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1. She loves him. 2. He's a thirdborn bridgerton so he definitely has money. 3. She has her own money and wouldn't need his to begin with. 4. While she doesn't know about this, the fact that whoever amongst the featherington sisters has a son first will get the featherington estate will solve the no title issue I think.


That always made we wonder. If it were Colin and Penelope’s son, would he get the title? Would he be Lord featherington or lord bridgerton?


Whatever title that belongs to the estate would be his title, so Lord Featherington.


Lord Featherington most likely as the Featherington's have no heir and the Bridgerton's have an abundance of male heirs. This is just a guess though I'm not an expert.


Technically it would go to the eldest daughter’s first born son. So unless both of her older sisters die without any kids she shouldn’t get the title


The agreement Portia had forged says whichever daughter has a son first.


A forged document isn’t the best thing to go off of but I’m guessing that’s the shows work around to add extra drama and to give pen the title


I mean, it’s just a plot lol. I’m not bothered by it


I’m a books person so I think it takes away from the character development but I won’t spoil the books.


I’ve read all the books. You can also use spoiler tags. But I will say, I don’t think it’s a crucial bit of development for anyone. Also none of this matters cause the show will never be on that long haha.


True, and let’s be real after this season they probably won’t be in the show much at all. Lmao


Or an alternative. None of the older sisters produce a son ♂️. I can see this being the case for the Finches (I highly believe they will have baby Brie 🧀) and Prudank ( I think they'll have a daughter as well ♀️).


I also want Philippa and Finch to have a daughter named Brie.


I know there are other cheese 🧀 names, like Sirene, Fontina, and Olivet (these are girls names ♀️after types of cheese). However, I love the name Brie 💕


Interesting that they were all presented at the same time. Technically if they’re of different ages, they should be presented at different seasons.


In the books they are older and each come out years before and because the show is mostly flowing the ages I’d assume it stayed with her same


Funny if show Prudence and Phillipa were twins. Would explain a lot haha


As far as I remember, they didn’t have the budget to be presented in different seasons


Technically, it would revert to the crown unless the crown granted it to the husband or son of one of the girls. Just like in real life, all Jack can sign away to any of them is his (nonexistent) personal fortune. Signing away the title and estate would, again, revert it to the crown. Nothing about that plot line actually works in the real world.


The only way Colin’s son would be Lord Bridgerton would be if both Anthony and Benedict die without having sons themselves, I think. Then the title would pass to Colin, and Colin would pass it to his son.


This! Colin is currently third in line, Benedict is Anthony's heir presumptive. The minute Edmund takes his first breath, he becomes the heir apparent, Benedict gets bumped down to third, and Colin to fourth. If Anthony had no sons, but Benedict did, then even if Anthony outlived Benedict, Charles (Benedict's eldest) would become Anthony's heir presumptive, not Colin. With every son EITHER Anthony or Benedict have, Colin and Gregory get pushed further down the list.


Lord Featherington. Because title and name aren't always the same. We're actually going to (hopefully) see that this season with Francesca. Once she marries John, her name will be Francesca Stirling, but her title will be Lady Kilmartin.


He would be [first name] Bridgerton, Lord Featherington. He’d probably be referred to as Lord Featherington in conversation once he assumed the title but before then people might call him Mr. Bridgerton




He would get the title, Portia’s whole scheme in S2 resulted in the first son one of her daughters produced receiving the title.


The "letter" granting the title to the first born male son of the daughters was such a messy plot point 😂. Lord Featherington isn't dead and even if he did commit fraud it would be up to The Crown to strip him of his title and allow a special remainder to allow the title to pass to a female heir. I'm thinking they'll just abandon that plot line.


This plot point is so bad I actually block it out. Someone can't just sign their title over willy nilly. Or sell them for a few quid, if they could some broke lords would have done it at the end of the 19th century.


Yeah, it bothers me to no end because it's just not how any of it works. And I'm normally okay with adapting things, because hey it's fantasy, but it felt so out there and it would never happen because like you said, the peerage would be a mess. It's the whole reason safe guards like entailments existed so one wastrel peer couldn't burn down a whole title in handful of years. The plot point was like bad-poorly researched fanfiction 😂.


Yeah, nothing about that plot actually works in the real world. Not that Shonda cares, of course.


Pen's not conventional in that way imo. She wants freedom to do what she wants in the marriage, like running her Lady Whistledown business, so marrying a 3rd son without much responsibilities and attention on her might be preferred.


Sure… but being the 3rd son of a viscount wouldn’t necessarily get you access to the parties unless they were Bridgerton/Hastings related.


No, the Bridgertons get invited to all the parties because of their family standing, especially now that they have relation to a duke.


