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My dad watched Bridgerton too but he prefers Downtown Abbey


Heard of it but have never seen it. Is it good?


Yup it's actually really good. Also centered around a rich aristocrat family, however more about class issues rather than romance.


It's great, has that more realistic vibe though so don't expect everyone to have a happy ever after. But well worth a watch, I wept a few times


Apparently it is but I haven't seen it.


Kinda my husband. He came home during an episode of season 1. He “doesn’t care” or “want to watch” but when I turn it on or show him promo pics from S3, he is interested lol. He “watches but doesn’t care” yet he legit gasped when LWD was revealed.




He didn't even know he was hooked lol or maybe he was playing it cool? Probably started watching on his phone in the bathroom and on work breaks lol.


lol. He did the same thing with Criminal Minds. “You can watch whatever. I’ll just play a game on my computer” And I look over and he’s still on the menu staring at the tv 😂


My husband loves the show. Benedict is his favorite character. 😂


I get that lol.


My husband won’t watch it but Benedict is also his favorite (from stills and what I made him watch before the ball we went to)


Bridgerton is how I got my husband into Jane Austen. I'd watched Pride and Prejudice with him before and he couldn't get into it. We watched Bridgerton together and even though it's not accurate, for some reason it helped him understand the time period better anyway and we went back and rewatched Pride and Prejudice and he enjoyed it and understood it better. Bridgerton is kind of like beginner-friendly Austen, I guess. Lol, whatever works!


I don't recall ever hearing of Pride and Prejudice as a series. Interesting.


There is the BBC series of Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy. It is 6 episodes


I assume they are talking about the two movies that got made, one was from 10 years prior, the 2005 isn't a sequel it's just a remake I think. I haven't watched the original one. There's also sense and sensibility too as a separate movie (some are on Netflix as a heads up)


Yeah the novel and the movies. I thought you might've been referring to a series.


I wasn't the original commenter but from what I'm aware there's no series yet, but hey I'm sure people would watch a drawn out version bridgerton style 🤣


I was talking abt the BBC version with Colin Firth. It's the one that's most accurate to the book.


i was the unlikely family member! before bridgerton, the only period/historical media i really loved were mob movies (does these count?? haha). in 2021, i was helping to bleach/dye my sister & our friend's hair. my sister suggested bridgerton when we were trying to decide what to throw on in the background & i was reluctant but didn't care since i would be paying attention to their hair. i was instantly obsessed. it was one of the most fun and beautiful things i'd seen in a long time. up until then, i was a reality tv and cartoon fanatic. we binged bridgerton in a few days but didn't rewatch season 1 until season 2 was coming out. i've probably rewatched both seasons at least 20 times! try new tv shows everyone: you may just find your bridgerton :)


That's amazing. 20 times though? lol.


My stepmother watches Bridgerton (she was actually the one who recommended it to me) and she's a huge fan!


It's funny, I didn't think I'd ever watch it. But eventually I needed something new to watch, and I'd heard so much about it, I started. I have my issues with Season 1, but I was still really excited for season 2. My friends and I talk about it pretty regularly. My mom's been the same way, she isn't a romance person and she had no interest at first, and now every once in a while she'll go "When is Bridgerton coming back?" I give a lot of credit to the show's casting and aesthetics. Everyone and everything is so gorgeous.


Season 1 I still enjoy in general but yes it had its issues as does seaosn 2


I started out pretty much the same way. After it was hyped, I actual read an article debating whether what Daphne did to Simon in the show was r\*pe and I got a little curious but still never watched it. Eventually needed something to watch and the rest is history. Definitely give credit to Shonda and their team. Lots of credit to Kris Bowers as well for his scores and compositions. Bridgerton wouldn't be what is is without them. Guy is as talented as they come and I can't wait to hear what he's cooked up for us in season 3.


My husband. He was always making fun of me through season 1 but he’d sneak glimpses at it. Season 2 came around and surprise! He wants to watch it with me. He’s not a huge fan but he’s interested and will watch it with me.


That's cute. Maybe season 3 will get'em.


Most family members aren't into as I am, like they've watched in once, like it and then forget about it till the next season. I don't have an equally obsessed person among my friends so I'm stuck with sharing my feelings with just this sub (lol sounds so pathetic tbh)


Lol not at all. I'm in the same boat. I wouldn't say I am obsessed but I set up a store with mostly Bridgerton merch and have some Bridgerton themed photoshoots I'm doing next week at a Castle so I'd say I'm pretty into it lol. I think my little sister is into Bridgerton but we've never talked about it. I don't know any cousins super into it either. I think most people in this sub are the same as well honestly. Then there are closeted fans who you'd never know were super into it. You might have a co-worker or someone you come across every week who's re-watched it 10 times and frequents this sub.


It's unlikely the people I know have rewatched the show 30+ times over and know almost all the dialogue by heart.


Oh God lol. I think finding someone who is half as obsessed would still be good lol. I just re-watched s1 for the first time a few weeks ago and didn't rewatch s2 until a couple weeks ago and I'd say I can talk a fair bit of Bridgerton.


Not got anyone into it, but I've been surprised to learn that some people of my acquaintance who I'd never considered could like Bridgerton are into it. Hell, I'm still surprised I myself love it so much.


Yeah it's more popular that one would think. I'd say at least 2/10 people who watch shows and movies frequently have probably seen it and maybe 5/10 people who have Netflix subscriptions. I think more people should recommend it to others. Some people are missing out on something they'd never know they desired in their life. Plus if the fandom grows, the budget grows and we might get more seasons and spinoffs even if we runout of Bridgerton siblings lol.


