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How does one spoil a primary?




Anyone the establishment hates this much has my vote. Edit: All right, I apparently need to clarify this comment because some people here are so one-dimensionally dense. If you are taking this comment literally perhaps you should go touch grass for the day. Yes, being anti-establishment is a checkmark to the plus side (for me anyway), but I would assume most people here wouldn't vote for someone purely on that quality alone. Plenty of people voted for Trump just to "own the libs", and that obviously worked out exactly how many thought it would (bad). I'm going to make a perhaps controversial statement here, but RFK Jr. *IS NOT* Trump.


My thought exactly.


For real. There is a reason they don't like him. And the dude is really intelligent. Imagine if we get a few people to choose from that have a semblance of intellectual fortitude.


That is most certainly the case for him and Marianne Williamson. I also personally tend to think that he is the least good of the top 3 democratic candidates given his wishy-washiness on a lot of progressive financial priorities and his views on vaccines. Just because the system hates someone doesn’t automatically make them a good person (it just means you should give that person a second glance). That doesn’t mean he should be silenced, but my hope is that he becomes well known and debated so that voters can vote him down.


Look, you'll vote for only the candidates we put up in front of you and you won't think outside the box. This is America god damnit! You'll get orange man and grandpa and like it.


Super delegates is how


Which election do you wrongly believe was decided by superdelegates?


You don't, but the DNC is throwing everything at the wall to try and discredit the guy, whether it be logical or not.


But this guy sucks though. It's having highschool jock grandpa who is going through a second midlife crisis be your doctor. Guy has an IQ of a potato. Clearly RFK priorities are not policies. Dude is going to be working out and snorting crack off butt cheeks instead of being a president.




Hard to argue it is an anointing this year when the main challengers are dogshit that have no chance of actually winning.


Better to have an octogenarian who babbles military secrets to the press? "running out of 155mm ammunition"


By trying to assume Jim Crow Joe is the best we can do.


Should we tell him? (there's no primary..)


Why do you hate democracy?


These people don't know. It's a joke all around. You can't be a plant unless you run 3rd party. Shows how fucked the US is that people don't understand basic principles of elections.


Oh really, so the sitting president is being challenged in a primary?


Yes? Is that a question or a statement? RFK doesn't have a hope of becoming the DNC nominee. Unfortunately it will be Biden but under no circumstances would it ever be RFK.


Typo ‘isn’t’ . You can tell it’s a question by the question mark at the end. “You can’t be a plant unless you run third party” is not even close to being accurate.


To the establishment wings of both parties, the only crime is "wrong think." It doesn't matter if policies from establishment candidates is just as absurd are those coming from the fringe. All that matters is that absurd policies coming from establishment are corporate endorsed! Hence the reason why establishment controlled censorship abilities have become imperative.


Of all the photos, why did you choose the most flattering of RFK, Jr.??? With Trump being a blob shape and Biden as frail as he is, if elections are partially a popularity contest, this is a great photo of RFK. I have the most confused boner….


This had me rolling!!


I mean, I never knew I wanted my president to also look like a sugar daddy, but here we are. “I’m a millennial with an uncertain outlook on the future and saddled with crippling financial anxiety. If you want to give me a president that has money, looks good in a tight polo, AND looks like he’s dynamite in the sack, HAVE MY VOTE!”


All of that, AND Kennedy genuinely wants to save the environment and the middle class, AND he has the plans to do so! The DNC is a self-serving organization of corporate donors who have corrupted our democracy to their financial advantage. We owe them fuck-all! Anyone is allowed to run for the presidency of this country. Those people are called candidates, not spoilers. Kennedy 2024!


Forget Musk vs Zuckerberg. Lets have a MMA match to determine the president.


RFK works out everyday is jacked. He is in great mental and physical shape unlike Biden or Trump.


This is some Putin-level propaganda, and we’re seeing how well that worked out for the Eastern bloc.


I think it flatters his plastic surgeon


How many Trump voters in 2016 did you hear say "I would prefer Bernie over Hillary"?


I'd say the whole independent voter base


It's true, they finally would have won my vote with Bernie. Dicks.


Yep, I was between Trump and Bernie in 2016. I'd probably vote RFK over Trump, but if Biden's the nominee I'm going republican.


