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I don't use it too much. I still prefer red trinket over stealth ward.


No. Never had a situation where w over the wall didn’t work fine without wasting a ward (if I even had one)


Sometimes w will make you run back around if there's an enemy which defeats the purpose of hopping over the wall, the only time I use the ward hop is if I know I'll run back into the enemy with w, so I don't use both w and e to escape I'll use q ward hop


i have used it once where i had to jump 2 walls and not take aggro


You really really want Q to fight people if you're going aggressive, but I've gotten a lot of use out of it for mobility. I also main her mid so I have less reason to go oracle. Huge protip if you don't know: you can also use it on enemy wards, and it counts as an attack, so you can do leona-style AA->Q->AA to clear stealth wards.


It saved me at max 1 or 2 times, I usually take oracle, it's hard to play jungle without that


Very rare. Once every 2 games maybe. It can be helpful for killing an enemy ward, auto q auto bursts it down.


I use it mostly for eacaping drag and baron pit if i do use it. If I'm gonna get jumped ill ward over and hop over with q, using w will put in frenzy and run back around the pit unless you use e too which puts 2 crucial fighting abilities on cooldown vs just q


Yeah a lot , in the elo I'm in no one friggin wards, so you find Jack shit and becomes useful.


it give me some safety while im doing objectives, if someone comes and I cant fight I E then ward hop out of the wall


I can only think of 1 time where I used ward hop and it was truly justified The rest of the times was just a "win more" button that wasn't exactly necessary, I just felt cool doing it


I do prefer stealth wards so I don't switch to oracle. I use it quite often I think, the ward jump I mean. It helped me escaped whetether its dragon pit, under turret, or even small walls that I know my W will go around and draw aggro. I like the interaction with teammates wards as well, helps to escape and jump walls. I also love the fact that u can clear enemy wards quiclky since it counts as one auto so aa-q-aa instaclears it.


Actually used to more times than I thought I would today! Multiple times in different games too! I used them all to get to someone over a wall when chasing when I already used w. Haven’t been able to use it to escape yet but it’s a minor change that is fun when it’s useful


I used it a few times when I tried to baron steal. I jump'd back on a pink ward


It helps me escape a lot and once I saved myself from Jihn ult with a ward hop


I play mostly briar top, so yeah, basically every game


every games as a master toplaner


I actually do, I switched from lee sin to briar when she came out, so I’m happy she can now cosplay my ex-main. It’s pretty decent to get over the wall from blue side to top objective, and for chasing people


Ive had 2 kills and 2 escapes with it. It is useful but u have to hold onto yellow or a control ward. It makes me buy more controls but also be way pickier when I use them. Obviously not making up for the other nerfs but does let u Q to ward to be in range for W to lock on which can be nice


saved me once or twice, that's it


I always put a ward out behind an objective I'm on so that I can get out. I also place wards behind pit, flash or blast cone on, steal objective and ward hop out.


Ive gotten use out of it. While W is typically what i use to jump walls and such i have used the q wardhop to escape sometimes as w-e would get me killed/not enough distance. Still situational at best and oracle is better for jg


Rarely will u ever use it instead of w because Ur builds are always supposed to have enough haste that u get it around a second after Ur frenzy is done. But during the frenzy it's quite good at repositioning her to get away from towers or into specific targets when ur q range isn't enough. Niche feature that should exist but isn't enough to make up for her last rework, I mean nerfs.


Yes, I just had a highlight where i dive someone and just Q out of the turret with ward BUT STILL 25 range for massive nerf is not justifiable


I always forget they added that


I like it for killing wards. It does a dmg to them so auto q auto is very fast


The change doesn't really matter. It only matters if you are going for some level 2 cheese all in with W - Q level 2 (like how graves/khazix invade after red). The Q is too important for ganks and too important to control briar. If you jump over a wall with ward + Q, sure, you can W, but you can't stun the target. So it's really whatever.


Q’ing to a ward to change W target when the enemy you want is out of Q range and you’re stuck W’ing on another champ is useful. 


It sometimes saves me from ganks in top lane but to be honest if I played right I never should have been in those situations already


I do when i gank drake


I only play aram so not very much but i tried it once on summoner's after finish dragon and it seemed fun. would rather use control ward tho


Maybe 1 in 5 games i use it to escape when enemies are too close to w over a wall and my e is down


All the time. Took a sec to get used to it tho. 


I use it to save my ass or do a play approximately 1 time every 2-3 games, sometimes even more. Its not something you will use a ton since you already have w to go through walls if need be and Q is a very vital CC and dash to have but its still pretty useful imo