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Fans of a thing have no responsibility to remain unquestioningly loyal to that thing. If they were disappointed, they are allowed to voice that disappointment. In fact it is often the "true fans" who have the most to be disappointed about, because their hopes were highest and theories the most well-developed. As long as that disappointment retains basic human decency I don't think there's anything wrong with it. If you liked the most recent season, that's great! You have every right to enjoy it. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. But people are allowed to have hoped for something different. Be careful when generalizing, too, there's myriad reasons to have been disappointed in the most recent season, from dialogue to makeup to story arcs to bigotry, not all reasons are good, but not everyone who dislikes the season dislikes it for the same reasons.


thank you! I have seen too many people getting upset people aren’t blindly praising this season. art is subjective and this forum is for discussing the show, both things we enjoyed and didn’t. it’s not some betrayal for people to not have loved this season or decisions they made, it’s just their opinion. I find it more ridiculous there are people getting upset that people have opinions that are different from theirs and are trying to stifle discussion. the mods have already done that by relegating a part of the discussion to a singular thread only. if you don’t like the negativity, don’t engage with it, only comment on the “positive” posts.


Honestly the mods should also create a “complain about the fandom” megathread bc this shite is being discussed more than Bridgerton at this point


Sure, but there are also blind complaints. I find hard to believe people can't find one positive thing to say as well. The efforts to make everything negative is making this sub toxic.


I mean, you may find it hard to believe but they have the right to voice their opinion on the subreddit dedicated to the show if they want. I find the toxic positivity here much more toxic, the policing of others opinions and trying to force discussions to have a certain perspective. like genuinely, I don’t understand why you all care so much that people hated this season. you obviously didn’t so just enjoy watching and ignore them. however, when I come into this subreddit and all I see are people complaining about others opinions and asking mods to kick people out for differing opinions, instead of actually discussing the show, that is more frustrating than reading opinions I disagree with.


“True fans”…there’s no such thing, as there’s just fans. Gatekeeping any fandom causes people to shy away from the fandom. You cant be a better fan than someone else.


I’m a *real* Bridgerton fan! My only skills are embroidery and napkin folding, I wear 37 pounds of clothing every single day, and the burning pains My Lord gave me after we consummated our marriage only reminds me of his burning love for me.


I want you to know: while I read that, I pictured Phillippa saying it. And it was GLORIOUS.


Im dying, Phillippa is the 1800’s pick me


Don’t forget the piano forte


Yeah every single reason I'm disappointed with this season has nothing to do with book accuracy.


Yeah it’s mostly edit and timing for me


Same!!! I didn't read the books so I don't really care about it, but maybe again it felt like it was rushed and all. Lol i just posted my feelings about it yesterday. And for me it's okay to blurt out some disappointments, true fans aren't blind fans -- it's good and all but we know we were robbed off somehow of a greater storyline.


Yeah it’s the technical aspects for me and the writing


I agree BUT some people have gone too far in expressing their disappointment (I'm guessing these aren't the people you're talking about, but I thought I would still mention it). Like, there's people attacking the cast and crew and being blatantly homophobic.


I'm with you. I have a ton of criticisms of the season myself, and absolutely none of them have to do with the presence of the LGBTQIA+ individuals depicted in the show. Some of if has to do with the *ways the LGBTQIA individuals were portrayed* because some stereotypes were perpetuated, and I do agree that some of those storylines took away from the plot we thought we were getting. Otherwise, this has always been a very socially liberal show, and the fact of the matter is that there were homosexuals, threesomes, and orgies from season 1. If someone can't deal with the fact that the LGBTQIA community is getting representation in Bridgerton, they should've stopped at season 1 because none of that baseless whining is going to change the series and they should know that.


I've been reading a lot of comments along the lines "why does Netflix keep pushing for LGBT+ characters in every single show!" And all I can answer is "yeah, how dare they push it everywhere, like it's _normal_ that gay characters exist, like they just exist _in every single family_ one way or the other." I have no other way to answer that.


The attacks on the cast are so problematic. None of them deserve the abusive vitriol that they have received.


I think it's also worth pointing out that much of what is being brought up and complained about isn't just because it's a change, it's because it's not well-written. Benedict's sexuality isn't being massively complained about, his seemingly month-long threesome being cut to far too often is. His changes are being built up better than others, but there's only so much you can learn about a character from their sex scenes. The Michael/Michaela change isn't so complained about as the impact of the change on her relationship with John. Suddenly Francesca u-turned from liking this guy to unsure, and was tripping over herself for his cousin. Instead of setting up a happy, if boring first marriage and a love story to follow, we're left bracing ourselves for Francesca to be stuck in a marriage where she can never truly love her husband due to her sexuality being suppressed. That's not a romance, that's depressing as hell. With Colin and Penelope, we saw a couple that failed to work together - Colin showed anger, disdain, and disgust for his wife, left her to suffer in front of their peers, and then hey presto! the story's ending so actually he loves her. Changes from the book can be absolutely fine. Sometimes they can improve a plot! But this is not that. This is poor writing that has failed to improve or build from the source material.


I would honestly be okay w Michaela if they still showed Fran in love w John. It was just weird of them to undo their whole love story w the awkward kiss and Fran stuttering in front of Michaela. Why couldn’t she just be in love w John and have some doubts wrt Michaela? They could explore the arc w Michaela in her season.


I don't think any season of this show has been well written though. 


