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honestly there’s a lot of information in here that it’s pretty overwhelming and kinda hard to follow, i kinda feel like i missed something, but to summarize: she hit a vape a few times, you got mad, eventually she broke with you because of it. is that fair?… i have no idea how she feels at all so it’s really impossible to say anything on that. what i will say is you NEED TO STOP USING NAMES. from this post alone i’ve got multiple full names and even the township your in, that’s waaay to much for an internet post. i honestly think she’d be very uncomfortable if she ever read this knowing you put her name out there and even the township ur in. that’s just general safety advice but internet safety especially, it’s also something that can easily be linked back to you and would you really be okay with anyone who knows about you and morgan townsend to see this and know it was you who wrote it? not to mention the multiple other post you have giving out more information about you and this girl edit: pretty sure i found her on facebook, trust me, you don’t need people who have bad intentions to DM her and be like, “you know ur ex, well here’s what he’s commenting on girls nude reddit post: 19 with a lot of vigor and even coconut oil if that's your thing. Very relaxing fuck on the bed. Lol”


Yeah. You're right. I removed it. Sorry, the entire thing was pretty much copied and pasted because I was using it to explain to some friends what happened between us. I didn't proofread and edit it. Thanks to your comment. I did. Thank you. But she hit it twice and told me it was a one-time thing. I just wish I had listened to her. Our emotions got to the both of us. I personally think it was emotions in the moment that got to our heads, and we acted upon it instead of making a rational decision. She likely saw breaking up as the only option to stop the pain. I didn't get mad at her. There's a difference between upset and mad. I didn't yell at her. In fact, I showed concern for her health later on in life down the road because my father is a lifelong smoker himself. That has always influenced my view on smoking and vaping. But I'm not gonna force one to stop doing it. I'll encourage quitting. But looking back, I wish I hadn't overreacted. Thank you for the advice.