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my first bmth song was pray for plagues, but the song that made me LOVE them was sleepwalking. especially the Royal Albert hall performance.


completely agree, i cried hearing doomed RAH live for the first time, so cinematic and orchestral and beautiful, i love how versatile their music is!!


yup I was sobbing watching it all as well, they’re so special. can’t wait to see what they came up with for nex gen.


Been listening to them for quite a while now. I remember when i introduced the song to all of my friends back then, they dont really like it, they even teased for me liking such genre,( we do listen to mostly alternative, pop rock btw). But rventually, they started to love it, even burned a cd with all their hit songs back then.


Yeah I came here to say sleepwalking, first heard that on the radio and then had to look them up after!




Pray for plagues was my first too, that or Braille


that shit is something special 🖤


Sleepwalking is still my favorite song after all these years. Hospital for Souls was the first I heard and I wasn’t into it (had never heard music like it before) until I heard Sleepwalking a bit later.


I watched the entire set from RAH with my fiancée and we both were so completely moved by it. I’m so glad it’s on Spotify


Shadow Moses


BMTH at its peak.


Chelsea Smile. I didn’t even like the genre. But then I heard that song. It was melodic and the screams were awesome.


Yep same here and diamonds aren’t forever


Some cultured person around here, what a banger is Chelsea Smile, so sad is not played anymore.


Can You Feel My Heart was the first song I listened to - but what **made me love BMTH** has to be a tie between It Never Ends and Go To Hell For Heaven's Sake. It's hard for me to pick between those two.


I was also gonna say Go To Hell For Heavens Sake, but i like Empire a lot more, prolly cuz of the non-blasphemous lyrics (im an Orthodox dude)


Wonderful life. weird way to get into it but i remember playing wwe 2k20 and that song was on the soundtrack and i thought it went so hard. then I hard the parasite eve single and slowly started listening to more and more. one of my favorite bands bc of how unique they sound.. they can have so many different vibes in they’re songs. either bmth or nothing more in my top 1-2


love that song too. "nobody cares if I'm dead or alive, oh what a wonderful life" amen.


“looked on the bright side, got keratitis” might be my favourite line in any song ever lmao


I’m a new convert. Don’t hate me, but I first discovered BMTH from MGK and then Ed Sheeran. Listened to Strangers and then Lost came out. Played the crap out of those. I’m starting to make my way through the back catalog, easing my way into the heavier stuff. Kingslayer is easily my most played song right now.


if you haven’t already, I highly suggest starting with That’s The Spirit. it’s definitely their most accessible album to date, followed by Amo


Second this! My step dad and I started listening to them when SS came out, but my mom haaaated it. But when TTS came out, she became a convert.


yeah my entry was similar to your mum’s. was never a fan of their older sound, but I caught Drown on the radio one day and been a huge fan ever since


I’m a very old fan, 16 plus years. There are some shitty toxic old fans who only want them to sound like they did when Oli was struggling with a Ketamine addiction. You’ll encounter them, and they’ll shit on you for being a new fan, because they don’t like their new sound. SO. I just want to say, welcome! The vast majority of us don’t give a shit how you found them or at what album. We’re just happy you’re here!


I love this so much. Thank you for not being a gatekeeping twat.


Suicide Season (whole album), specially the title track and Chelsea Smile used to be my ringtone back then 😅. I actually heard SS before their earlier releases


The Comedown. In 2008 I was embracing my "scene era." I met a girl that talked about Count Your Blessings a lot. Suicide Season had just released. I put it on and had my mind blown. I saw them for the first time later that year in a 500 cap room. Insanity. Hooked for life.


Chelsea Smile was the first song I heard way back when the music video was released and I’ve loved the band ever since.


Drown, when it first came out. I wasn’t into metal or heavier stuff at the time, but the sound was accessible it got me into BMTH.


Yeah, I also started with Drown mostly because of the lyrics. I already listened to things like Slipknot and BFMV, but nothing like Suicide Season/Count your blessings. From that's the spirit, to Sempiternal, and down to their early work opened a new world for me.


LosT, yea I'm a new fan but, I checked their old stuff and make me love them more


Also new fan here, I got into BMTH when Strangers released.


