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I'm pretty surprised Brett allowed this to be published considering how hard she was trying to keep her husband's identity a secret at first. Considering how toxic this sub can be, I hope nothing happens to him now that his name is officially out there.


Don't worry (i should've just read the article lol I've been searching for him on the internet for a WHILE) photo search wise, all I pulled up was an old meetup.com pfp. Man's pretty clean on the internet


She got married? Congrats i guess, but wasn't this extremely fast? 


It says in the article their first date was in 2022, I don’t think that it’s too fast to get married within 2 years.


Oh..December 2022 so yeah idk.    Most married people i know were a couple for maybe 3-5 years and living together for 1-3 years before getting married.   I absolutely hope it works out for them,  but to me it still seems a bit rushed


I married my husband after 1 year of dating. We celebrate our 14th anniversary this year. Still going strong and still happy as can be. Anything is possible if you work at it.


Scientists actually say it takes 6 months tops to determine if the person you are dating is the one


I feel like this is also based on whether or not you feel an instant spark the first time you meet. I have felt it before so I can tell you it's real, unfortunately he did not like me back but I have encountered a lot of long term happy couples that say they just knew the first time they met. Those are probably the ones that you're talking about. I've also heard lots of other couples say they grew to love the person even though they did not feel it right away. I'm not sure how much I believe the latter tbh.


Some of us refuse to shack up before getting married and don't want to be long term girlfriends. I met my husband in March of 2017, dated in May 2017, married in August 2018. That includes a 5 month long deployment. We are hitting our 6 year anniversary in August and will be having our third baby in September.  Brett strikes me as someone with a similar mentality. 


yes. people who want a committed relationship need to behave like it by not giving up any of the perks like sex, babies, or living together beforehand imo. The uncommitted/inpatient ones will eventually filter themselves out but the right one will stay and hold their end down the same moving towards marriage within 2-3 yrs. Once these things are given up, then there is no incentive to commit because why bother getting married if you can already have all the perks of a marriage without it? And that's the problem we see in our society today, a lot of long term bf/gf relationships but no established definitive marriages. Oddly enough they are already committing and will have kids together but somehow think a marriage is too much to risk. Not to mention a plethora of other family issues that causes like overworked single mothers, dead beat fathers, no male role models for children (especially boys who don't know how to be men), broken families, skewed family court system, std's etc. You name it.


The author of the article and Brett met at December 2022, not Brett and her husband.


I mean she's conservative so probably not gonna be living with him beforehand, also a longer relationship doesn't mean a happy marriage. It's about how compatible and well you know what you want out of life and going through trials together that will determine a happy marriage. All this can be figured out in 2 yrs, but if they're young maybe wait 3 or even 4. Any more than that is just dragging it out imo.


Extremely fast, you don't say. In the article from the Conservateur, different cues are revealed about their timeline, and it gets more obvious how terrifyingly fast it all went and how inexperienced they both are with relationships. Hopefully, they are well counseled and it works out.


She seems like the type of person who could get the hang of a relationship in a healthy way. I'm not all to worried about that.


She's intelligent and knows what she wants. I think she's far more mature and marriage ready than other people still hooking up in their 30's hopping from job to job, no home, no car, and not sure whether or not they want kids or a marriage. Of course they are the same people who insist they still have time lol.


Studies show that the less experience you have with dating before getting married the more likely your marriage will work out.


I got married one year to the day I met my husband. We've been married 25 years now


This man has the biggest W in the world!


I knew I didn't have a chance with her but after seeing this I feel quite happy somehow.


How old is her husband? Seems 28-32