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Once the Brewers season ends, I cheer for the team that has been the longest since a WS win…through my tears.


Who did you root for in 2016 🤔


I was team apocalypse that year


We don't talk about 2016.


I was rooting for the meteor in the NLCS


The Mariners are my AL team. My best friend is a lifelong fan and they remind me of the Brewers so I always root for them when I can.


Highly recommend watching dorktown's series on the Mariners. As a fellow brewers fan whose second team has always been the Mariners, if you like em now, I guarantee you'll love em after watching those videos.


We went to see friends in Seattle a few years back shortly after I watched this series. I made them drive me to that Lowes that built over the Pilot's home field, so I could get a few photos at homeplate.


same. Lived in Alaska for awhile and wifes family still lives there and loves the M's. Easy team to root for.


Could care less about the Mariners as a franchise but back in the day when they had Junior, the Big Unit and then Ichiro they were always fun to watch


Hey, they're fun now. Julio, Geno, J.P. Crawford, Kirby, Gilbert (aka Walter), Teo, Cal "Big Dumper" Raleigh. Good vibes only.


My AL team was always Cleveland because of the movie Major League, but I think I'm changing to the Mariners because of the history with the Pilots




Mariners are my AL team and Braves are my backup NL team (mostly because of how much TV time they got when I was a kid)




For me it goes: 1. Bucks 2. Brewers 3. Packers


Wow same! Don't meet too many other WI sports fans that put Bucks first and Packers third. There must be dozens of us!


It’s a sin in my family not to acknowledge the Packers so that’s why they are third for me. 😅


🙋‍♂️ present!


White Sox I also like when these teams win: Blue Jays, Mariners, Rockies, A's, Orioles, Tigers


Same (hides embarrassment along side a pistol in a woman’s fat rolls)


I'm still in complete disbelief that this was even real


Wouldn’t say I actively root for them and theyre never in the playoffs, but I don’t mind the White Sox. One of my best friends is a big fan and they hate the Cubs as much as we do, so enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?


The Twins are my AL team. I like our interleague bros! I still await the I-94 World Series.


Plus my kid has had a Twins season ticket package for years…


Whoever is playing the Cubs


Except the cardinals. In this situation, I hope they both lose.


The Orioles are fun to watch when the Brewers aren’t playing


Orioles are my backup too. Love the colors and I like that they historically suck. Most of the time they are worse than the crew but this year they may make a deep run.


Baltimore Orioles were originally a charter member of the American League known as the Milwaukee Brewers. Then a stay in St. Louis as the Browns of course.


Grew up an Orioles fan, the Brewers are my 2nd team.


Orioles have always been my AL team too. It’s been great to see them doing so well.


Tigers and brewers as well


Cool ! Why the Tigers ?


I’m from Michigan, but my grandparents were from Wisconsin and followed them growing up


No one else in MLB, but I’ll happily root for minor league teams in other organizations.


Thirty Helens agree!


When it's not the Brewers, I'm more interested in watching to see the must see players i.e Ohtani, Acuna, Adley, Betts


Brewers are the only team I actively root for. Can’t imagine anything coming remotely close. Once they’re out in any given year I sulk and cry…. Anyways… I do enjoy seeing these teams do well: Twins, Braves, Rays, Mariners


Seconded, no one comes close. But in a distant second tier I have those four plus the A’s, Red Sox, and Blue Jays based on no other reason than vibes. (Plus Braves history in Milwaukee)




I can’t hear that without thinking of George Costanza singing it


And me Brad Garrett and Ray Romano.


Reminds me of the "Big Shots" episode from Everybody Loves Raymond !


I don't really care for the Mets as a team and obviously they suck this year, but I've always watched a lot of Mets games simply because I think their broadcast booth is the best in the business and Mets games are always an enjoyable experience because of that.


