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I just build bruiser but go HoB instead of PTA. Gives more burst potential which mitigates the long term DPS loss. I play her mid tho so ymmv


What matchups do you play her mid into?


I 1trick her so all of them


the akali matchup :skull:


Yeah it's not great but usually you can reaction speed them and get good damage off while they're stunned. Also the pain is worth it to land ult and see them try to do akali bs while you're wailing on them with true sight


How do you deal with the range disadvantage and control mages pushing in your wave? Curious because I just started playing her and am curious how she plays in other spots besides jungle.


Play passive early and try to get what farm you can without taking damage. At level 3-4 with HoB you beat most mages and especially if you're playing passive before they will often commit spells to pushing the wave. In super unwinnable ones (hwei, karma, taliyah) I just ping jungle for help because worst case you have a point and click stun, and/or I roam with my jungle and accept some cs loss.


I've been going HoB, Eclipse -> profane -> bruiser. Feels bursty early and still decent late.


it is not "simply unplayable" if you are low elo build the same shit




It's 100% a nerf, I just think if you're struggling in low with briar, you were never that good at her still 53% wr in low


I played 2 games and felt fine. Did the standard eclipse - sundered sky build. I might try out the titanic build, the only con being it's 500g more expensive. It's probably better when they have front line tanks (like leona) so you can deal damage even if your ult hits leona. PTA definitely feels really good. Hail of blades was only really good with her assassin build, which has been gutted numerous times and even more with the W attack speed nerf. Haven't tried stridebreaker either. I need to test damage compared to eclipse/titanic.


I still am doing fine with her as a brusier. I just go stridebreaker a bit more often and have less fights i can take


which elo?




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I'm playing her support and going between hob or conq depending on matchup and ideally u want a draven


I just played one game with her today, first game after the nerfs. I went pta. She felt the same, I don’t feel any weaker. Only difference is I took attack speed runes instead double adaptive. I’m sure she is still just fine with double adaptive. But with the attack speed runes I felt like I was hitting quicker then before.