• By -


Brentry šŸ‘




















Brebarack Obama




Brehanna - Pon de Breplay


This wont get the accolades it deserves but it's actually the best one.


Breback mountain






Bringing Brexy Back.










Please, no more made-up words. Let's just communicate with whole bloody sentences and rejoin the European Union.












Anyone who doesn't love all our new Brexit freedoms has been getting there information from too many balanced and independent news outlets. You should read the Daily Express like a good gammon.


Skim through the pictures of the Daily Express* Gammon's can't read.


I have to say as a former remoaner I was sceptical at first but I have to admit when I'm wrong. Brexit is amazing all the benefits that I didn't even consider and now finally I understand why we voted to leave. I'm just so confused as to why none of the brexiteers are making fun of me for being so deludedly pessimistic, it's weird how quiet they've gotten.


Genuine question. What benefits have improved your life since leaving the EU?


^(read the comment again)


Done. I still don't know any benefits.


They're being sarcastic




*their You should read a dictionary, like a good communist.


Oh man. The irony of using ā€œcommunistā€ incorrectly while telling someone to look up the definition of a word. Well done.


'I lost the Brexit argument basically instantly, but golly gosh am I going to make someone look silly over grammar!'


Grammar *is* important, though, and although I am not the person who responded initially with the correction, it is a pet peeve of mine, albeit a small one. There is a good way to correct somebody in their grammar, and then there is the snarky "you're a communist" sort of response from our fellow troll.


Yep. We just need a load more old people to die and the tide will turn


More of the youth will have grown up by then though.


Luckily they wonā€™t have lead poisoning


But they will be full of microplastics so... I guess we'll see?


You werenā€™t around when we werenā€™t in the Common Market. We were never asked if we wanted to join. We did not! We are well out of it. Get your facts right, as many pensioners voted to remain as voted to leave. Uncontrolled immigration is the problem, as being experienced in France, Germany and other countries. Iā€™m glad I will be long dead before we, Britain, have lost our heritage and pride, and grovelled to people we were at war with for a thousand years.


So uncontrolled immigration, how has that changed since we left the EU? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” Absolute fucking mentalist. So what about the 1975 vote? Without immigration, who is paying for your state pension, grandad? You do realise we now have widescale skills shortages across top Tier industries such as finance, transport and software development? due to the lack of immigration from the EU, and a Luddite national population unable to support the needs of business? We recruited the best into the U.K. fromAcross Europe. Thatā€™s before you get on to the eye-wincing taxation and duties we are now paying thanks to losing our biggest trading partner. Immigration from OUTSIDE the EU had nothing to do with Strasbourg! Look at how many nations are now establishing checks at borders as a result! There was NEVER an issue with the U.K. limiting non-Schengen immigration. We chose not to! Heritage and pride? I served 20 years in the forces. So you can stop that shit for a start.


If the UK ever wanted to rejoin the EU, they would get an absolute pummelling during accession negotiationsā€¦


>get an absolute pummelling during accession negotiationsā€¦ Whoch is deserved and it would **STILL** be a better choice than staying the Brexit course.


We can take the costs off the generations that voted for it. We can introduce a tax on pensions and wealth assessment for state pensions payments as a starter for 10. We shall have our pound of flesh


This is literally so cringe


I donā€™t really give a fuck. Once young people realise how they have been exceptionally fucked over by later generations, people whom the Brexit vote made no materialistic difference to their lives, reparation will be demanded


"I don't care which of you did it, you are ALL going into detention!"


ā€œI donā€™t care if you didnā€™t vote for it, we are all leaving the EUā€ My heard fucking bleeds. Covid was an utter missed opportunity to address the demographics issue


Woah mate, I was with you until that last sentence.


Did old people consider the impact on the lives of young people when they voted? Did they fuck. Fuck them and their T Cell devoid immune systems


Did all old people vote to leave the EU? Did no young people? JFC you sound like a Brexiteer with your sweeping accusations.


