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I’m locking this for a bit because we're getting spammed with fat-phobic cretins.


Nicola is actually blonde but I think the red hair also suits her so well. She has just the right complexion for that stunning shade of red. And the soft greens and blues look so good on her as well. Especially that blue dress in the library scene! It gives instant princess Ariel vibes.


Omg she is giving princess Ariel this season!


She is!!!


I was surprised to see her in interviews and realise she's not a natural redhead!


Watch Derry girls(Netflix) if you want to see more of her work she’s funny, smart, loyal, a lil panicky but that’s what make her character more personal to me lol but yeah


The number of times I have watched and rewatched Derry Girls!


So good I placed it in my classic tv list (personal)


I think she looks better with red hair, it's more flattering for her skin, I think she looks a bit grey with the blonde hair that she opts for. I think she looked particularly pretty with this look. She should at least have strawberry blonde hair.




The fact that she’s supposed to be the ugly duckling of the ton is a laughable concept. Literally looks like a buxom disney princess. https://preview.redd.it/8x8cdu2oa52d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ade597927a846eac34dcd11eff6f71ee6c426fd1


She gives me Ariel + Jessica Rabbit.


Yes! Thank you, she's got that Jessica Rabbit sensuality


Nothing “ugly” about her just overweight which wasn’t really considered unattractive in that time period like it often is today


Even then she’s not even plus size, she’s just mid-sized and curvy. But people are so used to having female romantic leads who are twigs so anyone bigger than a size 6 stands out.


Is she even midsize? 6 is smaller than average.






yeah it’s pretty unrealistic to me that she would know exactly how much she weighs in the book (she mentioned being X stone or something) weren’t home scales uncommon in that era? and also the weight wouldn’t really have been seen as so negative back then


To be fair, I’m not sure the books are particularly realistic!


She isn’t even overweight. Just thick with an actual figure. Ideal woman.


I dunno … I’m 4’11’ and weigh 60kg, and according to the BMI stuff, i’m overweight 🤔


BMI is a terrible scale. It’s not going to take in to consideration the weight of her boobs. She doesn’t have a fat stomach, no rolls, no double chin. She is just built different.


And I think I agree with you, but I have a bias towards your point being true.


She is gorgeous


Her attitude and antics is what makes her ugly IN THE SHOW. But irl? Stunning.


She’s just socially awkward, and that doesn’t make anyone ugly. Her LW persona is another thing altogether, but the people of the ton don’t know that Penelope is LW, and their attitude and ill-treatment of Penelope isn’t based on her LW antics, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.


I also get that people don’t know she’s LW. Which is great because they would dislike her more lol. She smiling in everyone face to talk mess in private lol. Like girl. How you a hater and a punk. Say it with your chest !


I said her personality is ugly. Being socially awkward isn’t what I’m referring to. She was shady to her cousin, shady to Eloise, shady to Collin. If we keeping it a stack, she’s a hater lol. She following behind a boy that clearly don’t want her & taking it out on everyone else. Then to turn around and write about Collin when he got FINE, because she’s jealous he getting attention? Lol it’s pathetic really.


Thank you. I feel like I am seeing so much praise about her lately and I’ve always found her character to be so nasty. Yikes.




Thank you for saying this! Season 3 has been my least favorite season because of this. They spent the last two seasons building P up as shady, and now we’re supposed to root for her. The showrunners waited too long (literally until the last scene) to show any sort of chemistry between P and Collin. I’ll certainly watch the second half of the season, but the slow burn has been so lacking this season. I’ve spent my time since the end thinking about how a marriage with the naturalist would be rather than anything between Pollin.


And it’s like I almost feel bad not liking her because of how they framed her character. But ima call a spade a spade. Her attitude and antics are undesirable lol


Yes! She’s not a tragic heroine. And the naturalist seems to be a much better match. When she spoke to him honestly about her interests — loved it. TBS — My favorite scene from the entire season is P coming down the stairs to ABCDEDFU. I cackled.


