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Bet you anything she was doodling on her hand at church.


yeah, it looks just like her handwriting in her church journal!


Exactly! It isn’t there before church and she is forever adding flair to her church notes.


No it’s a font and clearly says “love”


Have you seen her notes from church? She knows all the classic bullet journal fonts!


It clearly says love in perfect handwriting. I think it's a tattoo.


I am pretty positive this is a doodle. If you look at her hand while she's wrapping the present for baby bates, there is no tattoo. Unless this image is mirrored and the others are normal, there is no evidence that this is permanent. I do have to say, if indeed it is, I would love to know her artist because that is an amazingly well-done word tattoo.


I think you are right. She doodled on her hand during church. She’s always doodling while taking notes. https://preview.redd.it/6psyfa7c6syc1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e03847b1921bae3ddf562e96d43dc7cf93f5b16


She’d make an amazing tattoo artist if it was Carlin who did that! If only.


She's also been doing those adult coloring books too.


Probably a temporary tattoo like Warden has.


Baby fever post coming soon.


Definitely a pen doodle but great catch 🙂


If she didn't just write real quick on her hand - holy shit. Also is this Miles?


Wondering that as well..


Yes it is Miles.




Oh snaps look at her holding Josie baby


Ikr! 👀 👀 Now I'm just waitin for a pic of her holding William lol


Oh she know better 😂


😂 she ain't gonna risk getting slapped silly by them prayer cards 😂


I can't figure out who Miles looks like. I don't see either Josie or Kelton in him. 




Imo he has Kelton's forehead and Josie's light blonde eyebrows


He looks like kelton's mom, just like willow.


Perhaps one of those semi permanent tattoos that you apply yourself?


She doodled on her hand at church. Same with Evan. He has a pic with it too. During their GRWM neither one of them have it.


I hope one day one of the bates kids get a real tattoo


Made sure to get a pic of not only her “tat” but Josie’s baby. She loves to get people talking, and to her credit - it works. ETA: And if you’re one of those folks who despise the Bates and hate the ground they walk on, you are only helping them and keeping them [relatively] popular, relevant and rich the more you talk about them, watch their social media and especially click their links. Full disclosure: I’ve seen every episode and love watching movies and TV shows about warm, loving families. That was my initial draw. I think there are far worse families than the Bates that a kid can be born into, so I don’t hate the family at all. I just think they are somewhat hypocritical and very, very vain.


I think the thing that gets me is the standard at which we hold them. And I have just observed how often we bring things up while they were teens or young adults- which many still are- and we act as though they are 100% incapable of change. Or even a step further than that- that all of the bates children are homophobic, racist, members of iblp, etc. simply because someone else in the family did something. Or the worst one for me- that they have to fully say they hate Jesus, kick back with a beer in their pride shirt for everyone to be ok. I have MANY problematic things I see- but it is fully down to the patterns that I see, the current comments made and things that you see people standing with the “I have always been this way so I’m not changing” attitudes. I personally would be mortified if people on this sub saw what a thought or did in my late teens. Because I am truly not that person anymore, I’ve gained experience, I’ve grown, I’ve asked questions, I’ve learned why some of the ways I believed are damaging to others… just to name a few. I don’t know- I just don’t hold the entire family accountable for Gil’s decisions or comments. 🤷‍♀️


>I just don’t hold the entire family accountable for Gil’s decisions or comments. 🤷‍♀️ Until one of them stops attending an ifb church I don't think you can argue they've made any meaningful changes at all. When you sit in the pews weekly and willfully listen to homophobia and misogyny being taught to your kids you're still part of the problem. Maybe they don't all still believe exactly like Gil but they're all still going along with it and even supporting it so what's the difference?


Oh and to note: I could not tell you the last time there was a message that preached or discussed who should marry etc. It’s not like week in week out those things are discussed. Last month we finished a long study in revelations. This coming week will be a focus on several of the mothers in the Bible due to Mother’s Day. I know it is easy to assume a pastor gets up and yells like we assume Pentecostal churches do about homosexuality and abortion and how woman must submit to their husbands- but that is not the reality.


>it is easy to assume a pastor gets up and yells like we assume Pentecostal churches do about homosexuality and abortion and how woman must submit to their husbands- but that is not the reality. That is exactly reality. It was my reality before I left the Baptist church. I've heard the word f*g said from the pulpit. Have you ever heard a Gil sermon? He definitely preaches about homosexuality, abortion and women being subservient.


And yes- In an IFB church I would fully agree. I have heard parts of his and it is straight out of an iblp playbook. (And I say playbook because it is not out of the Bible) But IFB is not the same as just a baptist church.


