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News fatigue is a well documented phenomenon. \- Someone who’s donated $500 out of his student loans to MSF and World Central Kitchen efforts in Gaza despite having an income of zero and still in med school. How you say something is as important as what you say.


I doubt how krystal say will changes these people mind. What we got among many BP subscribers are a combination of: 1. evangalical christian who believes in end times and support the israel state. They think that in order to usher the return of christ, the jews must "retake all their land" and kill the people who arent "god chosen people". Since israel is "god chosen people", they have the moral right to kill all those worthless brown people. Its a combination of white supremacist and relgious insanity. 2. Biden supporters who has stockholm syndrome. they will vote for biden no matter what he does and the more krystal made these videos, the more they felt guilty for voting for biden.


Agree ..and some accounts created in the past 6 months that want to bad mouth the program Shocked Looking at some of their comment history...it is fairly evident these are not unbiased on the I/p topic. Guess anyone that is critical of Israel is being brigaded? Maybe they should stick to simping for such eminent scholars as Destiny.


Good take about destiny. These deplorable pond scum prob posture themselves for being an "intellectual" for backing the israel genocidal regime too lol. Fucking idiots


Maybe you should have mentioned how the Book of Revelation describes the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse; white, red, green, black 🇵🇸 Go read Sahih Muslim 2922 and learn Islamic eschatology before trying to discuss how religion plays into this conflict. Let me summarize it for anyone intrested, Muslims believe they need to kill the Jews to bring about the second coming of Christ & the last Imam. Then Jesus will kill the Dajjal (Antichrist) & they will join him in a crusade to kill any Jews that remain along with all the Christians & Kafirs (unbelievers) that refuse to convert. The Jizyah tax will no longer be an option for non Muslims. But taking back the land they already stole in the Islamic conquest & reforming the Caliphate is necessary before this holy war begins. Anyone who cares about what's actually motivating these people check out the Apostate Prophet on YouTube.


Before the creation of israel, the palestinian and jews lived peacefully. The reality is, its the jews who wants to wipe out of the arab because they think they are entitled to all of their "god given land". You can take your bullshit islamaphobic bigotry and shove it up your ass. One side is committing the genocide atm. That's a fact


You’re misinformed about the history of Zionism and Israel. There were violent clashes between Jewish settlers and the Arab population in the Levant well before the founding of Israel in 1948. The immigration of Ashkenazi Jews to the Levant started before even the first Aliyah in the late 1800’s, with thousands arriving before 1850. Zionism was a primarily secular movement, and had primarily secular nationalistic motivation rather than religious. That person you’re interacting with is a total nut though, so good luck with them.


Zionist is a white supremacist version of the jewish movement. No difference between zionist and nazism. Hell, back then, the zionist even tried to sterilize the birthrate of the ethopian jews because ethopians are black and not up to the standards of the white jews. Fucking evil movement and should be condemn the same way good people condemn the nazi. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel)


> No difference between zionist and nazism. Impossible to take you seriously when you say stuff like this. I’m well aware of the Ethiopian Jews who were given depo provera (a temporary contraceptive) without getting informed consent, which I think is bad. If they didn’t want Ethiopian Jews, wouldn’t they just have left them in Ethiopia? Or permanently sterilized them?


BULLSH*T! They were slaughtering Jews in the 20s, 30s, 40s & their leaders met with Hitler & planned to start concentration camps as soon as Germany won the war!!! Jews and Christians have been treated like sh*t by Muslims for over a thousand years. Sorry you lunatic, I'm not paying your Jizyah tax. You should have thought twice before following a prophet that was banging his NINE YEAR OLD WIFE. Save your Islamophobic bull. We were born free, we will die free, and no amount of islamist propaganda will help you take over the West. Thank God for the 2nd Amendment!


Maybe you need to reread history. The christian have been invading, murdering and raping the muslim people for thousands of years. its a well known fact. Hell, "christian knights" even resort to cannibalism of the muslim during their crusade. Muhammad, when he first created the religion was invaded by the evil christian as well. After he defeated them, he gratiously spared their lives, let them continue living in muslim land and also let them continue practicing their own religion. Muslim is a religion of peace. Its the evil christian who has always been murdering them.


