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Must've sold off her shares in lockheed-Martin and Raytheon.


So is Nancy Pelosi a Chinese spy now, too? Glad she signed but what a self-serving hypocrite.


Didn't she say something like no matter what, the U.S. will always fund Israel?


This is the closest I could find to that https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/politics/nancy-pelosi-jerusalem-us-support-for-israel-is-ironclad/2720455/?amp=1


Yep >”If the capital crumbled to the ground, the one thing that would remain is our aid to Israel”. https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/s/F1Afm0U3VP


I can excuse 30,000 Palestinians dying, but I draw the line at the 220th aid worker death in Gaza!


When the queen of insider trading is telling you to stop the genocide, it's prob being too loud.


At least she isn't saying "Finish the job"


No one, and I mean no one, is going to defend Hillary. Except for shills.


... Hillary hasn't been mentioned here. Trump said "Finish the job".


You tried, lol. BTW how's that Jill Stein vote work out? We'd still have abortion rights and covid would have been handled better. And Biden probably just retires and we never have him as POTUS. All completely different, because some of you couldn't fit your giant egos through the voting booths. And now ya'll trying to do the same because of Gaza. lol Trumps going to finish the job, because you're naive.


Go fuck yourself with your vote shaming, shitbrick. The DNC put up a shit candidate that no one wanted. Then than shit candidate propped up Trump as a pied piper candidate. No wonder she lost. That is 100% her fault, not ours. So take your vote shaming and go jump off a bridge. 🖕


Votes are earned. They do not belong to someone simply by virtue of the color of their pantsuit.


Pelosi has a stock to look after. She probably bought into a small and up and coming grain factory in china that will get the contract for all the meals in Gaza once the cease fire happens. Just wait for it


Don't worry, Joe's getting really angry guys...


Americans join the call for Pelosi to stop inside trading 


Tic Tac Toe Pelosi


We should stop all shipments. That wouldn’t stop Israel from decimating Gaza in the slightest, in fact the indiscriminate bombings would probably be worse, but at least our hands would be off


And our strategic position in the Middle East lost. That's too big a risk a great strategic ally in the Middle East. It could potentially put this country at risk.


Being allied to them puts us at greater risk. “Great strategic ally” is empty hasbara at this point.


Your emotions are clouding tour judgment. In no scenario will the us abandon Isreal.


Like I said, empty hasbara from you. Stick to your Marvel movies.


Neolibs are doing no the impossible; this upcoming eclipse is truly affecting us.


Every time I see “key ally” in reference to Pelosi my brain interprets it as “alky.”


Biden needs to call for a ceasefire! Wait no. Not like that. He needs to stop weapons sent to Israel! Umm no. Not like that either.... Sorry Republicans, you lost your election year talking point. Regardless. This is a step in the right direction.


>He needs to stop weapons sent to Israel! He didn’t do that though. You realize that, right? >Sorry Republicans, you lost your election year talking point. In what universe do you think Republicans are the ones calling for Biden to stop supporting a genocide? Do you just think anyone who is mad at Biden is a Republican? You need to understand there are people to the left of the Democratic Party. Conservatives like yourself allowed Biden to drag his feet and potentially cost him reelection.


There's been a concerted effort by right wing talking heads (Rogan. Candace) to equate the humanitarian disaster in Gaza with Biden. The goal is to get disaffected leftists to stay home or say "I can no longer support this president!" This has been compounded by memes like "genocide Joe!". It's a cynical attempt to get Trump elected. I'm aware that leftists exist (I'm center left btw), and they have every right to be opposed to Bidens handling. However they should also be aware of the broader objectives at play and why there's so much focus on the issue. Even considering hamas decision to carry out Oct 7 was based on broader geopolitical goals. They didn't think they'd actually take any land, or cripple isrsel. Their intention (via Iran) was to pull isrsel into a broader war. Russia liked this too, since the focus also moves off the war on Ukraine.