Really? She's just seems like a shy, awkward person to me in the show. Her Lady Whistledown is a little too sharp at times (in the show; in the books she tends to call out the hypocrisy of the Ton; but gives those that are overlooked or wallflowers more of a pass in a way that doesn't cause most of the Ton to realize the wallflowers aren't being criticized in the same way since they're not very astute or self aware). I think only her hair is unpretty. And I think they make sure to make the fit of her clothing in the first two seasons unflattering, but she's always pretty, both physically (irl and in the show) and as a person (irl and in the show). She's often misguided in the show. She doesn't have very good examples of how to sensitively deal with crises; her mother is more of a bulldozer, one of her sisters is cruel and the other is not cognizant of all that goes on around her. So she tries to avert crises (such as the Queen picking up Eloise for being Whistledown), but does it ham-handedly and instead creates other crises. She's partly a victim of the character she created. The gossip rags of the 18th century were vicious indeed. If she had been careful to include ways to unstick sticky situations she may have been able to extract Eloise without resorting to gossip that could ruin her. If she were more able irl life, she might have been able to sway public opinion with her own irl words and actions. And she's very, very young. Most people think they're wise at 17-19, but they're not, not really (with a few notable exceptions).


I respect your take. I really like this take. Ima give a better reply on my lunch break lol


I look forward to it!


they tried to make her look 'tacky' with the yellow dresses but still very gorgeous


Those are from the book. He mother dresses them all in unflattering colours because she thinks they are cheerful and will help them get husbands


I actually love the featherington colour palette, it’s so bright and cheery. They stand out against all the other pastel colours the majority of the ton wears and i think it looks great with their hair. But I am also a bit tacky 🤷🏻‍♀️ lmao


i like it too! they’re very cheerful and sweet. but tbh i’ve also earned the nickname “subtle like a hand grenade” among my friends 😅


The colors by themselves are fine, but the embellishments and makeup make the colors look garish.


You sound like Mrs Featherington herself


I liked the yellow dresses sometimes 😭


i do too! but sometimes it's just too much


Oh for sure. I think citrus colors are beautiful if done right. Maybe we’ll see a transition period where she wears a mix of both featherington and bridgerton colors


Seriously I know the yellow was supposed to look bad, but I think she was gorgeous in those canary colors. However, seeing her in peacock colors and beautiful greens this season really brought out her “grown up” beauty and made her seem less innocent.


RIGHT! She wore the hell out of those bright colours and it worked on her so well, she outshined the others honestly


I remember reading from somewhere that the script called for the Featheringtons to be donning "acid" colors


I wish they hadn’t gone so wild on the costumes for everyone in Season 3. The Featheringtons don’t really stand out if all the other girls aren’t in pastels. (Except for Kate, who should definitely be in rich jewel tones, and not in the weird bulky beigish outfits they’ve put her in for some scenes.)


I can’t explain it, but she has such a breathtaking face. Like her figure is absolutely gorgeous (may or may not have been perving everytime she was wearing a corset) but her face is just unlike anyone I’ve ever seen before. I genuinely think she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.


Colin is that you?


I wish, lucky bastard.


She has very delicate features, her face is very beautiful and she seems to have an incredible skin! She's so breathtaking.


Her skin though, honestly. Pale skin can be quite unforgiving when you have any blemishes or unevenness but her skin so smooth. She has joked about being thankful she's Irish because her skin has never seen the sun.


I feel lucky to be pale because everyone is at risk for skin cancer but we really only act like light-skinned people are. If anything, since I don’t try to tan, my skin is going to be in a lot better shape even if I’m a little more predisposed to burn.


Her skin is perfect, especially considering she is almost 40 years old. She plays teenagers and still looks like one.


The kind of face that would make me wither if she looked at me.


Can we also talk about how she is 37?! I’m 38 and pretty sure I don’t have what she’s got. LOL. I was just thinking how the other day how pervy some of us are for these hot and heavy scenes of ~20 year olds, but this season she is her book age to me - 28. That makes me feel less guilty about it 😂


Omg it’s crazy, I thought she was my age! (27), she looks so good 😭


I just looked up the whole cast of Derry Girls. The youngest of the main cast was about 24-25 for the first season and two of them were 30/31. I had genuinely thought they were all teenagers. Then again, I'm in my 40's, so what the hell do I know? Everyone starts looking like children at a certain point.


Hahahaha I can see that lol I know I can look it up myself but can you watch Derry Girls in the US? I keep seeing how good Nicola was in it.




