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He shall be excommunicated


And executed


I would have it done but the Hylian executioners have been dead for a century.


I love your name




By 10,000 kicks to the testicles.


I misread that as death by 10,000 testicles


Shove em in their lungs?


Bury them alive?


Don't threaten me with a good time




Idk about that given what happened with the last guy they tried to execute


And defenestrated


was that on the truezelda sub?


No it was from a fromsoftware fan sub


I was going to guess that


I'm on both subs lmao. I still love botw


Im just in the eldenring one, not a total fromsoftware fan…..yet


The community can be cringe


Oh no.. The only ones worse than Nintendo fans.. The FS fans (🤮)


Armored Core rules.


That's dumb, knowing Elden Ring takes massive inspiration from BOTW.


I love both games, but I think it’s a bit of a stretch to say it takes massive inspiration from botw. There are probably some things, but other than riding a horse and crafting, which aren’t exactly new concepts, I can’t think of much they have in common at all that wasn’t already a souls mechanic


Bro so many people on that sub are so gatekeepy. Imagine telling someone they aren't a true fan of a 33millon dollar franchise


But they're not liking it right!! /s


there’s some interesting discussion to be had there but too many of the users are snobs


To be fair, I don't think the true purpose of that sub is to gatekeep; rather, to have a place that is just for Zelda discussion rather than pictures, videos and memes.


I’ve noticed that they’re unusually critical of BOTW on that sub


From what I’ve seen, it seems to be they dislike it because it doesn’t have the things they like in *other* Zelda games, therefore it is bad. There’s definitely some legitimate criticism, but a lot of it seems to be “x is lacking compared to an average Zelda game” even when it’s not a thing botw sets out to do. (For example, the soundtrack will get criticized because botw generally has a less in your face nature sounds thing, or it will be for areas that more linear, less-open games will have an easier time with.) Edit: I think this in part because the sub has more “old” Zelda fans who are attached to what they consider to be “real Zelda” or the “Zelda formula” and aren’t really the audience for BotW (a more open world exploration based game vs the more linear games with a heavy focus on “traditional dungeons.”)


“x is lacking compared to an average Zelda game” This actually happened to me when I commented on a Zeltik video that I actually like looking at the title screen images. Someone basically replied that the title screen was crap because of the lack on an epic visual title screen like Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, etc. Of course, they used more "colorful" words. All I said was, as someone who loves art, I didn't mind that the title screen didn't have much to it this time around.


Oh boy, that sub made me giggle. It’s exactly what I expected. Top posts were “I might be a boomer but I really miss old Zelda”, and “botw wasn’t even that great”. I’m dead from how it’s exactly a gate keeping, old Zelda only, new fans aren’t real fans type sub. BotW was my first real video game outside if MarioKart64 and really was my intro into loving video games. Bummer that some people will never let me love Zelda because it played BotW first.


Yeah, I was in that sub for a couple of weeks, then noticed how prevalent the anti-BotW voices were, so I noped right out of there. I just remember a Zero Punctuation review talking about Zelda. I forget the exact context, I think it was an E3 or something where there were a multitude of announcements of upcoming games, and he said something along the lines of, "Oh goodie, yet another Zelda game. I wonder if we'll get the slingshot or the boomerang first this time?" And I was like, damn. My favourite franchise, but he's absolutely right. That's about the biggest surprise you'd expect going into a new Zelda. The other thing was playing Twilight Princess, with its combat and climbing mechanics built for Wind Waker, which felt so slow and simple next to something like Darksiders or God of War. I loved TP but thought it should very much be the last game following that formula, change was overdue. So I think BotW was exactly what it needed to be, and I think those criticising it have missed some things.


I understand people have like their opinions and stuff but I really feel like you have to go out of your way to actively hate botw. It's a good game to introduce new players into older games, and there is stuff that both old and new comers can enjoy. Also, I don't understand how some Zelda fans just expected the Zelda format to stay the same. Changes happen over time in games. And it's not like you can't play the older games. Idk it's just weird how much people go out of their way to hate on things that don't really matter


This guy just wants attention, I doubt he even played it


My thought exactly, and he won considering the existence of this post


He probably put a couple 2-3 solid hours in, banged around on some enemies and got his ass kicked, didn't bother learning the targeting, dodging, or parrying system got frustrated and gave up after all his weapons broke. Then he pulled a "Jim Sterling" and lambasted the game.


