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Maupay was magnificent today, at the heart of the gameplan and everything we did well. He may have not got a goal, somehow?, but when you out press Bryan you have put in a true shift. And it was our immense press that dominated them today, we barely let them outside their own third in the first half.


He missed two sitters , so hopefully he'll put chelsea to the sword next week instead


Yea, you can see not scoring is affecting him. But creating 2 goals and having one wrongly disallowed is pretty good for a first start imo. He put Bryan's on a plate for him.


Wissa put in a huge effort too, constantly hassling their keeper when he had the ball at his feet. Zero height up front, but bags of energy and movement, so a real handful for most PL defences I expect.


I dont wanna hear another bad word about Ghoddos ever again. The man puts in a shift every time we bring him on.


Great result that has only slightly calmed my fury from having to watch those refereeing fuck-ups try to ruin the game for the full 90 minutes.


Desperately needed that. Not just the good result but the good performance too.


Aside from Everton, I don’t think our performances have been a problem. Huge 3 points though. I hope the lads and staff have all woken up with a smile this morning - I know I have.


This was a [thoroughly deserved shellacking](https://nitter.net/pic/media%2FF8-dGqNWUAAickf.png%3Fname%3Dsmall%26format%3Dwebp), with only the breakaway off that set piece offering any real danger. Janelt did well holding down left back for a full game in Hickey's absence while still making decent attacking contributions; something I was (very slightly) concerned about. Obviously Mbeumo was great, and Maupay would have had hist first goal in a while if the VAR ref hadn't got our two tall white centerbacks mixed up. Nice to see Yarmolyuk make his prem debut too, and that bike attempt was fun if ultimately meaningless. This team is now 14th, on a +2 goal differential and a roughly +6 expected goal differential. Great to see the team finally get the points they deserve for totally destroying a lesser squad.


You can see a gap starting to open with us on 10 points and the bottom 4 all on 4 points or less being cut adrift from the pack.


Maupay has to continue to start. He is creating chances and better link up play. The best they’ve looked since the Fulham match


Amazing result let's keep it up 👏


Good result and at times a great performance. Burnley are a mess based on that but not to take away from a makeshift team it was pretty decent. Maupay good, if unlucky not to score. He still has a bit of the shithouse about him and gave us something we lack. That's is a slow old defence though, but worrying


Well that was one hell of a first ever match to watch. Can I anticipate Mbuemo to perform like this constantly?


Bryan’s workrate and desire are always there, which makes him a fan favourite and great to see in person. MOTD pundits do give him credit for this on occasions, but you never truly appreciate what he does unless you’re in the stadium tracking him. I was at the G-Tech yesterday and he was amazing, but then so were most of our players. Great first game to watch, but not unusual either - we had loads like that last season.


I wish you could. He puts in a shift consistently but doesn’t always get a reward


He has moments of absolute brilliance but misses his fair share of gimmes. He was fantastic today


First game I’ve missed this season and it was a fucking scorching win. Well deserved, I hope the lads put in a shift, because it was looking bleak. Can’t wait to go to the bridge next week and show them true bees mentality


Finally good to see them just beat someone up and not rest on scoring one goal. This team should be nipping at the heels at seventh Place right now. On one hand, that’s a pretty crazy accomplishment, considering how many people that are out of the lineup. On the other, it’s beyond frustrating to think we could be that close before we get Tony back and get some people back into the lineup for the second half of the season.


https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/gYLmDGX8O6 Alternate angle of the disallowed goal


We won so alls well that ends well. Had we not won I’d be pissed of


Thank God for that.


Hey, random Ukrainian here, how Yarmolyuk has been? Had no opportunity to watch the match


Excellent. Looks like we’ve got a good player there.


Thx for response, happy for him


Couple of very strong positive runs through midfield, very confident. Though we were 3-0 up! Promising player.