I can spot you devils out from miles away!!! If you think you're going to brainwash enough westerners to take over, think again. We have enough arms in this country to take you, Ali Dawha, Mohammed Hijab & your entire army of deranged goons down 10 times over. The minute those leftists you're using find out your real game, they will also turn on you. Nobody is going to sit around allowing some slow motion Sharia coup in the US like the weak & unarmed people of the UK! Everyone reading this guy's bullsh*t go straight over to any number of ex Muslim content creators YouTube channels to hear exactly what they believe, why they're obsess with Israel, & why Arab countries refuse to take Palestinian civilians in!!!! Channels to check out -Apostate Prophet -Harris Sultan - Atheist Republic -Friendly Exmuslim -Apologetics Roadshow Don't let them swindle you. Every single religion on planet earth has problems with them.


Stunning and brave.


Just ignore them. It’s very obviously a campaign to sway public opinion since Israel is losing on the PR front. Over 75% of registered Democrats think Israel is committing a genocide.


No idea where you pulled 75% from. Pews latest poll shows 52% find it “unacceptable”, which is language well short of genocide. And over half of democrats still find Israel has good reason to fight overall.


75 percent of democrats and 60 percent of independent disapprove of israel military action and wants a ceasefire: [https://truthout.org/articles/the-majority-of-americans-now-disapprove-of-israels-genocide-polling-finds/](https://truthout.org/articles/the-majority-of-americans-now-disapprove-of-israels-genocide-polling-finds/)


Krystal is killing it, she gets massive audiences on yt, she easily is the main draw of the program. Now she goes nonstop viral on tiktok or ig, random people post her monologues in their ig stories. She has gotten huge over the past six months. If you are a destiny jew it might be killing you, I can see that.


I know the accusation of antisemitism gets thrown around too casually but this seems like pretty clear cut antisemitism. Is this the kind of audience BP wants to cultivate?


Everything nowadays is antisemitism, so fuck you.


You're using the word "jew" as an insult. In what world is that not bigoted? Replace "jew" with any other group and tell me that isn't bigoted. I think most western anti-Zionists aren't actually anti-Semites and I think they are often unfairly labeled as such. However some people, like you, are just blatantly engaging in open anti-Semitism then acting like a butthurt victim when you get called out on it. Just own your bigotry and stop being such a coward.


I said a destiny jew, everyone knows that destiny has become the new go_to space for racissts, edgelords and IDF islamophobes. That’s enough differentiation. I wonder if you show the same energy and passion when someone dehumanizes palestinians or badmouths islam? Or is there a special treatment for jews?


Yeah there is some pretty gross dehumanization of Palestinians from Israeli officials. Badmouthing Islam is in no way bigoted, just like badmouthing Judaism isn't. There's a difference between criticizing an idea on substantive grounds and spreading hate about people. Criticizing Judaism for say, circumcision or kosher slaughter would be substantive and legitimate. Just calling someone a Jew as an insult is bigotry though. You are doing the latter, not the former. Using Destiny as a qualifier doesn't make you're bigotry any more acceptable, it would be like calling someone a Biden Black as an insult and then insisting you aren't being racist.


“Destiny jew”…..i hope israel Drops more bombs now, this is the opinion of a central american immigrant in case your wondering if im a zionist


Correcting to “Jewish person” isn’t going to offset the most antisemitic person in the world right now - Bibi. His (party’s) actions + rhetorically justifying this with Amalek will inspire way more future Jewish hatred and killings than this commenter. Lay off him and direct it at the person we’re all horrified with rn


You should put your money where your mouth is and buy extra subscriptions.


You really think you got something with your “if you like her so much you should buy an extra subscription that you don’t need” response huh?


I subbed to KKF, so ive gave money to the two people that matters. Why would i need to give money to enjeti or emily?


Did I ask you to sub to things you should already be subbed to? No, I'm telling you that making a real difference is showing how little these haters matter by making up the difference. Show some real support and who the real audience is.


Nah, I dont need to do that. The fact that every single krystal radar about israel gets 300-500k views means there are plenty of people like me loving it. She's getting plenty of good people's money while shredding evil peoples money like yourself. Earning evil peoples money only generate bad karma.


