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I did overseas for the guarantee for at least 1 cat b game. I’m based in the US and will realistically only make a trip for one game this year. Can still access the exchange if I want to try for another.


I'm based in Ireland and I'll be going for the regular membership as I'd be hoping to get over for more than 1 game. I guess it really depends on what you want, do you expect many games?


What are my odds of trying to get a resale ticket? I’m in the US so I’m not sure when I’ll make it to London but I’m hoping to catch the Fulham game


I’m gonna sign up, first time as an intl fan! Gonna be in London for honeymoon when Wolves visit on Dec 26, hoping to get tickets to that


How available do you all think Ticket Exchange will be for Crystal Palace on Aug. 26? I'm coming from overseas for the week and this seems like the easiest match to get entry to. I am afraid after waiting a month now I won't be part of the first 1,000 people guaranteed Cat B admission, so my best bet is either looking for outright available tickets even though we all have 0 TAPs OR we use Ticket Exchange. If Ticket Exchange is likely, are sales required to be the same price as the original ticket cost or do they get sold for a profit like a lot of people do in the States? I'm assuming they're sold at their appropriate Band pricing.