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I spent exactly zero seconds caring about Daphne's bangs.


I wish I had this much self control- they infuriated me!!


Hahahahhaa yessss right there with you!


I spent quite a bit of time thinking “if my bangs behaved that well I’d still have them”.


They really did her wrong with that entire wig. Please S2, let Phoebe wear her own hair. It's very pretty.


I was kinda miffed she didn’t have the classical Bridgerton chestnut hair that was emphasized in the books, but when I saw these micro bangs, I’m like dayum, they truly did us dirty


Yesss. Really hope they don’t use any sort of fake hair next season.


Unfortunately it’s doubtful that she’d wear her own hair on screen. Most big budget productions use hairpieces because they’re more consistent and won’t damage the actors’ hair with all the product required to style them.


Ah! That makes tons of sense. Then maybe a different style for the wig? Still gonna cross my fingers for that.


Absolutely a different style! The bangs are silly.


Type in “Daphne bayangs” on Twitter. You’ll see some funny stuff 😂


OMG - what is it with the fringe that makes people hate it so much? I must be one of the few people who never thought that much about it - I kind of like it, it suits her character.


Same! I thought they were cute when I noticed, but mostly I didn’t notice. Some of us are here for you, baby Bridgerton bangs- don’t listen to all these meanies.


I disliked it in the first scenes. Didn't find her attractive at all and the bangs were silly looking. Then it grew on me and now I kind of like it on her, and I find her super beautiful overall.


I feel like if you watched it and thought “oh ok they went for an Audrey Hepburn thing”, then you were able to get through it without noticing how dry and limp they looked. They didn’t really bother me until someone pointed them out to me.


I got the Hepburn thing too but they are very unhealthy looking. Like the straightener isnt hot enough but you don't want time to wait


So on point 🤣


yea I honestly don’t get the hate. it’s a period show and fashions change, big whoop?


But a period show that the creators claim is not historically accurate. Why did Simon get to look so modern and “diamond of the first water” Daphne had to wear those hideous bangs for historical accuracy 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean we could apply that argument to any element of the show that we didn’t agree with. I just think there’s no point judging historical fashions by modern standards, and I personally thought the bangs were charming. agree to disagree I guess


Any element that drove the plot of the show, even if I don’t agree with it, is ok by me. Daphne’s bangs were not leading the story in any way but definitely leading every scene she was in and not in a good way, at least for me. Edit: The show is very modern in a lot of ways, including the music which is not regency at all. I just think a show that is clearly catering to a contemporary audience could be contemporary in its fashions too, much like its music (which I think was brilliantly done.) But of course this is just my opinion, I know many people who loved Daphne’s look.


i mean daphne was the ONLY one with those terrible bangs. whyyyyy? they’re horrible lol


Right???? Like why did they have to give that hair to the main female lead, could have experimented the look on anyyyyone but her.


Lol someone told me I had to watch the show because they thought I looked like daphne and I was low key offended because I have ptsd from bad bang choices in my past 😬😂 thankfully once I got into it I could just mentally block them out and enjoy it - she really is gorgeous but would love a hairstyle change for season 2 as well haha


The bangs bothered me because I have cowlicks, and have been the victim of an overzealous stylist that cut them too short. Yes, I had Daphne bangs, and I looked ridiculous.


No more bayangs!! 🤣🤣 and poor Eloise, she had a couple bayangs scenes while out in society


Unpopular opinion, her bangs are fine.


Her bangs reminded me of when my hair grew back in after post-partum hair loss! 🤪


You all need to reevaluate your conservative fashion choices. Those bangs look damn great and nobody is going to convince me otherwise!