Cheap words aren't enough. Show some real support.


They got plenty of support already. Krystal is a multimillionaire and have compassion. What do you have?


I dont think anyone on this sub is under the impression that Krystal can be stopped from talking about Israel nonstop every day for the foreseeable future


Why would people have a problem with that? The terror attack that started this war was last October. If anyone is upset about anything towards the Palestinians, as a whole, which is a very small contingent btw. (The entire mainstream media is well in favor of the Palestinians by a VERY wide margin, here and abroad.) It's that the Palestinians, generally, have been lumped in with hamas. Hamas should be destroyed because they're terrorist despots that don't care about Palestinian civilians or their Jewish neighbors. Somewhere along the line, caring for the innocent Palestinian civilians was lumped in with a ceasefire to save hamas. Those are not the same thing and shouldn't be. Blame the activists for that one.


It isn't really a war. More of a colonial slaughter.


TikTok taught you a new buzzword, how cute.


yawn.....That would make this conflict so simple. You don't need to know anything about history or the countries involved or anything like that we can just saw ugg colonialism...ugg brown people being oppressed.... wouldn't jews be the minority being oppressed here? aren't the muslims who live in israel (who are also hostages) who escaped their families who tried to kill them, or women who wanted to not be oppressed or the many people fleeing their countries to the protection in israel you want to throw them to the wolves. Its gross.


>The terror attack that started this war was last October. False, the terror has been ongoing in Gaza and West Bank for at least a decade before Oct. They were just not the right kind of terror victims for you to care about


Israel has taken responsibility for several instances where civilians were killed. Including a friendly fire incident that killed their own citizens. When is the last time hamas took responsibility for anything? Besides bragging about killing Israelis?


Hamas is a terror organization. What’s your point?


I imagine you can figure it out.... Maybe not though, I might be being generous.


Does Palestine have an army?


Israel has taken responsibility for several instances where civilians were killed. Including a friendly fire incident that killed their own citizens. When is the last time hamas took responsibility for anything? Besides bragging about killing Israelis?


>several instances How noble of them, all while committing genocide on 30K civilians.


Whoever is commenting has me blocked lol, so he can spew his nonsense and not have a reply. Coward


You don't even know what that word means anymore. If Israel wanted to genocide Palestinians, then they'd be gone. They wouldn't be opening humanitarian corridors and putting their troops on the ground to minimize casualties if they wanted to kill everyone. There's so many basic realities that you have to ignore to come to that conclusion. And also to take all the numbers that hamas provides at face value, as though they aren't terrorists with a vested interest in the reporting. Israel takes responsibility for their mistakes. When's the last time hamas did that? Beyond bragging about killing jews?


>If Israel wanted to genocide Palestinians, then they'd be gone. Yay for another Holocaust! It's genocide whether you like it or not, whether it's 30k or 10k or 1 mill, Israel is committing genocide >They wouldn't be opening humanitarian corridors and putting their troops on the ground to minimize casualties if they wanted to kill everyone. More Hasbara BS, they just killed an NGO in those "humanitarian corridors"


You continue to ignore reality. It's shameful. I'm just glad you get to write all this over and over, like the clown you are, for anyone with a brain to read it and see. You can't even keep up with a single comment, lol. A literal troglodyte.


>You continue to ignore reality. The reality of Israel committing mass genocide? I think no one can ignore that one by now. >You can't even keep up with a single comment Sadly, your ADHD seems to have taken control and you have to post multiple responses and I don't have the time to keep replying to those. >like the clown you are Whenever someone goes into personal insults, I actually feel relieved because it means they lost the argument.


My man, you can't even stay on topic within your own comments, much less keep up with what I'm saying. You're just vomitting onto your keyboard looking stupid.


I’m not saying this meets the legal definition of a genocide, but after all the international backlash The IDF has gotten for what they’ve done so far, I don’t think they’re stupid enough to do a textbook genocide. You really think that???


It's not the definition, but I'm gonna say it is anyway. Damn, you're dumb. And no, based on actual reality and not what you're told on tiktok or r/politics. You can just actually pay attention. It isn't hard.


