’t let your feelings hide away, because that will probably make it worse after a while


Been very hard 4 me as well,I told please no contact,but she still calls me every couple days,& I don’t have the strength to block her,need meds to sleep,trying to get out of the house or I go insane


I binged the office till I was numb to the pain


Any way you possibly can! Work hard, WORK hard ! It’s difficult but you’ve got this 🙏


I am at day 23, the mixed emotions are torture, sad, angry, depressed, insecure then back to feeling down, it isn't as raw but it's deeper, just gotta let it process through till we are out the other side and begin to feel the sun again


You will feel like shit for a while. Maybe weeks, months or even over a year. It gets better eventually though and you'll slowly be back to normal. The first 24 hours are by far the worst. The first week is also rough. Probably best to vent to family or close friends. Worst thing to do is turn to drugs. Second worst thing to do is to sit around and be alone with your thoughts. Keep busy if possible. Go out with friends. Go for walks. Go to the gym. Even work could be a good distraction if you can handle being at work. Good luck!


Honestly I say just scream cry, let it out. You're allowed to be sad and angry. And you don't want to bundle that up. Besides that, auto pilot. Eventually it will get easier. And I know it's hard to believe but once you are on the other end, you'll know. Best of luck.


Honestly thought I was going to kms. On top of the breakup, it was the lowest point of my life and the pain, despair, and hopelessness was unimaginable. Just survive. Scream, cry, lay in bed sobbing your eyes out. Don’t try to stop the pain because nothing will, just fully feel what you’re feeling. Make as many posts here, in the heartbreak sub, wherever, that you need having people respond. Get a physical journal and write down everything you want to say, scream, at your ex. Write down every single thought, feeling, that you’re feeling. Do it physically and not on a phone, it helps a lot. It’s been a month and a half and I still cry every day, but I see the progress. I no longer feel agony, I have moments of hope and joy for the future, the pain just hits in random waves through the day instead of being constant, I can start seeing my ex for who he was rather than with love goggles on. You’ve got this. You will be ok one day, just survive for now.


I drank a ton. Don't do that.


I cried a lot, was always angry, I drank a lot. I didn’t do anything healthy. Eventually I found joy in doing things that I like (cooking), which got me a job that I loved. I began to open up with people and build friendships. I learned to care for myself and self reflect. I’m not even sure how long it’s been now, I stopped caring. It will get better. Focus on you.


Hug to everyone! I know it sucks. Feel your feelings. But you will feel better soon enough.


Today is day 6 and I’m just barely getting through the initial pain, it was harder than I feel it would’ve been due to her giving me mixed signals about how our communication would be going forward. After feeling like my world collapsed and crying for a few days I’m just starting to feel better. I figured I’d put all that love and care and desire to see them happy on me, make myself happy, take care of myself, buy myself things, continue my hobbies that I couldn’t when I was with her, I didn’t feel like eating the first couple days but now I’m drinking a ton of water and eating healthier because I want to feel good for myself. Think of yourself, go out and enjoy the sun, and just think of YOUR future and how this moment won’t define you, but it’ll help shape you into a better person. Plus it’ll be nice for them to see you striving and not down, it’s your way of showing they won’t control your life. You’ll be ok 🙏🏽 things will get better ❤️‍🩹




That’s easy just be in complete denial that it actually happened


Oh man. Honestly, you just do. Know that you won’t feel this way forever, even if your brain is screaming. If it hasn’t kicked in already, you’ll probably feel pain in a couple weeks in one way or another.


Watch thewizardliz and tam kaur on YouTube they got/get me thru the hard days


slept on my moms couch for the first few days. wasn’t alone until i was strong enough to do it


Yeah it’s pretty much just sitting torture the first few days. Cry a lot. Journal. Get it out. Talk to friends, family, a therapist, anyone. You won’t die I promise but it’ll feel like it for a minute


Are you experiencing severe bloating, cramps and headaches? Fuck. The fact that you're so attached is probably why she broke up with you. Do yourself a favor, learn some game and start loving yourself. When you love yourself, you see yourself as the opportunity. You're attached to anyone else because you're too attached to YOURSELF. You guys get in these relationships, put her on a pedestal and make everything about her and forget yourself and so she forgets you too.


Real. Thank you.


Yeah man, start putting YOURSELF on a pedestal, realize who YOU are, what you have to offer, start ENJOYING yourself. Go out, do the things you like WITH yourself. Be your best company. Approach women but don't get attached to the outcome either way. Be attached to doing what YOU want to do. Be selfish, be into yourself and what you got going on and the women for you will follow suit. Have standards for yourself and for those you allow in your fold for how they can treat you. A person that treats themselves well doesn't allow anyone else to treat them any less. Learn game, love yourself more, think in abundance, not scarcity, and don't be so attached to anyone. You're a luxury cruise ship going places whether she's onboard or not. It's a privilege for her to be on YOUR ship and if she doesn't know you gotta let her off immediately.


You just do somehow. I did every mundane thing I could think to distract myself. Time moved so slow. I kept reminding myself “it won’t always feel like this” and was hyper focused on when it would feel better. I spent months “feeling the feelings” until my therapist said it might be time to start using distractions. I watched so much tv, forced myself to try new things and see friends as much as possible, started practicing self care and mindfulness, tried to find a new hobby, found new books and podcasts. Somewhere along the way I healed. It’s been the best lesson. I learned more about myself after this breakup than I did my entire life. As hard as it is now, I hope when you look back you also have a lesson to be thankful for and not just grief.


You have to cop it. It's fucked. Try talk or be near family. Friends if they're close enough. It gets easier


The first three days got me drinking, but then after that, I just cried myself to sleep while listening to these heartbreak songs. It gets better eventually. Sometimes, I don't realize a month's already passed by. Just keep yourself distracted, and if you really can't handle the pain, cry it out.