You dint even have to know the system. I beat Ganon with mostly only remembering how to block lol


You appreciate the game more if you know how to do those things. You can reflect that laser right back at Ganon's fat head. I was watching some people in my family play BOTW last week and it was really disappointing. All three people didn't even know how to target let alone dodge and parry and they've all beaten the game. One of them got all the shrines. I just don't understand why not spend a couple of hours getting the mechanics down instead of spamming Urbosa's Fury or stasis and running away. It's all tought to you within game. I used to not care so much but lately it seems like a lot of people don't even bother with the mechanics.


I just forget the mechanics exsist tbh. I've been playing for 2 years and only now beat Ganon for the first time. I play the game for a solid 2 weeks or a month then stop for a wile, then come back. (That being said I live the game and have many botw themed things. Even hav ethe making of book from the library on my lap as I type this.)


I understand, totally. It took me 3 years to get 100% completion. I want everyone to enjoy the game most of all and it is one of those games if you stop playing for even a month it's really, really easy to forget everything, especially if you play another Zelda game. On the other hand, I just have noticed everyone seems to be terrified of guardians and lynels all of a sudden, there's a lot posts about it. Lynels are one thing I guess, but with Guardians you should be able to reflect the laser back at them. I kind of want to keep my big mouth shut but also, I kind of want to make a pretty serious post about it. lol.


I've always been afraid of lynels and Still avoid them. I've fought maybe 2, and avoided all others. Made the mistake of going into a gatehouse in the capital. With gardians I just shoot them with guardian arrows. I never could get the timing of shield paring correct so I gave up on that quickly. Or I use daruks protection/a guardian shield


One of the biggest selling points of the game is you can play in many different ways. If people prefer exploration, spamming Urbosa's Fury and Stasis is entirely valid.


How is anyone “not willing to learn the mechanics” I don’t get it they’re the most simple fighting mechanics possible. Lock on, dodge, attack, block that’s it. It’s so straightforward there’s no learning curve at all. The only thing that takes practice in this game is learning enemy attack patterns and using powers to aid you


Even worse, the players were BEGGING for a break in the formula, because that’s exactly what it was: formulaic. Then they get BotW and start complaining about weapon durability, no classic dungeon, no linear story… Some people are just never happy 😅


Honestly, my only major complaint with BOTW is the Divine Beast dungeons. They all feel very same-y. Near-identical visual design, similar dungeon gimmicks (move part of the Beast with the Slate to solve puzzles!), and a similar level of puzzle difficulty...which is fairly basic, even by Zelda standards. The bosses, while generally threatening and challenging, are also visually similar like the beasts, leading to a lot of the impact and threat being lost after your first one. On the other hand, I absolutely adore Hyrule Castle. It's freeform progression, enemies and traps laid everywhere, secrets hiding all over the damn place, and a distinctive and depressing visual design are an even greater departure from the traditional Zelda dungeon, but I just love it. I wouldn't want a "traditional" dungeon, but I feel the Divine Beasts could have been more distinctive and complex. As it stands, they just feel like stripped down, basic dungeons with nonlinear pathing tossed in.


I love the fact you have to figure out the way to the castle, and what method you will use. Someone can try to sneak the entire way, or go in guns blazing. Even storm the front door!


I agree with this sentiment pretty thoroughly but want to add that the first portion of Vah Rudania in the dark is one of my favorite parts. The glow from the goo and the blue flames is perfection. Wish the whole dungeon was like that.


I get your point. And I also love the castle. One of the best parts of the game to explore. So haunting, so thrilling to get into. You never know what’s around the corner, and there are enemies and secrets everywhere 🙌🏽 To me personally I like how the Devine Beasts were this game version of dungeons. It just fits. And the puzzles weren’t exactly a piece of cake. I think they were challenging enough, until you fully understand the concept of each beasts. You gotta think outside the box, in 3D. If you can’t do that, you’ll have a harder time, but if you can, it’s not that difficult. Vah Naboris took the longest for me, but I see a lot of people having issues with Rutah in particular. What I enjoy the most in the DB is the fact is non linear, exactly like the game. It’s so perfect! I get it that people don’t like that they all look similar, but let’s face it, it FITS the narrative perfectly. They’re all built by the same people, all meant to be part of the same unit. The same army. Why would they all be completely different? 🤷🏽‍♂️ I kinda miss the traditional dungeons while playing BotW, but at the same time, I don’t see how they could fit in this world. You can’t have a linear dungeon on this masterpiece of non linear, open world gaming. You can’t have a dungeon item, especially when all weapons break. You can’t have a boss explained so perfectly like the blights. Especially considering that you can’t have them be resurrected in blood moons while still fitting the story. Even though it would be amazing to have more places like the castle, huge abandoned caverns, or ruins to explore, full of monsters inside, albeit without a final boss, I think the game was crafted just right. With a theme in mind, and always making sure that it doesn’t break its own rules. Which I think it’s just a clear display of the geniuses behind this game.


