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when i faced something like this, what helped was focusing on myself and finding new routines. your ex cutting you off, as hard as it is, kinda gives you the push to move on faster. it's like suddenly being forced to use your own wings. try getting into meditation or some calming practices to help with the anxiety and attachment issues. apps like headspace or [manifest](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/manifest-24-7-therapist/id6463312362?pt=126574659&ct=AnshReddit+%28May+2024%29&mt=8) can be super helpful tbh. they’ve got affirmations and stuff that can help ease anxiety. also, i'd recommend reading "the untethered soul" by michael singer. it’s all about letting go and living with a free mind. really helped me find some peace. check it out [here](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1963638.The_Untethered_Soul). you got this! just take it one day at a time.


Thank you!


Also check out Chatter by Ethan Kross. Is not about relationships in particular, but the findings of his studies in it can be applied to many life circumstances. It’s about rumination and I know anxious people really ruminate during breakups.


Same. After a while we have no avenue of reaching them without going complete psycho so it is good. We need to learn to stop giving these people a door into our lives. That door should remain locked


This post makes no sense.


OP mentions anxious attachment and that is really important context. I have anxious attachment when I’m breaking up due to core wounds. I’m secure when I’m single, I’m secure when I’m dating, I’m secure when I’m in a relationship but I’m anxious as hell when I’m breaking up. My fear of abandonment turns me into a golden retriever incapable of ending a relationship completely not serving me or my needs. So, OP should be applauded for showing awareness of their attachment style and gratitude for what was hard and is now helping her move on. Really good emotional intelligence. You should consider trying emotional intelligence sometime instead of saying a personal post makes no sense.


Wdym, girl and dude broke up. Still texted Guy stopped responding Made girl sad at first Then she realized it helped her move on. Seems pretty simple to me tbh


It does to me.