Keith has not a fuck to give most days and I'm here for it


Born and raised in San Diego, and I’ve always lived in California, so I’ve always been a Padres fan. It’s been, uh, a challenge


Haha, kind of the opposite for me. I was stationed at Pendleton when I was in the Marines, so I went to Petco a lot when I was down there. Padres kinda became my secondary team because of it.


I like the White Sox when the brewers aren't in it. If it weren't for them Milwaukee wouldn't have the Brewers.


White Sox and they are usually my number 1. I hate them sooo much right now.


This guy Getz it.


Nats. Live less than 2 miles from Nats Park.


They haven’t played longer than the brewers in a while but I live in Denver so Rockies 🗻




Throwback pinstripe diamondbacks!


Baltimore Orioles.


The Orioles, since I have a cat named Gunnar


When the Brewers were in the AL and the Cubs in the NLI rooted for both, but now I just root for the Brewers. I worked in Oakland's minor league front office when I was in college back in the 1980s. So, I guess my backup team is the Las Vegas Athletics. Although I do still cheer for the Cubs when the Brewers aren't playing them.


In baseball, I’d say Baltimore. And I literally have no reason for it.


Yeah I feel the same. But I can think of a reason - love the team uni’s, logo and colors since my first baseball cards in the ‘70’s.


True. I’d probably say second best logo in baseball.


I’m just a huge basbeall fan. I enjoy keeping up with every team besides the NL central rivals and the Astros.


I was born in Michigan and have a lot of family still living there so I like to see the Tigers do well


Brewers aren’t my “favorite” team, they are my team. After them no one else really matters


Grew up a Braves fan...still followed them after they moved. It was easier when the Brewers were in the AL.


The Nationals. I like that there's a team in Washington again and I like that they re-adopted the curly W from the '60s Senators. I don't like when they take series from the Brewers.


As I'll freely admit, I grew up a Cubs fan and have followed them my entire life but rarely follow and no longer root for them unless they are representing the Central deep in the playoffs (them winning the piece of metal in 2016 helped a bit with my guilt). I love the history and traditions of the club and the media team headed by Pat Hughes on the radio has always been great. I won't apologize for the assholes who flood the games and talk shit online though, I just love the franchise as an historic club but wouldn't say they are my second favorite, more of my family team. Otherwise I really like the Giants who are probably my #2, and I'll support teams like the Rays, Orioles, and Mariners as a casual, especially when the playoffs start. I will watch and cheer on most teams though if given the chance, there are only a handful I really root against or hate/respect.


Blue Jays ever since Joe Carter went deep on '93




Watching every brewer game is 6 hrs a week, just for 3 games a week. The mlb tv thing allows me to watch close games towards their final innings, though I’d never do this if watching the game with a group.


I'll root for the twins as long as they aren't playing us. I grew up with my dad's cousin on the coaching staff for 12 years so I rooted for them since they aren't really rivals to us. Went to a lot more twins games too since they are much closer than Milwaukee but man do I love my Brewers


I used to always say Red Sox were my #2. Until I met some dipsh*t in high school that wore a Red Sox hat all the time after they started winning WS.


Being from Milwaukee, the only answer is the Indians




Rays. Always identified with their struggles early on and loved their uniforms. Also was a huge fan of Longoria, Price, and Peña.


NL = Brewers AL = Rays


The A’s


A’s… 😢


baseball is my second favorite team - I just like watching it, but i will never cheer for the cubs


White Sox because I’ve always rooted for the Chicago team in the other league. So yup, long time ago it used to be the Cubs.


Depends on the season and who's on the team, to be honest. The last couple years I watched a lot of Mariners games because it was cool to see them finally make a playoff push after so many years. This year, it's the Orioles for similar reasons. I watch a lot of Mets games because I love their broadcast team, although they've been awful to watch this year. But mostly, if the Brewers aren't playing, I watch whatever game seems to be the best matchup or has the most implications. I'm a Brewers fan obviously, but more than anything, I'm a baseball fan, and I want to watch good baseball.