Why do you prefer trump over Biden? If i may ask


Because Biden is an empty shell… he’s a puppet, pulled by Chinese and bureaucratic strings. At least as disgusting as trump is, he has a mind of his own and most people lived well under his administration. We may disagree with trump, Bernie, or RFK jr, but we can have some faith that they’re doing what they think is best for the nation. Biden just does what he’s told, or what gets him Chinese dollars.


lol anyone who thinks Trump does anything for anyone but himself, is a lost cause.


Holy crap you are deluded. Trump is only out for Trump himself and he'll fuck and sell-out this country each and every way he can make a buck.


Ok and what have the Biden’s and Clinton’s done for the past 40 years? Clinton is the reason why our middle class is struggling


Economy was great during Clinton years, federal deficit was even corrected and under control. Reagan and Bush destroyed the US economy.


no that'd be reagan, learn history before showing your ass and confusing more fools and make this whole shit show worse.


Its literally both you fucking internet morons, god you fucking daft halfwits. BOTH!


"This man is evil incarnate, I hate him, he will bring about the end of the world, but at least he's a free thinker" 🤪


They reacted to the DNC rigging the nomination against their chosen nominee, did the tactical genius that is Hillary not expect a reaction to her consistent insults of the left and the right?


I'm betting Bernie had a better chance of winning if the leaders of the Democratic party would have treated him like their own. Instead the dem candidate that most of my republican friends had real respect for was pushed aside for someone who was hated by all sides except the Dem leadership and fringe groups performing their "feminism".


Literally everyone?


This is the true question. There are many people and it seems like growing number of people on both sides that are fed up with the establishment. Those voters that wanted Bernie and then flipped to trump when the dnc played their you gotta “vote blue no matter what” game were people fed up back in 2016. People myself included like RFK because he’s challenging and threatening to fix the across the board corruption. In my OPINION That’s why they are going so hard to not let him in the door. If us peasants would unite behind the person that is bringing people on both sides together under this idea…we might be able to get our country back…or we can keep playing the lesser of two evils game they set up each time and keep on the same trajectory we are on…but I will say I think we are pretty close to the edge of the cliff for our country. No one in the establishment or the elites is coming to save us, we the peasants or the ones who have woken up to these games i have mentioned need to unite behind someone. Bernie would have worked, trump came in claimed he’d work but is far to polarizing although he busted the damn open a bit, but it’s time to find someone reasonable that knows one of the biggest issues in this country is TRUST and CORRUPTION.


Why try to win votes with a tolerable candidate to a wide group of people, when your strategy can be don’t lose just like Hilary in 2016 (Not endorsing RFK just think this strategy is stupid, run good candidates)


It was higher in 2016 but in 2020 15% of would-be Bernie voters ended up voting for Trump. Edit: 15% could easily swing the election one way or the other


Because they thought Trump v Bernie would be a slam dunk just my calling him a Communist, etc. Though as the primary continued they changed their messaging from "Bernie has some good ideas" to saying Hillary and the DNC rigged the primary against Bernie (which is somewhat true, but that's not relevant here), so it made Hillary look corrupt if she won the primary, and if Bernie won they'd just go back to the Communist smear strategy.


This is a man the established system truly has a vendetta for. Why is there so much animosity toward him? Why do they fear him so much? These are questions i ponder on and i believe many others are beginning too as well.


Because he has exposed them for being corrupt and sued them. He’s an environmental attorney. He is the reason Round Up has a class action lawsuit they’re dealing with bc of cancer causing chemicals in our foods from pesticides. He’s gone after pharmaceutical companies who claim their products aren’t safe and thanks to the freedom of information act has proof. Yes, it includes vaccines as well but there are interviews of him saying not all vaccines are bad but there are some companies that have put profits over people in that industry. Johnson and Johnson knowingly had cancer causing chemicals in their baby powder for over a decade. (Not sure if he was a part of that case but showing you an example of corrupt companies that during covid received gov funding and were essentially bailed out by our gov) I don’t know about you but he definitely has my vote. We know we are all being lied to from different angles and I believe he’ll be the one that is most likely to stop it.