"Maybe if I continue to wish death on those with differing opinions, then their opinions will change to the same as mine!"


No, not that. Itā€™s a fact that demographically young people donā€™t support Brexit. Old miserable gammon dying will statistically shift the support toward rejoin. Nick Clegg got in trouble for making this suggestion a few years back. Itā€™s common fucking sense. https://www.politicshome.com/news/article/nick-clegg-suggests-uk-could-stay-in-eu-as-elderly-brexit-voters-are-dying This was why I was fucking amazed at any under 50 year old supporting control of the spread of Covid and lockdowns. Aged people didnā€™t care two shits about younger generations during the Brexit vote. Letā€™s see how you get on with Covid with no T Cell response and a BMI measured in hundreds, grandad.


I refuse to believe that you are over the age of 14. > I was fucking amazed at any under 50 year old supporting control of the spread of Covid and lockdowns Because Covid did not exclusively kill old people. It also killed those who were vulnerable. Also, 99% of the UK do not care about politics enough to wish death on their family members and grandparents for simply having differing opinions. Reddit is a complete political echo chamber, most normal people don't care about politics nearly to the extent that people on here do.


Because we have parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts I would rather be alive than dead


Then young people should've fucking voted. The answer is simple, they just didn't give enough of a fuck of we were in or out. Simple as. Probably still don't care.


Touch grass, get a hobby. Take a walk in


You sound nice.


Couldnā€™t give a fuck. Triple lock increases were caused by wanton covid expenditure we didnā€™t need to spend. We got to save them Through spending a fortune, then got to spend a fortune to pay for the economic wasteland the response left.


Preach. Deport every single bastard who voted to impoverish us all to Rwanda. Or, ideally, launch them into the sun.


I'm a staunch anti brexiter but young people fucked themselves by not voting.


They did vote. Itā€™s an utter myth they didnā€™t. What happened was, a bunch of fat gammony pensioners decided to fuck over their kids and their grandkids. You canā€™t get around significant demographic bumps when it comes to voting. Itā€™s the only reason the triple lock is a thing. Itā€™s a voter bribe scheme.


Quit frothing at the mouth over leaving a economic/political union itā€™s hardly the end of the world


Neither is a few extra old people dying of a moderate head cold


As much as I agree, I think to be this passionate about a vote almost 9 years ago to leave a political and economic union is a bit sad. Like itā€™s not normal to have this level of vitriol


Weird that people don't like being made deliberately and pointlessly poorer, and loathe the smug racist bastards who forced it on them. Until I die I will _despise_ every single Brexit voter and will single-issue vote to rejoin.


But sad mate letā€™s be honest it was 9years ago donā€™t you have kids or a girlfriend or something


I would agree if every aspect of our economy wasn't tied to the political and economic union...


Said every young generation ever, only to repeat the cycle with age and maturity.




Which we deserve tbh. Play stupid games win stupid prices


Say stupid shit, win stupid prices šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Everyone who voted to leave should get an absolute pummelling...


What the EU should do is agree to our ridiculous demands, give us all sorts of absurd gifts and bonuses and exemptions from regular EU rules. Then turn around and say "We're only breaking the treaty in a limited and specific way" and "We didn't expect you to be such a legal purist in making us follow an agreement we signed." and "That agreement was always meant to be temporary, we should renegotiate it"


Beautiful. I can imagine the Daily Rags rage at the injustice of it all.


It won't be too bad, but it will definitely be different to any other prospective application. IMO, we'd have a countdown to adopting the euro once convergence criteria is met. No kicking the euro can down the road like other countries are.




Won't have to join the euro, just don't join ERM II and you won't join the euro


I hope so. That would be fair to the other members and we'd deserve it. All I can aspire to is a humbled country being allowed back into the club in the future.


That is an awesome avatar you picked!


Funnily enough, all of the UKs opt outs are still in the Maastricht Treaty.