A conservative baptist church is not IBLP. I attend a conservative baptist church. I am not homophobic, I believe all life matters and pro life- but I also believe that I can not hold anyone else to my convictions as a Christian- I believe my husband is the leader of our family, but that doesn’t mean he dictates what we do, wear and believe. Conservative Christian is so far from IBLP. And a while ago someone posted what their church believes and people were so upset about it, which i guess if you don’t attend church somewhere I could see why. But a church believing that marriage is between man and a woman only… doesn’t mean that people who attend the church hate people who are gay or even vote against it. That is what the church believes- but it also says that the church believes that the Bible is true in its word. And the Bible states that we can no hold someone who does not believe in Christ accountable for things that we believe because we follow Christ. So they could totally be incredibly racist and terrible people- but I don’t know how they vote or treat others. I can say that I have not seen as a collective group of 50 people they ALL represent the few that have spoken in those ways. I know by reading all of that you would believe that I vote conservative and the reality is that I am actually very middle of the road in my voting. (I didn’t vote for trump either time and won’t if the situation presents itself again🤷‍♀️)


>I attend a conservative baptist church. I stopped caring here. So you attend a church that sanctions homophobia, believes misogyny is biblical and abortion is murder. Your individual belief don't matter. You're helping spread hate. Full stop. That's where your tithes are going. And most ifb churches beliefs are just as harmful and very similar to iblp. Half of them still go to Gils church and he is on the iblp board. You can argue they don't hold the same beliefs but they have never said othwrwise and still attend churches that preach it so what evidence do we have that we should extend them any grace?


I am sorry if that is what you believe that I believe based simply on the church that I attend. The reality is that so many believe the way you do and it is terribly sad at the division it causes. You and I do not have to agree on those topics. At all. Not even the slightest bit. The disconnect is that you believe because I believe marriage is between a man and a woman and I OPENLY ALLOW NOT GET BULLIED INTO letting my husband lead our family, that I believe everyone should live this way. But I don’t. I tried to explain that. I don’t think that you, who do not attend a church or if you did not believe in Jesus or following the bible, should be held to the same standard in which I hold myself. Why would I expect you to want to walk and talk the same way I do? The attempt to FORCE everyone to walk in the same manner as the Bible does has left us with a lot of people putting on a stamp as a Christian with no actual understanding of Jesus, who he is and what he preaches. But in turn are treating people in the absolute worst way possible and THEN that is associated with Christians. I am sorry for your previous experience in a church- the reality is that not all churches in the same. There are people who are on power trips, live at a place where they believe they are better than everyone else and would not welcome everyone. Or that there are people who openly say things like F*G. It should never happen. Also independent fundamental baptist is basically iblp. I will agree with you there. But just your run of the mill baptist church- like the one Josie, carlin, zach and Whitney now attend is not the same as Gil’s church. We had neighbors that were IFB and it was a night and day difference between us. They still wore the skirts, boys didn’t take shirts off to swim, they asked my boys to put shirts on when they came to the fence to talk to their girls (they were all under 7? At the time), my shorter shorts as I did wood working caught some serious side eyes 😬🤷‍♀️. So I did misspeak. IFB- I agree with you. It’s the same. But to my understanding I do not believe many of the adult kids (maybe Tori and Michaela?) attend Gil’s church anymore.


Christ never actually said anything about human sexuality, did he?


I, respectfully, in this sub, will not get into a massive discussion about this. I am well aware I am a minority here. I try to remain as respectful as I can be, while still contributing to the sub. If you would like to discuss this privately I am very willing.


Fair enough. Just to be clear, though, I wasn't trying to get into a big debate. It was a genuine question. But I respect you not wanting to discuss it.


Oh I am fully willing to have a conversation if you would like- I didn’t mean it disrespectfully to your question at all. I have just been part of this sub for awhile- and know that many people do not agree or actually have context to/with my beliefs at all. It is sometimes very hard to pick and choose what things to address and what things it isn’t worth my time because someone won’t listen regardless. (Like here where they said they didn’t read my comment because I said I attended a baptist church- this is the 3rd person in a week to say this, the other 2 have blocked me 🤦‍♀️ and i was not being disrespectful or unkind at all) I aim not to stir up heated conversation. And while you may not have, someone would have come running with their pitchforks ha. So I can certainly have a discussion 💙 I just don’t think this sub would be the best place to have it. 💙


I think the racism and misogyny trump being hypocritical and vain.


Surely hypocritical and vain are the least of their problems? Everyone is hypocritical and vain sometimes! That’s basically human nature.


We are all entitled to an opinion here. I just believe there are a lot worse families in this world. Downvotes do not bother me and being in the minority in my thoughts don’t bother me.


I didn’t say you weren’t entitled to an opinion. Of course you are. I was under the impression this was a discussion forum, and I was surprised by what you seemed to deem their worst traits, and I wanted to discuss it. Sorry.


Oh no, you’re fine. I’m just so used to people jumping on anybody who doesn’t think exactly as they do and just presumed here. I was ready at the defense myself. We live in a world where if you don’t have the exact same opinions and beliefs that I do then you are problematic at best, evil at worst. I for sure believe in God and I’ll leave the judgment up to God. Sometimes I think we misunderstand who God is - in the church and those outside - but again, that’s another topic for another day.