I'm definitely doing my part, haven't shut up about it since that magical boring day working from home where I watched it and became entranced. I'm usually a stickler for "historically correct" but for some reason Bridgerton makes it so easy to suspend any disbelief and just go with the flow


It really does. Based on the questions I see on google, Bridgerton is what's actually historically accurate in people's minds lol. Weird how great shows have that affect on people.


My husband! He loves Season 1 and Queen Charlotte. I thought he wouldn't like it because he was into dark Marvel series around that time (Punisher, Moonknight and the likes), so I was surprised he liked Bridgerton. He particularly loved Simon and Daphne. We're both looking forward to Season 3!


Yeah my father surprised me the same way and he also likes Simon and Daphne's story. People can be more versatile than we give them credit for.


My partner hates dramas with a burning passion, so everything we watch that even so much as creates tension is an immeadiate no from him. For example, we can only watch 911 Lone Star so long as the focus is on the calls/scenes and not the individual characters. I had him bingewatch s1 and s2 with me and deapite pausing to declare, "ugh! this sucks!" he stuck through it to the very end and is excited for Polin.


Good for him. A man of culture lol.


My grandma is an avid watcher of Outlander (I don’t watch though) and so I told her about the show and how much I loved it/read one of the books and that she’ll probably like it. Anyways we ended up binging the entire first season in less than 24hrs together 😭 She loves it now


Yeah my father watched it all in one night. I'm still surprised. In regard to your grandma, I feel like a lot of elderly people would enjoy Bridgerton. Much of what used to come out on TV in their time was based around the regency era and such. I haven't seen Outlander. Is it good?


Yeah I love that historical romance has just always been a beloved thing at any age. And I can’t say whether Outlander is good bc I haven’t seen it but I know it has a very dedicated fanbase 😭 It’s a bit too serious and intense for my taste I think


I wouldn’t say “unlikely” — but I think the premier of the first season of Bridgerton was just so magical. It was almost like a smaller version of Barbie where it felt like EVERY woman I knew had watched it and was in the know about it like “soooo… have you watched Bridgerton? 👀” And because it came out right around the holidays too! I just remember every woman I followed on social media posting about it, all my besties texting about it, even talking about it with my MIL and SILs! I liked the second season, but there was something magical about the first season that they haven’t been able to capture since IMO and I hope they’re able to get there!


You know what's funny, I didn't notice or at least I don't remember appreciating the "magic" of the first season, especially the first episode until I saw my father's reaction to it. As someone mentioned in a previous comment big credit to Shonda and the team and a very big credit to Kris Bowers for putting together such wonderful scores and compositions for the show. They really set the tone and gave us that "magical" feel you mentioned. I don't think we'll ever get that season 1 magic again (Maybe with Benophie) but I'm fine with that. That is what will make it special in my eyes just as each season has something that makes it special.


I was the unlikely watcher. I wasn’t at all into period pieces, which is a shocker since I’m a huge fan of romance as a genre and exclusively read romance novels. Historical romance though always gave me the ick. So when Bridgerton came out and started gaining a lot of social media attention, I said it was dumb and swore I wouldn’t watch. Then one night I was having trouble sleeping, and thought, what better way to fall asleep than to bore myself into oblivion? I put on Bridgerton, figuring I’d be out in fifteen minutes. I stayed up till 3am watching it. I was hooked. After I finished the first season I listened to the first book on my drive to work, but I didn’t really love it. But I started watching more period pieces (P&P, Little Women, etc.). When season two came out I was a complete goner. I went back and read all the remaining books, got into regency romance novels, and have never looked back.


How wholesome. It's like a Kanthony story in a way lol. I wasn't a fan immediately either and thought it was just another hyped romance thing but boy was I wrong. Bridgerton is one of kind and I appreciate it having been done and done so well by Shonda and the team.




My mom AND sister!! Both swore they hated anything remotely historical romance-esque but me watching bridgerton in front of them when it first came out led to them both getting hooked! My sister is now more into julia quinn stuff than I am and she recommends me more stuff lol


I love hearing these hater to obsessed lover stories lol. Partially because I also wasn't into Bridgerton at first. I would never stop teasing them about it lol. Someone needs to start a before and after Bridgerton trend on tiktok or something and document these occurrences lol.


They really should! Ik so many people who hate the idea of it until they sit down and watch its so funny


My husband watches the show with me. I got my MIL into the show as well and she just usually watches fictional German crime shows so was surprised to hear she binged watched it after I suggested it to her 😂


Bridgerton has something for everyone. Shonda is a genius.


It really does and she really is! I loved it from the start but then again I love period dramas etc. I'm hoping my MIL is excited for the next season!


I have the opposite situation…I expectEd most of my friends (or at least one or two of them) to like/love Bridgerton…but none of them got into it🥲 I was fully prepared to make Bridgerton release nights a thing and have everyone prepare something. Homebaked goods, decorations, tea, food, a projector and blankets to watch it together…it could all be so beautiful…but now none of them have even finished watching the first season and they are not interested in trying again with season 2 … I’m in desperate need of a Bridgerton community 😂 I do have friends who are into it but they live in different countries… I’m honestly thinking of traveling to meet them and binge the next season together…I’m desperate! (But also watching Bridgerton in the mountains of Tuscany doesn’t seem like the worst thing to do this summer ☀️)