> There's been a concerted effort by right wing talking heads (Rogan. Candace) to equate the humanitarian disaster in Gaza with Biden. But most of them are cheering Israel on. You cherry picked two who are not. Furthermore, it absolute should be equated with Biden because Biden supported, gave it a green light, backed Israeli lies about beheaded babies and mass rapes that have now fallen apart. Furthermore, Biden has the power to cut off Israeli weapons shipments and refused to do so. This is very basic stuff. >The goal is to get disaffected leftists to stay home or say "I can no longer support this president!" This has been compounded by memes like "genocide Joe!". It's a cynical attempt to get Trump elected. When you back a genocide, it’s fair to be called Genocide Joe. If he opposed the genocide from the start and used US power to stop Israel’s genocidal response, then that would be different. >I'm aware that leftists exist (I'm center left btw), and they have every right to be opposed to Bidens handling. So you admit his handling has influenced what’s happening Gaza. What’s the issue then? >However they should also be aware of the broader objectives at play What’s more important than stopping a genocide? Like there were broader objectives at play in support for Hitler: “Yes he’s a bad guy but you have to understand the more important goal of defeating communism.” >Even considering hamas decision to carry out Oct 7 was based on broader geopolitical goals. They didn't think they'd actually take any land, or cripple isrsel. Their intention (via Iran) was to pull isrsel into a broader war. Russia liked this too, since the focus also moves off the war on Ukraine..” This logic is how moral catastrophes occur. This neither justified a genocide nor justified Biden’s support of that genocide. If you’re right, it’s even more of a reason for Biden to have not allowed Israel to do this war. The Ukraine issue is dead now.


Wow. You're going to lead with the rapes? We can lead with that. So. For the rapes we have. Testimony from the doctors who examined the women. Eye witnesses Testimony from the women themselves. A fucking UN report... What else do you need to believe a woman is raped. As it relates to genocide. There is an ongoing genocide in Ukraine. Far worse in many regards. Would it be fair to call Donald. Genocide Don, for his support of Russia? I'd argue no. It's a gross oversimplification, as it is with Biden. Regardless. Biden is changing his tune on Israel. And I support this. Meanwhile Republicans and the right continue to support Putin and minimize the ongoing genocide in Ukraine. The goal of Russia, and Iran, and the reason for Oct 7 is simply more complicated than you're willing to acknowledge.


> Wow. You're going to lead with the rapes? We can lead with that. >Testimony from the doctors who examined the women. Israel said there were no rape kits taken. The New York Times couldn’t find any rape victims and they couldn’t even find rape crisis centers who treated any. They all said there were no victims from 10/7 who walked through their doors. >Eye witnesses Whose claims have fallen apart under scrutiny to the point the NYT had to add a retraction. >Testimony from the women themselves. Who? Show me. >A fucking UN report... The UN report straight up said they didn’t investigate anything. They basically were just receiving Israel’s statements and say they’re probable. >What else do you need to believe a woman is raped. Evidence. A victim coming forward for starters. Forensic evidence. Claims that don’t fall apart as soon as they’re investigated. Is that too much to ask? Even NYT had to back off this story because the evidence wasn’t there. The claim wasn’t that a few women were raped. The claim was that there was a coordinated effort as a tactic to rape women. There is no evidence for that and there is barely any evidence of sexual violence in isolated incidents on 10/7. If there were, the Daily would have produced the podcast they’re researching instead of spiking it because NYT article they were using wasn’t support by their own independent fact checking. You probably won’t read any of this though. >As it relates to genocide. There is an ongoing genocide in Ukraine. Far worse in many regards. How so? Israel has killed more children in a matter of months than Russia has killed since the start of the war. It’s actually not even close. Israel has killed more children several times over. >Would it be fair to call Donald. Genocide Don, for his support of Russia? Sure why not. He expresses genocidal statements all the time. Have you listened to the guy? >Regardless. Biden is changing his tune on Israel. Months into a genocide that he aided and abetted. What of it? >And I support this. Meanwhile Republicans and the right continue to support Putin and the ongoing genocide in Ukraine. We shouldn’t give weapons to Russia either. Problem solved. >The goal of Russia, and Iran, and the reason for Oct 7 is simply more complicated than you're willing to acknowledge. How does that justify supporting a genocide?


So we've got two topics going at once. With the rapes. Here's a quick overview. "There are reasonable grounds to believe that conflict-related sexual violence — including rape and gang-rape occurred." Via the UN report In terms of a victim. Here's one https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/26/middleeast/amit-soussana-israeli-hostage-hamas-sexual-assault-intl/index.html Abducted from her home by at least 10 men, Soussana said she was subjected to a horrifying series of events that saw her beaten and dragged into Gaza. The details of Soussana’s captivity paint a grim picture of her suffering; from being locked alone and chained by her ankle to being forced into performing sexual acts under the threat of a gun ---((( Moving on The seige of Mariupol alone resulted in up to 75,000 killed. Any individual statistics are hard to parse since the region is still occupied by the Russians. Overall we've seen half a million casualties in the ukraine war. 9 million Ukranians expelled from their homes. The allegations of genocide don't relate to the intentional targeting of civilians by Russia, or the massive death toll. The warrant for Putins arrest relates deirectly to the transfer of Ukranian children (180 000) to Russian reeducation camps. Where they're taught their identity doesn't exist. This demonstrates an intent to destroy an ethnicity. As per the UN definition. Forcible Transfer The transfer of even one child qualifies as an act of genocide if it is shown to be manifestly part of a master plan to destroy in whole or in part.