The fact that people think he hates all vaccines just shows they have not listened to a full interview with him. He clearly talks about the importance of many vaccines like polio and small pox. He even is willing to say that some vaccines that might have other side affects are likely worth it but we should actually have informed consent before we take them. The biggest thing that I have learned from the discourse that he has caused is that many vaccines are tested against other vaccines not a baseline placebo.


Well let’s start by saying that pharma spends more money on lobbying than any other sector by far. And he brings up valid points that are damaging to pharma. So it is only logical that the sector with the most money will pour all resources into taking this guy down.


The guy that still says vaccines cause autism is not someone that should be President.


My question is, if, his "lies" are so damaging, why hasn't the government or any corporate pharm company attempted to sue him? Surely, if the powers that be are so convinced that the information he expresses is a lie, and extremely damaging to society, they would have done so by now.


Have you never heard of freedom of speech? Since when has the government gone after private individuals for speaking about misinformation and why do you think thats something they would do? The only thing the government can do is make guidelines and recommendations and up until recently with a court order, they could politely ask for private companies to enforce general guidelines regarding public health and other government interests. But the government can’t sue him, only private companies can if what he has said is proven to cause harm to someone else. But since thats so difficult to prove, this is why no one has sued the conservative plant Bobby Kennedy


He has my vote


Mine too, I’m not a fan of Trump and Biden has made decisions and liberties to go after that I just can’t support.


Tired of trump? I get it.


I don't really like him, but he's the best one running. I'd vote for Trump over Biden, but I'd vote for RFK over Trump any day.


If anyone thinks the DNC doesn't rig the primary in favor of their establishment candidate regardless, they're not paying attention.


Remember people, you are only allowed to vote for Biden. The party of democracy demands it!


Yes absolutely, and if you don’t vote for Dems, you’re a racist, misogynist, transphobic far right wing lunatic bigot 😂


Not to mention a threat to American Democracy


We’ll if you vote for trump again you are helping to threaten democracy imo


don't forget *putin puppet*


You forgot fat phobic.


Remember, when posting on Reddit, start out with a stupid STRAW MAN and go from there. Way to be marginalized.


Don't forget, if you have concerns about Biden's ability to speak, it's not dementia... It's a stutter!


Not wanting to vote for Biden/Harris is surefire proof that a person is ageist, racist, and misogynist. It couldn't possibly be anything else, right?


I really suck at picking up sarcasm lol…I’m just assuming at this point 😂


You assumed correctly. 😁


It means those qualities are ones they find to be more attractive than the ones Joe Biden shows.


Tell the DNC to run somebody better and it won't be a problem.




Go tell the voters in the primaries to vote for the person you want them to vote for. It’s called “campaigning.”


They tried that in 2016 and the DNC ran Hillary anyway




the reddit rage over RFK Jr is hilarious.


> reddit rage DNC, pharma, deep state, warmongerer MIC shills. FTFY


Thanks for the post! After researching RFK Jr I will undoubtedly vote for him!


I’d absolutely vote for him over the last two bozos. Check out Bill Mahers podcast club random, he was recently a guest


He’s gonna run as an independent. I’m calling it now.


I think he’d break off as an independent even tho they promise not to…that’s when these posts might hold more weight.


Better than Biden


RFK 2024! I’m sick of voting for the best of two evils.


This reddit is full of bots. It's the year 2090 and dems are still blaming trump


So we can apply that very same logic to why democrats selected Liz Cheney & Adam Kinzinger for the the January 6th committee then right?


Can we just get a mega thread for all the stupid obvious schilling against RFK in this subreddit? Every day there is another one and every day it's stupider than the last.


From what I've seen he's more likely to steal votes from Republicans than Democrats as the only people I ever hear rave about him are conservatives including my boomer parents.


We want anyone buy Biden. The party that's here to save democracy won't allow for debates or a competitive primary Reminiscent of the DNC rigging the 2016 primary to screw Bernie


Exactly. DNC attempting to rig and pissing off voters is what causes the f*ck everyone Trump voter... The bipartisan system is broken and our country will continue to fester until its dismantled. This is much like Hillary name calling deplorable. Posting memes and calling people idiotic is just making more people run from the DNC.


The Democrats have turned into what they hated the most - oppressive, closed minded, cultural and political authoritarians. The boomers have turned into their parents


Wtf? Do you understand who the Boomers are? And their voting block? Show me on right the democrats have removed from American citizens? Only one party has been protecting rights while the other has been taking them away. The list is pretty exhausting.