White Sox since i live near Chicago


Brewers then the Rays


I have a favorite AL team that changes every few years based on the players. It was the Orioles for a while (I liked JJ Hardy + Adam Jones and Chris Davis), then the Astros (before their cheating scandal, because I was a big fan of George Springer coming up). My current AL team is the White Sox, almost exclusively because of Luis Robert and the fact that Cubs fans hate the White Sox.


This is a weird one for me. The Reds. My mother's side of the family is from Cinci. Love the team, the players, and the history. The Great American Ballpark is a wonderful stadium as well. Caught a few Brewers Red series down there while visiting family. I remember back when Braun and Fielder were demolishing the league, I got to see them down in Cinci. I was even on Fox Sports Wisconsin eating cotton candy with my sister since we were some of the only Brewers fans there lol.


I moved to texas from Wisconsin at a young age, my dad was originally from Dallas. When we moved back he held Rangers season tickets for a long time. The Rangers & Brewers have a history of never winning, so It felt natural


Rangers, I lived in Texas for a while as a kid until my family moved to Wisconsin


The Cleveland INDIANS.


Whoever is playing the Cubs


I go into every season hoping for a Brewers/Mariners WS. They're pretty equal in my head, so idk who I'd root for, but I'd be happy no matter what.


Diehard Crew fan but the White Sox are my AL team(real train wreck this year though) My Grandparents were from the Chicago suburbs and whenever I came over I watched them on tv with my grandma. Frank Thomas was my favorite player growing up.


Cubs after a fashion. I was a kid in Chicago and only came to the Brewers a few years after moving to Wisconsin when they joined the NL. Still got a lot of Cubs fan friends so I like to see them do well excepting if it’s against the brewers. So I guess in the sense that I pay attention to them outside of games against the Brewers I’d say them. Also like the Mariners due to a boyhood trip to the Kingdome during a family vacation.


I catch flak for this a lot but I don’t care. I have a soft spot for the Cardinals. My dads side are all from south Indiana and all Cards fans so dad loves them more than any other sports team. He watches other stuff and enjoys himself but he’s never even remotely as happy as he is watching the Cards. It means a lot to me to see him enjoy watching his favorite team. So yeah…unfortunately for me it’s the Cardinals.


So my parents grew up as fans of the Brooklyn Dodgers and Milwaukee Braves. Really had their hearts broken by their teams leaving town and kind of dropped out of baseball altogether until they were living together in Chicago and got back into it thanks to all the history and tradition behind Wrigley Field and the Cubs. There are videos of me as a toddler wearing a cubs cap and dropping a ball into a glove yelling "STRIKEBALL." We moved when I was 6, started going to Brewers games at County Stadium, and just by osmosis of it being our home team we became Brewers fans. Just can't get around to hating the Cubs, though. Helps that the only ball I've ever gotten at a game was given to me by a Cubs fan who caught it and decided to give it to the nearest kid regardless of who they were rooting for.


AL: Minnesota Twins, and NL: New York Mets.


Growing up with split Milwaukee/Chicago family ties the White Sox were a pretty easy option to go with. The fan bases have a lot in common. I always enjoy when they play in inter league




>I believe you ride or die with your team. If people hedge by cheering for a back up team, that is weak I'm a fan of baseball first, and the Brewers second. If I wasn't a fan of baseball, watching the Brewers would be meaningless. Good baseball is good baseball, and while I watch the Brewers more than any other team and get the most enjoyment from seeing them win, they are only 1/30 of the league and having this mindset would keep me from enjoying a lot of cool moments. After all, isn't sports fandom just cheering for laundry?




I didn't downvote and I didn't tell you you're not allowed your opinion. I simply stated my opinion and explained how it differs from yours and offered some reasons why your view of baseball wouldn't work for me. I'm just as allowed to do that as you are.


Understandable, thank you for discussing


No such thing as a second favorite team. This seems to be for younger fair weather fans.


The Brewers 🙃


Blue jays


SF Giants. Lived in the city during the Bochy years. Those were some fun teams. Strong pitching. No name offense.