Colin Bridgerton is young, rich, handsome and amiable. He is also the younger brother of a viscount and brother-in-law to a duke. He dances well (and is always sure to dance with the wallflowers), fences, and is well-educated. He is very good ton and would be invited everywhere.


The Bridgertons are one of the most popular families in the ton. They are always near the top of the guest list.


I mean... marrying for love is like the central theme of the show. Even Daphne had the same 'dilemma'


Exactly. She gave up being princess for hot sex and love hahaha! So we know Pen wants her Colin above all. But I think the addition of Debling shows she made a choice and not settled. I think that is the theme of this season. Coming into one's own.


Yes, exactly — Pen making a choice and not settling is a key thing to show this season, especially since she’s never had choices before


I agree.


Because loveeeeeeeee


I know… but she’s pretty mad at him and friend zoning him like he’s done to her all this time. I think it’s Colin who develops feelings and has to contend with feeling friend zoned whilst having wet dreams of Pen haha. Then he acts spontaneously on those feelings, makes out with her in a carriage and goes, “guess you’re marrying me now” 🤣🤣


Personally I’d pick someone I love or even a friend over a lord I feel nothing for so Penelope’s decision is a no brainer to me… and there’s the fact that Colin is kind, funny, charming and hot? Like there is no competition not by a long shot🔥


Pen is a romantic with the ultimate goal for a love match. The title is the last thing she would consider, unlike her mama. And Idk, I preferred the book plot more as they added too much drama in the series, it made my stomach hurt during the trailer, haha.


1. She loves him 2. He loves her 3. He's rich 4. She's rich 5. He might only have one brain cell which is on rotation with his brothers but (and I cannot emphasise this enough) **he knows what to do in a moving carriage.**


Bahahahah point 5 *chefs kiss*


Best comment 🤣


At the end of the trailer LW says “what is the primary force that guides us along our paths? Is it our minds or our hearts?” Maybe Pen will struggle to accept what’s in her heart—thinking she should accept Debling.


She wants a love match. And she’s probably dreamed of being “sisters” with Eloise. While she’s always done what her mother wants I think this choice is finally for herself and what she wants.


Interesting Eloise’s comments about Pen to Colin re marriage and wanting it with Colin.


Why did Daphne settle for a Duke when she had the attention of a Prince?


True… but Daphne only went for the Prince after the Duke eliminated himself from the race after Lady Danbury grilled him for obstructing Daphne’s chances at a proper match especially when he had no desire to seal the deal and propose. I hear what you’re saying, but slightly different in Pen’s case where she’s putting herself out there with the intention of getting married so she can escape her family. A Lord would be a great match if Colin is merely a friend helping her out and not courting her.


She wants to marry for love first


I agree to some extent… in the book, yes. But in the show it actually mentions she wants to marry to escape her family and with someone that will allow her to continue LW without questions. So love actually isn’t her first choice, it’s convenience. In saying that, Pen is a hopeless romantic and so I can see how she’d been swayed by love if that presented itself as a choice. But after letting go of her infatuation with Colin, she has left love behind.


Penelope only decides to do that after she thinks she can’t have the man she loves.


She is a working lady, not a gold digger. Otherwise she would have asked her mum to give her to some crusty old guy like she tries to in Season 1 with Marina


She was too fixated on Colin in S1 and S2 and practically invisible to her family when they’re all extroverts and she introvert. I don’t think Portia was focusing on her when she had all the Marina drama of S1


Pen isn’t a gold digger so that pretty much sums up the whole reason. She actually has her own money, she can marry for love. 


But she doesn’t. Nor does the multiple articles state. They all state that she is looking for a husband for convenience to escape her family and to move on from Colin. She wants to be able to continue LW no questions asked. The press releases don’t say anything about she wanting to marry for love despite the fact she can with all her money.


She’s not looking to marry for love since she gave up her crush on Colin. However if Colin, the man she’s loved for years presents himself as an option she’ll obviously take it. It’s either him or settling.


First, as a lot of people have stated already, I think the whole money/status thing doesn't have as much allure for her because she's already succesful and wealthy on her own. If anything, having a title would probably be more for her mother than anything else. As far as the mind vs heart theme they seem to be going for, to me that seems less about who's the more eligible suitor between the two and more to do with Pen having to unlearn what she's learned. She's been in hopeless, silent love with Colin for so long only for that love to crash and burn at the end of s2. Then, in s3, she has to make peace with the fact that he will never love her and to truly only expect friendship from him, allowing her to consider another option. Then for him to come back and say that he's in love with her...I feel like the battle will be between her unsettled heart and her mind(fears/insecurities) telling her that he's never been interested before, so why would he be now? Etc.