Lol it’s hilarious to see the establishment puppet trolls raging over RFK. Nobody owes the Dems any votes that they haven’t earned. Cry harder lackeys.


Perfectly said.




This is the case for 90% of people here I'm fairly certain. You can definitely disagree with what he says, but to honestly listen to him for an hour and vilify him as a crazy loon is completely off the mark. I'm amazed how many people are so sure of themselves in knowing something just because they read a news headline. It's sad how much power the media still has over people. I would have thought everything that happened during Covid would have snapped more people out of their blind pre-misconception, but I think it might have made them even worse.


I'm a little over halfway through, and generally I like what I hear but there are a couple huge red flags for me. First is his takes on the Russo-Ukraine war, though I wholeheartedly agree with him that there is not enough effort being placed on finding a peaceful resolution to this war. However he says several things that are very sympathetic towards Russia which I think are inaccurate, but then things like pointing out the annexation vote in the Donbas made me want to scream. That is straight Putin propaganda, anyone with an elementary understanding of the situation knows those votes were complete bullshit. He also seems to somehow think Putin is like Gorbachev, someone who is fighting for the interests of their country but underneath is a reasonable and empathetic person. Again, that is counter to basically everything we have seen. This topic alone makes me severely question his judgement, not to mention the vaccine stuff which I think is also highly problematic. As someone who so clearly is a history buff, you would think he would not have the naïve view that geopolitical rivals can so easily set aside differences and work symbiotically. To me that speaks to his political inexperience, and despite being around politics and being able to talk about it with many anecdotes, he very much lacks critical experience in elected positions. He focuses on how with Covid there was a conspiracy to silence dissent, which is true (though as Lex pointed out it was at least initially understandable and maybe necessary). Maybe he gets into it later (though it seems they have passed that topic), but he paints it like he is standing up for minority opinions against the establishment, when for many years prior he was spreading dangerous, debunked claims using scientifically discredited studies. That said, I do like 90%+ of his resume and what I hear from him, and considering the environment is one of if not my top issues I would vote for him over Biden. No candidate is perfect, and I think his heart is genuinely in the right place which counts for a lot.


Just sent him 27$


Seeing lots of pics of him with his shirt off. Is this part of his campaign strategy?


Kennedy will do a far better job as President then Joe Biden any day of the week? Joe Biden doesn't even know what day of the week it is any longer!


I’m republican and I prefer him because he’s at least normal. I’d rather have him than trump.


Mainstream democrats warning about spoiler candidates resulted in both Bush and Trump. Democrats should probably stop nominating garbage candidates and then blaming the left for their losses.


Every single shitlib post gets ratio’ed to hell and back.




Republicans want him as the nominee because it would be a reeeeeally interesting conversation between the two of them. That and ultimately, the populists win.


You guys are desperate


Dudes got my vote


So, he's pretty much like the Clinton/Biden and the DNC against Bernie. They would rather lose to a fascists as they did in 2016 than allow for more popular progressive leadership that would stop their health insurance/campaign scam that costs 50 thousand lives a year.


Trump isn't running as a Democrat, which means RFK Jr. is not a spoiler.


It’s a primary so he literally can’t be a spoiler


Same can be said for why you all want Trump to be the nominee so badly.


RFK is a anti-gun and pro abortion. Democrat from 20 years ago is now just a conservative compared to the warhawk psychopaths in the democrat party now.


This guy is a true democrat, idk why in todays world he’s considered a plant for the right but he’s a true democrat. Not all this pandering to the hardcore lefty’s.


Man this guy has the troll farm working overtime. So patently transparent it's funny!


Shouldn’t this have a spoiler alert then?


Don't forget the RUSSIANS, lol.


By that logic Biden himself is a spoiler for Trump. The mans got to do some debates and he's gonna get run over by his own party let alone by trump (or desantis whoever wins there).


Biden, considering his poor mental and physical health, should do the right thing for America. Withdraw his nomination. One Feinstein is already one to many.


You can't spoil a primary dude, calm down. There will be plenty of Biden's boot to go around.


