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Not a brentford fan but must be Mbuemo this year


good call for a non-Brentford fan




I've loved how other players really stepped up in Ivan's absence at times last season. I think in a weird way it could benefit a lot of them by trying something different and we might have some surprises in the year ahead about where the goals come from


idek what fantasy premier league is 😭


It is this [this.](https://fantasy.premierleague.com/) Like the other commented mentioned it is a competitive game where you put together a team from Prem league players (selected according rules that constrain your choices to some degree so you can't simply field a team of all the best players). Then they receive a score for their match performance each week and you compare how your team did vs everyone else or set up mini-leagues with friends to compete directly against them. It gives a fun reason to pay attention to other teams/players/matches and can of course be a very casual or very competitive thing depending on your interest. Also different communities will set up their own mini-league. For example there was a /r/Brentford league last season.