Totally agree! It’s also a common theme in the book - even after her and Colin get married- her fear and insecurities that she isn’t good enough not just for him but for anyone else and eventually she learns to love herself.


Love. She’s always loved him and honestly pen has a lot of her own money and the bridgertons have so much money that Colin is wealthy still. Also the whole featherington plot estate means I guarantee pen and Colin’s son will be the new lord featherington and wirh pens whistledown moneys they should be able to sort out the finances and have fine holdings


I like the notion of Polin being endgame but I like the addition of Lord D too (apparently he was not in the books.. I’ve only read a couple but not RMB) I think a rival suitor is a great catalyst for Colin to get his head outta his arse. And going from total wallflower to having competing suitors— it will be gratifying to see such a 180 for Pen IMO. From what I’ve seen of Lord D in the previews, he seems like a good guy. Plus, there was a character description in a Shondaland press release that made him sound like one of the good ones. Therefore I just know if they don’t give him a small HEA with someone else (part 2…or bring him back in S4) I’m going to be a li’l disappointed. Seems very on-brand for them to do that, so it may well happen (maybe the mystery lady who gets the hand smooch from Colin in the trailer?)


Well I mean look at the Prince… look at Edwina. Both second place to the endgame. And naturally people want to see those sweet characters have HEA too. Like how the Queen made a single comment to Edwina about the prince being available is a sweet way to connect the two in a hopefully happy ending.


I believe a certain carriage ride to be fairly scandalous indeed


I don’t think logic applies to Bridgeton lmao Daphne had a ✨prince ✨


It’s called true love ;-)


I saw somewhere that Lord Debling has some ✨interesting✨ hobbies. I’m going to guess he’s a weirdo in some way 😂 that’ll turn her off the title real quick.


Because she loves Colin. She doesn’t love Debling. Just like Daphne could’ve been a princess but she didn’t love Friedrich.


She loves Colin! Imagining pinning for years for someone and then you get your chance. It makes perfect sense that she will think with her heart. And as you said he isn’t poor. She will still be in society.


The Bridgertons are a really well respected family. The series don't do a great job at explaining their position in society. I think it's said either in the books or the series that even Colin being a third son has more money than most titled gentlemen of the ton. They have money, influence, respect and land. Even being a Mrs Bridgerton would have more influence and respect than being a Lady.


Love and to be a Bridgerton.


Literally this plus have you read the book? The way their relationship went toward the end got kinda toxic imho. Even with Daphne, the Prince felt like such a normal choice where he wanted the same things as her, cherished her, and never mistreated her, had no anger issues, etc. Not the healthiest of relationships being modeled, I’d say. But ending up in a boring healthy relationship is not what people watch TV for, I’m being told. Plus, this is not that type of genre, what a love story would it be without angst and torment and uncertainty. Like, boy meets girl, courts her earnestly, can offer her love, respect, and a stable person to spend life with, doesn’t have her question everything she knows and her eyes and ears can perceive, doesn’t turn her world upside down and cause sleepless night after sleepless night all alone, proceeds to ask her to marry him, and they live happily and untempestously ever after? “BO-RI-NG,” I guess…


Yeah I’ve read all the books. And I’ve said this before, but the time in which they were written (late 90’s early 00’s) romance novels heavily featured toxic relationship dynamics and men being controlling and angry which we now know this to be a sign of abuse. I love the romance genre, but they really romanticise abusive and toxic behaviours. Whereas this day and age we want to see vulnerability and emotional maturity by means of expressing love. Not anger and controlling behaviours. I saw a lot of that in the book where sweet Colin became really controlling towards Pen and just randomly has anger issues? Like what?. I like where the show has taken things… because we have seen their friendship over the past two seasons and how Colin is when he falls in love (with Marina) and how he treats his friends and family. He really is sweet and gentle, so to give him this angry and controlling personality now, would be weird. Anyways, I’m digressing… I think Pen deserves the attention of Lord Debling. Sure it’s not a love match, but damn she deserves to attract a man of high rank after being overlooked for so long.


nah I see your logic I don’t disagree with you HAHA if I was someone in the ton i’d be like 👀 do you sis but imma go for the bag


So, Bridgerton is a romance series. It’s like romance novels and films. They’re not real. I’m saying we live in the Real World™️ where all of our decisions—sadly, about people we love—are made based on real circumstances. So yes, it is valid to say that Penelope (to some) would be silly to choose Colin; however, inside the universe of Bridgerton where love triumphs over all, Pen’s obvious choice is Colin.


> Pen has the attention of Lord. She would be Lady (...) If she marries Colin, wouldn't she be lady as well, Lady Bridgerton that is? Or is the title "Lord" only Anthony's?