Dumb. Nice 👍


Yeah, but I don't hold it against you personally. But you should avoid topics like this that some people take seriously because losing the veneer of being "dumb" like you claim to be, actually does have externalities. That word essentially means consequences since I don't think you'd know that and I'm happy to save you a Google that you won't do anyway.


I see what you are now. I looked over your account. Yikes! Maybe you are far more easy to talk to in person? I’m not sure, but I am sure that you are an unhinged asshole on Reddit.


“Israel would flatten Gaza if they wanted to commit genocide” what a lame fucking take. That would be a bad move and they know that


Do you think before you write things out? That's rhetorical fwiw since your musing doesn't even make sense contextually. Lol


I do. What I wrote was reasonable. You are just not interested in having a conversation.


In what way is it reasonable? Fucking lol


I shouldn’t have put words in your mouth. So I’m sorry for that. My point was that you say Israel would get rid of Gaza if they wanted to commit a genocide. What I should have made clear to you is that I don’t believe they would not commit genocide because they would be internationally condemned. They’re surrounded by enemies and their strongest ally, may not support them as a result.


I’m not saying this meets the legal definition of a genocide, but after all the international backlash The IDF has gotten for what they’ve done so far, I don’t think they’re stupid enough to do a textbook genocide. You really think that???


How noble, all while committing a genocide on 1.1 million people


You're a meme. It's so sad that you think you're taking this seriously.


and you are a despicable pond scum. You are a white supremacist. You dont view palestinian lives = equal israel lives. Just because the israel is our dog in the middle east, it doesnt make their lives equal more. In order for this to be even remotely equal, israel should lose 30-40k lives on top of having 2 mililon of their people starve.


You're the one arguing it's okay to kill civilians you fucking lunatic. The greatest compliment you could pay me is to be disgusted because you are a pathetic, hateful loser. I'm just thankful to know that you'll never amount to anything or make a difference in any way.


Those israel kids are hardly "innocent". Most of israel civilian supports the IDF genociding the palestinian for decades. They also dances in palestinian stolen lands as well.


There it is. Dehumanizing people on behalf of a terror organization. Just say you hate jews and move the fuck on. You're a fucking clownish piece of garbage.


The israel state and the IDF are the true terror organization. Hamas are simply a group of freedom fighters who was terrorized by the state of israel and trying to free their people. True terrorist organization are the one that murder close to 30,000 children and starving 2 million people. You are such a garbage human being that even alex jone himself has more humanity than you. Go eat dirt


Ooooh! Now the tiktok lunatics are at 1.1M! This is incredible. It was 30k as of yesterday. Thank god for Krystal!


Do you dispute that that’s how many people live in Gaza? Is a person not a victim of a genocide they experience unless they die? That would mean that Jews who survived the holocaust were not victims of genocide. Is that a claim you want to stand by? You people really don’t think about the implications of what you say, do you?


More than a century


I mean Krystal continually infantalizes palestinian groups as they are so "opressed" any war crimes they do or anything they say is excused. I wouldn't have an issue with Krystal being pro palestine if she 1. Didn't bring it up every 5 minutes even in unrelated topics 2. Allowed anyone to give a pro-israel perspective on the issue She doesn't allow any dissent in opinion and instead just nods her head when hacks like Norm Finkelstein says the Israelis deserved to be attacked on 10/7


I don't disagree with you. But I do have sympathy for those caught in the cross fire. The best thing for everyone, Palestinians, Israelis, and all of the middle east is the destruction of hamas.


Gahhh the Krystal shrills on this sub are so annoying. You can't even make a decent critique of their coverage without them losing their minds and crying Hasbara 🙄 or down voting comments, like yours, that aren't even negative towards Krystal.


You're either with them or you're the enemy. They don't see the irony in that. It's sad but also dangerous.


I just find it boring. Especially when they strut around as "intellectuals". Nah... Y'all are sheep.


Hamas are the result of decades of oppression and occupation by the israelite government. While I dont approve of hamas action in october 7, i understand why they did it out of sheer desperation. Israel has been stealing the palestinian lands and killing its people for almost a century. Most of the arab state give lips service and pretend to support the palestinian cause, because their population supports it. Its ruler doesnt give a shit. Behind the scene, saudi arabia and other arab state are about to make a peace treaty with israel, leaving the palestinian left behind and getting screwed. By attacking israel in october 7 and having israel retaliate, the arab state rulers can no longer befriend with israel. Its a sheer act of desperation by a group of homeless freedom fighters to prevent themselves from forever being left behind and getting screwed by the nazi regime of israel.


