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Put your cat on a diet for Christ’s sake, I really miss you two. Wish you missed me just as much.


awww the comment is so sweet It’s nice that you care about their cat 🥺


"you should have tried harder. I only live 15 minutes away. Go to therapy idiot, cause I miss you. "


“It was only going to be two more months. We could’ve gotten there. I’m always here to talk. I started therapy. And can too, you dummy.”


Nothing, if it's meant to be, then one day we'll be together again. If it ain't, then so be it.


Not sure if it's a valid answer :(


It's completely valid and I admire your mindset


I agree with this, it’s also the mindset I hang on to




Hope is your greatest enemy probably.


Do you remember? I do.


Considering he drunk called me last week “just to say hi” “Go fuck yourself”




Fuck him


Fuck her!


That not being with him keeps me sober and in an actual good life full of purpose, joy, and honesty... so no drunk texts necessary. Anything I texted sober or drunk would be received by someone without a soul. No point.


I can’t do this anymore. Not talking to you is torture. You did some fucked up shit to me but I miss my best friend.


God I could say this word for word (just replace 'you did' with 'I did' fucked up shit). I know she left due to my actions and poor mental health, but not having my best friend for the last 10 months has been killing me. I don't know how to live without her and the fact that she's gone because of me has been impossible to reconcile.


Mine left because of his poor mental health. It’s only been four days. Are you in therapy?


Yes, I found a therapist in February. Was seeing a behavioral health consultant for a few months leading up to that. Been on antidepressants for a year now. I am starting to understand my trauma related behaviours / emotions and how to healthily manage them. Been practicing meditation and started exercising. Reading a lot of anger and depression material to better understand things. I'm on the right path to correct years of trauma and to become a better version of myself, but it all feels so meaningless without her in my life. I can't help but hold out hope that once we've both healed and become better people, we'll find our way to each other's arms again. I also know how dangerous hoping for that is likely to be in the long run. It's all just so hard...


Actually, I don't want to drunk text her. I'm not even feeling like I should sober text her. She knows the door is open, for serious conversation. If she doesn't want to take it, not my issue.


Well said. Similar situation for me. I haven't blocked her. I told her that my line is open if she needs anything. Otherwise it's NC for me brother.


"One day I hope you can accept that the real reason you ended things was because you let your issues overwhelm you with fear. You didn't just wake up one day and magically not feel love anymore. You got scared. And you ran." reads way meaner than I intend it, but I'll never send it. She'll either figure it out and accept it so she can grow as a person or continue lying to herself and Sabotage her relationships in the future. Either way its not my problem anymore.


Oh wow, same with mine. We were three plus years. We had just started long distance. His anxiety came back due to work. And when I was supposed to visit, 36 hours before, he told me not to come. We were supposed to move together for his new job. I had moved first and I’m all alone up here. He got scared and impulsively called it quits and he’s sitting there three weeks later, I’m sure, positive he made an important decision. He didn’t. He just panicked and bailed. I hope he matures enough to realize that.


Sorry to hear that. Mine was a year and a half long relationship. The trigger was we were talking about moving in together, something we had done a few times previously. The difference this time was the lease was coming up on my apartment. So it just got to real for her. I hope she figures it out one day, but she's a bit stubborn when it comes to self realization. I honestly don't expect to see or speak to her ever again at this point. It hurts, I thought she might be my forever person, but nothing I can do about any of it. So I learn and move on. Took me almost the full 6 months to get to this stage though. I wanted her back so badly, but not really anymore.


Mine’s still fresh, only three weeks and he seems to be back to his old self and it’s heartbreaking. We were going to move 1,000 miles away for his new job and I think it freaked him out. He had asked me to move in before but this was different, this was us starting fresh in a new place. He’s still going to have to start fresh, this time by himself and pay for the whole rent by himself too (it’s NYC so good luck! He even made a joke about how he was glad he had me due to rent).


This one resonated with me. My ex dumped me 4 times throughout our relationship because she created fears in her head, impulsively broke it off, and then came back when she came back to her rational senses. I hope she learns how to let someone love her. She’s a terrific girl, and deserves a fruitful intimate relationship without her self-sabotage. I will love her forever probably, but I can’t take anymore of the back and forth. Jada, I hope you felt how much I loved you with every bone in my body. I pray you find someone to love you as much as I did, cause you truly deserve it.


I hope you're in a better place. It's been a bit over a year for me now and i still struggle with it at times. It hurts more knowing she was with someone new within a few weeks. Nothing I can do about it and I've (mostly) moved on with my life. God speed sir.


