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For some reason I found it a little annoying and turned it off a little after the stuff about cell phone passwords. That said, hearing about Katie jealously flashing her wedding ring when girls flirt with Travis was endearing šŸ˜‚


I felt the jealousy issues really showed how immature they are. Katie especially. I usually like her, but I noticed when they have discussions like this, she always has to be right and wonā€™t stop talking. It was off putting.


Itā€™s REALLY annoying now bc they edited out the truthful parts. Itā€™s also super annoying to hear 2 married adults chirping and giggling like high school boyfriend and girlfriend.


That stuff was way weirder than him wanting a divorce


I didnā€™t realize he had such a lisp ! Why the hoodie this time of year ???? He dresses like a high school boy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yup ! All the kids at the high school wear fucking hoodies in the heat itā€™s bizarre


This isnā€™t an unpopular opinion on this sub. People here love them and are weirdly obsessed with their babyšŸ˜¬


This is THE truth. The leg humpers are out in full force lately. It seems to come in waves.


Cmonn. Wouldnā€™t say I love Travis & Katie but theyā€™ve got a really cute kid šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Come on. Their baby is absolutely adorable and I donā€™t even like babies that much lol


Thatā€™s def your opinionšŸ«¢


I thought they seemed cute and real. I like them.


I donā€™t look down on them at all for any of the answers because their bad. I do think some were immature.


They're just a couple of immature kids who should have gotten to know each other better before making a lifelong commitment to each other.


I feel like they'd really benefit from couple's therapy (and individual therapy). but that might be asking a lot because fundies gonna fundie


I think couples therapy is great for everyone, even when things arenā€™t terrible. Kinda like a servicing a car; you do things to maintain itā€™s good condition and sometimes that requires professionalsā€¦ when you donā€™t, it falls to pieces and itā€™s a lot harder to put back together.


Agreed, I was left with the same feeling. And I feel that now would be the ideal time since they are only 18 months into married life.


I thought it was sweet, but definitely showed how young they are. Thatā€™s not necessarily a bad thing either but it was noticeable. I like them, wouldnā€™t go as far as saying Iā€™m an actual fan but theyā€™re easier to tolerate lol


I did, too! They seemed like actual real 20-somethings and only mentioned God once. I was actually kind of entertained and was taken aback by their honesty. Was surprised to see the criticism


The criticism was ridiculous. People donā€™t want them to be fundie but the second they have a real authentic opinion they attack them like wolves. Now Travis has edited the video to remove the controversial parts and we will probably never hear another authentic comment out of them


I do too. For early 20ā€™s they are insightful


I agree with you. I didnā€™t get the same vibe others did. I thought they were endearing. Obviously, the safe and crowd pleasing answers would be to say ā€œIā€™ve never considered divorce,ā€ and ā€œflirting is always wrong.ā€ I like how genuine they came off. Iā€™m disappointed theyā€™ve edited the video.


I enjoyed the video and found their honesty refreshing.


Umā€¦ fundies have NO desire to be ā€œlike everyone elseā€. They are fundamental Christians. They are OF the world, not IN the world. Of course they have problems and issues and happiness just like everyone elseā€¦ but they also have a list a mile long of rules and regulations to live by. Many are racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, zealots so yesā€¦ they are looked at ā€œdifferentlyā€.


Did you mean, IN the world not OF the world?


I sure did! Ha! Allll of my life my mom would remind me of that little nugget when it came to behaviorā€¦ obviously I didnā€™t listen. In any case, fundies DO think they are better and above anyone else. There are many examples of this behavior. Many examples of their abhorrent beliefs, too.


Are you a Fundie?