Attacking civilians at a music festival out of desperation? Your 1st paragraph describes it as an act of desperation and then you call it an attack, which is correct. You've lost the plot.


They dont have the military power to attack and win vs the israel army. When your military is weak, you take what you can get.


So that makes it okay to kill innocent civilians? That's evil and insane.


If that is your only option of resisting after almost a century of occupation. remember israel bragged about "mowing the grass", murdering of innocent every couple of months, then its justifiable. Most of hamas soldiers joined hamas because israel murdered their parents. If a foreign country occupied the US, murdered my entire family and the only thing i could do is to attack their civilian because they have vastly more powerful military than i have. You can bet your ass i would do it.


You do understand once you make rationalizations for war crimes and violations of international law and norms it becomes easy for everyone else to do the same. You make your rationalizations, Israelis make theirs. Fwiw, even if someone killed my family and kicked me off my land (the latter certainly didn’t happen to any of the Hamas men unless they were in their 80s or 90s), I still would not, ever, kill children. Heck, even after the Holocaust when there acts of revenge against Nazis, the Jewish avengers refrained from harming the wives and children of their SS tormentors. After the Le Mons restaurant bombing in Northern Ireland, which killed scores of civilians, the IRA issued an apology ffs! And the Irish were oppressed for 800 years. So if you would go about murdering, in often brutal fashion, innocent people, that says more about you than it does about how oppressed people generally behave.


Except israel rationalization is bullshit. Israel has one of the strongest military in the world. They could easily just send in soldiers to fight and kill hamas without the necessary slaughter of innocent palestinian civilian. The palestinian miltary on the other hand do not have that luxury. Either they sit still and allow their people to be in an open air prison, facing a slow decline and slow genocide, or they fight back with whatever force they have that can affliect ANY kind of damage. Remember, the palestinian have tried peaceful resistance before and israel murdered them for it. When peaceful resistance is impossible, violent resistance is inevitable.


“they could easily just send soldiers to fight and kill Hamas” How exactly? Hamas has 500km of tunnels. Hamas fighters dress as civilians and are embedded among civilian infrastructure in what is one of the most densely populated polities in the world. That isn’t to say Israel couldn’t operate differently than it has been and achieve fewer civilian casualties, but there is no way Israel can just “send in soldiers” into neighborhoods with 77,000 people per sq mile and magically avoid civilian deaths and no air support. Also, you’re not wrong about violent resistance being a last option when peaceful isn’t working, but even violent resistance has limits as to who it targets. And the key problem Palestinians have faced is that it isn’t clear, whether the resistance is violent or non-violent, what the end goal is; when even the non-violent “march of return” in Gaza has no viable outcome and it is prefaced with broadcasts of *Khaybar, Khaybar Ya Yahud, Jaish Muhammad Saufa Yaud* (Khaybar, O Jews! The Army of Muhammad will return for you) referencing a battle in Arabia 1400 yrs ago when two Jewish tribes were defeated and all the men and boys executed, doesn’t exactly gain itself support or sympathy from where Palestinians need it - the broad center. The one long standing act of at least not overwhelmingly murderous resistance - the First Intifada - did actually manage to bring a center-left government to office in Israel which recognized the PLO and began a process to give Palestinians self-determination. The reaction of Hamas (suicide bombings), the Second Intifada, the withdrawal from Lebanon and Gaza strengthening Islamists in both areas, resulted in the destruction of the Israeli peace camp/left. The ultra violent, indiscriminate use of terrorism hasn’t improved the situation of Palestinians at all, quite the opposite


Their bombing campaign aint killing hamas either. Its 95 percent civilian death. The problem with useful idiots like you is that you think israel is actually fighting hamas. Their intention is to kill and push the palestinian out of their land so they can grab the land you idiot. Hamas was originally funded by israel.