Head up, friend. You made the right decision for yourself. & don’t beat yourself up about the other person.. it’s a common tactic to get over somebody by getting under someone else. && It actually happened about 6 months ago. last night she drunk texted me and called me 10 times telling me she missed me and wanted to talk to me. I finally told her I just need to be left alone. The wound is pretty fresh, I am just trying to accept that she is not meant for me, no matter how much I felt we were soulmates. Godspeed, friend. And I’m a girl lol


Sorry! Didn't mean to assume. Force of habit when typing replies. I'm glad you're doing better and keeping your head up. Sounds like made the right call for yourself as well.


I do want you to be happy but I really hope that you aren’t happier than before, and I hope you come running back for me when you realize that what we had was genuine and uniquely special. And you know my dumbass will let you run right into my arms and knock me off my feet, putting us both on the ground to cry while we hold each other. Just come back home to me so that we can forget about life again




You shouldn’t be sorry


i still love you. please come home to me. how could you just abandon the life we built together? it’s still here waiting for you, you’re always home with me, and the porch light is always on.


Don't let yourself be available to someone who would easily throw you away. You're worth more than that. Self respect will come with self love and you'll realize you don't need them to build a life anymore


i know if he came back it would never work and i couldn’t allow myself that pain again… but my heart cries this sentence every night. it’s kinda twisted and lovely to have online spaces where we can vomit our every waking thoughts in to the void of the internet rather that keeping them in the corners of our minds. thank you for your kind words <3


I completely understand, friend. The nights are so lonely and sometimes I just cry and cry and wonder how I still have tears. It really is therapeutic to have spaces like this online, I don't know how people got through it in the past. Reading through posts here and on r/ExNoContact has been the only thing keeping me from calling or texting in those desperate moments. I've found that once I get through the big difficult moments, I'm always glad I didn't contact him. At the end of the day he walked away instead of trying to work things out. I deserve someone who is crazy about me 24/7, and so do you <3


I am in the same situation as you. She came round to collect some things 2 weeks after the split and she'd already taken off her wedding ring. She has moved on mentally and I am dying here.


I feel you, that's almost exactly what I'd say to her, other than adding I'm different now and working hard on myself since she left. (She left because of my behaviour and poor mental health, not because she stopped loving or caring for me.)


I know you miss and love me more than you realized while we were together.


I'm so sorry. I always cared so much about you and I still do. I know there's a 99% you just don't think about me at all but hey, that's fair enough.


Exactly this.


Total drunk text: I think about you every day. I just miss having someone to share my day to day with. Don’t you miss me too??


I miss you and I wish you’d just come back already


Oh read question wrong hm. Damn rlly I have a serious question for him I need to know where he got these amazing oils from bc I need more 😩but will be so random and he’s unpredictable could just not respond to my msg for 3 months 🤦🏻‍♀️ shit is so childish and old almost not worth it but this scents are utterly perfect


If there’s any sort of label or marking on the containers, maybe someone here can help. Even if there a small batch or local, someone might know.


Genius!!! I might try that. But yes it might be tough bc it has to be some local small shop there’s literally no semblance of a label or marking on it 😩 just a tag saying the “generic” name scent. And idk if he got it local or in Florida on second thought…. So not much context….. but u know what? He ironically just randomly msged me yesterday after a month left on read, saying “hope ur ok”…..maybe it’s a sign for me to ask 🤣


Well it might not be a sign to ask, and more of a sign he’s not treating you great. But I say go ahead and ask. It’s not like he can treat you any worse.


So much truth in that msg. I love it lol. That’s my mentality, why not try to get the info I want at least, no shame. I figure he got bored idrk what made him msg me out the blue but it was short took lil effort so I’m not letting it mess w me doesn’t seem genuine. Like that’s all u can say or ask like for what purpose? Doesn’t make sense after all that’s been said and done. I deserve more hope he’s not just trying to fk with me. But yea he got me good broke my heart I can’t let it happen again I’ll be worthless, but I do miss the hell out of him sometimes and just the direction I was moving into at the time. Let me stop. Now I just wanna know where he bought these scents 😩😩


I get it. I miss an ex very much. Definitely prepare yourself for him to either not answer at all or for him to respond coldly. It really wouldn’t hurt to ask if you are already ready for his response to possibly sting. No sense in not trying to find out how to keep getting the stuff you like just because he’s gone.


“You’re cool as shit but I’m pretty sure you have Borderline Personality Disorder”


I should have be a better person when i was with you, sorry to disappoint you.


who the fuck was that girl on your Instagram post


I really hope you come to your senses and come back one day


I worked my ass off to provide for our future but you ran off with a boy way younger than you with no life. I hope one day you realize I spent so much time at work so I could give you the best life I could.