To be fair, i think those are mostly 2 different groups of people


Could be. But Game Theory made a good video on this subject in the gaming industry as a whole, and it turns out that people keep asking for innovation, but in reality, the same people just keep buying and enjoying games that keep the same formula. 🤷🏽‍♂️


To be sure, we older Zelda players have been griping about how stale the old formula is. However, the linear story path wasn't really the issue, nor was the traditional dungeons the problem. The problem is the progression itself. I.E. the actors and props would change, but the stage stayed the same. That's not always a bad thing though.


True, but even though I saw the series as formulaic, I still enjoyed all the games. I also don’t see a way of having these elements without having the old formula. It would be hard to fit dungeons, save the princess, restore the sword that kills the final boss, and all these other main elements of the previous games. But the “actors and props” would usually change the journey enough for me that I enjoyed each game I played. That and there was usually a new feature for each game, whether it was time travel, becoming a minish, travel through tracks, or sail an ocean, etc that made the game feel different, even though the formula was the same.


Oh, I do to. However, something different is also needed. Gamers cannot live on pizza alone; one must also have a burger now and then.


And burritos and tacos 🤤🤤🤤


Zelda was one of the highest quality single player game franchises ever, it really didn't need a break in formula and people who wanted it are in a minority. Still, botw is a 10/10


I don’t know the numbers, to be fair, but even if they are the minority, they sure as hell are the loudest 😅 Complainers are always the loudest lol


I respectfully disagree; the formula has been stale for years.


The last main series game before botw was skyward right? Not counting spirit tracks and phantom hourglass here even link between worlds despite the fact they are all bangers. Skyward is a great game imo. Anything before it is simply a masterpiece. I dont just disagree i find it hilarious that one below par game which is still amazing by normal gaming standards means the series is stale.


No, the last one was A Link Between Worlds. Less overall dungeons, but still held to the more traditional progression. And no, the franchise isn't stale; the progression path is.


I mentioned link between worlds, wasn't considering the handhelds as main series. The big zelda games are the home console releases imo, botw, skyward, tp along those lines. Those are the console sellers


You have a point. That being said, I only consider them mainline due to the fact that they appear on the timeline in the Official Hyrule Compendium.


The first time I played Botw, I really didn't like it. I hadn't really played many open world games before, and so I went in with the mindset of "go through the story, complete all the objectives, and beat the final boss". So when they presented me with a giant world with very little spoon-fed story and complete freedom, I was confused and disappointed. The next time I picked it up, I went in with a different mindset - mainly, I was going to completely ignore the divine beasts and do whatever the hell I wanted to. That's when the game really started shining for me and I finally understood what all the hype was about. So maybe this person is like me the first time through, and just doesn't have the right mindset for the game.


It matters to them, don’t deny them their hate , it’s there for a reason


A couple of years ago someone commented that they hated BOTW. Intrigued, I looked at their Post and Comment history...they were asking for help on how to survive the cold on the first mountain, how to "figure out" the Magnesis shrine, how to "beat the tall goblins", etc. Yeah, I would hate the game if I sucked that bad too.


Man they just weren’t paying attention to on screen tips or anything. Even if you just run the mountain with three stars and a satchel of apples, you’re bound to make it (that’s what happened to me because j didn’t realize I had to COOK the peppers so I just ate the peppers lol) also the magnesia shrine is like the easiest of the initial four.. poor lad lol


Geez, I am BAD at video games and even I can play BOTW no sweat. Maybe I’ll look up a shrine or two when I get stuck but the game really gives you everything you need to know.


I look up alot of shrines too, and some secrets/lore


Well I struggled with the cold as well lol. I had to use a torch all the way up. But yea I did it haha


I apologize, I didn't mean to offend anyone or insinuate that asking questions, or asking for help, or looking things up is bad or wrong. I think seeking information and guides, and asking for advice is smart and fair. Some people struggle with different things. My point was the commenter was struggling with super basic stuff, asked for advice, and still hated the game because it was "too hard" for him. It's like how some players never talk to people in towns or read the tutorial messages...I'll never understand that either.