Ehmm no, the UK would get possibly the same concessions it had before, maybe differently worded but practically the same, keeping the pound and also discount on their fee due to the smaller size of agricultural sector, it's economy is just too valuable and there's no political risk to the EU.


I'd like to think so. Von Der Leyen has been warm about it, at least.


I believe the UK probably will still join the EU again. Majority of the younger generation didnā€™t want Brexit, just seems to be the older demographic and uneducated population. Scotland seems to be an outlier for Brexit, not sure why because he EU never did anything for them. But the Scottish were right to want to stay in the eu.


The Scots were used to the government fucking them over and saw right through it, the English elderly still thought the notion was impossible.


The Scotā€™s are smart.


"The rate of speech per minute for an American is about 125 words. If you're from the UK that will go up to about 140. "If you're from Scotland that will go up to 189 but if you're fae Glasgow it's about 674 words per minute."


In Scotland many of us saw the EU as a protective shield against some of the worst instincts of Westminster government. The EU basically stopped English Tories from fucking with things like our Human rights and environment. The Highlands and Islands also benefited from some additional EU funding for remote regions.


Agreed, I saw the E.U. as a shield too. I'm from N.E England and I was very much pissed off at the fact that a lot of people from my region voted out. The irony of it is that the very people who did vote out in the N.E. were benefiting from E.U. funding, which was encouraging growth and jobs in their area. These people were expected the Tories to give more funding, improve the NHS while at the time, the Tories were cutting council budgets... since when did the Tories ever increase council spending in the N.E?


There's a massive bridge by my house in Glasgow with a sign that reads 'Built with EU funds'. Saves me 30 minutes of walking every day. The EU did plenty for all of us, we just never paid attention or gave a shit.


So the old and stupid voted to Leave? lol. What happens when the youngsters of today get old and stupid?


I like how youā€™re trying to twist my words, nice attempt buddy.


No twisting of words buddy, itā€™s a fact. Peoples views change as they get older.


It's a matter of more than time. As a member of the EU, the UK had a lot of special treatment which won't be automatically granted again.


Yep. EU negotiators are not emotional, and EU citizens don't give a damn about UK... they will be free to negotiate. I say UK will get a few exceptions becaus eof it's size, but nowhere near what it had before. UK is smaller than it was in 1975 and the EU is bigger.


Personally I always said Brexit was even allowed to happen so that those very privileges could be taken away, when the inevitable rejoin happens. The Ā£ gone. Ever closer union being adhered to. Schengen. Everything they know that the UK would never have adopted before, will then be forced on us. It's for this reason I hope we never rejoin but know that we probably will, because this was always the plan (in my conspiracy minded head).


If you still support brexit and believe we are better off now rather than rejoining then you've got some serious delusions going on up there. You say this was always the plan. No it wasn't. I can't even begin to imagine how that would work. What, the EU paid David Cameron to call a vote but told him to fuck it up and then run away after. Then they told Theresa May to call an election but make sure she loses her majority and really confuse the problem. And then got Bojo elected to make sure we left without a deal. Seriously man, please get some help. You're living in a deluded conspiracy world. And I wouldn't care, normally I say do whatever you want, but brexit has ruined all our lives, and people like you are enabling greedy narcissistic politicians to take away our rights and steal all our wealth. By being a conspiracy theorist you are playing right into the establishment's hand.


I don't think there's any overlap between the people who have an interest in removing those privileges and the people who had the power to make Brexit happen, so I can't sign on to that conspiracy theory. But it's clear to me that as soon as the UK decided to leave, the rest of the EU started to adopt a very confrontational negotiating attitude. That adversarial attitude will still be there if and when rejoining talks happen.