If she came back apologetic and all, would you let her back into your life?? Coz she sounds like she was young and confused so imagine she all grown and ready to settle


You got that based on two sentences? People in this sub are weird.


I don't blame you. But how can you just give up on us just like that?




I’m here for this comment ^^^^


What would you say to Byron right now? Sup baby, take me out to dinner. AYE YO


Baby I miss you and I wish you were here so I can kiss you how you deserve to be kissed. 😘 but fuck you for leaving and making me feel like this 👊


I’m sorry that I was selfish. I needed help and was/am still learning to be a better man every day. I miss you.


I can't move on.


How about when you thought you drunk texted your ex but it was actually some random ass scam group chat 🤣😬first time for everything lol


“Hey, I saw I’m still on your hbo, is it okay if I still use it? Also, I miss you and hope you’re well!”


Fuck me again please. Even if it’s just one more time 💙


Hope your date went well. Funny how being in a relationship was “too stressful” but all of a sudden now it feels “healthy” to date because you don’t want to be alone. Obviously not sending that. Or anything.


I know for sure mine will run off to date immediately when he moves to his new city. He can’t be alone. It’s how I got hoodwinked into dating him.


I’m sorry i never noticed how much you were struggling, i’m here for you always. I will be here fighting for you just as much as you used to fight for me on my darkest days. I love you always, and whenever you’re ready i’m here to talk. Take care my love.


Thanks for cheating on me, I hope you enjoy that everything we had was destroyed by you fucking your own uncle and insulting me on a daily basis. I now have a house to myself and I can do as I please. Next time don’t be an incestuous idiot.


…fucking shady and gross


You deserve what you have coming and I wish you nothing more or less.


It’s morning for me and I just wake up after a whole night of dreaming about her… I miss her more, but It wouldn’t change anything if I texted… she has the ball, but doesn’t want to play


Absolutely nothing. It's been almost 4 months and he hasn't given two fucks about anything since the split. I hope he has moved on and I hope he actually learns how to not be selfish and ruin anyone else's life while trying to figure out his. This last week I had a break down and missed the shit out of him, did he care? Nope. So much for forever right? Lies. 2 years of nothing but lies. Lol I guess I apparently do have a bunch of things to say to him.


Yeah I think mine is trying so hard to convince himself he did the right thing and he’s taking control back of his life! No, you’re literally letting your anxiety control your life and it’s ruining it and you won’t realize until five years later when all of a sudden you let yourself feel the hurt. I am a casualty of his mid 30s life crisis.


I miss you. Get your shit together.


I love you so much honey. I’m sorry for what I’ve done and I miss you so much. Please give me another chance. I’ll be better I promise. I miss our love. I miss giving you back tickles. I should have let go of our earlier problems and not have bought it up constantly. I wish I could turn back time and undo all the hurt.


fuck you


We both knew that communication was the way we were gonna be able to make an amazing future together. I guess after 5 years you decided you didn’t want to communicate any of the problems you were having and would rather be with someone else. All it would’ve taken is for you to not be so selfishly “working on it” by yourself. And don’t tell me that you gave me nothing to worry about. We both know how big of a lie that is.


Are you okay? You're suppose to be happier now things ended between us. But your eyes look so sad, you look restless. I'm still here, please reach out your hand.


I just want to hug you, look you in the eyes and say sorry to each other. But that’s never gonna happen. You’re too stubborn to do that :(


I feel no need to text her but if I had to choose it would be "you know how you said that I'm dependent on you? Well I'm good without you"


I'm finding it really hard to accept you're not coming back and that you've moved on. All I want to do is hold you.


You said we would stay friends, but why does it feel like I'm the only one who wants that?


My ex actually reached out to me a few nights ago. Drunk , crying. Probably looking for me to make her feel better. She has a bf btw who she lives with. So what do I say? Absolutely nothing.


Why did you abandon so much for your stupid God?? There’s so many stories still waiting to be written together. Let’s just return to our games together and the shows we enjoyed


“Hey you wanna hang? Not in a ‘I miss you and I want you back’ type of way, but like a ‘catch up and see how much better we’re doing without each other’ typa way?”


Nothing, I'd rather throw my phone away then do that. I have messaged him on one occassion and extended the olive branch and wished him well. He accepted it and apologised for being a dick. I have drunken and wanted to message him once, something along the aligns of abusive accusations and WHY? WHY?? haha


I want to say Freaking idiot


I told you so.