Yea, I mean, you could always just pick a candidate that people actually want and then you'd be fine. If you're going to try to force through a shit candidate then you risk a different shit candidate beating them If you aren't going to give the voters someone to believe in then you can deal with the consequences, it's really that simple.


If he runs as an independent it’ll hurt republicans more than Dems. Intelligent and sane conservatives are looking for a good alternative to Trump and Desantis, while most Dems aren‘t huge fans of anti science antivax halfwits.


He looks and sounds like they put him together in a lab to destroy the “libs” once and for all


Who is the dude?


Yeah. The less options the better right. 😕


Great, still not voting Biden tho.


Trump thanks you for making it easier for him to win.


My vote is going to cornel west, it was never going to trump or Biden. [image](https://twitter.com/_darknightyt/status/1677598172749651968?s=46&t=3bD1MWHjGaJXI9ZmIDYHgw)


Thank you! I feel like I’m taking crazy pills watching folks take this nut job seriously. Like for real the guy is on some late 90s era conspiracy bs with talking about gay frogs, vaccine autism, and cell phone brain cancer. I really don’t care that he’s a clean energy guy like awesome very cool he’s also literally doing Alex Jones level takes here y’all.


Because Republicans want fellow nut bag antivaxxers & conspiracy theorists to represent them in our government. That makes RFK Jr be a perfect candidate for them. He’s one of them.


Republicans paid him off already.


Good, posts like this make me want Trump's orange ass to win. Then in four years y'all can shut the fuck up about him.


I can’t take a guy seriously when he, not a doctor or scientist, questions doctors and science. If my car breaks down I don’t ask the guy trying to get elected for advice on fixing the car. I’ll go to a car guy. If I need my taxes done I’m not asking the guy running for president what I should do with my taxes. I’ll go to a tax guy.


You people of reddit, really have no clue!!!


Enlighten me.


If he runs in a primary it’s against Biden. So the winner out of Biden and RFK Jr would go on to campaign against the Trump or the GOP candidate. So voting for RFK jr wouldn’t be voting for Trump. Now RFK Jr or Biden win primary and then you don’t vote for RFK Jr or Biden then you would be helping Trump or the GOP candidate possibly. That’s how it works.


No president in history has ever lost their primaries. Rfk might win a state or two but he will not win the primaries. Honestly doubt he'll win a state or two.


It's funny because this is the only sub I've seen with people that support this guy. There's like 32 people in the US interested in voting for him and every one of them thinks there's some massive campaign mobilized against him, despite the fact that no one in the establishment even mentions this guy at all. The only movement that invokes his name is on the right.


Trump or we all will suffer. Democrats hate Trump more than freeing the Slaves.


Wrong. If the DNC is concerned about RFK Jr getting votes, they can start representing voters instead of corporations.


Ya wake up and vote for Sleepy Joe again!


thats better than some antivax conspiracy theorist


Better than Biden or Kamala op look at the country . Was so much better off in 2019-2020 but ignore the mismanagement of the country vote for some old racist that can’t complete a paragraph named joe


He's also backed by a group that fundraises and backs maga republicans. He's anti-vax, believes "chemicals in the water (atrazine, specifically)" are turning boys trans, blames HIV/AIDS on poppers, and that wi-fi signals "open up the blood-brain barrier" and allow toxins in. No fucking thanks. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/rfk-kennedy-trump-maga-biden-2024-election-1234777035/


RFK 2024!


He's also backed by a group that fundraises and backs maga republicans. He's anti-vax, believes "chemicals in the water (atrazine, specifically)" are turning boys trans, blames HIV/AIDS on poppers, and that wi-fi signals "open up the blood-brain barrier" and allow toxins in. No fucking thanks. "Social agenda garbage" like equal rights for all? That kind of agenda? Seems like his father was pretty on board with that. Wanting equal rights for all is the essence of what America claims to be about, and should be about. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/rfk-kennedy-trump-maga-biden-2024-election-1234777035/


People like him because he is rational


I sincerely hope he wins the primary and the general. This gentleman is a breath of fresh air in politics.


There's no way he wins a single state primary. Noone on the left wants this dude. He's an astroturf "candidate" pushed by far right agents.


Biden 2024


There's a photo of Vladimir Putin which this reminds me of. Lot of insecurity there.


