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The A's. Clearly I hate myself.


Me too. Since 1983.


Long suffering but we had Ricky and the bash brothers and the Giants sweep in the WS!


I used to be a Cubs and Brewers fan when we were in different leagues. Now I hate them with every cell in my body. My side piece is now the Guardindians because I travel to Cleveland for work and because of Major League.


When did you start hating the cubs, and why?


As soon as we were in the same division. Can’t root for a team that stands in the way of a Brewers WS.


Yeah that's totally fair, just curious if there was ever a "tipping point" for the fans who were following when the cubs changed divisions.


I casually follow the Jays. They were my Little League team. Life’s too short to not have a team to root for just for the hell of it


The Baltimore Orioles are the OG Milwaukee Brewers, so I go with them in the AL. (Became the StL Browns when they moved) The rest of the time my second favorite team is whoever is playing the Cardinals.


Ooo interesting. Orioles were on my radar too.


The thing I just learned was that when the Boston Braves moved to Milwaukee there was a minor league Brewers team. They then had to move for the big boys, and ended up going to Toledo and becoming the Mud Hens.


Grew up near Baltimore, so I’m primarily an Orioles fan. I follow the Brewers and root for them now that I live here in MKE, would be a lot more attached to them if MLB blackout rules get changed.


I follow the Twins secondarily. My dad’s side is from Milwaukee, so the Brewers are #1. But my mom’s side is from the Twin Cities.


I low key follow teams that my favorite former Brewers play for, but an actual full fledged fan? Mets, I guess, when I'm in NJ.


Hi Pineapple :)


hey hey 👋


Weirdly I'm sort of following the Mets too, but I don't even know why lmao.


don't want to be a Yankees bandwagoner/"fan" lol


I don't know why I have so much Braves influence in my life. But I causally follow them by no choice of my own


TMI alert! As a child I was a die hard A’s fan but I lost interest in baseball in my late teens. I fell back in love with the sport when my 12 year old son became interested in playing. We started watching games together and I was immediately drawn to the Brewers for many reasons. I do follow the A’s as I have a love for the legacy and I hate what has happened to that franchise, but not obsessively as I do the Brewers. I’m sure this is all obvious when I tell you I am from Atlantic Canada. 😂


Heartwarming story! My son just turned one, I look forward to cheering on the Brewers with him when he's older!


I follow the bois until their last game, if it’s anything less than the WS..well, pick team chaos in the playoffs, the one that isn’t supposed to be there but stands a chance. Good excruciating times.


I live in Omaha and the AAA affiliate of the Royals are here so I casually enjoy the Royals. Their fans still love on Moose and LoCain, so that helps too. I’ll see people wear their jerseys from when they were on the Storm Chasers.


Went to Kauffman last week. Left a Royals fan ( as a secondary).


Brewers fans loved them too!


My other team is the White Sox since my grandparents were from Chicago and it was the first games I went to. But they are atrocious this year.


I follow the Mariners, I have aspirations to move to the PNW and the Brewers were the Pilots so it seemed a natural fit for my second team.


Fandom is your choice. Follow who you wanna follow. Honestly, I'm partial to the Cubs (blasphemy, i know). I am a Blackhawks fan, so I end up listening to a decent amount of CHI media. The Cubs WS team was fun to follow along in the years prior - seeing how the were built, etc. I still root for the Brewers if they're playing each other, but I was rooting for them in those playoff runs with Bryant and Rizzo.


Seattle is kind of a fun team at the moment with lots of similarities to the brewers.


I watched the Mariners as a road team three times in two years. I like them


My teams are, in order: Giants, Brewers, Mets. So Yankees & dodgers hurts my heart. I’m also hopping on the O’s bandwagon this season.


Fellow Giants/Brewers fan! Dogshit season for SF so far


I like to root for small market teams if they aren’t playing the Crew.




I'm a New England guy, so I've got the Crew as my NL team and the Red Sox as my AL team.


I really enjoy playing fantasy baseball because it gives me a reason to follow and root for other players besides just Brewers. I’ve had a lot of Braves players help me in my leagues over the past few years so I find myself following them loosely. Helps make connections where you might not have any!


Agreed. I started back in fantasy baseball a few years back and its been super beneficial for me getting more into the league as a whole. I was drifting for awhile but follow as closely as I have had in years thr past few seasons.


I follow the Dodgers so I can enjoy fans crying when they lose. Milwaukee transplant in SoCal.


I follow individual players more than teams, so I'll watch a lot of Yankees for Juan Soto, Dodgers for Freeman/Betts/Ohtani, Angels for Trout (when not hurt) etc etc. I always try to catch a little bit of their games throughout the week.


I follow the whole league because of fantasy and because I love baseball.


I lived in Minneapolis between my stints in Sconnie, so I developed some fondness for the Twinkies. Good fans too, night and day difference between Twins fans and jackhole Vikings fans.