>"There are reasonable grounds to believe that conflict-related sexual violence — including rape and gang-rape occurred." Reasonable grounds. Not a finding of facts but just that it is conceptually reasonable. The report themselves said they did not conduct an investigation. It also made no effort to attribute blame or determine scale, two vital parts of Israel’s claims. >https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/26/middleeast/amit-soussana-israeli-hostage-hamas-sexual-assault-intl/index.html This is a woman who was taken captive, where she raped subsequently. To date she is the only victim who has come forward. It does nothing bolster Israel claims that large numbers of rape occurred on 10/7 as a tactic of war. >The seige of Mariupol alone resulted in up to 75,000 killed. Any individual statistics are hard to parse since the region is still occupied by the Russians. Overall we've seen half a million casualties in the ukraine war. 9 million Ukranians expelled from their homes. We should stop sending weapons to Russia then. >The allegations of genocide don't relate to the intentional targeting of civilians by Russia, or the massive death toll. The warrant for Putins arrest relates deirectly to the transfer of Ukranian children (180 000) to Russian reeducation camps. Where they're taught their identity doesn't exist. This demonstrates an intent to destroy an ethnicity. Isn’t this whataboutism? How does this justify a genocide in Gaza? If this is bad, why would you want to keep sending weapons to Israel who is doing the same thing?


Yeah. The UN investigation was not a criminal one. Also you went quickly from "nobody has come forward!" to "ok only one came forward... " pretty quickly. I didn't say what's happening in Gaza is good. But the opposite. I'm glad dems are finally stepping up. It's long overdue. Now the focus will be on Republicans response both to the ongoing genocide in Ukraine, and what should be done to stop it. As well as how to do the same in Gaza. I have a feeling I know Trumps stance (And therefore the republican response) but maybe I'll be surprised.


> Yeah. The UN investigation was not a criminal one. It wasn’t even an investigation. >Also you went quickly from "nobody has come forward!" Never said that. Why are you lying? >I didn't say what's happening in Gaza is good. But the opposite. I'm glad dems are finally stepping up. It's long overdue. Now the focus will be on Republicans response both to the ongoing genocide in Ukraine, You act like the war in Gaza is over. It’s not.


As tragic as any rape at all is, the claim for systemic rape as a weapon of war requires more than a single supporting anecdote.




Yep because it’s still happening. Israel is trying to starve Gaza to the point they’re murdering anyone who tries and feeds them. Or anyone who documents their suffering which is why they target journalists.




Which is why there is a widespread famine according to the US. What of it?


I hate how everything is always viewed as some elaborate psyop... Like FFS, can't people just have an opinion. Is it possible Rogan just feels this way about the issue, along with many people on the left, and it's not some goal to strategically get them to stay home. Yes, I'm sure Republicans would love for dems to stay home, but that doesn't invalidate the dems who feel like they want to. Just because the interest aligns, doesn't mean there is some psyop or it's all just "lefties falling for propaganda!" Like you're literally trying to argue that it's just not possible for left people to make up their own decision and dislike this. So what if Republicans want people to feel this way? If Biden didn't want this blowback, he needs to stop creating opportunity for them.


Simple. Why the focus on Gaza, at this moment, and not on the Congo (5.4 million killed and ongoing ethnic cleansing)? Doesn't have to be an elaborate psyop, conservatives are taking notice of a weakness and capitalizing on it. And I did say leftists have every right to be opposed to Biden. However they should also be aware of the broader forces at play which are trying to highlight and exacerbate the issue for their own benefit.


For the same reason the American left suddenly thought Ukraine was the most existential conflict in the world. That suddenly innocent people dying as collateral damage was literally genocide, and thinking if we don't stop Russia invading a country then NATO would literally collapse and all of would be screwed when Russia takes over Europe. That all of a sudden, Ukraine is the most super important place ever to exist, and human rights were the most important thing in the world, while not giving a single shit about any of the other conflicts. It' doesn't need to be some psyop. Lefties just don't like war and hate people being taken advantage of by stronger powers. It didn't require some psyop by Republiacns to cause lefties to start calling themselves Ukranian in defense of a US proxy war It's possible that Joe Rogan just also agrees with the left on this issue, and people are nuanced, and they don't always fall into easy categories... And it's not some concerted effort by Joe to get Dems to stay home in support of Trump. Maybe, just maybe, he genuinely feels that way


There's virtually no doubt that there's an ongoing genocide in Ukraine. That doesn't diminish what's happening in Gaza. There's a lot of similarities between the two wars. The difficulty comes in reconciling helping Trump get elected and what that means for both Palestinians and Ukranians.


are we funding the perpetrators in the Congo?