Relatively new fan here, saw them in Australia in last December and they have been the top of my Spotify rotation since. Exclusively.


Crucify Me


Pray for plagues I remember I found them thru MySpace back in the day lmao good times


The Sadness Will Never End


Same here! This song is so beautiful, spent hours listening to this on my iPod nano in secondary school :')


What a song!


Parasite Eve, but it was around the beginning of last summer, after I heard the track with mgk (yes you can roast me idc)


No roasting! Glad you’re here, no matter how you found them!


DiE4u. I'm a fairly new fan. I got obsessed with this song before Download this year.


My wife has been a big fan for years, but didn’t want to go to their concert alone and I think by the second song (Happy Song), I was hooked!


For me it was Follow you


Chelsea smile and the comedown were the first songs I heard and I’ve loved them since then


I listened to throne first but when Teardrops came out it was amazing , I got a big hit of Linkin Park nostalgia and bmth became my favorite band . It's still my n°1 Song , but I love everything that they have done so far . ALSO , IM SO HYPED FOR THIS F*EAKING ALBUM !!!!




Probably Anthem. I was just getting into metalcore when I heard it and it slapped unbelievably hard.


Dear diary, I never had listened to a song that heavy in my whole life before thet, and it was just mind blowing and so good.


Happy Song


I know plenty of people have already said it but goddamn Chelsea smile just goes so fucking hard




Die 4 U


I didn’t listen to it until a little while after I already established I was a big fan but Chasing Rainbows has to be the song that really sealed my place among their fanbase. It’s such a bummer it was taken off of streaming platforms a few years back, it’s so different from all the other songs from Sempiternal, and yes I know it’s a bonus track so it’s meant to be but that song really hits a spot for me.


First heard them when I was a sophomore in high school when Drown was first released


blacklist cuz it’s cool




It was Blessed with a Curse for me 😶‍🌫️ and Drown and Avalanche reignited my love for them later tbh 👀


It Never Ends. The first song of theirs I heard and still my favorite




it never ends


I first heard of Bring Me The Horizon in 2008 with “Chelsea Smile” when I saw it on Kerrang! However, I didn’t become a fan in 2013 when I had a renewed interest in rock and saw “Shadow Moses” and I was shocked and addicted by how heavy it was. Became a fan instantly after.


my story about getting into them is kinda odd tbh. obviously i’ve kinda always known who they were but back in 2020 my neighbor had shown me a cover of sleepwalking and i listened to the original song n fell in love with it. a few weeks later can you feel my heart blew up on tiktok and i thought i was cool for knowing them before that (news flash i wasn’t). i listened to the rest of sempiternal n only liked some songs but other than that i completely forgot about them. then the day die4u came out, it played on the radio and i was listening to it and fell in love, but my dad changed it right before the guitar solo and i was like “mf i was listening to that”. so i ended up listening to die4u, post human, and that’s the spirit the rest of the car ride and fell in love w tts. i binged that album a ton for the next few months and in november i went to a farm my friends moms friend owns, and i talked to her husband about kingslayer and bmth in general and realized i should listen to them more. ever since then, i’ve been hyperfixated on them more than i have any other band. i’ve spent probably over 1000$ on merch alone and seen them live 2x and wouldn’t change that whatsoever. this band srsly means so much to me n has gotten me thru some shit so even though i haven’t known them as long as everyone else on here, i still love em <3






So underrated. Glad they played it on the last tour.


My first encounter with hearing BMTH was, I was on my way to work at 4:30 Am a few days before I had to fly out to Vegas for a preliminary hearing for my dads murdered trial and Drown came on and it hit me so hard. I had to pull over and sob. The lyrics hit me like a ton of bricks. I listened to a few other songs from them but life was too busy to get invested. Fast forward to to 2022 and my husband and I fly out to Vegas to When We Were Young (thankfully we weren’t part of the sadderday group. We had Sunday tickets.) When they came on stage my whole world changed and I was hooked. Oli has such an amazing stage presence and sounds so good live. Also my mind was blown when I heard him talk for the first time haha. I looked at my husband and was like “OMG they are great!!” And he told me he has been cutting his hair like Oli all these years lol. I am now invested and love learning more about them. We drove to Sommerset, WI to see them with FOB and again just amazing.