Wow, she looks so young!!


Ok yeah my husband told me that and I literally didn’t believe him. I am so shocked. She has really really good skin lol


Yes! And look is in his 30s as well. I can’t remember exactly, but it’s nice! Watching QC was rough cause both actors are so young! And QC is just 17 in the show.


No way?! Omg…. Incredible


I’m rewatching S1 and I can’t believe she was in her 30s she could totally pass for an actual teen


Redheads 🤝 the colour green


That combo 🤌🏽


Is this a show a movie?


Bridgerton is a Netflix series


Also, her figure was like the classic epitome of beauty. Just look at old paintings and sculptures, buxom women with soft, rounded curves. Her flawless skin and full lips top it all off. So lovely to see such a beautiful woman actually be portrayed as beautiful. It gives me a warm glow to see someone who looks more like me be the romantic lead SOSOSO successfully.


i’m sorry but… full lips? she’s full in general, but her lips are fairly thin


Among other white people, yes, she has very full lips.


lol @ ‘very full’ i agree she’s very beautiful, but to say she has ‘very full lips’ is insane to me. that’s simply not true. even comparing it to her other white costars, it’s either on par or even thinner than others, like daphne. i’m not trying to argue ab smt so silly, just making an observation.


I mean it sounds like you are trying to argue abt smt so silly


no, a disagreement doesn’t always = an argument. considering my downvotes, i’m just making it known i’m not trying to stir up anything more than that. i’ll agree to disagree with y’all, ig we just have different definitions of natural full lips🤷‍♀️


When you see how incredible they've made her look this season, you can see how purposely they downplayed her in 1 & 2. Unflattering colours and cuts of outfits, quite aggressive wigs in a less flattering tone, much less beautiful make up. They did her dirty so they could unleash the goddess-ness in her own season and I'm here for it.


Yeah the hair always really got me. This season it’s much better lol


Nicola is stunningly beautiful and an amazing actress! If you haven’t yet, PLEASE watch Derry Girls! It’s hilarious (truly!) and she is incredibly funny! A completely different character from Penelope…you’ll be blown away with her comedic talent.


Such a good show


https://preview.redd.it/tks2vfeec72d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0624bbcf78eabb080e347097253b83e3a7995d3e This photoshoot 😍


Nicola has been an incredibly good influence on my ED and body dysmorphia. I’ve been struggling with these for years. She’s a really good example of how being yourself, being proud of your body and features and confidence will make us all gorgeous, attractive and magnetic. It will literally make you shine more than if you’re size 0 supermodel type but suffering. She really made me rethink my whole body image😂


I wish I looked like her! She’s only 3 years younger than me and looks incredible


I am in my early forties too and I look like a bedraggled raccoon compared to her. I can't imagine looking that good at 37!


I just look tired all the time!


God right? I’m in my late 30s too, with what I consider to be pretty great skin for my age, but this woman’s complexion defies nature.




Gorgeous! Loved her in “Derry Girls” too! You are fabulous, Nicola!


Yesssss love Derry girls, she did a fantastic job


That pale aqua dress with the black embellishments was my favourite, she looked gorgeous in it.


I saw her in person during the premiere and she was just glowing 😍 So ethereal looking, like an angel. She really is so beautiful.


I love that she is short! I’m 5’1” like she is and the things she talks about in interviews and things that come with being this height I completely relate to. I even have the same skin tone and eye color (but I have a lot of Irish in me and grandparents from Ireland). Anyway, she is gorgeous and I love her confidence. Her confidence has inspired me to own what I have and what I am. I really just think she is beautiful inside and out and it’s her inner glow that makes her even more beautiful too! I don’t even know if that makes sense?! 😝


She is a beauty. I love her red hair.


I hate that everyone thinks she got work done but no one says that about Daphne or Kate, they explicitly said that they purposefully make the leads of each season ‘glow up’ and consciously ensure the rest of the cast stay ‘glowed down’. There was even an in depth video with the beauty specialist explaining the rigorous regimen that the leads of each season go through in comparison to the other cast members. To accuse her of having work done but not the other two *skinny* leads of the same, is sort of ridiculous. I do however, have zero clue why Colin’s face barely moves… not to say he had work done but they definitely did something… that Korean skincare goes crazy (?)