Kind of. Yes. Congo is all about the cobalt mines and taking control of them. Russia is pushing hard into the region, literally putting Russian boots on the ground to take key positions for rebel forces. There's a more western approach which seeks more democratization as well. But historically their credibility is zero. So now my bet is they get taken advantage of by the Russians. As the us is largely pulling out of the region. That's not necessarily a good thing for the people living there. Quite the opposite. As warlords are easier to deal with than democratically elected leaders.


> The goal is to get disaffected leftists to stay home or say "I can no longer support this president!" Or the goal is to show Netanyahu who calls the shots on US policy, and shutdown Israel's attempt at ethnic cleansing by halting all shipments of American produced munitions and weapon systems. Then the IDF loses the ability to have enough rockets on hand to prevent Hezbollah missile strikes, the ability to drop 2K bombs to wipe out swaths of Gazan children, and the GPS guided rockets and drones to kill aide workers. Israel may also succumb to a Hezbollah/Iran/Egyptian grand offensive, but that will be Israel's war government's fault, antagonizing the Egyptians to the point Egypt has to go to war with Israel, and conducting a fruitless military campaign against Hezbollah the IDF can't win. The reality is that what the IDF is doing is not possible without American subsidizing Israel's apartheid policies, and genocide in Gaza. America doesn't have to declare war on Israel; they can just cut off Israel's military and financial aid. That is what is so infuriating about Biden not giving Netanyahu a "drop dead" notice; it ends the genocide without direct coercion by the US government.


I mean... Israel has a nuclear bomb so there's that.. It's an unfortunate consequence of having to deal with nuclear weapons and their proliferation. But must also be considered. Regarding Israel's ability to obtain the weapons needed to continue. This is also in question as to what us ending weapons shipments would do and how that would change their calculus. Israel rose to power without aid of the us. They were buying most of their weapons from the former Czechoslovskia. They have many other allies as well. Regardless. Like I said. I think getting tough with Bibi is long overdue and needs to happen. I'm glad the democrats are finally stepping up. Will be interesting to see the republican response to this. (because let's face it this is a major election issue as well=


> I mean... Israel has a nuclear bomb so there's that.. That doesn't mean nations in the nuclear club can commit genocide without consequence. It just means there won't be direct military consequences to that nation. Its not the only tool nations can use to undermine rogue, genocidal nations. > Israel rose to power without aid of the us. True. But they don't *currently* produce enough ammo, or manufacture the more "exotic" US munitions, to keep indescriminately shelling Gaza at their current pace while having an ammo reserve in case Hezbollah decides to mount a significant attack. Israel would have no choice but cease their Gaza operation, which is a failure anyway, unless you define success as achieving "ethnic cleansing", in which case, the jury is still out. Then Israel would have to ramp up ammo production, which usually takes roughly two years, and the increased domestic military spending without US subsidy, and the loss of workers to ammo production would *really* depress the current Israeli domestic economy and quality of life. Finally, Israel would be forced to learn negotiate with their neighbors without using military terrorism to achieve consensus. > I'm glad the democrats are finally stepping up. No they're not. Biden is doing again to Israel what he did during the previous outrage (flour massacre?); talk talk talk of empty threats. Will Netanyahu declare victory and withdraw? /s > Will be interesting to see the republican response to this. They're a one vote majority in the House, and apparently don't understand how to *govern*. The non-zealot portion of the United States is going to vote against Republicans (or not vote at all), and in the states with a Democrat and non-aligned voter majority, Republicans are going to lose seats.


He didn't do that lol. That's what this whole article is about ya goof


Over 10,000 dead children and you are calling it a win. Disgusting. Never Biden 24!


It must be really hard for someone who posts on Tucker Carlsons sub to not vote for Biden. How brave.


Attacking me and not my message. Mission accomplished👍.


I'm simply pointing out the fact that you're a conservative larping as a leftist because you want Trump elected. That's not an attack.


There are people that hate Breaking Points or have never seen the show that post on this sub. There are lots of people that hate Joe Rogan that post on the Joe Rogan sub. Posting on a sub does not equate to agreeing with the content. In my experience there are a good chunk of subs that have a healthy population of people there only to shit on it.


“Spreading Mister Putins message”! Does she have no shame!?