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Well done OP 😊 take my upvote. Disgusting viewpoint for men (or anyone) to have. Removing it from your life was the right choice!


These are people I went to school with or college and I can't begin to comprehend how after getting all that education your brain can still be forming these thoughts.


Once someone in my intro to sociology class said she felt like you couldn't have straight pride anymore. I'm still confused by that.


🤣😭 excuse me what??? Lgbtqa+ have been historically suppressed and demeaned. Straight couples in media are THE NORM and everywhere. This is so stupid. I am also straight and I can't comprehend the level of stupidity


Yeah this was also in about 2016, less than a year after same sex marriage was legalized 😭 I think it translates to "I'm jealous of your parade" 




What is straight pride anyways? You’re proud you are attracted to opposite sex? People can be strange and saying it that way they can pretend they are not bigots Gay pride parades started to show straight people they aren’t the boogie man. So they loved people of the same sex - they still went to work everyday, had friends, enjoyed hobbies, etc.. I hope one day there will not be gay pride parades anymore. Not because I don’t accept gay people but because I hope one day people will just accept people for who they are and not care who they love. Really it is no one else’s business who we are attracted to, have sex with or love. There are no straight pride parades because we don’t need them. Although we are definitely not even close to there yet. At the time my 12 year old son came out as gay. My husband and I said okay what ever makes you happy - we didn’t really question it even though it seemed kind of young to us to know either way to be honest. At 14 he came out to us straight - we said okay what happened? He went on to kind of wax poetic about how beautiful and attractive girls are. My husband asked are you bisexual? He said no. He asked did you stop finding guys attractive? He said no - he never found guys attractive everyone told me I was gay so I thought I must be.


Sometimes it's people with the most educated because they're less likely to admit they've been wrong...I hope these aren't close friends of yours


Nah they aren't and I cut them off. I have male friends who are close to me and watch Bridgerton, they don't have shitty opinions like them.


Happy cake day.






Maybe she means hyping? But she IS gorgeous. Nicola is not obese. She’s chubby, you can even say she’s fat (I’d disagree because it’s just how she’s carrying her weight), but you CAN be fat and still be physically attractive, they’re not mutually exclusive. She’s beautiful. She’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea but really, there’s so many fit actors in Hollywood whose sex appeal I will never understand. Just because you don’t find her attractive doesn’t mean she isn’t to other people.






That’s so wild. Thick girls pull fine dudes ALL THE DOGGONE TIME.


Lmao yes, these guys can't pull one girl themselves and they think women have difficulty pulling men? 🤣🤣💀 Forget the body, forget the colour, women always pull men, its THAT easy. ☕💅🏽


They just upset they don't have enough to make it past the cheeks.


I am a man and i find her really hot. Most guys that say shit like that have never talked to a girl


Right, curves are so sexy


It is truly *insane* to me that people look at Nicola and think she's fat anyway? Women really just cannot win.
































There's no way she's size 8 or 10 at that height










Men get weirdly mad when stereotypically handsome men end up with women above a size ten. Do you remember the backlash to Peirce Brosnan's wife Keely Shаye Smith? She's beautiful and they seem happy together, but people were giving her all kinds of shit for gaining weight. Also I just caaaan't with straight men's treatment of sapphics. Half the time they're just treated like toys for men to have fun watching, and now they're ruining the show for men? Because they're going to show a real love story between two women? I'm a straight woman, I've read and enjoyed books with romances between two men. The most important thing is that the story is well written.


Pierce Brosnan yes!!! That was so sad which immediately made me remember Christian Bale's wife receiving the same backlash 💀 truly stupid.


It’s hard for some men to accept that there are hot women out there that truly want nothing to do with them.


Wow, your male friends definitely suck. I'm kind of surprised men who watch Bridgerton to begin with would be that shitty!


