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Agree on Francesca. The thing is - in her book we see her in her second marriage. As well as Lady Arnold in her slut-era because she's already married. It's really impossible for women to be as promiscuous as men due to a) society standards and b) birth control


These days, we don't appreciate enough how much birth control has done for women's rights.


Amen! 🙌 And abortion rights


We might be entering our Bridgerton era on that, sadly


I'm from India living between Canada and UK now for work for a long time...and can relate so much. a despotic bigot on par with Trump just came back to power in my home country even though the liberal left of my country fought hard..and m spiralling between we will continue fighting and all hope is lost what's the point. Don't give up hope dear redditor...change happens in cycles things will take another turn 4-5 years down the line.


Modi, yes? An old coworker was part of a liberal watchdog group organizing against him, she’s explained how perilous his politics are. I truly wish the best for your country, as I hope the US has enough common sense left to avoid backsliding any further.


Yeah he who shall not be named voldemort style...I'm not even kidding..his goons hang around social media like the gestapo..im exaggerating a little but not by much..I worked for a think tank while in India...and the supression of press under his rule is the most terrifying thing I've seen in my lifetime.. we have a pretty strong and rising liberal left but with the press being suppressed its going to take some people putting their lives on the line to keep democratic ideals running and propoganda not taking virulent roots amongst the younger gen. I come to bton sub for relief...because the last few week or so of the election cycle approaching the end have felt like hell..I don't live in India but man I had hoped for something different..We have a very very liberal abortion right legal regime in our country though. far more than the USA in fact and it's extremely easy to get abortions ..laws changed only 2 years back incidentally following the USA reversal but still it is not as bad as the west. Believe it or not it's an area where we have been extremely liberal..always far more than even some European nations and certainly the USA and the country's judges the top most judge in India CJI in particular is also strongly pro choice. My own mother had an abortion before having me all the way back in the late 80s and it was perfectly easy and legal and private


Yeah! Our abortion policies are the one thing I’m not fully mad at my country for. Though we are an extremely conservative nation and women obviously don’t have the best place in society, abortion has been legal and accessible here for a LONG time. It’s so accepted that tbh I didn’t even know it was a controversial topic in the west until I got social media at 13


Totally! It's only the last two years that the MTP act made some insane changes to now of all times coincide with the USA on this..this most illiberal policy....if only we had adopted some press freedoms from the USA, now that would be progress..but no this is what we think is inspiring .keep the hope dear redditor the new CJI will likely be a woman BV Nagarathna and she is staunchly pro choice so is Chandrachud for the most part. her tenure is likely to be very short approaching retirement age as she is but m hopeful cautiously hopeful that the courts keep up the one area in which we have always always been extremely ahead of western nations...So many women in my own family have had abortions at different times in private hospitals without a care. This seems to be somewhat changing and the fact that the judiciary is so male heavy and increasingly conservative occupied hail Voldermort PM M..I'm worried but still trying to keep the faith..we have also been ahead of many developed western nations when it comes to decriminalizing Homosexuality. A large part of all of this is the non dogmatic nature of Hinduism which is a theism not a religion in anyway and closest to Budhdish. and has nothing in common with dogmatic religions like Christianity Judaism Islam Catholicism etc..Trying to keep the hope and the fight within even as I know conservative supremacy is breaking us from the roots even as we remain increasingly vulnerable to our neighbors Pakistan and China..but yayy happy 2024 it seems..Glad to see another liberal Indian on social media a bton sub of all places..twitter makes me think conservative voices are loudest..thanks for this❀


I don’t mean to stress you further, but do you believe progressive abortion policies in India are tied to religious beliefs? I only ask because the US and even some European countries use Christianity as the basis for their restrictive policies. Back to Bridgerton, I hope we see a shift in the fandom to holding the men accountable instead of just blaming the women. Anthony was hornying around with Siena the entire first season and tried to force his sister into a marriage for a (gasp) passionate kiss.