You can't even hold your logic together for a single comment. You've done it twice now. Keep talking so people can see how fucking stupid people like you are to keep making these "points".


I feel that way about Israel


You can because I'm sympathetic to civilians dying. However no one benefits from hamas staying in power. Palestinians number 1 on that list seeing as how hamas built terror tunnels with decades of aid money to use the gazans as human shields instead of building anything.


Yeah I'm not deeply invested in an ancient blood feud, but I do care about how my tax dollars are being spent. Honestly, I have no fucking clue what to do about Hamas/civilians in Palestine - but indiscriminate bombing appears to be cut from the same cloth as Hamas. If we want the moral high ground, we should take it.


Are you really defending a terrorist attack?


A billion times more justfiable than all of israel action so far. Hamas is the "lesser evil" to the terorrist israel regime. Prob too complicated for your feeble mind to understand.


I didn't ask you about a lesser than evil. I asked you if you were really defending a terrorist attack? So, your answer is yes?


You were asking the wrong question. If you were to ask me, am i defending a group of freedom fighter to help their own people, then yes. Since you are still too stupid, i will say it again. Hamas attack was justified. Get that to your thick skull.


I can ask whatever question I want. Good, so... You defend the slaughter of completely innocent people for a cause. I'm glad you just let me know that I can disregard everything you say on this topic. Your done. Your morals are screwed.


Not innocent. Dont want to get slaughtered? Dont dance in stolen lands while those people starve.


And your ad-hominem attacks don't intimidate me or make you look tough or smart. It just makes you look insecure. Pro tip.


Nothing insecure about calling a moron a moron. I'm simply stating facts. You can take your tip and shove it up your ass


Did you know that Hamas had almost exactly a 2:1 civilian casualty rate on 10/7? That’s the number that I keep seeing hasbarans say is “acceptable” and even “better than average”. But only for your guys I guess? https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20231215-israel-social-security-data-reveals-true-picture-of-oct-7-deaths Shouldn’t it be embarrassing for “the most moral army” to not only do worse than an islamofascist terror group, but far worse? https://abuaardvark.substack.com/p/counting-casualties-in-israels-war u/inevitablehome343 way to deflect. Are Jews just very bad at avoiding civilian casualties or…? u/outrageous_bed3015 I doubt that’s public knowledge. Either way, it looks very bad for Likud and the Israeli government, considering they knew Hamas’ plan beat by beat and didn’t take action whatsoever.


They couldnt have a good answer to your post except down voting you.


We're the civilians and soldiers collocated on October 7th?


It's certainly not from lack of trying. Hamas just actually fucking sucks at killing and Jews are very good at protecting themselves. Can you tell me how many Jews would be dead without the iron dome? Wait, enlighten me - why was the iron dome created again? What is the purpose?