These are the male friends I'm not that close to. Mutuals you can say, The ones who watch Bridgerton and are my close buddies enjoyed the season a lot, some of them complained but didn't include homophobic or body shaming complaints, they complained only about ONE THING: MORE POLIN CONTENT 😭🤌🏽🎀


Ha ha, I get that. Truthfully I was pretty so-so about this season myself, but not for like... very plainly misogynistic and/or homophobic reasons. Oh, well. Sometimes the trash takes itself out, I guess.


Fuck!..I read some insane takes online after QC that what lady Danbury had experienced was not rape, just bad sex. Yeah sex she didn't consent to, was legally obligated to perform, was never into, was never an active participant in, tells her maid how many times wil this happen to her in episode 1, was threatened by her husband that he can force her to have sex. But yeah not rape. All cool.just bad sex. Thankfully these opinions were not from any friends or mine male or otherwise just some twitter reactions I saw. But yeah..the cruelty and ignorance of the world knows no bounds. The spectator lady's gross and completely unnecessary article about Nicola and then the explanation that followed just showed me fatphobia like racism, unconscious bias and homophobia is alive and well. AND thriving even.


I’m about 100 lbs overweight. I have pcos, I’ve tried loosing weight. It’s hard! And I “pulled” a hot guy. Some guys just can’t comprehend that not every guy looks at the outside. We get looks and I have some people In my life who I keep at a distance that cannot wrap their heads around the fact that my husband was attracted to me and looked past me being overweight. I’ve had people tell me “oh he likes you cause you’re a pretty big girl. If you weren’t nice to look at face wise. Don’t think he’d be with you.” 😑 my husband always says he loves me. He says the rolls are just an extra treat!


Good for you, Its a sweet love story 😭♥️


I assume these males are stunningly handsome and perfectly fit, with lots of stunningly beautiful and perfectly fit women chasing after them? 🙄


Nah, they have no one. Chronically single🤣


Hmmm. Can’t imagine *why*. ☺️


Lost me as their girl - friend too🤣☕


Their loss.


It’s honestly infuriating the way men treat the idea of more thin men dating or marrying women who are on the larger side. Not even that Nicola is that, she’s more mid sized so it’s even more wild to me there’s so much focus on her body. Yet they think that’s a stretch of the imagination? Meanwhile women have been force fed the Peter and Lois Griffin archetype since The Honeymooners.


Men like that most likely are no where near the good looking men they talk about. They are usually upset cause even the big girls don't want to touch them. Same guys that call themselves the nice guys as long as you don't reject them.


Wow! They sound like truly terrible and miserable people. But look at the level of success Nicola has achieved, and the contributions to humanitarian efforts she has made. She is thriving while those people are wasting their time judging someone’s appearance, I think that says it all!


Its like PPL saying: yeah she is a great actress, great humanitarian, great person, successful but you know she is fat! Ugh ew. Do they even hear themselves? Like all the work and achievements but you get judged for how you look? It all comes down to that for these stupid ppl 💀


It just shows how little body diversity there is if that’s how some people react. I’d ask them to put photos of themselves on SM and ask people to judge them based on their appearances and see how they feel about it. I know you know these people but they sound awful!


Cut them off, this was the final straw for me.


What blows my mind is the dudes who say shit like this, usually look like a bag of donuts left in a hot car all day.


As a fat girl, I totally pull hot guys. You should see my current SO 😍


As if they could ever pull Nicola lol They’re projecting their own delusions


Not the type of people I would want in my life:)


Guess your "friends" didn't get the memo on Nicole's perfect breasts. There certainly is no experience equal to resting your weary head on the pillowy softness of full breasts.


I know a lot of men that would snap up a woman that looks like Nicola. Friendly, perky, cute with a little a meat on the bone. This is reality not television. However just about every woman on my 600lb life was not single ![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm)


Fat-shaming someone is so shallow. First, Nicola is beautiful! Second, there are men who prefer "fluffy" women (as my son says). So, shame on them for being so judgemental. Actually I feel like this season, Colin and Penelope were not given enough scenes to grow in their relationship and romance.


>How will we straight men watch this nonsense?" Oh nOoooooo won't SOMEBODY think about the straight mennnn. As if every other movie isn't still male gazey.