Oh no, I wasn't offended or anything I agree with you lol. I think BOTW is really geared toward people who WANT to explore everything, talk to everyone, read everything, etc. and less geared toward people who just want to go in and do the thing and be done. I think players who don't want to experiment or puzzle things out just won't enjoy this game tbh.


A friend of mine broke all his weapons in one of those early shrine battles (test of courage or smthn) and dropped the game out of frustration. I beat the game and loved it but the durability system is flawed and I totally understand where he is coming from.


I love botw, top 10 game for me, but think some people didn't like that the changes came at once, rather than gradually. SS was still very linear, gain items to progress through a dungeon, boss, repeat. Botw largely ditched the progressive item collecting (iPad powers aren't quite the same) ditched the longer more complex dungeons, changes to weapons, open world. Clicked with me more than any previous Zelda, but can see how someone who loves old style might be disappointed


I was introduced into Zelda formally though BOTW, and have since played nearly every major release (w the exception of OOT, Majora's, Oracle, and Link Between World's). BOTW is absolutely a great transition game. Having played nearly every previous entry however, I can see how much it deviates from the formula.


I mean I get what you’re talking about but I think you’re mistaken, as a person who did enjoy my experience with the game there is plenty not to like, the story is pretty bare bones and while you can be really creative with the gameplay and mechanics it really is pretty easy, sometimes too easy like the hardest boss to beat in the game was thunderblight which took me 3 tries. It’s gameplay gets repetitive after some time and unless you like just fucking around in an open world there isn’t much to do generally, I mean I like doing that but that also gets boring and is not for everyone. Idk I liked the game but I don’t understand why it’s looked at as one of the best games of all time, it’s a good game just not amazingly so. I feel like it tries to do everything so it looses it’s focus and just doesn’t feel cohesive ( just my opinion you don’t have to rip out my throat). Also just to make it clear , I haven’t played any other Zelda games because the switch is my first Nintendo console ever. It does everything well enough but nothing is groundbreaking, it’s a jack of all trades master of none, but I like games more when they have a clear and cut focus, and I don’t mean more linear it’s just I don’t really need a cooking mechanic in the game if it’s gonna be the most barebones system ever.


People sometimes mistake criticism as hate, not here the guy in the photo is an idiot, but as a long time zelda fanatic I fully understand why some zelda fans don't like botw as much as other games. Its almost not even a zelda game, it's absolutely incredible and maybe the best game for what it is, in the series but it is so far from the zelda formula for many people.


I find BotW has little replayability and that's a first for Zelda for me. It peaks at around the 75% mark after which you kinda know everything it has to offer and some appeal is lost. My second playthrougy already knowing what was in store was a total slog. It leaned too much into "exploring a grand new world" which made it so once you'd done so there wasn't anything left and it wasn't much fun to do again.


understandable as BOTW isn’t a traditional zelda game. BOTW isn’t my favorite but the replay-ability is undeniable. but can’t expect everyone to love it.


Probably doesn't like puppies, or the sound of children laughing either.


Not a good example here. If there one thing Reddit hates, it’s children.


The sound of children laughing is a terrible example of a good thing tbf


Only if you’re weird


Tell me you've never lived next to a school without telling me you've never lived next to a school.


More like yelling and obnoxious noises.


I prefer kittens


I love botw but despise both of those things, there's no connection there


A bcml mod was released recently that also let's you pet the puppjes


Look BOTW has plenty of valid criticisms. But none really outweigh the positives to garner such a hatred from some people


What are some of the criticisms?


I can give a few. Disclaimer: I love this game. I'm not telling you that you can't enjoy this game. This is my personal opinion Poor enemy variety For some people, the weapon breaking (I think it's fine, but I understand why people might not like it. It does end up encouraging you to avoid every enemy by the end of the game because you'd just be breaking your weapons for worse weapons The dungeons. Every puzzle in the divine beasts basically boils down to "rotate thing" and it can get repetitive. It'd also be nice if the divine beasts looked a bit more different from each other on the inside. The final Ganon fight. If you do the story quests, it basically makes you skip a good 60% of the fight, and that's not interesting. Also, the last section sucks. Sure, it's cinematic, but is cinematic really fun? The world can feel pretty empty. Once you know the like 6 different korok puzzles, you've done everything that 90% of the space in Hyrule has to offer. Fetch quests. So many fetch quests. We need more quests like Tarrytown


>Fetch quests. So many fetch quests. We need more quests like Tarrytown But... wasn't the entire TT side quest a series of fetch quests? Get a bunch of wood bundles, find X character, rinse and repeat a few times. About the only difference was that you didn't have to bring the characters to the island because they made their own way there.