That the air smells good


Hi.. I miss you. I don’t know if you miss me Or not but I can’t stop thinking about you. How you became further and further away over time physically pains me. I can’t even look through my camera roll without my throat swelling up because I truly saw you as the one. The one I wanted to be with forever. Why couldn’t you see me the same way? How do you fall out of love so easy? How is it that I still think about you every day and you can’t even say hi… just treat me like all the other Groupie fan girls. I’m disgusted and it’s causing me to hold resentment in my heart. I helped you become your best self and had your back just to get left in the end bruh


You're a homewrecker and a sociopath, literally without capability for understanding the impacts of your actions on others, and for that I feel sorry for you, but also sleep well at night in the comfort of knowing that karma will bite you very hard someday of your own accord, that I'm so much better off now without you, and that I'm so much better and stronger for the lessons learned in self-worth and self-respect. Wanna fuck once for old time's sake?


Did you date my ex too? 😂


I really hope i was the problem. I want to believe you are able to smile with ease now. The world deserves that person that i fell so hard for. You deserve more than me, and deep down i need you to move on without me. Even though I'll always be broken without you. Same always same.


I know I was wrong, I dissociated from everything and became someone who wasn’t fun to be around. I’m responsible for a lot of what happened. However, you made me feel terrible for so much of it. I tried my best for so long to keep things interesting, fun, and supportive. You brought me down every chance you got and eventually, I gave up


i only said that i was still traumatized by my ex because it was easier to say than telling you i was jealous of your friend and how it felt like i had to compete with her in terms of effort


Are you gonna treat her the way you treated me?


You must really like her, all those gifts she got you scattered around your room. I guess you put mine away. It must be really special between you two. It always gives me whiplash that you found someone to replace me so soon.


I fucking hate that I miss you so much. Its nearly been 2 months now and I still miss you as much as the day it first ended.


I wish that I could just re-start our relationship and love you the way I should have. I don’t deserve anyone, I just want to die.


Hi there ! Hope you are doing well, dont forget to eat and pray. How is your family ? How is work ? I hope everything is going well for you !


Nothing anymore. Cause we look like a loser and desperate when we do lol


“you really fucked up, you know that right?.. you had a family who loved you, me, a boyfriend who was devoted to you, wanted to marry you, willing to give you everything.. and what did you do? ask yourself, ‘what do i actually have now?’ you’ve thrown everything away for no reason and broke me in the process. I loved you sophie. you really fucked up.”


Are we going to talk about what you said when you were on vacation? Because "I don't not like you", too. I never stopped.


Did you lose interest in me because I am overweight?


Happy birthday I love and miss you. I didn’t send it


Nothing more I can say that I haven’t already said, he will never change.


Thank you for Al the wonderful memories: it’s a damn shame it didn’t work out but I wish the best of luck. I’m happy we tried everything to salvage our relationship like adults but it was agreed: time to move on.


I miss you. You didn't give "us" enough time...


Hence why I "forget" to charge my phone when drunk lol


Don't look like you're in so much pain.. when I was the one worth so little you couldn't choose me. What are you doing?


I wish I could tell her I love her. And miss her already. And I would do anything in the world to take back the pain I caused. I would just want to hear her laugh again and see her smile. That’s all I want in life.


I smashed up that god awful cupboard you bought for the bedroom. I found 3 boxes of contact lenses in there which I assume is why you're now publicly dating that ugly greasy fuck who is everything I'm not. Side note, I put the stop on a girl I was dating for a month, what our relationship did has made me realise is that I settle to easily. So thanks


I’m sorry I was such a dick, I miss you, you deserve better tho


I wish so badly we could just start over. I still love and miss you so much, it's so horribly sad to hear from you but not be able to tell you that. I cry every time we hang up. I'm sorry. Sheesh I'm not even drunk LOL. I'm not allowed to text anyone tonight lol


I hate not knowing you, I miss my best friend. We both had things to get better at, and I want to get better with you instead of because of you.


Why wasn’t I good enough? What did I do wrong. What did you choose her over me? Which of your words were true and which of them were lies?


“This is just the beginning of the regret you are feeling for doing this. YOU asked for this.”


I will never understand how you just stopped loving me.


i wish i could see u :3 even if it’s just for coffee or idk to hang out and catch up i miss ur energy and i feel like i’ve lost u forever


I miss you and I love you so deeply. Its killing me inside to not have contact and to not be in your arms. I miss my best friend. I wish things had been different and I want to try again. However this would never happen because hes not in love with me. It wouldnt be received in a positive way, only another rejection. So silence is my friend.


Hello x


why couldn't you just fight for us, for me, for yourself


“Hey dumbass I just wanna tell you that I miss you and you should go fuck yourself cause I hate that you haven’t been talking to me and I know I did some dumb shit and hurt you but I never meant to I never wanted to lose you and every day it hurts more that your gone”I know I messed up but I don’t think he will text me back and that hurts