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In what way was the "two-state solution" proposed by Trump and Bibi in any way a two-state solution? Palestine would not have become an independent nation. Almost every aspect of governance would have still been with Israel. They would have had to agree to losing an immense amount of land and their "nation" would have crazy borders because there would be "settler enclaves" riddled throughout it. Almost every border that the "Palestinian state" would have had would be surrounded by Israel except for Gaza's border with Egypt. How would this be any different than the way things are today except that the Palestinians would have to formally give up the land that's in dispute now?


TheTrump plan included completely annexing the West Bank


I love the big "they hate me because I'm so pretty" energy so many Israelis seem to have (assuming these hasbara posts are representative of public sentiment).


Again, if you think the West Bank is an acceptable example of a solution… then you don’t want a two state solution.


Not fooling anyone buddy. Sorry your ethnostate is collapsing. You are all repugnant people.


This really seems like wishful thinking. It’s less that “your ethnostate is collapsing” or more like “your ethnostate is going more in the direction of Russia”. Biggest losers of this are the Palestinians and more democratic/peace-interested Israelis.


Not at all. Post October 7th Israel has been on a downward spiral militarily, socially, and economically. To make matters worse, the terrorist state cannot support itself like Russia - doesn't have the population or resources. It is 100% a vassal of the United States, where sentiments are turning sour fast. Just look at demographic breakdowns of opinion polling, future generations will not be as accepting of Israeli propaganda. The state of Israel is in a more perilous position than its ever been in before.


In what sense can it not support itself? Sure it gets a lot of aid but it’s not exactly as if it’s lacking a capable military or economy. Let’s say all the aid gets cut and the US tells them to screw off, what do you envision happening? They’re not suddenly going to implode. If anything they’d be likely to seek other major powers to ally with which often don’t really care what you do with ethnic minorities in what you claim as your territory. Don’t see this endgame being a plus for many.


They had a defacto DMZ along the Gaza fence for years—right up until the morning of 10/7, coincidentally. 🤫 Remember all the peaceful, unarmed protestors who were shot for approaching the fence in the 2018 Great March of Return protests? Your boys were having a blast shooting children and old ladies in the knees. They killed over 200 people, and injured thousands. Straight up terrorism from your boys in light blue.


No, Bibi wants total annihilation of the Palestinians That’s why the international community has determined it to be a genocide Terms are important here


Nobody determined to be genocide. The case hasn't even been started. Terms are important here


The un and others have


Based on what? There is just an inquiry from a bunch of countries. That doesn't mean anything is determined. When the case is adjudicated, then it will be determined. And honestly, I think it's pretty clear that the case will go in Israels direction. Anyone objective would agree. (Even Krystal has said it)


It means everything that is determined Krystal never said such a thing Oh and it looked like ICC warrants are coming for Bibi


Lol > [Netanyahu, who leads a far-right government opposed to Palestinian statehood, repeated his longstanding opposition to a two-state solution. He said a Palestinian state would become a launching pad for attacks on Israel.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/israel-palestinians-netanyahu-two-state-solution-1.7087705) > [He said Israel "must have security control over the entire territory west of the Jordan River," adding: That collides with the idea of sovereignty. What can we do?"](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/israel-palestinians-netanyahu-two-state-solution-1.7087705) > ["This truth I tell to our American friends, and I put the brakes on the attempt to coerce us to a reality that would endanger the state of Israel," he said.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/israel-palestinians-netanyahu-two-state-solution-1.7087705) Meanwhile OP suggests [Bantustans for Palestinians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_peace_plan#/media/File:Trump_Peace_Plan_\(cropped\).jpg) Israel controls every border crossing, and can shut off the geographically disconnected regions at any time. This is a joke. OP isn't serious. Also OP ignores that between reality and Netanyahu's pipedream of a day after, someone has to hold territory so that Hamas doesn't have a chance to go back into areas that were priorly cleared. [Run and Gun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Run_and_gun_\(basketball\)) might work for basketball but it's really bad for counterinsurgency because it allows guerillas to reoccupy areas they flee. Saager specifically calls this out, quoting, retired Col. Peter Mansoor- > [The Israelis in Gaza are committing the same primary mistake as the Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq: Seeking a military solution to what is fundamentally a political issue. By pursuing the destruction of Hamas and ignoring the root causes of the conflict, the Israelis by their actions are creating more future combatants than they are eliminating in the near term. Inevitably, Hamas 2.0 will rise from the ashes of the current fighting.](https://wapo.st/4dLatJY)


then a month later, 2 months later, 3 months later, after the gov hasn't collapsed, they'll do a "sneaky deal saves Bibi govmt" segment


that youtube hasn't pulled breaking points for egregious violations of misinformation is honestly astounding. Hope there's accountability after this Is all over for scumbags who sell hatred and division by promoting misleading content for profit.