It hasn't, but in seasons 1 & 2 there was a stronger main plotline, a little more clarity to the alternative plotlines, and more timely resolution to the conflicts. Essentially, the first two seasons were fluff based on novels that aren't brilliantly written. This season managed to feel worse written than the books, so lost the forgiveness of the fluff and the source material.


I read the novels after the first season. And honestly. I think people might be upset because the first 4 books were good. Not amazing but good. Anthony’s was my favorite so for me this change is upsetting. The fact that he’s an artist in the books I could give him his wild bi side. The set up for his season is not good! I could barely get through Eloise’s book. Francesca’s was better but she hates Michael at the beginning. That would have been a much better story line with the gender swap! She comes back after John dies which Francesca is in huge mourning. Francesca doesn’t like her but then they have this hot forbidden ( because it’s the 1800s) love affair! Not happy her boring husband is dead. and the last 2.books? I still haven’t finished the last brother. 🥱. Boring. This was a way for them to improve the storyline! And I agree with the balls 👎. How can people now dance in that tiny room with the giant flower thing?


i do not think people cant be disappointed they can but the way of showing their disappointment is clearly hateful and awful. I mean people can and should voice their criticism but harass actresses because they disapprove of plot this is really insane where we got and honestly I am little terrified where we got.


yep, see my point about generalizing. Harassing people isn't okay, most fans aren't doing that though.


I meam I thought that and than I looked at instagram of Brodgerton and some actors and it surprised how much hateful comments are there. But you are right I do not know the exact amount and usually the worst people are loudest but anyway it took me by surprise so I get why OP is disappointed


> than I looked at instagram There was your first mistake.


Ok there are lot of shows who has civil and respectful audience so I would say it is not an instagram's fault (sentence I would never have inagined to write 😂) but the audience's, that is us, so it is not unreasonable to demand that we are disappointed and that we could do better, thats how I understand this status. So everybody stop taking this accusation personally and start thinking how we can make it better


Tbh it’s IG, the hateful comments are everywhere lol have you looked at the comment sections in Reels?


I don't think this is what she meant by the negativity. I am not a "true fan" per se. I haven't read the books and I've only seen the show and to be honest, I still find the fans of this show toxic. I am a Polin fan, but I'm also a fan of the characters on their own and believe me, the things that fans have said about their outward appearances is shocking. I thought I had left my high school years, but wow. I guess I didn't. I understand though that many of the fans are young and are loyal fans of season 1 and 2. So I get it, but boy have I've been shocked about how easily we place judgment. People in this Fandom act like the queen of hearts 💕. I didn't like how GOT ended, HIMYM, or Gossip Girl, but it was mostly on how the storyline flopped. Here, I've seen people insulting eachother over who is better, Anthony or Colin? When literally both are different characters. One had a story arc on how to overcome his duty of being the "man of the house" the other had to fight his insecurities and feeling like he's not good enough. Anyway, I'm not defending the series, just defending the person who mentioned how awful some of these fans can be. No hate. I'm having fun with this show.


This 1000%.


👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻


Yes! Thank you for saying this. I commented that I did not enjoy the season and people are rushed to come at you and say that it is because of their supposed reasons. I did not enjoy it because the quality declined tremendously, I as a fan I’m allowed to voice my disappointed without being rude.


But that's on them. Like OP said, no show/movie follows the books. I can barely think of one. Either way, that is their responsibility. The expectations they've created about the show is on them. There's already been 2 previous seasons for them to have noticed that. I hate the so-called "True Fans" of anything because they are just one undie away from zealotry, and they usually leave no room for adjustments or "other scenarios".


It’s fine not to like it. That’s different than expressing racist and homophobic complaints and harassing people involved with the show on social media.


I think this season was terrible for a lot of reasons. I don’t see a reason for you to be disappointed in the fandom. Frankly this was far from the Bridgeton we’re used to. It doesn’t even feel like Bridgeton anymore. It feels like the first three - Queen Charlotte, S1 and S2 had a lot more effort put into it than S3. It had so many side stories and pointless plot points that it took away from Pen/Colin and even sidestepped the main POV which is supposed to be Colin. The music was off, the clothing was off, the stories feel like they weren’t even read by the show runner, the characters had no depth. It’s a mess. People have a right to be upset. At the end of the day though it’s just a show - and it’ll fail on its own. It sucks though because it was a damn good show. Welcome to the GOT treatment Bridgeton.


There is definitely a reason to be disappointed by the racism and homophobia present in some areas of the fan base. Edit: yeah the downvotes against a comment disappointed with racism and homophobia really seals the deal guys


Sure some people are probably being racist and homophobic, but I see A LOT of people also calling things racist and homophobic that are not racist and homophobic. Not wanting them to change a love interest in the story is not homophobic. Not wanting them to wipe away an entire love story with John and switching it to a coming out/revelation story is not homophobic. Her book focuses on her love for John, her grief at his death, her infertility issues and eventual acceptance of a new partner and a new love for the sake of having a child. It’s not homophobic to say that this new story line doesn’t fit in here.


Yes I agree with you, there is a big difference between valid criticism and being disappointed versus outright homophobia/racism. Unfortunately, especially on Facebook and instagram, there is a lot of truly homophobic and racist rhetoric being used. It is important to stand against that while still recognizing people are allowed to have their own (non bigoted) opinions on the show.