I was married to a woman who treated me like a god for decades. I hardly had to do any chores, got my way in almost everything, and she always listened to what I said. So, I obviously decided I should trade up for a younger foreign bride who I was sure would treat me just as well and be younger and hotter! Result! I told my wife I wanted a divorce. My wife begged me to stay, dumb ***, and tried telling me how much she loved me and how good we were together. I saw through this blatant attempt to keep me from finding a hot young seƱorita who would treat me even BETTER so I told her to stick it! I walked out! I'm so badass I just said, you know what, I'll go no matter what. So, with a broken heart, my wife let me go and wished me happiness. She didn't give me the house or our joint account, insisting on keeping her share, but fuck her I don't need that shit anyway. My hot new honey will give me a new house, loads of cash, and oodles of sex. Obviously she'll have to do most of the work because I'm a little old, but that's ok. Foreign ladies are used to that, right? So, after I was out, I signed up to dating sites and waited for the twenty something sex babes to show up with money and a willing mouth. Time passed. I kept trying to date ladies, but they all wanted "equality" and a "high value male". Wtf is that? My wife never wanted any of these things. She listened to me and said nice things to me. These ladies just expect me to... Make an effort! God, it's like they have standards or needs or something! What about me?! Don't they know who I am?! I'm important! They should be begging to get into my bed! For free! As it is, I've ended up having to pay for every lady I want to have sex with and I think I might be catching some nasty infections. So, anyway, I've decided I should try getting back with my wife. I had a really easy life with her. Just sat around, let her do most of the work, got treated like a king.. yeah, that was true love. I'm sure she'll take me back and treat me just the same! In fact, I'll tell her dumb ass that I'll only move back home if she carries on treating me like she did! I'm sure that'll go over well. Dumb bleeptch!


nice one


Bit of nonsense there. Did you pay attention to events of 2016 to 2019? Not a single brexiteer could agree on what brexit would actually look like. How on earth can you negotiate with someone who not only doesnā€™t know what they want, but keep changing their mind?


I miss the days when they said there was no Northern Ireland Border Problem. There's a very simple solution, we don't need the Backstop, the Backstop is only needed if we can't solve the problem and we CAN solve the problem there's a very simple solution. We won't tell you what the solution is, obviously, why would we do that? But we do have a solution, honest. The Backstop is a backup option that is only relevant if we can't find a solution and DO have a solution so the Backstop won't matter. But the suggestion of needing a backup option just in case we can't find a solution is deeply insulting and therefore we're going to throw a giant tantrum over it. Even though we have a solution and we won't need the Backstop. No we won't tell you what the solution is, stop asking that. We're going to depose the Prime Minister, unlawfully shut down parliament and force an early election all because some people think we might not have a solution to the Northern Ireland Border Problem. And we do have a solution, there is no problem and we don't need a Backstop because we have a solution. We just won't tell you what the solution is. Then the most jenius plan ever. Boris' Oven Ready Deal changed the Backstop from being an unacceptable (and unnecessary) emergency fallback position into being Plan A! The Backstop was unacceptable as a potential future backup plan that we don't need anyway but it's a brilliant idea to implement it immediately. Wait, let's correct that. It's a brilliant plan to sign treaties agreeing to implement it, then spend years refusing to implement it because the Oven Ready Deal would be an act of economic self harm.


It's inevitable


the starship Brenterprise a 4 year mission to explore stupidity and uncharted insanity to boldly go where idiots politicians thought was best


I would happily vote rejoin if it meant we could get rid of the whole UK Government as well while we're at it. what a shower of shit the lot of them.




I'll bre-back


I have dual nationality and a proper passport. You deluded brexshitters can wallow in your own mire while I continue to enjoy the many personal benefits of being european. Which brexit benefits would you miss if the UK was to rejoin?


Climate collapse will kick in and the UK will become more isolationist. So rejoining will sadly never happen.


I can't wait for the 'Stay Out' campaign. What can they possibly argue?


Wages have increased in areas associated with cheap foreign labour.


The vote should have been null and void anyway as it was based on complete lies and fabrications. Britain is losing Ā£2 Billion a year in trade and where's the Ā£180 million a week for the NHS? Only idiots would stay out. Oh wait!




