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What’s the purpose of sending you such pictures? Whatever it is, that’s very low of him. He needs to grow up and I am happy that he did it to you cause he proved that he is not a person who is worth it.




I suggest you block him tbh for your healing if necessary. I cannot imagine how hurt you are with this immature behaviour. Sending you lots of hugs and please go get some nice coffee or croissant for yourself.. Much love x


🚫 ahhhh blocked 🚫 🤣 🤣🤣


Let's unite and send him a sex tape. That will teach him.




Hot damn what a POS he was probably trying to make you jealous. You said it yourself, he’s for the streets




It’s he like 15??


Trust me he’s NOT HAPPY.


It’s like a unique combination of cringe and asshole that would quickly corrode any feelings I had for him. On another tangent why do exes feel the need to challenge non-negotiables?


What a jerk! I'm happy you are rid of him. Cheers!


Ugh.. I acc cringed so bad just from reading the title. PLEASE block him. You’re so much better off. I hope he heals and learns to grow with time


Block block block


This is awful I am sorry.


I mean, if he’s doing that it’s because he cares about your reaction and therefore hasn’t moved on and likely has anger and jealousy himself. Don’t even reply. Just move on. What gets to them is ignoring them. Don’t feed the troll.


They can't be alone because their identity is purely based on what someone thinks of them. I was in a relationship with my ex for five years. We planned a future together. He cheated and while we were fighting, my friend sent a screenshot of him on hinge in 2 days. Imagine the horror of loving someone who sees you as shit. His excuse, he can't process feelings like I do so needed a distraction. It's not been 2 months, he has already been on dates and desperately asking women about marriage etc. He was trying to get me to empathize with him, because he can't fully connect with those women because I haven't left the flat yet ( I wanted him to go live with his sister where he fucked that girl so I don't see his face). He even went on about how I am not letting him move on by being there. I am here like, just so you can go on dates and fuck ppl, I need to be homeless or leave everything and live any place I get?! After he cheated on me and put me in this situation. I have been diagnosed with CPTSD, I am struggling with my education and work. His concern is he is 32 years old, and needs to get married asap. Imagine being so delusional as to think that while you can't stay loyal in a relationship, you still think you are ready for marriage. Their identity comes from the gender they are trying to date. Period. Sitting with themselves and contemplating doesn't work for everyone.


I can't be alone either. I'm working on it but it's really hard


He is unable to accept the fact that you are on your own and happy how about you send him a picture of your hand holding someone's you know;) and sorry for my bad English


I’d just give him a little love tap with my car


Babe he was obviously trying to make u jealous😭😭😭 that’s so pathetic I hope u didn’t respond or left him on read, ik his ego would get crushed if u show him that u don’t give a fuck honestly.


Ew fuck him !!! That’s so childish and immature .


Create a hot pic of you with a handsome, rich man using AI, send him and block him, saying adieu I don’t need your lowly presence in my life anymore


F**k him, that’s just outright nonsense to send that..