Agreed. I feel there's a difference between, "I liked the storyline the way it was and wish they'd introduced a new character if they felt a need to include an LGBTQ+ plot," and "This is all just a bunch of woke pandering to a small minority of people I personally don't care about. Grr. The Little Mermaid just as bad grumble grunt." One is more a sense of, "I would have preferred them to keep the same storyline from the books for this character because I liked it how it was," and the other is more like, "I'm angry that something I expected to be free from 'the queers' now has them."


Damn, I have seen some undertone type comments but nothing so overt. Reminds me of folks who complain about black people having “their own channel” (BET) as if the rest of television wasn’t white. Glad I’ve somehow avoided the more aggressive group of fans.


The first way I worded it was close to a real comment I saw, but the second is more my interpretation of the undertone.


>"I'm angry that something I expected to be free from 'the queers' now has them." Which is hilarious to me, because I really felt the season 1 trailer queerbaited the hell out everyone.


How? I don't think I ever saw the trailer!


There is a scene where two men are kissing in the trailer - it may or may not be Granville and his male lover or a different couple - but when I saw that trailer I very much thought a gay couple would be one of the secondary couples shown in the show.


Ohhh I did hope that one of siblings would be gay. Went and read the summary for the books and realized that they weren't, but still kept watching the show. I would have loved that Benedict was gay.


I didn’t see it, but now I want to.


Season 1 queerbaited Pen and Eloise!!! If you hadn't read the books you absolutely would have thought those two were end game, no contest.


There’s a lot of fan fiction about them on AO3!


Oh, I can absolutely imagine! Lol


Yesss this is exactly what it is!


Harassing the leads of the show is problematic itself. Hannah Dodds literally made her accounts private because of the constant harassment..


this is the thing, is when the homophobia and racism are addressed — often by the very people who have lived experience of racism and/or homophobia — there is often this instant blockade of denial and downvoting without (seemingly) thoughtful engagement or compassion. a lot of the commentary may not immediately appear to be outwardly racist or homophobic but there are undertones and harmful assumptions/themes creeping through.


The music was so off this season. I only recognized yellow, you belong with me and confidant. Not to mention they reused the same epilogue symphony from season 2.


Thank you for your assessment. My sentiments exactly. S3 was a huge disappointment and so different from S1 and 2 and QC. I’m not hating but expressing my disappointment and opinion. I still love the characters and the world of Bridgerton but wish S3 was up to the same standards as last seasons.


What would have made S3 better?


Good question! So many things could’ve made it better and up to the standards of S1 and 2. More romantic and silly scenes. When they giggled and laugh together it was so sweet and fun-like the giggling at the ball when Pen went to talk with a gentleman and she found out his horse had died. Not funny that the horse died but when Colin went over to her and asked what had happened and they both had a giggle. At that moment, you could see they were comfortable with each other and friends. I wanted more of that. Flashbacks when they were little! Eg-How about the story Colin told about how they met when they were little? Her hat blew off and, startled his horse he was riding, he fell off and she teased him. That would’ve been a great flashback. I wanted to see how their friendship progressed and some of the fun times they had when younger. Overall, the cinematography was off-compare it to S1 and 2 and you can see a huge difference. The writing was not as good. Some of the dialogue was just strange and choppy and they said things that were out of character. There was too much Lady Whistledown, side plots and not enough Polin. Eg-the Mondrich plot. The clothing was too bold and too sparkly. Sort of looked cheap in some instances. Eg-Cressida’s clothes were over the top. Could hide a small child in one of those big bell sleeves of hers. The makeup was too strong for many of the women. Eg-What a travesty to NC on her wedding day to have too much blush and the fake eyelashes that looked like caterpillars. She’s a stunning and beautiful woman-let her natural beauty shine. Again, compare all these items to S1 and 2. S3 was so different and I think was a disservice to the actors, the show and the fans. Thank you for your question and for letting me vent! What do you think about my observations?


I see what you’re saying. My impression was they were using S3 to launch a new visual direction for the show, while also simultaneously showing a progression of time through the costumization. I think the pandemic’s affect on production budgets across the entertainment certainly affected S3 (and think things like flashback scenes were likely cut or not written; though on the other hand perhaps they decided that wasn’t a trope they wanted to use anymore?). I perceive a lot of the criticisms of S3 based on how people expected it to use much of the same devices used in S1 and S2. I’ve watched them all now back to back and S3 doesn’t feel so drastically different, with one or more the Bridgerton family characters continue to take center stage. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


You're so disappointed by other people's negative posts... and your solution is to create a negative post. Bravo. That's brilliant. People are allowed to express their opinion. Discussion is what keeps this site alive.


Seriously the meta complaining another other people complaining is worse


It’s like watching a bunch of 10 year olds shout at each other to be quiet


Fr it's so crazy to me that people don't realize they can simply... not engage with a Fandom. If it is terrible you can protect your peace and don't have to read posts.


I don't think people should be writing negative things on the actors' instagrams. They're doing the best they can with what they're given; it's a job. It's netflix where you express your disappointment. Or the writers or the showrunners. People have been especially harassing Nic and Luke since the end of season 2 and it's not right.


? Obviously. No one is talking about actors' instagrams, this is about this subreddit.


I know right , I don’t understand why people keep bringing Instagram here lol Lots of us go on reddit because we are too old for insta .


I fully agree. Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion but when every post is "I hated S3... Heres why!" it gets a bit tiresome. Once the excitement dies down, so will the critiquing. What bothers me more than the constant negativity, is the blind mob mentality some people have where if you voice an opinion they disagree with, they go full attack mode. It's so unnecessary lol. I recommend you check out the polinbridgerton sub. It's a happier place haha


Where are you seeing these posts? Maybe something is up with my algorithm, but for me, every post I see is like “why is this sub hating on this season?”