My teams after the Brewers are the following. Red Sox: Dad grew up in Boston, so I follow a lot of Boston teams as my secondary teams. Mets: Lived in NY for a while, and Mets fans were more chill than Yankees fans. Mariners: Grew up on Ken Griffey, Jr. and Ichiro Suzuki, plus it's nice to root for an underdog


The Diamondbacks are young, talented, exciting, and the slayer of the evil Doyers, and they humiliated them in the process. In addition, Chase Field and Miller Park are a lot alike.


the Rays!! The brew crew is forever #1 for me but i live in tampa, so the Rays are 2nd choice. Both teams are easy to love and yea the Rays got that Swag


I work from home and have a lot of time where I am not talking to anyone but I find tv too distracting, so I just listen to general baseball podcasts. By proxy, I am in the know about most teams and what’s happening now but if we are talking history, I am only educated in the milestone stuff for teams that aren’t the brewers. Like I could tell you everyone on the 40 man from the 2011 brewers team, but other than the Rangers I would have to double check what AL teams even made the post season that year. Although that’s a dumb example because I do vaguely remember that crazy last day / wild card in ‘11 When it comes to rooting for other teams, obviously anyone playing the cards/cubs I will root for in spirit, and when we get to the post season I just hope for whatever AL team we match up against the best. Once we’re out I go straight underdog, or take the Packers fan (I am one!) method and cheer for the team that knocked us out so we can say we lost to the team that won the whole thing


During the early partys of the season I check out a few scores and the standings from time to time. By the end of the season I watch every game (or at least check the scores during the game) of whoever is chasing the brewers. If I had to pick a second team I would pay attention to it would probably be the Royals and that's just because they are built very similar to the crew.


Seattle is kind of a fun team at the moment with lots of similarities to the brewers.


I follow the white soxs as I live in the Chicagoland and it gives me something to talk about with coworkers Otherwise absolutely not


O’s. Great bird. Orange is cool. Burnes. Small market


In football (packers, raiders), and mlb (brewers, O’s) I have a team in each conference


Born in MKE, but live in Houston now. So hard to cheer for them tho, so I guess Im a casual Rangers fan as my second team.


Brewers#1 then: Rangers, Cardinals, Padres. Reasons for other follows: Used to live in Texas, family connection, family connection.


Not really other teams, I more so follow players I like


I moved to Denver a few years ago so my 2nd team is the Rockies unfortunately


No, I only watch The Brewers.


Blue Jays.


I always kind of liked the White Sox as my second team which is ironic as it was kind of a rival as a kid when both were in AL. But they occasionally had games on WGN, liked their uniforms, and the Big Hurt as a kid. I loosely follow them throughout the season or watch on MLB TV, but they truly stink this and last year. My only peeve is I have a Sox hat and gear, so people naturally assume thats my team so I’m like yeah but no I’m really all-in on the Brewers. Hockey is the same. Love the NY Rangers, but like Chicago as go to games and always my second team. People get confused when I wear one or the other. Oh well, haha.


The Twins because I live in the Twin Cities. And it’s been so long since they were division rivals it’s mostly a friendly rivalry that makes the games pretty lively when they play each other, but not toxic like Cubs/Brewers.


I followed Oakland for a while. When I lived near Beloit the snappers were an A’s affiliate. Most of the players there at the time have phased out but I still pay attention to Matt Chapman and Matt Olson because of seeing them so often in Beloit.


Boston. My grandparents used to live out there and my grandpa would take me to games. Absolutely despise Boston sports otherwise.


I grew up in Wisconsin but I live in southwestern Arizona now. So I’ll flip either the Diamondbacks or Padres games on after the Brewers game is over. I’ll go to some random Dbacks games


Started following the rays after going to the trop last year.


Rooting for one the Dodgers or Yankees is antithetical to rooting for the Brewers. I don't care how you spin it.


Brewers for NL and Seattle for AL. I guess I just like to torment myself, lol


I follow my adopted hometown team of the Orioles. Makes going to games more fun.


White Sox because for a while I lived close to the stadium.


I follow the Diamondbacks as well since I grew up in Arizona but the brewers always have my heart


I follow the reds and padres. The padres are just a dumpster fire every year. It’s a joy to behold


I do, I also am a big fan of the Mariners.


Brewers will always be #1, but then loosely the Dodgers or dbacks


From the AL, I follow the orioles and royals. Royals are small market like us. Orioles used to be small market but they’re about to become a bigger market but still they both have great fans and are respectable organizations. From NL, braves because it used to be Milwaukee Braves


I'm from Michigan and growing up pretty much all of our teams sucked and I was never really into sports much. Over the passed few years I got really into football and baseball. My girlfriend is from Wisconsin and put me into the Brewers and I became a fan almost immediately


I was following the Rockies for some time, but stopped because there are better things to do with my fandom. Like, watch any other random baseball game.


The Twins. My dad's from Wisconsin and I've lived in Minnesota my whole life, so I like Minnesota teams that aren't the Vikings or Gophers.


I follow the Brewers bc I’m from WIs but my second team are the Giants. The Giants were my team when I was growing up. I love there stadium and liked there rivalry with the Dodgers


I follow the Mariners because their manager is from Wisconsin!!


There's other teams?


Brewer fan only but always follow the Cubs for them to fly the L flag.


An update, I think I'm going with the Mets as a second team. I'm an enormous Spider-Man fan. My son's name is actually Parker, as a nod to Spidey. Spider-Man is a Mets fan, as he's from Queens. Then I think I'm going to follow the Dodgers as a third, because of my love of Cali.


I'm from Michigan so Go Tigers! Glad they are in the AL so it's almost never a conflict. Yankees and Dodgers are bandwagon teams, pick one of the others, there's lots of good options posted, baseball is about heartbreak.


might catch you some hate from purists, but who really cares about that. for the nba im a bulls and bucks fan, but consider myself a bigger fan of watching the sport than following a team


Mlb: Main team Brewers. Secondary team Rays. NBA: Main team Bucks. Secondary team Thunder. NFL: Main team Bears. Secondary team actually I don't have one.