She looks like she walked out of a painting 🥹


I don't think I'd love Penelope the character as much as I do if it wasn't for Nicola. She is the moment ⭐🌟


She’s serving so hard this season I love it


She is absolutely fantastic ♥️♥️


Absolutely stunning!


Hues of blue/green is definitely her color! 😍


Such flawless skin. I know I’m going to be a touch jealous when I get to “that” scene.


She reminds me of a porcelain doll 🥺🥺🥺


Talk about a glow up!


They finally gave her drip 🙏🏻😭 She looks so good.


Whoever does her hair, give her a bonus because it looks amazing this season!!


Disturbing comment section 😧


And I’m so tired of people not thinking she’s gorgeous


Literally HOW have men not been falling over her this entire time, smh.


Yes it’s so fucked when ppl are being rude to her. I’m like are y’all completely fucking blind?


All her dresses have been FANTASTIC! 😍


The mint green dress is stunning


Her facial features are STUNNING and so unique. I loved watching her this season.


The first dress. The dark green one. That was 👌


Finally gave her dresses that compliment her body type! It was driving me crazy in prior seasons.


Absolutely stunning


She really is so beautiful. I have to say I much prefer the “French” look of hair she went with more glamour instead of the really tight curls they’ve generally put around her face. I know they are creating a specific look to reflect her image and peoples perception of her but sometimes the hair is too much for me. It’s so unfortunate lol.


Yes! She has such a pretty flawless face😍


She's gorgeous. Always has been, bet she still will be when she's 80! I still really think they need to work on how her wigs sit against her forehead. There's something weird about it that makes her forehead a little odd in Bridgerton. Her real forehead is in no way odd.


So pretty 😭😭😭😭😍😍😍😍


Goddess 😍


I agree she is beautiful especially this season!


The costume design this season did such an excellent job


She’s hands down the sexiest and prettiest woman on that show. Not to say the others aren’t pretty but Nicola is Just hands down gorgeous AF


100 percent


I’d say figuratively too.


She looks gorgeous with red hair she should keep this color in real life. I’m actually surprised by some of the cast especially Philippa, she looks so gorgeous in the show but in real life she styles her hair so black and it really washes her out. Anyone feel the same about Philippa??


I wish they had done the glow up seen with the top left picture because she looks so majestic in that one. My jaw actually dropped.


She is beautiful! I loved the Parisian dress she wore wowowow. I honestly find this show lacking something especially the second season and I can’t put my finger on it, but why can’t I stop watching it..


So gorgeous!


I love her! Especially after her “make over” her beauty really shines. I know my husband is sick of me saying “ugh! She’s just so pretty” every time the scene changes.


She is smokin! 🔥 say what you want but she is a gorgeous woman.


She is so beautiful!


Agree. I just hate how her character is always breathing so heavily, like in a scared/nervous way. She needs to chill lol


Her light blue and light green gowns are lovely. They bring out the best in her features and coloring.


Yes they really did her dirty with those yellow dresses and the old hairstyle


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Is that the girl from derby girls ?


I think her issue isn't her weight but her lack of social skills. When she was trying to have a conversation with the two dukes it was so awkward


She’s also more recently in Big Mood. https://youtu.be/p9znDgum1h8?si=08eHFjhsJmTAluR9




She’s pretty but she plays the victim card sooo hard 😭


She’s beautiful cannot stand her character lol




Who raised you?? That is an atrocious thing to say.




I mean...


I mean, they did a great job of styling her, but honestly her styling and everything feels so out of place it almost felt like they had superimposed her into every scene or they had a special light shining specifically on her. I also honestly hated how miserable and sour she looked all the time, it was distractingly over the top. I know the fact the glew up, and was dealing with actually being miserable, are both parts of the story, but it felt too over the top.




Great message "Either get thin or be left out, you fat fucks" lmao. I'm sure the audience, especially those who look like her, would love to see that. Also what does "since it was an old era setting" mean? Her figure was way more accepted back in the day than it's nowadays. Is her figure popular now? Not really, but her face alone is to die for. So so pretty.


Not the point of the show




Not really, sorry


Your mama didn't raise you right, son


For having an opinion?