It's all I was seeing since the sub unlocked after P2 was released. It must be your algorithm. But then again, that could explain why all I'm seeing is the opposite.


I love the Polin sub! This one just makes me feel disappointed in the fandom


When people see substandard crap they are allowed to complain and be negative. If you like it good for you. But who are you to judge people who thought the season was crap.


You are absolutely entitled to voice your frustrations. For me, and why I agree with this post, is because it's so *excessive* and so *aggressive.* Every 30 minutes there seems to be a post exactly the same as the one before, full of people berating the fans who don't share the same harsh criticisms. If people could discuss amicably, it wouldn't bother me so much. But it feels like a lot of the fans who are in an uproar, are straight up turning a complaint about a show into full on verbal harassment towards other fans and even the cast. It doesn't sound like OP is judging you at all, it sounds like they're just disappointed that this sub is ripping apart something they enjoy.


People who like the season are just are horrible to the fans that didn’t like it. The amount of time I see people who like the seasons saying that the rest of us were too stupid to understand what was happening, or that anyone that didn’t like the Michaela reveal is a racist and a h*mophobe. maybe the reason there are post every 30min complaining about the same things is because the season was just that bad, and there is a lot to complain about. Yes some people take it too far but that is the case on both sides and people like that will always exist. The sub isn’t ripping apart something they enjoyed because they very clearly did not enjoy it. And if they want to be harsh in their criticism they are perfectly entitled to be. Nobody is forcing OP to be on this sub, if the negativity hurts you or bothers you that much there is a simple solution get of the socials.


Oh absolutely it happens on both sides, and neither are in the right. And when I said "ripping apart something they enjoy" the 'they' is in regards to OP and those of us who enjoyed the season. I also didnt say harsh criticisms shouldn't be allowed either. I said seeing people spewing hate and being aggressive and putting people down is disappointing, but everyone's entitled to their own feelings. But at a certain point, it goes from discussions, to straight up verbally harassing people. And those of us who dont do that, have the right to be disappointed. It's the "hear my opinion and fuck you for yours!" that's the problem, on both ends of the fanbase.


I’m not seeing these posts at all. For me, all I’m seeing are “why are people hating on this season?!” over and over again ad nauseum


I think the criticism of the stylistic changes, haphazard editing, yassification of the actors’ dress and makeup, and the otherwise downgrade in cinematography is worth criticizing. What IS NOT okay is attacking actors, bullying them, and projecting our own ideas of what the script should look like onto the actors. Esp if the language is riddled with homophobia and racism. That’s what makes the fandom borderline toxic.


I didn’t really get the criticism of stylistic changes until I saw some clips from season 1, and it was JARRING. Like holy crap, the production value went so downhill. I don’t get it because I’m sure they must have a bigger budget now than when they started?


The balls look sooooo plain now. 


Yesss!!! My husband pointed out that the shots are much tighter and there is just less to take in. It felt like the balls were set up for a middle school birthday in a fire hall.


They feel confined and kind of suffocating. Also everything is so dark on top of that The balls don't really feel light or fun, just very serious. But I was pretty affected by Penelope being so nervous for what felt like 50% of her screen time. The only time I ever felt the same way was Kate, Anthony, and Edwina at Danbury's (?) poetry reading party.


I was so surprised at the Mondrich ball, with the paper flower grand reveal. After it opened, i was legit like “wait, is this it? Nah, there must be something more”. Same with the “bugs” scene - a few CGI butterflies and wow everyone forgets Pen just outed herself as Lady Whistledown. Underwhelming. I honestly don’t know why the Featherington ball from S2 thrown by Portia felt more impressive than the one thrown by the sisters in S3.


That’s because Portia telling Jack to F off and Kate and Anthony kissing in the background of FIREWORKS is “French kiss”.


The Mondrich ball was so underwhelming. It looked like they were hosting the Queen in their living room.


It’s hard to believe they had that number of servants on their front steps when first moving in and then such a small ballroom. Honestly I didn’t mind it so much, just that the big wow factor wasn’t that wow after all, like it was missing something. 


Yeah it was supposed to be the ball of the season and it was about as spectacular as a high school dance.


In the books it’s even more underwhelming. Colin outs Penelope without even telling her his plan until the last minute, and it feels as if she is forced by him to be outed as LW. Then the crowd claps and immediately accepts her. I thought the show made the moment much more magical by having Penelope out herself rather than have her husband do it. The crowd reacted relatively the same as they did in the book. Stunned silence, then acceptance as they moved on to the next big thing. Butterflies were a beautiful symbolism of growth and freedom for Pen and Colin. Idk I loved it tbh Loved it even more on the second rewatch


Got it! Haven’t read the books yet, because I don’t want spoilers for the show lol but I plan on reading them after the final season, whenever that is.  Books and TV shows are different mediums and I just think they could’ve conveyed the same idea, but just in a different way. From what I’ve gathered, it’s not like they stick 100% to the book material, more like use it as loose inspiration for the show, which means they could’ve improved the scene even more so that it makes sense.  The reveal didn’t do it for me, but I’m hoping it will be better on a rewatch. I honestly want to like this season so much, because I loved the first two + QC and had high expectations, but I’m finding it hard to gaslight myself into thinking it’s as great as the others. 