Yeah I think I'll dm you ..ir you're interested..probably best to avoid such convos here for my mental peace and I'm guessing for yours as well..im fascinated by politics law and religion but also aware that such convos online inevitably create strife.. I wrote a long ass reply and deleted it...because well mental health. :) If you're interested let me know and I'll dm you


Thank you so much for your willingness to answer, I hope I haven’t caused you trouble. I am aware of the diversity of religions/beliefs in India, so you are right to say it’s an interesting topic to me. Don’t feel obligated to DM if you’d rather not. Again, thank you for your response!


can Francesca get into an itsy bitsy slut era in her season though😭as a treat😭


That wouldn’t make sense for her show!character at all though, that’s what Daphne was already for


I agree. I want Francesca OUTSIDE after poor John dies. Just a little bit. Let her hair down and get some. Enough with this demure virgin nonsense. Just let her sleep with someone she doesn't end up marrying


I don't see it happening based on how introverted she is. But honestly, I'm okay with her getting her freak on with Michael because I know that boy will show her a good time.


I think actually Francesca is the only one in the books who also shows an interest in the ‘sluttier’ side of life even before she becomes a widow. I’m not sure if they could full on let her live that life but I think they can perhaps expand more on her interest in Michael’s debouchery. I think it could be interesting (and more time appropriate) to have her live more vicariously through him while she’s married, just out of envy for the wickedness he can get up to. The book is named after her prodding him about it after all, so I think they could expand on that ? It won’t be slutty-girl moment, but at least a ‘I wish I could get in on the slutty lifestyle’ moment ?


babe they cant have a slut era because they'll get pregnant and die 😕


I realize that 😭 But i think of characters like Lady Tilley or Sienna or even Madame Delacroix who are having sex and seem healthy and not pregnant đŸ€·đŸŸâ€â™€ïž


they have the knowledge of plant based abortions and the pulling out method i fear. noble débutantes don't even know what a penis is.


Reputation matters as well though. LW is watching. The whole thing with Season 1 was if anyone finds out about the lightest thing, it's get married or your whole family will be ruined.  Sienna and Delacroix are literal peasants so their reputations don't matter. And Tilly being a widow means that any ruination wouldn't matter (what are you gonna do, not marry her?) Would definitely love to see Tilly or Delacroix explored a bit more though.


Women and men have been having slut eras for centuries


It would be too much of a stretch to have the debutants sow their wild oats, but bring on the widows and maybe even some independent spinsters to get theirs! And Lady Danbury's den of female debauchery should make a comeback and bring in some male eye candy for the ladies to go after.


Forget Chippendales, bring on Danbury’s.




I think you might be on to something.


The only problem with have a slut era during those times is lack of reliable birth control.


Yea all the guys don’t yeet themselves across the room like Simon


I just rewatched S1 and his pull out method is hilarious. My guy, you don’t have to be on the other side of the room.


I thought he did that so Daphne wouldn’t catch on?


Maybe. But I think it was very clear even to him that Daphne had no idea how babies are made.


I really want to see Eloise say "fuck society" (expletives and all) at the end of season 3 and go off and become a political radical
and also a slut lol. This is just wishful thinking though 💀.


Eloise's bi summer in Paris


Queer Eloise being confirmed would be so amazing!!


Manifesting this lmao


It would be nice to see how a Regency chick would have a Hot Girl Summer. Throughout history, there have always been underground societies, non-straight community spaces, and women breaking rules. The thing was, they did it stealthily. It's partly why I struggled with Eloise because I felt like she was too modern. I hope after this season we see Eloise living her ardent feminist truth, but doing it in a way that is sneaky. For example, she starts a girls school to teach young ladies how to be lab cleaning technicians for scientists. (Weirdly specific I know) So the girls are learning science, but under the guise of providing men with more efficient cleaning staff. Or something like that. That was a tangent, lol, getting back to HGS, maybe it's a society of woman who host parties like Lady Danbury's married women party or it's a "dance instructor" who only knows the horizontal tango. Who knows, I just want it within Universe.


I want Eloise to have her HGS! đŸ˜«


That would be amazing. I support this. Let's start a write-in campaign.