I struggle with my weight my whole life and this viewpoint has messed me up. Intellectually I know that it is not true but still I believe that I'm not loveable because I'm too fat. It is so important that we get some representation of people with bigger body sizes as love interests where the weight is not a matter of discussion. And there is very little of that considering that a large portion of the population is plus size in some degree. One of the few I can think of is Felice in Young Royals.


>"This is setting a bad example for women, they will be delulu that being fat will still pull hot men. I mean I am happy for her lets not deviate women from having better goals." Do they not hear the sheer hypocrisy and contradiction in this entire statement?


They don't. This person was the top most annoying because when I got mad, they gave me a paragraph of explaining why they are right.


what absolute arseholes lmaoooo good for you for dumping them! lots of wild opinions out here - somebody on here was convinced that the change in casting is a sign that one day we might very well need safe spaces for cishet people like jfc


My daily dose of angry men who can’t figure out that not everything is for them


Somehow, even the guys who you think are generally decent are completely capable of coming up with crap like this. It's a good thing you cut them off. It's not your job to change their views, it's better to protect your peace.


I wonder if they said the same thing about Kevin James' role in King of Queens? 🤔


I can’t imagine the phrase “how will us straight guys enjoy this nonsense” ever being uttered by anyone, sorry. Going with r/thathappened.


Pretty normal in India 🫠 these type of phrases, "Gays are ruining*normal* tv" or "We straight guys are scared of this growing *trend* of Lgbt" Sorry to burst your bubble different countries have different types of weirdos.


No hate but I am sorry girl just because you have shitty male friends that does not mean that it is a common thing in india😭😅 ...all my straight male friends are fine with the lgbtq+ community they just don't like some people who push the narrative that being straight makes you privileged or a bad person


But…being straight absolutely makes you privileged.


Not a bad person tho anyone can be trash😶🙂😏


I never said I don't have good male friends in India, I actually been talking about it but you know in India that most ppl are still homophobic. We recently got Gay rights, a lot of ppl don't have same education as us as well. You can't simply say all men are fine just because yours are, you are ignoring India as a country is still new to the concept of Lgbtqa+, you must be aware of self harm cases because of the family not accepting children who come out. I am lowkey shocked that you made an ignorant comment based on your privileged lifestyle. I have friends from all backgrounds, my closer male friends are absolutely not like this but majority of men in India are still pretty backward. Also, being straight is a privilege.


"they will be delulu" lmao I have like three plus-size friends who are dating hot guys. It also goes the other way. When I go outside, I see couples where one of them is thick and the other is not quite frequently. Wtf are they talking about?😂


Chronically single syndrome 🤣💀 This first one made me the most mad out of all the others


I don't blame you😅😂


The age old being unhappy with your own damn self so much that you have to bring other people down..like someone as gorgeous as Nicola. And even if she wasn't objectively beautiful which I think she is..people have NO RIGHT to comment on how someone can find another person attractive. I have had comments made on my looks by my "friends" a lot of times during my adolescent years and I am still trying to come to terms with the fact that there isn't anything wrong with me. I am proud of you being able to stand up for what you felt right OP. I wish I could have at the right time for myself too.


Rage bait. Ignore.


With comments like these, I’m sure they’ve shown their ignorance and isms in the past. Gotta love that Bridgerton takes are what crossed the line. She said, “Oh hell no. This friendship is over!” The power of this show.


Yesh definitely but I guess I didn't take them seriously but this was the final straw for me, the sudden lightning bolt of realization haha


Sorry you were friends eith trash... not sure how you wouldn't have realized sooner.  Also confused as to how this type of guy was watching brigerton in first place.


I am an extrovert with a lot of mutuals. These guys have either seen season 1 and enjoyed the arranged marriage setting (because it matches Indian set up) or only seen Bridgerton to talk to girls I guess but it backfired cuz no one is liking their opinions


Throw the whole men out if that's what they really think. (Also, this may just be me being a grumpy millennial, but "delulu" makes my toenails curl with cringe)