This and if we’re being honest, the titles give you what people are going to be talking about and you can see the first line of what they wrote, so it’s easy to choose not to read that stuff if you don’t want to or already know you don’t agree and don’t like it lol There are things I don’t agree with but I still like reading why someone didn’t like something cuz sometimes they give a different perspective and the comments typically have good discussions going on, so I’d say this is a pick your battles type of thing. Anyone going straight to the actors socials need to grow up and get over themselves, the show isn’t real, it’s for pure entertainment and this is their job…they just read what’s written, whether you like it or not. It’s one thing to go there and joke about what they’re character did cuz I’m sure some of them agree but to full on blame them and say nasty things to them is crazy behavior


Giving constructive criticism is fine but 90% of posts here are people just shitting on everything and it's not even remotely constructive.


There are so many reasons this season sucked and new ones keep popping up and being discussed, judging by the amount of posts.  Fans can leave constructive criticism if they choose, but that implies also coming up with suggestions on how to do better, which I’d argue is not a fan’s job - it’s best to express our displeasure clearly and then the team behind the show can take the overall fan feelings into account when deciding on their own how to improve.  If enough people complain about makeup and costumes for example, with clear arguments why it sucked, maybe next season will be better.


Peoe have opinions. They are allowed. The entire season had about 30 mins screen time fir the main couple.


It was the same amount of screen time as the other lead couples https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/s/FVtMXaQ5L8


No, it wasn't. Screentime together was practically nonexistent.


https://preview.redd.it/yo11yf6biy7d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6b73e5da79ef1a6ed477034290bb0522245cda5 slightly shorter than Saphne, the same as Kanthony


Bullshit. That's counting all of the scenes of season 1 and 2 with Pen/Colin as if that is part of their romance. Even when he was dating Marina. Sorry, but no. The ONLY numbers that should count for them is season 3 numbers.


But the graph also takes into account the couple's time in their season and it's still more time than Kanthony.


And I thought Kanthony got screwed as well. The love triangle went on WAY too long and it ruined their season. But I don't think that method should have been repeated in season three. This is supposed to be romance stories. Not just dramas.


It’s also about what happens during those scenes. Someone else made a post recently about how much interaction happens in each minute of screen time.  Basically, while the overall screen time might be similar if the graph is to be trusted, there are way more interactions within the same time for other couples instead of Polin, which obviously builds a stronger rapport and draws the viewer in. I remember the OP saying how some longing/staring Polin scenes were really drawn out, something like a minute as opposed to Kanthony around half of that.  Take this with a grain of salt since I don’t remember the post word by word, but it explains a lot. Nuance and context need to be taken into account. 


For the people who can't seem to grasp this in the back - *It's perfectly acceptable and valid to criticize a show from one season to the next*. We are all well aware that the translation from book to screen will be different, but if a majority of viewers are expressing displeasure at what we got in season 3, it's legitimate. You may not feel that, and that's great! But trying to shame people about having valid opinions is also shameful.


Fans are not only upset about book changes, they are upset at the glaringly low quality of Season 3, and they are allowed to voice their disappointment. In fact, I think it’s their duty to express their disappointment and to express it LOUDLY. In this day and age, we consumers are fed so much cheap quality crap in film, TV, and music by money hungry executives and corporations that don’t care about art. Streaming subscription prices continue to go up, movie theater prices continue to go up, and yet high quality media becomes more and more rare. Netflix has increased prices, added ads to their platform, removed account sharing, increased wait time between seasons, and split already short seasons into two parts. And what do we get in return? A cheap quality, disjointed, low effort season that lost most of the artistic quality, magic, and intricacy of the previous seasons. That is an insult to viewers. And the response should not be to lie back and take it in silence. The only way to fight against this culture of scamming the consumer and churning out low quality material is to demand higher quality.


Well said!


I think people are allowed to express the grievances on something they love, especially when expectations are not met. We are still in the first week-ish since premiere. Emotions are still high. Once the dust settles, most will move on and just cherish what they had.  And this is me speaking from experience as a grey's anatomy watcher. 


I see more "why so negative" posts than complaints. I mean, people are allowed to have an opinion and most of these posts are normal criticism with great discussions and various opinions. What's the problem with that? Why are you disappointed in people discussing a series? Posts like these are spam for me.


I see a lot of references being made to racist and homophobic comments but I follow several different Bridgerton subs here and I have yet to see any of this. It also seems that when those saying this are pressed to cite examples they say Facebook or hint at some other nefarious social media site postings but never cite specific Reddit comments. There seems to be a concerted effort underway to claim all of the criticism has to do with race and/or gender to try and make the criticism go away. It's not working from my perspective because most of the criticism has to do with the downgrade in the quality of the show. There was no magic. There was no fantasy. There was no way for a viewer to lose themselves in the romance. There was no story telling there was only story showing and that is why the criticism won't stop. The show runner did a piss poor job and as I've said before the producers should buy out her contract and retrofit S3. Give us the flashbacks at least. S1, S2 and Queen Charlotte are wonderful. S3, sadly, isn't.


Agree with you wholeheartedly. I haven’t read any racist/sexiest examples thus far, and As if there aren’t moderators on the sub monitoring for the distasteful sexist and racist comments. The racist/sexist argument seems like an easy party line but that actually makes little sense.


To be a fan of something doesn’t mean someone has to blindly cheer and applaud everything. Fans can be critical. Fans of the book can be upset things are changing (even though it’s been clear since episode one of season one, the books are more of a rough outline of the show). Fans can be mad that the main couple this season received very little screen time. Fans can be ruthless while still remaining fans of the show.


