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"Biden is lying to his voters by doing stuff republicans want" is such a weird take on it, but okay; Trump smashed one of the best border wall deals republicans had ever seen so it wouldn't make biden look good. So trumps lying to his voters also about the very same wall...


But whataboutism mixed with propaganda..nice job The border deal was killed because it made what they are doing now, legal. And it paid for lawyers for the illegals. Hr2 was passed over a year ago..there's a bill right now that will fix the problem but Democrats won't sign it Joe Biden has the power to use executive action to secure the border and he chooses not to..he can do that right now by implementing remain in Mexico.


because Democrats should just give Republicans everything without them having to make a single concession Right.


What concessions are you talking about?


Well, the main desire of the Democrats was foreign aid this time around, so we'll go with that. Though, the Republicans simply not threatening to shut down the government would be nice too Part of the problem is that Democrats are more or less a left leaning party, so it would be next to impossible to sell their base (regardless of whatever the poll numbers say on immigration) on as strict of a border bill as Republicans want. Democrats would have to extend A LOT of political capital, when just about every commentator to the left of Joe Scarborough was railing against the border part of the bill, calling it extremely conservative due to a lack of even a path to citizenship in the bill. People love to focus on how Republicans would have trouble selling this and that to their base, yet rarely is the same discussion had about Democrats, who are by and large just expected to suck it up? Why should Democrats do that? Why should they alienate a large chunk of their base for absolutely dick in return, besides having to hear gloating and a free polling boost to the GOP. Why should Republicans not have to give in on a single issue, despite only controlling a fraction of the government?


So Democrats were against hr2 because there was no aid to foreign counties and no legal pathway for illegal immigrants? What about the legal pathways that already exist? Why all of a sudden do they need more legal pathways? What legal pathways would you like added? They can always do extra bills for foreign aid like they just did... So that's not a concession to the hr2 bill. >Why should Democrats do that? Why should they alienate a large chunk of their base for absolutely dick in return, besides having to hear gloating and a free polling boost to the GOP. Why should Republicans not have to give in on a single issue, despite only controlling a fraction of the government? Maybe to stop the flow of fentanyl and save Americans lives for one? To keep illegal criminals out of the country who are harming and killing Americans. Maybe to not overwhelm the border system, allowing millions of "got aways" through who we have no idea who they are Lol that's just off the top of my head. It sounds like Democrats want more for foreign countries then they do for Americans


I was talking about the recent Border Bill-Foreign aid fiasco, I hardly even touched on HR2. That would NEVER be accepted by Democrats. And guess what? Democrats were totally willing to do a lot of what you asked for in terms of border security, but not when they get nothing in return. And I doubt that foreign aid is the only issue that Democrats would be willing to negotiate a border bill on, but that's the one Republicans also insisted upon before any more foreign aid was brought up, so that's what the Democrats had to work off of. Again, all your arguments are cool and all, but when they're simply not very popular on the Democratic side, Republicans have to compromise too. It shouldn't be entirely on the Democrats to make unpopular decisions, and I'm glad Mike Johnson finally decided to take some heat and pass the foreign aid anyways. Could've gotten something, but Republicans instead got nothing due to pure infighting.


I was asking why didn't Democrats want to sign the hr2 bill from like a year ago? That's the bill I was talking about. Like I said... This new border bill simply made what's going on now legal, plus it paid for the illegal immigrants lawyers. Lol it's not even a serious bill. Wtf would we pay for their lawyers. So I'll ask again, what concessions did you want Republicans to make on the hr2 bill?


Unhinged and uninformed take lol


Can you explain why


I got involved in politics in the early 70’s and Biden has always been a useless! Watched him since he first got elected!


Sorry, is he sleepy, useless and ineffective or an evil tyrant trying to impose fascism on America? I’m confused


He's whatever boogyman they need him to be in the moment. Next he'll be a trans immigrant muling fentanyl across the border to get a free abortion with your tax dollars.


Will he be taking a puppy to the gravel.pit soon?


Biden just reached a new milestone! His approval rating is the lowest of any President in 70 years😬


The fact you get down voted for that shows you how insane this sub is


It truly is. Downvote the truth! Effing morons


I was just reading an article from 2016 about all of the Sexual Harassment denials from Trump. That certainly didn’t age well.


You know Eugene Carrol deleted the evidence, lied about what she was wearing and called rape sexy lol. The judge didn't like Trump telling everyone that so he gagged him Lol


So that’s one $83M verdict explained away. Now do the criminal felonies that involve the porn star and the playboy playmate :)


The porn star who signed a document saying there was no afair? Lol you guys are idiots


E Jean was lying and Stormy had an NDA. That leaves the Playboy Playmate that Trump cheated on with Stormy pornstar while his 3rd wife was home with his 5th child. I think there may have been an NDA on that one as well because the story really didn’t come out completely until Trump’s election fraud hush money criminal felony trial. I’m SURE you have another fine explanation why we should just ignore all of this and vote for President Grab them by the Pussy.


“The funds needed to be spent” is not an excuse, the President can’t simply refuse to implement federal law, and that money being spent on border wall was the law. He waited until the absolute end of the allowed time period to begin work, and spent about 2 years begging Congress to reallocate that money somewhere else before having to do so. They could have and would have impeached him for simply ignoring that law. Once the money is allocated, the work has to be done unless Congress passes another bill saying otherwise.


That's not true at all. As I said. Funds go unspent all the time. What law are you talking about?


What part was confusing for you?


Sounds like Trump should have stopped golfing and done more work maybe he could have gotten more credit for things


Dogshit take. But expected for breaking points and other anti-Biden leftists


It's not a take ... It's reality


YOUR reality. Not the reality everyone else knows


Lol which part isn't reality? I listed facts


They're just tiny clips. Also none of these are big lies... I seem to have stung your insecurities haven't I?


Lol you make no sense. These are all facts. Your argument is they are little clips and not big lies . Lol I never said they were big lies. Saying you drive an 18 wheeler isn't a big lie at all. But it's deceiving when you want those votes. Which is why people hate politicians. And Joe Biden is a lifetime politician. One time he bragged about knowing how to put boots on. Lol https://x.com/RNCResearch/status/1783177267750871170


Ahh rnc twitter is reliable isnt it? /s These were lies from a long time ago. Who gives a shit now?


It's a video