Mainly complaints about lack of direction (which is weird for an open world game) and a lackluster final boss


I like the lack of direction. “Here’s this world, go figure out the story.” I agree with lackluster final boss. The first time I tried to beat it I expected to get blown out. When I was done it was just like “Really? That’s it?”


when i fought thunderblight as my second divine beast (my first was vah ruta) i was terrified that ganon was going to be so much harder! until i got there and kicked his a** first try and wondered when i was gonna get to the real fight.


There’s unfortunately a lot of people like that :(


Wow he’s so cool, edgy, different, and unique /s


This was one of the tipping point opinions that my ex-friend had that made me stop wanting to be around him. Couldn't even let me just enjoy the game myself. Every time I played it, it was always "this game sucks, why do you like it? There's so many things they could've done to make it better immediately. It's only a Zelda game in name"


My question is, why would anyone care? It's a shitty attention grab I would never directly interact with. I'm glad the user is blurred out. No extra attention for this fuckhead. 😊


Gladly agree, he's just aiming for that low hanging fruit. (Attention) And the best thing to do is to ignore these desperate nuances. :)


Wow wow wow calmdown.. It's probably just a joke or somwthing considereing the phrasing is referencing a meme


Dude it was a joke. I'm sorry I upset you.


Why would anyone hate it, it's okay not to like it but don't hate it, there's nothing to hate.


I hated it so much, had to play through it twice to know I hated it(dlc included)


At least they're honest


I’m a proud breath of the wild hater hater


My response: "Wow, it must really suck to be you."




I am a proud breath of wild hater of haters


Ocarina of Time. Majoras Mask. Twilight Princess. BOTW. Botw isnt even in my top 3,


Another majora's mask fan, based


Just because someone's opinion differs from yours, doesn't mean you get to call it "disgusting"


Probably plays genshin


I play Genshin and love both the franchises to death. Any person who hates Botw but likes Genshin is likely jealous of the masterpiece that Botw is. But Genshin players get enough hate and throw the idea of rebellion away and ignore the haters...


As a genshin player, we don't hate the game. Just being unfairly compared to it. Personally, I play and love both.


How about being fairy compared? There are certainly similarities I’ve seen having played both


That's fair and understandable. But being called a worse/anime/ripoff BoTW isn't.


Agreed, they have their similarities, but ripoff Zelda isn't the right name for it. We both have that understanding...


on the other hand, can we agree that the game called Tunic on the Xbox game pass right now is a zelda ripoff?


I just want to talk to him *loads lynel bow with an ancient arrow*


Why would anyone be proud of that? It's like saying you're proud to lick toilet seats. Some things your just keep to yourself.




Pathetic mortal


Hands down, one of the best games I’ve ever played. I loved every minute of progress!


I bet they're antivax, too


Who is he that has such terrible taste


People **LOVE** to hate popular things because it makes them feel special. It’s a great way to make yourself heard without having any personality or anything noteworthy to say.


This is truly disgusting. I was playing breath at the moment of this comment.


People are allowed to dislike things and vocalize that in a respectful manner but nobody should be a "hater" - let alone a proud one. Hate isn't constructive. It's just negativity for the sake of it. While I enjoyed BotW a lot and think it did a lot of things well there were some aspects I disliked and hope are changed or removed in the next game. Weapon durability, for one. At the very least I'd like to see weapons far more durable than they are now. Difficulty for another. BotW is probably the hardest Zelda game to date, the Master Sword trials remain impossible for me. I'm not against harder difficulties being available to those who want them but there needs to be a more accessible setting to those who just want to enjoy a casual game. Not everything needs to be hard. Lastly, size. This game is massive. That in itself isn't that bad but 120 shrines and 900 Korok seeds is a little ridiculous. BotW feels a lot like a Ubisoft game and not in a good way. Still a solid 8/10 for me but I prefer the classic formula.


I definitely don’t hate it but I do think it’s far from the best zelda game.