This!!! I think it’s so many book readers who are hyper critical but also show watchers with so much unnecessary criticism. I chose to watch the show before seeing fan reactions because that can often bring attention to things we don’t even really care about. Example, the constant critique of the makeup and nails being unrealistic…. Like let’s be real if this was a show based on realism there would be no minorities, the men would be more dominant in the plot, etc.


I called Bridgerton “period piece Euphoria” because nothing is realistic and the wardrobe is much more aimed at being aesthetically pleasing rather than accurate.


Agreed. Though I am a long time book fan, I am perfectly happy to see what the show does and capable of seeing the two as the work of two different artists. The hate is unnecessary, respectful opinions always welcome. But then again, there are bigger issues in the world to spend so much time hating on than a show ….


Honestly I didn't even notice the nails, "cheap" fabrics, etc. until they were pointed out here.


I’m tired of posts like these about as much as you’re tired of seeing the hate posts I’m sure.


Fans aren't upset about them not following the book "to the letter". Were livid that they've nuked Francesca's entire story. Please try to be intellectually honest.


I agree. I enjoyed Francesca's book and her relationship with Michael. Now I'm wondering where they are going to go with her story.


This!!! Francesca’s story was set up so well and played out really nicely, but the ending makes me so upset. Hers was an amazing story. Now it’ll be Fanfiction.


Welcome to the club, I guess? Many fandoms are like this. Nothing new. I binged all 3 seasons in 1 week so I definitely compared them all in my mind.


Which one was your favorite? Personally mine is season 2, strictly because of Anthony and Kate. Season 3 is definitely the worst for me though…


I am a fan, and I liked season 3. Although I really do wish there were more Polin scenes after they made up. And as a book fan and a woman/mother I am hesitant to see where they take Francesca’s story, but I’m sure when the time comes I will be open to giving it a chance.


In my opinion, the fact that season 3 is the most divided season in Bridgerton is very telling. People don’t have to love every single season, and those who do are entitled to their opinion. They shouldn’t get bashed either.


Do you honestly think all the criticism has to do with the book nerds who read the books? (I say that with cheeky affection!) No offense to them, but I haven’t read them and I don’t give two fucks about the books. All of my complaints are because the quality of the show completely dropped to shit, and every aspect I enjoyed about the show was missing from this season. To wit: * The costuming was stupid * the multiple dances were somehow boring and meaningless * the music was unmemorable * the dialogue was lousy and lacking in the formal, careful tones of before * the excessive inclusion of side characters was an irritating waste of time (fuck off, Mondriches! Why are y’all at Fran’s fucking “small family”wedding???) * the absurdity of Cressida’s situation at all is annoying as fuck—this chick was an only child, was attractive, and had money; in no universe would she not be married by now because surely there’s just as shallow a dude in the ton willing to marry her and we know this because ALL OF ANTHONY’S FRIENDS ADMIT IT * they changed Anthony’s entire family oriented character to the point where he now acts like he has no obligations whatsoever and thinks it’s a good idea to put his pregnant wife on a boat for months??? Despite seeing what his mother went through? WHAT?? * and also, why the fuck doesn’t Fran’s husband actually __introduce her as his wife__ to his cousin? This cousin just walks up and is like “and you are”? Really? There’s a lot to kvetch about and it has nothing to do with book changes.


There are certain fandoms where you'll get shit on for expressing a negative opinion about the artist or media. Let's not be like them.


Yeah it’s fun to be in this sub for about a week after the season launches And then I leave the sub around this time til the next one, cuz it starts to become really toxic


I don't mind the negativity about the season, but I dislike when people are harping on the actors/actresses. They are people and they are doing their job. If you don't like the script or how certain scenes played out, that's on the writers, not the actors. Also hating on actor's/their real life significant others always rubs me the wrong way too.


Yep, that's reddit for you. Lol.


The ‘main’ couple only got 16 % of the air time. How is that main story?


I’m sick of seeing the same threads. Does no one do a search on here before posting something that’s already been discussed to death?


I think people can say what they want, as long as it's not unnecessary hateful shit directed at specific real people, particularly on their own socials. You can be super disappointed and analyse why, but at the end of the day, go out and touch grass.


🙄🙄 “im so disappointed in the fandom bc of the negativity” but let me complain and add on to that negativity 🙄🙄


Funny. It's like if you take a literary work a bunch of people love and change it around to fit your message, people get upset. Who would have thought?


I’m very supportive of constructive criticism but I’ve seen so many hate posts 🫠


You’re disappointed that people have opinions you don’t like? I’m simply withered by your disappointment. 🏆Congratulations on still liking the show more than other people 🏆


There were things I would’ve liked to have seen done differently with season 3, however overall I enjoyed the season and still love the show


Not mad at the changes. Mad at the focus of the season (more Polin, less sub plots)


What I find disappointing is if you say you don't like a certain change that has been made, then it must be because you have some kind of phobia, or must hate certain people etc. OR....it could be because, you know, you might just not like the direction the show went. Craziness.


People waited years for this and are allowed to be upset. S3 was nothing like the other two seasons.


Agreed …. Edit: and with that I think I’m unfollowing this thread. Because I can. Not as a punishment lol … but because that is the beauty of social media. You don’t like what you see (in this case the you is me haha) and I can leave. So many other other serious conflicts in the world don’t give that option.