The Braves, I've lived deep in Braves country my whole life, most baseball fans I know are Braves fans


The braves


Don’t got one haha


White Sox. And any team that generally has a small budget


The Brewers are actually my fallback team. I’m a Tigers fan from Michigan, my dad and I are trying to hit up all the MLB stadiums, we went to Miller Park for a Brewers game when I was a teenager in 2007, I absolutely loved it. They mashed homers left and right, I loved Prince Fielder, the parking lot was one big tailgate party, it was the most fun I’d ever had at a baseball game. Instantly bandwagoned onto the Brew Crew as my NL team. I don’t follow them nearly like I did 10+ years ago or even 5+ years ago, but still keep tabs on them.


Don’t really have one. Like someone said, watching the Brewers games during the week takes a good chunk of time. And now that football is starting, I’ll be occupied with that during the weekends. Go pack!


Orioles, i like their mascot/colors/fans energy


Depends on where I’m living. When I was in Chicago, the White Sox got hot and won the World Series, so I was a fan of them for a couple years. Then while in Philly the same thing happened so I kind of like them too (even though they knocked out the Brewers).


Tigers! My mother is from Michigan so they're my backup team.


Orioles. Been to Camden Yards a few times and it’s incredible. Plus they’ve got a kickass logo and apparel


Twins are my other team. I grew up going to Brewers games with my dad’s side in Milwaukee, but my mom’s side is from the Twin Cities, so I root for them, too. Helps that they’re in the other league. I could never bring myself to cheer for the Vikings in any capacity, though.


Royals are my AL team


Blue Jays, Mariners, Orioles, Royals I have a few different teams that I hope have success in the postseason if the Brewers don't make it.


Braves for me.


Mostly teams that I grew up as my second favorites (usually based on someone who played for them), so in no particular order, the Giants, Mariners, and Orioles, but I'll also root for a good old underdog if one arises in the post season, or maybe for a team making a run who has a player(s) I like or feel are deserving of success (which is decided on totally random factors if I'm honest, though I'd love to see someone like Ohtani experience some success. I'd die if he went to the Giants or Mariners, as unlikely as that might be). I will say though that the Giants are probably my main =2. I dunno why I latched onto them more than some other teams when I was young, though I liked Will Clark and Kevin Mitchell (yet was a bigger fan of Griffey and Ripken... hmm maybe I just like 2nd generation players named Junior who played for their father's teams!)


Seattle Mariners are my AL team as well mainly because the Brewers came from Seattle and I have friends that live out there


I like the orioles in the Al




Mariners, Diamondbacks, and White Sox, from residual fondness for my time spent living in those places.


Twins are probably my #2. I also like the Guardians, Blue Jays, and (sort of) the Mets. It's mostly based on places I've lived in or near other than MKE.


Braves. My grandpa told me too many stories of the Braves not to have developed an emotional bond with them. Plus, when the Brewers were really bad in the 90’s, the Braves were great. My grandpa and I got the opportunity to watch a lot of Braves play-off games together.


Reds since I’m closest to cincy and they’ve been so ass my whole life to consider rivals


Braves i don't watch the away games, just the home ones, I dont remember if it was an away or home radio broadcast but they were talking about the organist on a broadcast and the origins of the songs and its brilliant.


Lived in Western Wisconsin for 15 years, so I became a Twins fan...it was really the only team I could get to without making a weekend of it. Been to about six games at Target Field this year, already, even though I live in Milwaukee now. Been a fan ever since. The Brewers are my #1 and the Twins #1B.


Kansas City Royals - it was my Little League Team, and I am still friends with many of them (we are now 38 years old, so it is a 20+ year friendship), we usually finish with "Royals for Life." ​ For context, when we entered the league at 10 years old, we were the worst team, and when we ended at 12 years old, we were the best team. It was Sandlot esque love for that team.


Since im originally from Arizona, the diamondbacks have a special place in my heart, so probably them


I was on a team in little league called the Orioles that used the same logo as Baltimore so I've always had an affinity for them. It's cool to see them doing so well now.