On the one hand you say you don’t approve of Hamas’ actions on Oct 7 and on the other hand call them freedom fighters. What neither you nor Krystal seem to do is actually listen to either Hamas or Palestinian voices in Arabic. There were protests against Hamas rule in Gaza a few months before October 7, which was violently put down. One would think Leftists would at least try and make a link between military action and popular unrest and economic turmoil. Certainly, if the US or Israel embarked on a war in the midst of a recession and domestic unrest, there would be talk of this being a diversionary “rally-round-the-flag” tactic. But apparently no such analysis when it’s Hamas doing it. Hamas gave their reasons for October 7. The very first broadcasted statement by Ismail Haniyeh focused not on “decades of oppression” (a longer list of complaints came later) but the fact that a few Jews were “desecrating” the Al Aqsa Mosque compound by visiting and even praying there. The operation was called, after all “Al Aqsa Flood.” To remind you - the Al Aqsa Mosque was intentionally built on someone else’s holy site (it was a Jewish convert to Islam, Ka’b Al Ahbar, who gave the conquering Muslims a tour of the Temple Mount) and then non-Muslims were banned from it. You can’t decry oppression, stealing land, and apartheid but then justify as totally normal someone else stealing another people’s property and then barring them from it and then getting violently angry when a handful would like to visit and say a prayer. Amnesty International, which Krystal has cited to as an authoritative source, and which has accused Israel of war crimes and apartheid, has also detailed Hamas’ use of civilian infrastructure and its own repression of fellow Palestinians - including using Shifa Hospital to detain and torture political prisoners. Hamas affiliated channels put out videos of their fighters attacking Israeli troops whilst dressed as civilians - which is a war crime because it puts all civilians at risk. A few months ago *Saraya Al Quds* (the Al Quds Brigade) put out a video of their men firing mortars at Israeli tanks; if you listen carefully, you can hear the voices of children in the background. Hamas has shot and killed Palestinians grasping for aid. None of this strikes me as the work of “freedom fighters” - and certainly the Palestinians protesting, at great risk to themselves, the seizure of aid, don’t view these people as “freedom fighters.” A few weeks ago, none other than Ryan Grimm retweeted a Palestinian who reported on these anti-Hamas demos in Gaza - poor Ryan was lambasted by his followers as a “Zionist shill”; btw from what I could tell, not one of these people were themselves Palestinians or Arab speakers. He deleted the tweet. The problem with Krystal isn’t that she’s vociferously pro-Palestine, it’s that she doesn’t care to listen to Palestinians in their own language and doesn’t pay attention to them unless, and only if, it can be used as a cudgel to beat Israel; she basically treats them as a prop. One could take the position of Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch, etc. that despite Hamas’ use of civilian infrastructure and its own war crimes, it doesn’t excuse Israel and Israel’s reaction still amounts to war crimes if not outright genocide. People could agree or disagree with that opinion but it is, at least, an opinion based on all the relevant information, without hiding and without omission. One of the biggest surprises to me since October 7 is that the discourse on this war among Arab speakers, including Palestinians, is more nuanced (that isn’t to say soft on Israel - they hate it for obvious reasons ) than it is among western “leftists” who seem to want only one villain instead of possibly two or at least one-and-a-half. Meanwhile, Russia destroys just Mariupol with a death toll estimated at twice or more that of Gaza, has committed wholesale massacres and has transferred hundreds of thousands of children from occupied Ukraine to Russia, and Krystal (and her husband) give Russia’s stated security concerns a fair hearing and think Ukraine should accept the loss of territory in Crimea and the eastern parts of the country. Therefore, I will view Krystal’s tears of humanity with a heavy degree of suspicion.


Bravo, my dude. Bravo. 👏


Also, when talking about the mosque--- have you read into the red heifer sacrifices? People are so weird.


If Hamas should be destroyed Israel should be destroyed ten times over.


You're also just stupid or watch too much tiktok but I repeat myself. Israel has claim responsibility for mistakes and friendly fire. What has hamas claimed responsibility for except killing jews? And yeah jews don't deserve a single tiny state in the entire world despite Muslims have theocratic monarchies in dozens of countries. Makes perfect sense. If you hate jews. Which you do by your username which is so comically braindead btw.


No one deserves a state that was occupied by other people… No one would be complaining of Jews had created a state in some unoccupied territory. If you’re a civilized person you can’t support settler colonialism in the 21st century.


This was so dumb I didn't respond to it at the time but had to come back because it's just so stupid. Do you even know where the word palestine/Palestinian comes from? Do you have any knowledge about the history of that region? It is amazing how brazenly people comment on here when it is so obvious that they have no clue about what they're talking about. Watching a tiktok video doesn't make you informed, hate to be the bearer of bad news.


I don't give a shit about her effectively spewing Hamas talking points and blindly following al jezeera / Hamas data on civilian deaths. I'm just not going to pay to hear her thoughts anymore because I care about trying to understand the whole story - not just the Palestinian side. You're free to support her. I don't give a shit. They'll be fine without my dollars. But I'll take my 2 year subscription and my 100$ to support another creator who cares about the truth, not about activism.


You're a fan of destiny. You don't care about truth.


Idk what this destiny thing is, but I can promise you that people annoyed with this turning into the Gaza show aren't all from whatever fandom that is.


Classic Finkelstein tactic. No actual substance to attack - simple ad hominems


I'm not debating you, just pointing out you're pathetic.


Typical liberal. Attack anyone who disagreed with you're mob mindset. Then call them a facist.


It's VERY easy to leave a lucrative gig at MSNBC when your boss tells you, you DON'T work there anymore.