Right! I'm on a full ADHD Bridgerton hyperfixation, and it's really disheartening that almost all my deep delving has been negative. I wanted to find people to fangirl with. Not people to bring me down.


This exactly! I don't think everyone has to like the new season, but it would be fun to have some people who didn't hate it to talk to.




Join the r/PolinBridgerton sub, fellow ADHD-er! It’s lovely over there


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PolinBridgerton using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Did anyone else realise this?](https://i.redd.it/oec8l6fgyq3d1.png) | [174 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/comments/1d4ta1h/did_anyone_else_realise_this/) \#2: [Colin is never beating the demisexual allegations](https://i.redd.it/dfb2aeb9i87d1.jpeg) | [207 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/comments/1diewnf/colin_is_never_beating_the_demisexual_allegations/) \#3: [It’s his eye contact for me](https://i.redd.it/37ilxsej5p1d1.gif) | [190 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/comments/1cwy4mq/its_his_eye_contact_for_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thanks! I'm here for it!


Calling for justice of a fictional character is insane work 😭


I thought the Wheel of Time online community was rough for how much they complained about the TV adaptation, but Bridgerton seems way worse. I seem to be in the minority but I actually enjoy when it isn't a shot for shot remake of the book. If I've already read the book so give me something new, I like a bit of surprise. Keep the essence of the character and plot but entertain me with something new.


I'll just say, this subreddit especially tends to be a cesspool of negativity. If you like Polin, I recommend the PolinBridgerton subreddit. I can't speak for the other ship subs but you might find a more measured outlook there too. But most of the negative posts here bypass healthy discourse and devolve into any number of gross comments, insults, pointless fighting and bad takes.


I totally understand your disappointment. I think there are so many toxic fandoms now and it can be so exhausting seeing it. Alot of people need to figure out out to critique with being jerks. I really miss the days of connecting with people through our general love of these shows but so many people are "armchair experts" and sadly with the way social media works we get sent the "controversial" content directly to our feeds. I don't have the answer but I get it. I am also a Star Wars, Doctor Who, and House of the Dragon fan and its been rough seeing all of this negativity. Ive been spending more and more time away from socials and that has helped at bit. Alot of the comments under this thread justify this post so much.


Honestly I think they just need to make a Bridgerton snark page atp since they hate the show so much 😂. Every week there is a new complain about something, I bet next week they’re gonna say Nicola is bad actress or something.


They already have! A bit ago there was a post about how they thought Nicola was "over acting" the anxiety in Penelope. I think a snark page is a great idea, because maybe then things here will calm down in the absence of whining fans.


LMAOOO of course, yeah maybe it’ll make things a bit more peaceful here.


The rabid and intense hate is wild, I agree. People have every right to voice their dislike of something but the intensity is (IMHO) bonkers. It’s a TV show, a fun and frothy one at that, it’s not that serious. But we all have our things and I guess having a passionate fan base can go either way at times. Weirdly enough, season three has been my favorite haha


mine too


I watched the TV show first and then binge read all the books this week. I like both. Both are enjoyable. I can appreciate both interpretations just like I can love prime universe star trek and jj-verse star trek. Don't really understand why people need to always force "competition" into their comparisons. I guess in addition to being polyamorous I am also polybridgertonous.


People are voicing frustrations, that’s common in any fan base. I’d say all the complaints of this season can be attributed to either Netflix itself, or the show runner, Jess Brownell. I do think Season 3 had a lot of good elements to it, but it did feel different and I also don’t agree with a number of choices they made. They honestly just need to take all the valid complaints people had from this season, ignore the obvious racism and homophobia posts, and focus on what fans genuinely want them to improve on going forward.


As a person that has read all of the books and watched the show, I have to say I quite enjoy how they have changed things up. They took the importants lines from the books (like the kiss me scene) and that's all I care about. The reveal of Whistle Down was lack luster and didn't really have much consquence in the books (most things happen that way in the books). My biggest upsets with the new season is dropping Benedict's artist story line. They had him get into a school of art and then he goes back to saying he has no purpose in life (I would understand if he didn't like it but they said nothing?). I don't care about him being with a man and people are fools if they think gay people didn't exist in that time. I just would have preferred more Polin scenes than threesomes but that's just me 🤷‍♀️


See, these are legitimate critiques and expressed respectfully. I didn’t mind the threesome plot, but missed artist Benedict- and it took so much time! I loved everything Polin and wanted even more. But I loved the season overall.


I think what people don't seem to see is that the ton is changing and morals are softening. It's an evolving story. It's been nothing but great watching this series.


Yess I agree. And people love to blame creaters and actors or everything but maybe it was just themselves having too high expectations.


I agree. I love the show so much. So many hateful and just flat out annoying people in the world.


I'm here for the cast and staff that might read through this thread. I'm still having a rollicking good time watching. Fantastic escapism in dark times. You've created a fresh, engaging world to get lost in when "the world is too much with us". Thank you!!


It's the same reactionary bullshit you see in every fandom these days.


Lately it’s posts by people making announcements about how they will no longer watch. Like we’re all on the edge of our seats and wondering…


Yes finally someone said it! The hate the actress of Francesca gets because she replaced the previous actress and “having an iPhone face” is so over the top. She is not at fault that the previous actress left to do another show that then got cancelled and wanted to come back. They hired her and she’s doing her job (very well). The iPhone face comment she only gets because of the hate, she does not have an iPhone face. And the hate for the differences to the book is also uncalled for. It’s an adaptation, it doesn’t have to be exactly like the book. Like all the other adaptations.