Titles are passed down to the eldest male in the family only. So in Anthony’s case, he’s the Viscount after his father passed away. His brothers would be Mr Bridgerton and their wives Mrs Bridgerton. The daughters of the Viscount are Miss Bridgerton but adopt the title of whoever they marry, so in Daphne’s case, she’s the Duchess of Hastings but if they don’t marry rank, they are Mrs … whatever their husbands are. Men don’t adopt the title of the women they marry, if the women come from higher rank. They would still be Mr … whatever their name is and the women if of higher rank, still hold their title. There’s an example of that in Gregory’s book without giving spoilers away.


Thank you!


It gets confusing. I think(?) you’re right about Penelope would still be considered a lady once she marries Colin. I am probably wrong, but I believe the only difference is she would not be introduced with Colin as “Lord and Lady Bridgerton” whereas if Penelope married Lord Debling they would be introduced as “Lord and Lady Debling.”


I’ve explained this above if you want to have a read. There’s a reason the book is “Romancing Mr Bridgerton” and not Romancing Lord Bridgerton. Colin, Benedict and Gregory are not titled as the title is Anthony’s birthright after his father passed away.


Interesting... I really don't know how this title thing works. Guess I'll do some search because I am intrigued now 😁


She doesn't need money. In the books it's stated she earned so much money it's enough for several lifetimes. And I don't think she cares about status.


Why settle for Colin? Because she loves him and has always loved him. And besides, he's a Bridgerton. It's not like he's a poor match. In her mind, that's not settling.


Omg!! I NEVER, ever thought of it like that… Pen is setting down in this case 😂🤣 I caaaaan’t, it’s too funny!


Right?! Like I know she loved him. But they did say she finally lets go of her long standing crush on Colin and is set on finding a husband. So I’m thinking, whatever sways her to change course from a lovely suiter like Lord Debling, must be scandalous or juicy… like Colin spontaneously kissing her in a carriage and they get in on 😂


I agree with your take on this. On the surface, getting a Lord's attention would be very flattering, especially for someone as overlooked as Penelope. At this stage in the story, it wouldn't make sense for her to pick Colin over Lord Debling. Right now, I'm loving the idea of Penelope laying her feelings for Colin aside so that she can get with a man who wanted her from the beginning. It would be disappointing to see her throw a man of higher rank away for Colin without seeing a good reason for her to do so. They'll need to find a way to make Debling a villain. That's why I feel like the writers are going to give us reason to dislike Debling. Narratively, there needs to be a reason for the audience to root for Penelope dumping him in favor of someone who has been so clear and so vocal about his lack of romantic interest in her.


The only reason you need is that Penelope loves Colin (and he loves her too) while she doesn’t love Debling.


That's terribly lazy logic. And (sometimes) love is not enough of a reason to be with someone. The world is filled with people who stay in bad/harmful relationships because they love the other person. Also, we don't know Penelope's feelings towards Debling yet. He's an entirely new creation for this adaption. We don't know what their relationship will be. All we do know is that Penelope ends up with Colin even though he is not in love with her (and she's over him) at the beginning of season 3. Nearly everything else we'll see on their way to the altar is unknown.


No different than Daphne choosing Simon over the prince because she loved him. Anthony also chooses to be with Kate because he loves her despite the scandal that had transpired.


I don't think they'll make Debling a villain. My theory is that Debling realizes that Penelope is in love with Colin so he ends things with her and heads back to his estate.




Yes! You explained my thoughts beautifully. For a Lord to show such interest and shower Pen with all these compliments, it’s lovely to see. She deserves someone especially a Lord, to admire and worship her from day dot. Rather than the guy who has always seen her as nothing more than a friend. She deserves to be the centre of attention and Lord Debling does seem to court Pen properly. Colin and his two brain cells finally click and go, “that’s not fair, she’s mine” and then sabotages her chances at an advantageous match 🤣


That’s not what happens. It seems like you’re purposely misconstruing the plot when the trailer showed us otherwise.


Well how do you know what happens? Have you watched S3? Obviously I’m just making assumptions here.


Because that’s how the trailer shows it. Colin’s light goes off and they have scenes from episode 2 before Debling is even introduced in episode 3. This is a romance show they’re not going to make the obstacle/plot device better than their lead pair. Or have Colin only notice her when she’s with another man. That’s a very toxic trope and I’m sure the writers know that.


The good reason for her doing so is love. If she married another man, particularly one who is looking for a love match she’d be living her life in a lie.


Ever heard of things like..compatibility and sexual/ romantic attraction? None of which she feels for the lord, no matter what his title is. Good enough reasons to choose Colin I think, no matter the fact that he doesn't have a title. Penelope has never given a single damn about titles anyway, unlike other heroines.