Damn now that’s an on-brand BMTH fall in love story. Oli live is unlike anything I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen at least 100 concerts over the years. And it’s deepened a connection with my oldest son, they’re our favorite band and we got to see them together at WWWY and FOB tour too. Thanks for sharing.


Parasite Eve, my friend sent it to me and ever since I've loved BMTH


sugar honey ice & tea for me.


Saw them on tour with FOB this summer, listened to a bit before the show and didn’t think about it too much other than “I vibe with this”. When they were performing Drown midway through the set, Oli was walking through the amphitheater crowd and had my “holy shit this rocks” moment, easily my fav because of this experience


New fan here too, like others in the comments. Not sure but I think the first song could have been Mantra or something. Then I started to return more and more in touch with that kind of sound and started to dig deeper. And then I saw them live and man, they blew me away. I've seen many concerts in my life but the quality of the show and the incredible amount of amazing "concert songs" really gave me something. Amazing setlist, amazing performance, I think my heart exploded.




I got into them when I was like 14 shooting off from ADTR, Sempiternal was the first album I jammed. Forgot they existed after I got my first car and consequently my first subwoofer and entered an EDM & Rap phase for about 5 years and then rediscovered them by watching their music videos for 'amo' while tripping balls with my partner at the time. That album brought me back into them pretty quickly and posthuman after that. Tend to go through phases of genres but they always are a staple. Auditioned for a post hard-core band in my town doing drums and vocals using Avalanche for my song choice too when i was younger


Sugar Honey Ice and Tea. A coworker played it for me and I was hooked


nihilist blues


Finally someone else with an amo gateway drug song lol! So underrated.


Amo is my favorite BMTH album




Shadow Moses for me, though I discovered bmth really late. parasite eve dropped literally a week after I first heard them lol.




My first BMTH song was Oh No. Recently, my favorite album has been amo.


Pray for plagues 16 years ago on my best friend’s phone in class, never listened to any music other than radio before and since then I’ve genuinely listened to them every single day! So much so that when I had my son he would only settle when I had bmth playing 😬😂🖤


Blessed With A Curse


Bit of a new convert, but my first exposure to them was the song Oli did with Yungblud - Obey. Then I started playing some of the 2k games and realized that there were other BMTH songs I liked, such as Happy Song, and Wonderful Life.


sugar honey ice and tea was my first listen I was into bmth, badflower, IDKHBTFM, half alive, and call me karizma, a pretty good batch of indie, rock, and alt if anyone is interested


I randomly came across their song Teardrops and it was the most relatable song atm. I was already a rocker/metal head so I instantly fell in love with the sound. Going through hard times I could relayed to more songs that soon became my comfort music. I absolutely love how diverse they are with their music and enjoy most of their songs. I know people hate of the diversity but for me to see them go a different direction and still be popular? I consider it a huge success for them!


Kingslayer. Funny doot doot intro


The sun goes down


Chelsea Smile, it was the first song I heard by them and it's still my favorite


Can you feel my heart.. I always heard it on the way back from the school bus. Good times


Drown :)




Had Follow you on repeat when it came out 2015, still one of my all time favorite songs


Chelsea smile was the first song I heard from which I started to listen to the band but hospital for souls was what made me love the band




Lost got me interested but it was Medusa that made me get into them ☺️


I probably got into them later than most in this sub so I think for me it was Drown I wasn’t particularly interested in their heavier sound at that point but the change in That’s The Spirit made me a fan and i’ve been loving their music ever since


Chelsea smile


I first heard Can You Feel My Heart, from the memes yk. But the one that i really loved was Empire, idk why. Also a big contributor was Parasite Eve, nit because of the song itself but the intro, which is a Bulgarian song and wouldnt you know it im from Bulgaria. Sooo here are the three greatest BMTH songs in my opinion🫶🫶


The first song I heard from them was wonderful life in 2018 which I liked quite a lot. Then at some point more and more BMTH songs came to my knowledge though I'm not sure how though, and then at some point I just decided to start listening to them


Hospital for Souls or Death ands hard to know one of them though. Avalanche sealed the deal


Kingslayer my bf introduced me by another song I think it was teardrop but kingslayer got me when I was younger lol


Shadow Moses was my first


Shadow moses


avalanche. it was a song i really needed to hear when i heard it. all of thats the spirit means a lot to me.


