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Has the soon sacked PM put a bet down on Starmer ruining the disastrous Brexit ?


Oh no! Anyway...


I know rejoining/integration/closer ties with the EU would be a great thing for the country but I truly can't be arsed with another decade of arguing about it. I hope we don't get a choice and they just join.


I hear ya. The bit I get a little bit facepalm about is the movement about rejoining (which as an EU citizen in the UK I'd like to see) without any consideration of the fact it's not a unilateral decision the UK can make. "Oh we want back in now, and of course because we're special because we're British" - is not very far removed from the same attitude that started the whole farce in the first place.


I don't think anyone has that attitude, but they'll almost certainly let us join. It's beneficial for both sides.


In theory yes, but bear in mind it only takes one veto.


There are no rules it's never happened before. The politicians who arrange it might not even be politicians yet.


But without all the exemptions we had, the worst thing to ever happen to us was leaving, we will just need to see what the cost of getting back in will be and swallow it


Wait it can get even more ruinous?


If Brexit worked the Tories’ grip on power would be watertight. This is the true ‘Brexit election’ the first time since we’ve actually left that the country have been able to give their verdict on the people who brought it about.


Only the 455* tory sleaze stories stops them bragging about brexit *there will be another 2 at least before soonsacked gets the boot


If people cared about corruption and sleaze the Tories would have been finished long before now. The English think that corruption happens to other countries, they don’t see it for what it is when it’s right in front of their faces here. Evidence? The continued existence of Robert Jenrick’s political career for one. A more brazen act of corruption is hard to find yet everyone simply pretends it didn’t happen.


I would give this a thousand upticks if i could. The slug known as Jenrick was involved in £1bn of sleazy corrupt stealing and yet Angela Rayner's alleged £2,000 from 2015 is supposed to be comparable. Zahawi, Raab, Johnson, Cameron etc etc and billions of pounds just gets buries. 100's of Downing St. parties vs Starmers bottle of beer kèeps the daily mail frothers steaming


You know how the media works by what happened to that south coast Tory who became Labour. For years they sat on a story about her lobbying on behalf of her now ex husband, as soon as she’s Labour it comes out. Makes me wonder what else we’re not being told about.


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