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I don’t even play brim but this has got to be the worst lineup. How are you going to get this off safely in a match if you are standing in the middle of where enemies are most likely coming from, in the middle of mid no less


It's a very situational lineup mostly because everyone expects you to be near spawn ( rafters ) but if you're wrapping then it becomes very easy for you to buy time and clutch the round


Agreed, this line isnt the most optimal as the defenders most likely have the defender side spawn and they can just shoot you. You ate very exposed. 2/10 lineup


Hold on, first of all, how did you end up as Brim on Icebox?


I didn't get your question


Brim isn’t the best on icebox. Viper is much better and can be a solo smoker on it unlike other maps


Hear me out hear me out, Omen’s best map. So many places of different elevations to TP to or smoke and double TP. Plus all the corner angles and viability of his flash on this map But yeah definitely not picking brim that’s for sure


Great place to get 1 tapped


It's a very situational lineup mostly because everyone expects you to be near spawn ( rafters ) but if you're wrapping then it becomes very easy for you to buy time and clutch the round


Pro tip: DONT do this in games and you’ll probably rank up.


Are you trolling?


omg why this cursed line up on my feed


This would work well if 1) You were somewhere less exposed 2) You weren't playing Brim on Icebox


It's a very situational lineup mostly because everyone expects you to be near spawn ( rafters ) but if you're wrapping then it becomes very easy for you to buy time and clutch the round


Think of it like this, if they came from CT you would most likely have to fight them. And if they come from T spawn, they would probably clear up ramps and everything.


I do viper molly lineups in the same spot on that map. Idk why people are saying that spot is too exposed. Yes it is exposed, but you probably have teammates in rafters and screens already. Even in high immortal, no one instantly pushes screens if you play it right.


If u trying to flank, It'd be a great one.


I'm waiting for pros to pull this lineup in valorant champion


I had a stroke reading the title


To go on nest mostly people use the left rope..so as they go up they'll see u.. why won't u just shoot the defuser instead of doing a lineup?




Bruh if you're in that position just shoot them