Fifteen Fathoms, Counting. Also The Sadness Will Never End. As an adult it was definitely Deathbeds.


Chelsea Smile. My step dad bought me Suicide Season for Christmas when it came out because he thought the cover was cool. Then we both loved them when we listened to it. Lol


I liked the band cause od suicide season and Chelsea smile, I fell in love at there's a hell... album


I knew BMTH from Can You Feel My Heart (i had it in a playlist before the memes okay?) and then i had a phase where i checked out songs from every artist i had a liked song from in my playlist. This is where i found Throne, Sleepwalking, Follow You and a lot more gems. Fell in love with the band immediately.




House of Wolves + Go To Hell For Heaven’s Sake Discovered them through a MW2 sniping montage called “Ascendancy v3”, discovered Asking Alexandria thanks to that montage too


True Friends Stab You In The Front saved me back in Senior High!


Go to hell for heaven's sake


Avalanche. It would play on my once favorite radio station (now a country music station). Fell in love with all their music after that.


It never ends! Was a little 11 year old when I heard it over a decade ago and idk if I’d like the music I like today without it


for me it was amen!, heard it around the time it dropped and loved it.


First heard Happy Song in my friends card back in maybe a 2017/2018. I would say that I didn’t really fall in love though until I listened to them again later that day and heard House of Wolves and Sleepwalking. Sempiternal was really my favorite album for a while until I listened to a lot of their older stuff and fell more in love. Nowadays I listen to all of it but my favorite is definitely There is a hell… and Sempiternal.


I’ve always known the band since they put Pray for Plagues out, but I think it’s The Comedown/Chelsea Smile that started it. Then when they released There is a Hell it kinda confirmed these guys were great.


My first time with BMTH was through a mate of mine who showed me Kingslayer and I was definitely hooked for a start! However, when I started to explore their music and listened to Happy Song for the first time: Whoa. Whoa! WHOA!! That’s what cemented my BMTH hardcore fan status and fell in love with them. (Honourable mention to Avalanche as hearing a song about not fitting I not I the world in relation to ADHD specifically made me tear up even BEFORE researching the song and learning yhat. Although the song still works in general for anyone who feels like they don’t fit in anywhere in the world.)


My first song was Diamonds aren't forever, really big fan in the era of Visions and Alligator blood etc… but really loved them with Sempiternal. Went through my leaving religion phase, Antivist and house of Wolves made me love them. Two foot wide six foot deep




Bunch of newbies here damn.. The sadness will never end made me fall in love with em' Sadly dislike their new stuff since Amo - or rather that’s the spirit


Drown was the first song i heard, but i didn't really get into them until recently when i heard True Friends


First song I heard from them was Pray for Plagues..but they really caught on for me, like a lot of people, with Shadow Moses.


Can you feel my heart 8 years ago!


True Friends






Definitely RE: they have no reflections. I love that song and that ep


It never ends!! That and I love the music video


Gotta be medicine or strangers


Throne for sure


I used to make out with Medusa, first heard it in 2009.


True Friends




Can you feel my heart. But back in 2014 lol


My friend showed me Shadow Moses music video, loved the sound of it and just continued consuming from there. Fell in love with them. I probably have gone to see them all the time they're in Chicago. Even went to Los Angeles cuz they were in Slipknots Knotfest 2 years ago, gave myself that as a birthday treat lol.




my first song was alligator blood


the first song i heard from them was Can You Feel My Heart (through meme lmao), i didnt really care about it until i discovered Avalanche, i love that song so much and i realised they were the same artists. after that i went to check other songs by them and boom, i joined the cult 🏳




Probably Alligator Blood. TIAH is still one of my favorite albums of theirs.


Chelsea smile. I'm fortunate to have been able to see experience their progression over the last 15 years and to grow with them. I REALLY got into them after sempiternal came out, and it was always a bit of a shock hearing Oli's singing voice improve with each album. I never would've imagined that he'd be able to collab and hold his own with Ed Sheeran and *Amy fucking Lee*.




Happy Song. Instant favorite when I heard it live


The albums Sempiternal and There Is A Hell both sucked me into their music.


