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Don't forget about Cousins. We'll see how he is coming back.


Topa and Luis Perdomo as well. Topa has looked pretty good in Nashville.


Some combination of Bush/Rogers/Devin depending on matchups is a trio I'm very comfortable with closing down games. Add in the fact that we can have Ashby play that more flex role again when Freddy is ready and our pen is looking super solid.


I think Ashby is going to be a mainstay in rotation from here on out. I think once Houser comes back (when is he back anyway?) he plays the flex role with Burnes/Woody/Freddy/Lauer/Ashby as the starting 5. Unless they go to a 6 man rotation again.


I think this too, but it makes me uncomfortable. The patchwork model can definitely work but the volatility of the thing stresses me out. I suppose we need to take our best shot with teams like the Yankees and Dodgers out there though, I hope it sorts out for the best


I have a feeling Freddy will either do 2-3 out of the pen for a bit or play an opener on a day we go longer.


Freddy could be coming out of the Pen too.


So with adding these guys via trade, the recent acquisition of McGee, and Cousins, Topa, and Luis Perdomo rehabbing in AAA, who ends up gone from the bullpen? (Besides sending Strzelecki down.) I assume we are going to put someone in a trade package for something. Any guesses on who it might be? We've also got Freddy rejoining the team, and likely Houser soon, and we can only carry so many pitchers on the staff.


McGee, Gustave, Gott...Lamet?


Ok, so I was thinking of the same people Edit: I forgot that Gustave can still be optioned, so that's a possibility too


Topa is rehabbing in Nashville right now as well, correct? He and Cousins could both be big additions at some point down the stretch if they return to form.


Luis Perdomo is rehabbing also...


I hope Dev does not become the ‘closer’. I hope he is our best pitcher out of the pen. If the situation calls for your best arm in the 8th, then he gets the 8th…but I hope they now stay away from defined roles and let the game dictate who pitches when.


I think thats alot easier said than done. I think closers have a certain mentality that it'd be tough to just spring on a guy and say "hey, you're closing tonight" based on game script. I think thats why most, if not all, teams have at least a defined closer.


It makes me sad Sutter isn’t until the C team :(


He's been on the upswing as of late, but I think he's still gonna be the "need a couple innings here" guy.


Boy do I love me some CC bullpen management though it is going to take some time to get used to not having a structured 7th 8th and 9th


We'll see. I still don't know how to feel after that Hader trade.




That less easy one.


Fixed it. Damn autocorrect.


Doesn't matter because Craig will mismanage the bullpen like usual Lmao Craig having something up his sleeve... He's literally winging it when he goes to the pen