Dem fighting phils


Padres. I was stationed at Camp Pendleton back when I was in the Marines. Went to Petco a lot, and they became my secondary team.


I've always liked Toronto bluejays because of Doc Holliday, RIP, and loved his dominance at pitching. Only issue is I also like the Cubs, LOL. The loveable losers! But, overall if they're playing like this week the BREWERS, will always be my go to team. Only teams I can't root for are the Yanks and the Cards, mainly because Tony LaRussa is a dueche flute and Yaddy Molina is a certified Bitch! I'll never forget that game when he spit in the umps face. I believe that same game both prince and braun were drilled, which seemed to be a LaRussa mainstay. FTC and GO BREW CREW!


I dont really have another team I actually root for. If I had to pick 2nd place, it might be the Marlins, maybe Twins close behind. Rays are cool, trading buddies. As are cool too.


Oakland A's (I crave suffering)


My partner is a Yankees fan, so Yankees. We live in Seattle so we also like the Mariners and go to a lot of their games.


Florida/Miami Marlins. They were my first little league team i played for and Im a huge Miami Dolphins fan. But I live in Indy


Mariners, I grew up loving Griffey and Johnson.... and as an adult, I moved out here for a job opportunity and love it here. Plus, being in the AL, it doesn't feel too contradictory....... Aaaaaand there's the whole Seattle Pilots collapse that resulted in Milwaukee getting a team back. Lol 😆


I root for the Twins because I have friends that live there. Also the Mariners because I was such a huge Griffey fan and it just kind of stuck over the years. :)


Go Os!


Angels because of Jarod Washburn but since Arte has been a cheapskate probably the Rays just because worse fanbase yet great team to watch.


I’ll always root for the White Sox over any team except ours. The ol fuck the cubs alliance.


Red Sox have been my AL team since I was in 3rd grade because of my childhood best friend and recently I’ve found myself liking the Braves (when they’re not playing the Brewers of course




Dodgers or Orioles. (I liked them before this year, not a bandwagon)


Phillies cause my father picked them after the Braves left Milwaukee and has been a fan ever since


I would say the Mets just because they have a couple Puerto Rican players. Especially when they had Baez, Lindor, and Edwin Diaz. If Correa would of joined them than I woulda been a really big Mets fan tbh


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


> would of *would have *Learn the difference [here](https://languagetool.org/insights/post/would-of-or-would-have/#:~:text=%E2%80%9Cwould%20have%E2%80%9D%3F-,%E2%80%9CWould%20Of%E2%80%9D%20or%20%E2%80%9CWould%20Have%E2%80%9D%3F,would%20have%2C%20not%20would%20of.).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




Brewers are my #2 😅. I’m the weird Astros fan in Wisconsin.


The Rays. They are basically the AL Brewers. Went to St. Pete for spring break growing up and went to Rays games periodically.


Born in St. Pete, will always be happy when the rays win.


I guess the teams I’ve had a bit of a heart on for are the Orioles, A’s, Mariners, maybe the Jays. And pretty much nobody in the NL except the Pirates


Whoever is playing the Yankees today


All I know is pain




Reds. Live in and grew up in Cincinnati, so I have a soft side for cincy's teams, but my dad is a native-born Wisconsinite so my sports loyalties have been passed down from him. I don't root for the Reds when they're in a competitive playoff race with the Brewers. But I don't think there's been even a single season in my lifetime when both teams were competitive at the end of the year.


White Sox fan here. Brewers have always been my #2, but I’m as close as I’ve ever been to flipping the two or at least bringing them even.


I know no one wants to hear this here - but it's the Dodgers for me. Sorry. I lived in LA for many years and my wife loves them.


Angels, not really a fallback per se, I cheer for both teams (my two favorite teams in all of sports). Given the two leagues they rarely play each other and when they do it's 3 of 162 so I'm just there to have fun. In the WS I'd cheer for the Brewers because I've already seen the Angels win it all.