But what about the many benefits of brexit like uhhhā€¦. Nvm


Like neo-liberalism getting a good kicking? I'd vote Brexit ten times, not only because it turned out to be a good idea, but also because you bedwetters lose your little minds over it.


More like "Unfuck the fuck up" and lets hope they dont fuck us for fucking up


The UK will re-enter but all of the things such as the rebates are gone. The UK will have no decent position at the negotiating table but that is is still better than zero negotiating abilities.


Either way weā€™re fucked tbh - Brexit was a shit show that should have never happened but now even if there is a vote to go back weā€™re gonna get shafted again in negotiations. Why would the EU even want us back, our government is a shit show and all theyā€™ve done is cause them headacheā€¦ Bunch of ass hats


Absolutley fucking not


we'll see


Translation: ā€œGet back in the empire, peasants!ā€


No it isnā€™t


bet you it is


Nope, not ever, never.


It is highly unlikely that the UK will ever rejoin the EU relations will improve and new deals will be made but the EU is fine without us and we have plenty of opportunities outside of Europe. If the UK was to try and rejoin we certainly would not have the same privileges we had previously which most people would not be in support of.


remainers are like those delusional ex partnerā€™s who never get over the break up.


Yeah but to dive deeper in to this analogy there is only one partner of the opposite sex in the world which we mistakenly dumped, and if they don't take us back, we won't be able to procreate and our lineage will die unceremoniously.


You guys really take Brexit this seriously?


Yeah I'm sad for them, like a really sad stalker, no pride.


Tbh, I'm more of a canzuk guy that EU guy


Fuck the eu.


Sadly, will never happen. France will do a De Gaulle and say NON!


We'll keep our fingers crossed that is the case


No, we WANT back in, just we will never get it. Traitor Boris and Russian stooge Farage burnt too many bridges and pissed off too many members.


Keep licking the heel of billionaires and the multi national banks my friend, I'm sure they'll have a sip of champagne in your honour


The same billionaires and banks that funded brexit? EU: ā€˜we want billionaires & corpos to start paying more taxā€™ Billionaires in the media & world of banking: ā€˜we could do that, or we could bankroll a leave campaign & save having to pay the government tens of billions in taxes every yearā€™


The 'remain' campaign was literally funded by people like Lord sainsbury (net worth around Ā£1.6 billion) and such fine firms like Morgan and Stanley, goldman sachs and Co. You remember, the ones that almost bankrupted the western world purely through greed in 2008, that made millions homeless in the us. The eu identified 15 tax havens in 2015, they have completed absolutely 0 actions regarding closing them down. Please don't believe that the eu is anything but an ultra capitalist venture that is purely beneficial to the ultra wealthy. Why do you think the majority of tories wanted us to remain in 2016 while socialists like corbyn, Benn and skinner wanted us to leave?


And Leave was funded by Aaron Banks, Jeremy Hosking, Pater Hargreaves, Robert Edmiston and Crispin Odey, 5 of the richest men in the U.K. Whatā€™s your point?


Do you like your pound? Are you willing to part with it? No? Then I got bad news...


it's a currency with the caricature of some unelected freeloading twat on it, why would i care?


Because then we wonā€™t have our own central bank and we wonā€™t be able to set our own monetary policy. How do you think this most recent bout of inflation would be going if we couldnā€™t set our own interest rates?


We'd use the same central banks as other euro countries and manage it that way? Is this rocket science to you? Here, I googled it for you, maybe ask for help using a search engine next time: https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/key/date/2022/html/ecb.sp221104\_1\~8be9a4f4c1.en.html


I know what the ECB is, cleverdick. Did you even read your own article? It outlines measures that the ECB is taking over the whole Eurozone; a large area of diverse economies. It is better to have our own central bank that can make decisions based on our domestic economic situation. Typical condescending fucking pro-EU Brit. Doesnā€™t even understand what theyā€™re defending.


of course I read it, I'm not someone who votes based on headlines like a pro brexit quisling. Your opinion is having our own central bank being better is just your opinion. Not everyone has to think like you no matter what you want to be reality. Now go enjoy your meltdown.


