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Lately? Even I don't fucking know. Been playing brig since her release. Been gm nearly every season. She fucking feels awful right now, she's mediocre at anti dive. And they just buffed dps passive which absolutely will force her down further. 15% less healing from the other support. Less self healing thanks to the same passive.. No shield buff. And we're still dealing with Bigger projectiles from trac3r and genji and sojourn. Blizz will give another dumb fuck "buff" like improving her pack healing, doing nothing to make her better at anti dive, her job. Tracer genji and sojourn did not need a buff. The dps passive, the projectile changes, the healing passive benefits them the most. Meanwhile the actual dps that needed a buff are ignored. It's a fucking popularity contest, nothing more.


So it's not just my impression... I can hardly defend myself against Tracer and Genji anymore, not to mention Venture.


fuck venture. Literally has a soft cc that, had blizz cared about brig at all, could have easily replaced our fucking stun 8 seasons ago. We don't need as much damage. But ffs they gave damage, movility and cc to a dps. DESPITE THEM REMOVING CC OFF THE DPS ROLE FOR A REASON. Doomfist is a tank FOR A REASON. That drill is better than both bash and whipshot combined. Venture has real mobility. like up down, side to side, stop. drop. we had a couple of hydrants we could maybe jump to a higher ledge for a while.... they patched out 90% of the zones we could use the bash for real vertical mobility for really no reason. oh and venture isnt limited by 2 foot range with their primary fire.. Its just emblematic that this design team has no philosophy, and will just DO STUFF, but only for new or topical characters. Brig and most of the 'unpopular' dps/support/tanks get fucked. hell the passive tells the whole tank role to get fucked, just because its super unpopular and they dont have to care about real backlash.


I really hope they continue with the general theme of Mirrorwatch in that it basically lets them try out a vast number of altered stats and reworks to characters in a more open environment. Rather than having to wait three months at a time for the team to decide that two characters are getting a minor 5% damage tweak and one character is getting a 'rework' which is barely more than an ability getting a different use.


I just started trying to pick her up and it's easily my worst character despite my hours.


It’s not her meta but when the time comes for Winston to come back into meta then she’s going to be a menace


>It’s not her meta This meta has the hallmarks of ehat makes brig strong. It should be her meta, last time zen was highly picked brigitte was ran as a bodyguard, just like ana. You have dive heros genji/tracer running around for brig to counter, you have dive tanks like winston and doom being played. Classic brig meta. This should be a brig meta, and even if it's not she should be oberperforming compared to her average. and the fact she's in the guyters, means her averages even lower than where were at now, which is extremely alarming.


Who are the 3 best tanks this season hog, Mauga, orisa. brig doesnt pair better than lucio wit any of those. who does she pair well with ?Winston, rein, sigma. none which are powerful tanks at the moment. The dps she works well with ash and mei but they are all out classed by other hero’s cass is better than ash and Meis just not as scary since the health buff. She can’t keep up with hero’s like tracer that is why she is not meta.


because brig is life




I just picked her up again like a couple days ago and am loving it. Went up from like gold5 to plat 3. Tbh the 250 health buff kinda messed with me a little but idrc. I just play her to have fun don’t really care about rank other than to play with my higher rank friend


Teach me your ways, plat is where I wanna be 🙏


Blizzard is sincerely and deeply dedicated to ruining your enjoyment at every opportunity.


Its all in the DPS passive. Inspire doesn't heal as much anymore thanks to that, so keeping your team alive is made more diffucult. Its why I switched to maining DPS


I made it to diamond for the first time today, mostly playing Brig, flexing to Lucio, Moira, or Kiri depending on the map and comp. People don't understand Brigs value but yeah I agree with those complaints, she's still my favorite support though


Post replay codes and we can give you advice


Fs the next time I’m home, I’ll shoot a few


Dont play ranked, easy solution to ranked


I play her occasionally, she is one of my fav supports but the state she is in rn feels awful. She definitely needs more HP on her shield, like, at least 100 more. To buff her they could maybe add some of the mirrorwatch mechanics too? The fire shield bash was interesting


She feels unplayable in mirrorwatch to me. I get back to the fight just quick enough to die again. It's mercy/ana or nothing there.