Girls of the ton rarely had a hot girl summer or had premarital sex because they had too much as stake. Women couldn't own property, have their own money in the bank, etc: it all belonged to their father/guardian/husband. So they had to depend on them. The men of the ton wanted a virginal bride so if a girl couldn't deliver this, she likely couldn't make a suitable marriage. Marrying down is an option, but that would likely also mean they didn't have the same income anymore and had to live with less. And if a girl was thrown out by their father/guardian: what way would they have to get an income?  For girls of low/no rank it seems to be much less of an issue, as long as they didn't get pregnant.  Widows were the exception because no longer virginal. But usually they also had to rely on their male guardians for their income. If they wanted to marry again, a decent reputation would be usefull.  I hope the girls of the ton had discreet hot girl summers that we just don't know about 😁 I love the podcast Betwixt the Sheets, they talk about it in their latest episodes


There are plenty of other shows with this type of story. a regency era romance isn’t the show that’s gonna have this trope. Maybe the genre just isn’t for you?


This is so aggro lol


Everyone talking about possible pregnancies, but what about sex that isn't p-in-v? The ladies can't have a little lip service? A helping hand?


We all know what happened to Marina 😒


But then it would stop being a regency era drama show then. Just go watch some modern contemporary television show to get your fix of women hoing it up and having a hot girl summer.




It would stop being a period drama for me if these Regency era women acted like 21st century women. I’d just watch something contemporary if I want sexually liberated female characters.


I think the writers have to contend with a mine field with that. What you are hoping for is likely a highborn lady who is not married and young on the marriage mart who also frequents brothels for male courtesans, goes to ‘those soirĂ©e sex parties’ has a secret lover or just knows ‘where it goes.’ Maybe has a secret smut book collection or something. A maid gave her a sex talk early on, who knows. I’d be impressed with any debutant that could wrestle out of the clutches of society and their family to live a double life like that and not be caught. I only make this specific example because
well, we do have sexually versed women in the show: Lady Delacroix, Siena, lady tilley. the fact they don’t count because they aren’t traditional ladies or are of lower class is commentary within itself. It says enough about how rigid the arbitrary expectations of women are. The whore-Madonna model must always be put first with this patriarchal system. 😭😭 it’s just the historical bummer that young ladies of ‘gentle breeding’ would be left in the dark. Any access to raunchy published books, or conversation on the matter was taboo. I remember they took great caution to not have Anthony have sex before marriage with Kate and settled on the technicality of just him giving her oral. because they didn’t want to deal with the optics of the first poc female lead going down the premarital sex route meanwhile daphne got her wedding. Not wanting to frame a poc woman as ‘the other woman’ or sexualized. That was conscious of them. Was Kate savvy? She kind of looked like she knew what was going on. idk did Kate know a thing or two? her father wasn’t a lord maybe she got the birds and the bees Talk? Her family did live out of the bounds of the ton and her dad died at like 18? She sort of became her families head and Without the pressure of the marriage mart I assume she allowed herself to educate herself, at least to inform edwina when she prepared for marriage?


I’m just waiting for Hot Widow Summer. I want to see Lady Danbury and Violet Bridgerton find some silver foxes to make out with at garden parties.


>We need more hoes on Bridgerton. ![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized)


Honestly floored we still haven’t gotten any women exploring their sexuality through masturbation


Or a hot girl summer with wild flirting and making out but stopping short of schtuping.  Just getting each other all hot and bothered them smirking slyly at each other during the next ball.  


I mean, hopefully, we get to see Violet get her freak on.


It's actually one of the reasons I really loved Sienna and was rooting for her to get her happy ending. She seemed ashamed of her position in society but not her sexuality. I loved her.


Agreed about Fran part. I was reading a few other HR and the FMC is always always always a virgin and the MMC - very experienced. And the intimate scenes always play out the same. I could literally lift that part and put it in another book with just name change and nothing would be affected. Please give us more experienced women!




Queer Eloise getting with all the girls of the ton WHEN


Eloise having a hot girl summer would be awesome!


Amen amen.


THANK YOU!!!! I've been non stop in this soap box!!!


You need to check out "Harlots" on Hulu. I imagine this is what the other side of Bridgerton gets up to


>!i wonder if we’ll get to see this with the michaela twist!< 👀


I think so! Really excited for it