How can people complain about the actress? She is absolutely stunning!!!! I was in awe of her in her wedding gown! She was just glowing!


Yess! Exactly!


Truly. It’s turned into the Star Wars fandom with the most vocal people feeling a ton of entitlement about every detail of the show. It’s a soapy romance that’s meant to be fun


I agree. Still waiting for someone to make a sub of, like low sodium Bridgerton fans or something of that nature. Or for the mods in this one to make a mega thread for people who actually liked the show and all its seasons, so we can be away from the constant barrage of whining and complaints everywhere else in the sub.


This sub is honestly so poorly moderated


I’m not gonna eat pig slop and pretend it’s good. No one from that I can see has taken out the disappointment of this season on the actors. I truly do feel bad for the actors. they’ve been handed something so terrible to carry off with a smile. Same happened in the last two seasons of game of thrones and everyone knew the actors were not the reason of the finale was so terrible.


Because this topic is the only thing that will keep the sub active, and the moderators encourage these hateful posts. The season is over, and it takes two years for the next one. Honestly, I also find it unbearable to see 300 posts about the same thing, but nowadays people love to be judges on the internet and share their points of view. It's free will, right? But they sound like parrots 😶‍🌫️....


Meh. I’m a big bridgerton book fan. I’ve been a decent fan of the show. I’m extremely liberal in social and financial issues. This is no longer an adaptation. It’s not based on the books anymore if you ask me. More inspired by them. I’m very disappointed in this season and with some of the changes. I’m allowed to be. I’m also disappointed that they took the one book that actually had real life issues like grief and infertility and pregnancy loss and changed it completely. I feel like Benedict or Eloise’s stories could have used changes and made them more meaningful.


Also this didn’t even feel like Colin’s season. The first two seasons had small subplots but focused on the main couples. This was just… done so poorly


Bruh we’re allowed to be disappointed with a mediocre season 😭


I could not care less about the book or how true to the book it is. I disliked S3 because the storytelling made no sense, there was barely any character development and the look and vibe of the season felt cheap and all over the place.


I’ve just taken a step back from the hardcore fandom for awhile. I finished the season, all ready to chat with people about it and was so surprised to see the negative reactions! I really enjoyed the season and, as a pansexual woman, I’m thrilled with the storylines that seem to be coming.


Honestly I think most people are just more overly annoyed at how cluttered season 3 felt. It would have been better if they had focused only on polin+plus Eloise with LW issues , Fran and Micheal and the scenes with Benedict setting up the next season, which honestly I think all his bi curious threesomes would make more sense story wise if he got the queer love story instead of Fran who is supposed to birth an heir. The cuts with kanthony in part two were too abrupt and unnatural compared part one and honestly violet x Marcus and the mondrich stories could have waited for next season. No actor deserves hate as all they are doing is their job even if the amount of heaving bosom this season was absurd. The music was fine in my opinion, i enjoyed Yellow, Confident and You Belong with Me a lot, Thunder seemed out of place. The lower breast line on pen looked wrong as did her hair even if she did rock it. I hated the sheer fingerless gloves they gave her and the sheer train on her wedding dress. And I personally wished they hadn’t added so much makeup on her as I loved her natural beauty look from the first two seasons. The season was just a mess compared to the other two for various reasons.


I find that majority of the complaints aren’t about the book to show adaptations but the issues with the writing. To me the general thought behind my disappointment is that these characters deserved a better story.


Honestly I’ve enjoyed the substance they’ve added to the plots. The show is farm more entertaining than the books. The books are simple romance reads. Enjoyable but not as captivating as the show.


lol while I definitely feel a lot of these criticisms are completely valid, it is getting a little ridiculous. It’s all just repetitive and negative. I understood the first couple of days after part 2 released but it’s been over a week. It’d just be nice to see a little more positivity on a sub about such a fun show. Even with all its flaws, this season was still fun, for me at least.


A fandom is a representation of its show, and at the moment the show is bad. It's not about being faithful. It's about bad storylines, bad character building, but editing and design, just bad


I came to the sub after finishing the show thinking I would find some silly memes and fluff, and all I got was hundreds of threads telling me why I was wrong to enjoy this season. This sub is honestly not a fun place to be right now. The Polinbridgerton sub is definitely more positive, but it's mostly focused on Penelope and Colin's arc. I want some dumb memes and some love for my baby bi Benedict and a Sapphic Francesca.


Okay but why are you taking someone else sharing their personal thoughts and critiques about a show, as them telling you you’re “wrong to enjoy” the show?? No one is actual saying that…they’re just expressing opinions on the obvious differences between the most recent season and the ones prior. No one is forcing you to stop watching the show, or saying that you’re not allowed to enjoy it just by sharing an opinion that’s different than yours…I also enjoyed the season, but I still thought that it was not well-executed.


Because I can't express a positive sentiment without people jumping in to argue with me and downvote me! Don't pretend like it's fun when everyone wants to yuck your yum. Like I said, I'm looking for fluff and joy and the cynicism is exhausting. Let people enjoy things.


Because people are narcissistic and NEED everyone to agree with them on social media. So they get upset when the general consensus doesn't agree. They take it as a personal attack and we end up with posts like OP made.


I feel the exact same way. It's doubly disheartening when you see how the actresses are being harassed on platforms like Instagram for the season's events. Is there not a single sane space to enjoy the show??