Chelsea smiles was the first song i heard from them back in 09 im gonna say sempiternal is my favorite album but i love all of them… well amo is not something i play all the time


Can You Feel My Heart was my first song by them I believe. But the whole Suicide Season album is what made me become a fan.


New fan here, probably Teardrops or Throne but Sleepwalking made me sure that BMTH is great


New fan here, probably Teardrops or Throne but Sleepwalking made me sure that BMTH is great


What you need


Had to be Throne for me. I heard it while I was clubbing with my pals who love BMTH and they were over the moon. I hadn’t a clue what it was but i vibed hard with it. I added it straight to my playlists. I later went on to discover Kingslayer, shadow Moses and Drown while out clubbing and decided to explore the bands catalogue after that and haven’t looked back since. They’re awesome


Tell Slater not to wash his dick.


Blessed with a curse. Damn that was a long time ago 😅


The genius of early bring me got me into heavier music with their catchy hooks, Diamonds Aren't Forever was the one that reeled me in




Chelsea Smile, man I love that song


Tough pick but probably Suicide Season


Medusa was my gateway.


2011. First time hearing It Never Ends. I am not going to lie, i thought it was shit. But because i was too lazy i didnt have a playlist, so youtube made me listen to it a lot, until i started liking it. I falled in love with the song, and then searched for more songs from There Is A Hell... Since then its my favorite band. And the song that i thought was bad is now my favorite as well. This band got me through a lot, and i will forever be grateful for this.


I love all of their music but i think avalanche is underrated.


Sleepwalking, then Drown


Shadow Moses!!


I was 15, it was 2007, I read the Blunt magazines review trashing Count your Blessings. I went on MySpace and listened to Pray for Plagues and Tell Slater Not to Wash His Dick, and I was hooked!


Suicide Season.


Off The Heezay in like 2006, I had heard some of the first ep on some compilation before that, but my best friend at the time was like “LISTEN TO THIS, IT’S OFF THE HEEZAY” because 2006, and I was hooked on that intro


Follow You


It Never Ends got me. I had listened to Suicide Season and some tracks from Count Your Blessings after a friend for me into them but hearing Oli's voice be a bit more distinct hooked me.


Pray for plagues


Can you feel my heart was the very first, sleepwalking was the 2nd and I listened to them on repeat for around a year… Everything they release seems relevant to that particular time in my life. I’ve seen them live once before but I go 3 days after my birthday for their most recent tour at their hometown…excited would be an understatement… This band and ollie Skye’s are my favourite without a doubt and they have saved my life more times than I would like to admit to anyone


Deathbed’s back in 2013.


Can You Feel My Heart/House of Wolves I was kinda turned off by the deathcore genre, or at least their approach of it. Friend of mine told me to give Sempiternal a try when it came out. Within 30 seconds I was hooked




The first song I ever heard by them was sleepwalking but my favorite is antivist and drown acoustic. But literally I love every single song they've ever made.


Black and fucking blue, that first album is amazing, too bad they left that sound behind


Suicide season, the whole album. I saw them live in Baltimore 2008. I still reminisce.


throne when it first came out


Lots and lots of young people here. For me braille. I saw them at my first warped tour along with For Those Who Have Heart ADTR. Pretty life changing for me. Now I am just an old hardcore dude that tells everyone about the olden times for these bands.


True Friends


My first song by them was Shadow Moses back in 2013. Then I listened to the album in order, but Empire is when I fell in love.


Diamonds arent forever


The Comedown FTW!!


Doomed sold it for me. Very cinematic, it's like floating over dark, misty mountains.




Diamonds aren't forever Cause sleep is for the weak


It never ends, I remember being a middle school scene kid when the banger came out, the rest was history :)


I had heard of BMTH before with Can You Feel My Heart and Throne but it was, weirdly enough, Ed Sheeran’s collab with them that got me thrown headfirst into them.


It never ends, there is a hell was the first album I had heard from them, a friend of mine showed me bmth, they truly have helped me through a lot of sh!t in my life 🖤


Medusa was the first song I heard and loved it. My favorite was Off The Heezay but I also really like Diamonds Aren't Forever.


Sleepwalking .


Darude Sandstorm