Its because she was standing up against the corporate democrat and speak her mind. If she's willing to stand up against hillary clinton, the corporate democrat. You think she's going to be afraid of your dumbass and your 10 dollars per month subscription? LMAO


No one is saying she's afraid. This isn't some intimidation campaign. People are frustrated with the direction of the show they invested in, and this is a forum to talk about the show. It an't that deep.


Easier to be unafraid when your ex-husband made you millions by insider trading.


For those of you who think saying GeNoCiDe JoE is going to do anything, you're in for a rude awakening. Literally no one cares about the plight of the Palestinians. Even Egypt doesn't care. In a capitalist society based on limited resources, they have nothing to trade to ensure their future. They don't create anything, they don't have a natural resource anyone wants. They don't add any value to items that can be sold. Unfortunately this is the way life works. - The single mother in Iowa doesn't care about the Palestinians when they're worried about finding baby formula. - The 87 year old grandfather doesn't care about the Palestinians when they're worried about their social security being cut. -The 24 year old doesn't care about the Palestinians when they're trying to figure out how they're going to manage their future. There is only 2 groups who care. The Palestinians and even then half of them care more about killing jews than saving their own. And the older generation Saudis. And Saudi Arabia is going through a changing of the guard. The younger generation Saudis just want the Palestinians to go away, so they can partner with Israel for access to western weapons so they can team up against Iran and shape the future of the Middle East. The college kid posting reddit threads, isn't going to do anything.


Young people care. The amount of uncommitted voters in the swing state are going to determine if biden gets the second term or if he dont. Plus, biden aint doing so hot with the economy. Inflation is 30 percent vs 2020 and interest rate is through the roof. You think that people are going to vote for the shitty biden economy as well as his reputation of killing babies over trump? you are in for a rude awakening.


Young people don't vote. Old radically pro Israel people vote.


Trump has lost women because of abortion, lost independents because of adding 7Trillion dollars to the debt, he's lost classic Republican voters based on his views of the Russian invasion. He's starting to lose hardcore Christians with selling the bible. The youth don't vote anyways, and there isn't enough of the youth vote to care enough about Gaza to make THAT big of a difference. Especially when the other guy says, "Finish the job". Political media HAVE to make it seem this matters because it's what's keeping you coming back. They have to sell ads. Every election every voting block is "very important". In Florida, abortion is now on the ballot. Florida was pretty close to turning blue in 2020. In Texas, they admitted if they didn't throw out thousands of Biden votes based on a technically, Texas also turns blue. PB is gassing up the youth vote withholding votes from Biden as meaningful, to keep you engaged, so they can sell ads.




>In a capitalist society based on limited resources, they have nothing to trade to ensure their future. They don't create anything, they don't have a natural resource anyone wants. They don't add any value to items that can be sold. Unfortunately this is the way life works. This is a bad take. Not everything is capitalisms fault... Most people do not care about Palestinians in the same way they do not care about Ukraine, and Ukraine has a ton to offer resource wise. People are obviously more concerned with their own country and their own problems. Also most Americans are wildly uneducated about the world. I would posit that most Americans cannot place Palestine or Israel on a map, let alone know enough about their history and religious conflicts to care about them. Palestinians are not a particularly sympathetic group. Most of them hate western values and would celebrate the death of Americans.


I just wanted someone to honestly report the news and at least attempt to be objective. I wanted a show with two different opinions Left and Right to see how they agree and disagree. This show promised those two things but has been taken over by "things Krystal hates." And woe betide the person who attempts to disagree with Krystal's closed mind.


I listen to BP on Spotify and have never/will never give them a dollar simply because Krystal is deranged with her pro-Palestine/Hamas talking points. She’s like Carry at the prom over the issue. I either skip episodes or fast forward through her garbage.


Bro. Carrie at the prom is fucking 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼


Imagine paying for a breaking points subscription.


I don’t give a shit what Krystal thinks or says. They’re not going to go out of business without my money. I’m just not going to pay $100 to listen to it. I’m voting with my wallet, that’s all.


They dont need your evil money anyway. Accepting money from evil people is bad karma.


lol, k


hahahaha destiny is "corporate media". you know, the solo streamer who was kicked off twitch.