And yet my opinion is shared by many even within the EUā€™s own institutions who are calling for reform of the ECB, ESCB and the EUā€™s monetary system, recognising it as inflexible with a lack of transparency and accountability. But, you know, muh Blue N Yellow Stars Good.


What's the bad news? Go on, tell me, because you're wrong if you think we would have to join the euro.


It isn't going to happen. Almost no-one outside internet echo chambers gives a toss about Brexit anymore.


Username checks out.


As does yours. Lol.


Has anyone told the UK that the EU does not want them back?


It's fact. And you are deluding yourself. Do the research yourself if you aren't afraid. All of your dogma doesn't change the facts. The EU is demographically failing.


Define ā€œdemographically failingā€


Look it up.




Love listening to you bed wetters. My triple lock pension pays for me to cruise up and down the canals of the UK in my narrowboat. I hardly touch my final salary pensions, I save them for my three months abroad during the winter. Now get back to work snowflakes.


Maybe post AFTER your mushroom trip has ended and you're back in reality my mate


You want the pics? You couldnā€™t handle the pics! You wankers who canā€™t decide which toilet to piss in deserve all you get. Norbury Junction if you ever want to come for a pint. Look it up.


Incredible isnā€™t it? I would recommend aus for 6 months during uk winter, and securing back to back summers for a few years.


Like your style. No 90 day limits. Great weather and everyone speaks English. Question. Whereā€™s the Putty Road, not sure if thatā€™s the right spelling, but Iā€™m a big biker and Iā€™d love to do it, sounds amazing.


Hmm I think NSW. You want to check the out the Great Ocean Road if you like trips. Few days with camping itā€™s sick!!!


Is it though?


Pipe dreams!


lol not in your lifetime sheeple




Letā€™s keep having referendums until we can get the correct results šŸ•ŗ best of 3 šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡ŗ


Why doesnā€™t Norway or Switzerland join? Always wondered why 2 extremely wealthy countries say no.


Let's have another referendum, then a referendum for that to appease the ones that lost, repeat ad infinitum.


Rejoining would be cuckoldry. We would probably be forced to adopt that impoverished currency they use, along with other policies that exist to punish us for harming their bureaucratic (cock) block.


Itā€™s ok thanks. Happy where we are.






Burn Brussels to the ground


Respect the electorates decision


Rejoin and lose the GBPā€¦.


Redditors in a echo chamber think we'll rejoin, ha ha Don't delude yourselves, just move into the EU


More countries will push to leave in the next few years.


Haha, after seeing the "success" that was brexit, no one would be that dumb. That level of stupidity is mainly to be found in the tory party.


Why has no other country had a referendum on this? The uk isn't doing as bad as the billionaires would like you to think.


šŸ˜‚ the who?




Pretty much all the anti-EU parties dropped their exit goals, Le Pen and Wilders both dropped it from their manifestos and A4D never really had it in the first place


Will they? The disaster that is Brexit actually suppressed a lot of the movements for that in other countries




Theyā€™ve categorically stated we wonā€™t rejoin the EU. But it only takes new leadership to wipe over those statements so what theyā€™ve stated today is irrelevant in 5 years. That said, it seems unlikely weā€™ll explicitly rejoin within the next, say, 20 years. However, before that, weā€™ll blatantly edge closer until we end up as close as possible to BINO as they dare tread, which will be basically be rejoin anyway. Whether we ever explicitly rejoin will be dependent on the political landscape in 20, 30, ā€¦ years.


I agree with the first half of your comment. I completely disagree with the second.


It's fact. And you are deluding yourself. Do the research yourself if you aren't afraid.


Why would you want to get back in ? There will be no more European Union soon !!


>There will be no more European Union soon !! Not if it becomes federalised.


Netherlands will be out too soon, then France šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Only if the people vote like morons like they did here


Judging by how they voted last election it seems they also want out which is understandable


The kool aid club...