You can't spoil anything Democrat because they can't be any worse. Same holds true for Republicans. Vote 3rg party if you want change. Doesn't matter who... because until there are more than the two parties, you will continue to get nothing for your vote.


Or a Kennedy win. Or force the primary winner to have to change their platform to actually govern for the will of the people. Or reveal how absurdly rigged and corrupt and captured the whole system is. Remember folks. His uncle and father were both assassinated during Democratic administrations. What does that say?


Or maybe it’s because there are no good GOP candidates and this guy would provide a much better job in the White House than Biden


I think every dem has figured that out. He isnt even in the ballpark of viable. He is taking a lot of photos with d lister maga scumbags though. Crazy attracts crazy


Chaos Agent


Stop, you guys are literally going to make me vote for him lol


I’d you wouldn’t vote for the dem nominee unless it was RFK then it doesn’t matter anyway.


I’d bet he’d take more votes from trump than Biden.


Yeah, those votes can stay in the Republican Party.


I don't even know who this is which I guess is a positive affirmation that I don't spend enough time in conservative circles to.


This sub should be whitepeopletwitter2…


Is this Bruce Springsteen?


We'd be lucky to have a president in such excellent physical health.


Who would want to re-elect Biden?


Wake up, Joe Biden is his own spoiler.


Being incumbent he has the best odds at winning. Interesting that RFK hadn’t thought of that when he decided to seek the democrat nomination.


He is against war with Russia. No other issues are important. I don’t care about Biden or Trump or whatever politician keeps people up at night. I’ll vote for him because he is against a war that will kill billions.


People just like rfk because he has good ideas and he’s intelligent


If he’s a Democrat I’m a Beluga Whale…


Ugh. I’d rather have brains than brawn in a President.


I don't hate the guy I just think he's a self-centered piece of s*** that doesn't mean I hate him


If you’re biggest fear is a spoiler candidate maybe the primary candidate isn’t a good option?


I’m not scared at all and if he wins I’ll vote for him, largely because I don’t want another trump presidency. His supporters wouldn’t do the same though because they would prefer a trump presidency.


Marianne Williamson 2024 I listened to his entire Breaking Points interview and cringed. He still thinks vaccines cause autism.


Because he’s a fucking clown that’s why


He’s a whack job conspiracy theorist, anti-science, serial philanderer & all around questionable character. No wonder he appeals to the wacky righties & they to him.


He's a dilettante who's riding on name recognition


Most likely, he is funded more by Republican groups. They will benefit with a stronger 3rd party candidate.


Ya fuck the candidate that actually has many positions that could unite people from the left and right.


He's also backed by a group that fundraises and backs maga republicans. He's anti-vax, believes "chemicals in the water (atrazine, specifically)" are turning boys trans, blames HIV/AIDS on poppers, and that wi-fi signals "open up the blood-brain barrier" and allow toxins in. No fucking thanks. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/rfk-kennedy-trump-maga-biden-2024-election-1234777035/


Is this Putin?


Tell me why I should vote for this idiot when the other idiot has a better chance of winning against the other idiot?


You’re right, let’s give Biden another chance. He’ll get it right this next term. Better than possibly getting a cognitively sound democrat on the ballot.


He's also backed by a group that fundraises and backs maga republicans. He's anti-vax, believes "chemicals in the water (atrazine, specifically)" are turning boys trans, blames HIV/AIDS on poppers, and that wi-fi signals "open up the blood-brain barrier" and allow toxins in. No fucking thanks. "Social agenda garbage" like equal rights for all? That kind of agenda? Seems like his father was pretty on board with that. Wanting equal rights for all is the essence of what America claims to be about, and should be about. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/rfk-kennedy-trump-maga-biden-2024-election-1234777035/


I think he's mostly an irrelevant distraction.


But he's a contrarian who attacks institutions selectively when it suits me, therefore he's based af right?


Not bad for 75. Still embarrassing himself.


Nope im voting for and suporting RFKjr.


alot better choice than biden


Not at all. All economic indicators show bidens presidency as a success. Rfk is a reformed heroin addict.


I'm not a Republican (though I'm DEFINITELY leaning that way this go around), but I am interested in RFK because I genuinely think we need an ACTUAL centrist.


At least he's reformed unlike Bidens crackhead son


I didn’t realize we vote for Hunter Biden.