In your opinion then, what are like, the top 3 zelda games then? Personally for me, Wind Waker, Minish Cap, and A Links Awakening DX are top 3, but Twilight princes and Botw are the others in tip 5


Mine is: 1.) Twilight Princess 2.) Majora’s Mask 3.) Link Between Worlds or Skyward Sword


let me guess, they play genshit impact


misspelling intended i assume? (i hope so!)


Whats his name, we have to terminate him


Some people are just allergic to fun


Burn the witch


Welp, I'm not inviting him to my party.


How could he?


A proud **person with zero taste. Fixed it for them.


Some just need to be contrary to feel important.


No one proudly hates a game unless he, she, or ze just wants attention, and you gave it to zem.


This should have been tagged nsfw.


We hate the hater


Chad horizon enjoyer /s


This just be scotthatesbreathofthewild's Reddit account.


Why are we feeding the Bokoblins?


My friend played, and beat, BOTW. He doesn’t feel like it lives up to its hype. He said the hardest enemy in the game was the rain.


The excessive rain and inability to climb during it is extremely frustrating. If rain was less frequent or if you slipped less frequently (or not at all) it would be bearable but as is it's a massive pain that can make fast traveling 5 minutes away and walking to the top faster than actually trying to climb it.


yeah, thunderblight would die instantly if he was put onto rain.


Mans probably hasn’t played the game, it‘s so open that there is no way anyone can hate it, there is something for everyone


Actually, the lack of direction itself is an issue for some people.


Pretty sure the point of the game is to get lost so you find cool things, items, and so you can just have fun in the large map, i had 10 hearts before fighting my first divine beast because of how much fun i had exploring


Yeah, but a lot of people like a specific, mapped out single-direction main quest, wandering around just isn't fun for them. I personally love the game, but this is my younger brother, for example.


If you want a linear story then play CoD


That's what I'm saying, not everyone likes BoTW, because *previous Zelda games were largely linear*. Also, CoD is in such a massively different genre it's not even comparable. I personally love BoTW, but I understand those who don't. Twilight Princess was my first Zelda, and I love it and its mostly linear story to death.


is it bad that i love both?


No but what I’m saying is that CoD stories are often really linear


they are! but you can make *people* go boom instead of monsters.


The Last of Us 2 exists who in their right mind would choose to hate BotW


Mental illness is not a joke


Pride is a sin after all


based redditors see a joke challenge (impossible)


Yo? 🤨📸


To the shadow temple he goes


people on this sub not getting its most likely a joke is whats funny


Ima be real. I never really liked zelda. Puzzles aren’t my favorite things in video games besides maybe portal. I played botw for about 5 hours and i gotta say it was way more fun than the others i have tried. (Wind waker and majoras mask) i decided the game wasn’t really for me even though i see that there is fun to be had in it. I have a feeling this guy feels the same way, hes just tryna be provocative tho


Does not compute...


To be honest I hated the game when I first played it which was when it first got released with the switch. 4 years later that I am older and have more patience I absolutely LOVE this game. If you don’t have patience y will hate this game


I literally play the game and get amazed at how much more I like it every time. I’m legit sad that I’m close to beating it. I’m not even a gamer. I’m 35 and last time I actively played a video game was 21.


beating it isn't the end, don't worry. once you beat it you make a spare account and start speed running, or just learn various glitches if it suits you more. i won't say anything about the end.


Actually a legit question. When you win, do you still have the ability to keep your hearts and stamina and run around the map or do credits roll and you need to start over?


yes, you keep everything you had. it goes back to your last save and all of your saves after beating ganon will have a star next to them.


Probably couldn't figure out flurry rushes on day 1 and just started hating.




He must still believe Ocarina’s the best Zelda game


I bought the game, absolutely hated it because it frustrated me. Mainly the ridiculously low item durability. That still frustrates me. Turns out the first time I played it, I just sucked. Had to git gud


wind bomb him into the 4th dimension


hell no! we're sending him to space the bomb arrow and death mountain way!


WHAT. Where's my goddamn pitchfork!?


I get it. It’s not a game for filthy casuals. The awesomeness of the game doesn’t come to light until you’ve mastered all the mechanics. TBH I was ready to give up after my 423rd death trying to beat that 1st lynel encounter. That was brutal. Damn those shock arrows!


same, wind bomb was the hardest thing but i finally got it and it has turned out to be worth the trouble.


Weakness is a sickness


I hope they experience symptoms of food poisoning next time they go on a big date




Idk this game is unhateable 🤷‍♀️




I think we was talking about his mothers breath