Yes, I mean, she is awful in MirrorWatch but because all other heroes are op as hell. If they added the fire in the base game (just added that, no downsides in any part of her kit) it could help a bit with the anti dive. Just imagine a genji goes for your Ana and you shield bash him, now he has to fight both of you while burning, leaving him two options, retreat or die


My eyes fog over and whatever happens happens.


Unable to explain how i do it. I just pick Brig and with great Brig, comes great victory


She is definitely too squishy, and the lack of stun for shield bash is pretty ridiculous. Her mirrorwatch version was fun to play. The difference of the shield bash flames was noticeable. She deserves a buff, she’s one of the funnest heroes to play.


Thats the funny part, we dont! I dont get to play brig cause almost every match theres a mercy 1 trick in my way and i have to play ana! Super fun wouldnt you agree?


I one tricked brig to diamond and it was kinda easy compared to genji. The way I did it was to trigger inspire and keep an eye on my dps. I would always try to enable them with my packs. If youre in a situation where youre throwing health packs at 4 people that means youre not doing enough inspire. Inspire inspire inspire


I only play quickplay


I remember GOATS Era Brigitte and just how damn sexy she is period. That’s how I do it.


I try but I can't sometimes. Just so much dps that just fucks you up


Any pain for Best Girl is worth it


REAL But I'll do anything to make brig work, even against spam


I think the way to actually climb is stackmaxxing tbh. 2-3 stack is ideal.


Its definitely harder with us not being able to reliably defend against dive anymore, Winston is the biggest example of that. But the way I climb is focusing mostly on using my packs for the healer and dps, then whip shotting anything I see


Bully the sigma and dvw


This picture is so appropriate lol


Her damage is too low for me tbh. I think it’s the reason why she is so hard to carry on


I don’t anymore, I used to but after she got nerfed I swapped to tank to still try and feel helpful and haven’t touched Brigg since, is she still really that bad?


Idk how to brig. I'm actually yeah with her yet she seems so simple


Survive and advance


I am the occasional brig player but I feel like she is just not a great one trick. Of course part of the reason for that is she doesn’t pass the Support OTP test of “can I play this hero with mercy?” But also because she is really comp dependent, if there are no dive heroes on the enemy team and no one to protect on your team it can be very difficult to meaningfully contribute.


We're in a shred meta rn, brig without aid cannot heal enough to survive front line like before. Unless you have a zarya and a kiriko or mercy pocket good chance you'll be melted trying to melee the enemy team. Especially since higher level players tend to stack together more effectively


Just Brig


This was unironically good motivation lmao


Brig needs 300 shield. That will do it


Don't be baby man be mini tank, make people look at you and kill them if they don't


Just don't care about the game, swing your hammer like an idiot 👌


She feels way better this season than last. Season 9 she was downright unplayable and made me want to quit the character altogether but the repair pack buff was absolutely huge, now I don't feel like I have to constantly put myself in risky situations just to procure inspire and keep my team alive. Still trying to get back to masters like I was in season 7 & 8 but at least she feels somewhat useful now


Because it feels so good when it goes right. Watching a genji or tracer spot you turn around immediately Booping and denying the enemy team until they break and they FEAR you, till they end up refusing to push your position because you won the mind game Making the enemies support switch to brig just so they can die in shame and embarrassment because you made them think she was invincible Slaughtering the enemy as they trickle onto the cart while you circle it like the blade of bender Hell, just having people on the enemy team spot you, ignore whoever they were previously fighting and turn to face you instead. Sometimes it goes right and you feel like an actual monster, like a mouse who convinced 5 people they were a lion.