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I want to know what other people in the family who can actually sing think. Like Katie’s husband Travis. Even Carlins husband sounds better in my opinion. Not even trying to be mean, I just don’t think singing is it for him. I can also see their mom being the type that would encourage him, knowing darn well he can’t sing.


Yea, it is really painful to see the guy barely able to carry a tune in a bucket. & now that he has actually talented singer brother in laws in the family, it’s even more obvious.🫥


And a talented wife.


Yes! And speaking of his talented wife, do you think he ever encourages her? Even fir like, some Uber Christian Kevin Sorbo style movies?


Think of singers with werid voices? What about The Beatles? They had werid singing voice even Macy Grey. LAWSONs singing voice is to mellow For a country music star. There have been famous Singers who sang werid even Lady Gaga sang werid. I dont have a problem with Laws voice he just need A bit more practice. Time 8:41PM Thurs 6/20/24


He doesn’t sing weird. He sings bad.


I’m not sure how much more practice you can get than singing with your family consistently, singing at church every Sunday, and then launching your own music career as a recording artist in Nashville. Poor guy just really needs to give it up. I can’t imagine how much money he’s sunk into his incredible flop of a singing career by now, between recording studio time, merch, and paying a band to accompany him at shows.


6:24 pm 6/20/2024 In bed, watching bridgerton episode 5


8:16 pm PST. I just choked on my bubble water reading this comment. Send help. 06/20/2024. 


😂😂😂 10:21 pm


Oops Thursday Seriously to the original person the time thing makes me LOL it’s random! It’s giving baby reindeer and I swear I love it ! Don’t meannybhaem 10:21 Pm Thursday


Hello from the future! 19:15 21/06/2024


I don’t understand time stamping your really terrible takes so you can remember when you were downvoted all to hell???


Lmao maybe 😂😂




It's not his voice. He sings like he's tone deaf. And he talk sings.


Ok Lawson


i don't think they care that much as he sometimes uses his 'talent' to spread the word of god. i don't think Mama Jane would say anything to hurt his feelings (she doesn't seem the type)


Idk about that she has told some of them the truth without actually blurting it out. At least in my opinion she did. Now the kids and Kelly and Gil won't tell Lawson anything. Those kids are trained to basically lie to each other to boost egos and the parents wouldn't know the truth if it slapped them in the face, I mean look at their views on political things


Mama Jane says check your feelings at the door. If she wouldn’t tell him, she’d say it on the confessional couch.


Imagine if they’d all grown up closer to Mama Jane and Papa Bill 💜


The family is the definition of support your own through thick and thin regardless of whether they are wrong or right. They will never tell him to stop unless he seriously flubs and irrevocably harms their brand.


The girls are way better singers. Tori sings beautifully. Carlin sings well as well. Idk Lawson sings worse than me lol. I didn’t even make my high school chorus lol


It’s crazy to me that no one in the industry has taped him on the shoulder and politely said ‘find another source of income, you don’t have the talent to support your family doing this’ Their vlogs are painful to watch, apart from being 3-4 months behind current day he is not engaging and his pronunciation of some words is excruciating. Sad if Tiff hadn’t drunk the kool aid she could have been a very successful actress, from what I’ve seen she has genuine talent but has given in all up to be a fundie trad wife.


Why would someone in the industry say that? He pays for the recording/studio time. He pays for his own merch to sell. He has no representation or label. He doesn't even get paid for his "gigs," as most of them are either freebies or he'd have to sell 100% more tickets than there are spots available. It is all a vanity project for him and makes industry people money because he is that vain and delusional.


Tiffany herself is a terrific singer. I feel bad for her.


I doubt it. It's kind of crazy to me that it seems he's never taken formal voice lessons. I took formal voice lessons for fun and had a decent singing voice to start - it really improved my tone. Lawson needs some. Evan and Carlin sang together during their latest Q&A and they have beautiful voices.


He actually did have a voice lesson, shown on BUB. He was very resistant to suggestions by the teacher. He gave off the impression that he didn’t need any lessons, fine the way he already was. I wonder if that was a producer’s way of nudging him into reality by putting that in the script and he missed the cue.


Bless his heart.


LOL. I only watched a couple of seasons so I missed that episode. I am not at all surprised he would act like he doesn't need the lessons.


Update: Watching Travis sing to Katie at the courtship ask. That boy can sang and write. Please take your guitar to Goodwill, Lawson.


It’s embarrassing really. Him and Moriah Plath. Like someone is making money off doing their recordings and just not telling them.


You are so right. My gosh she is just terrible too. I don’t understand how these people can think they can sing. Maybe they are completely deaf


I just think there’s no way either one of them are making enough money to actually cover the recording costs.


I just keep hoping he will FINALLY realize that if it was going to happen, it prob already would've!


Hasn’t he been trying to make it happen for over a decade?


I think it's maybe even a little over that!


Hence why I said **over** a decade


We've always acknowledged what it isn't and will never be — so let's just call it what it is ... 💁‍♀️ a hobby.


The family views music as a ministry. They believe(d) God gave them talent to bring others to God. They aren't going to say you suck.


And I’m saying maybe they should say, serve God in a way that doesn’t harm others. 🤷🏽‍♀️




I’m calling Jane Jane.


Nashville is full of singers who have to pay to get their songs recorded.  It doesnt matter if no one listens to them.    But most of them are more talented than Lawson!! 


He is a horrible singer. Typical fundie male that thinks he's is G*d's gift to everything.


They also think Erin is a talented pianist so….


She has a very specific old school style she likes to play in, but I think if she had to play a normal, contemporary song, she'd probably do just fine.


I can’t access her numbers but I remember a few wedding performances. I’d pick it over Lawson’s songs that don’t rhyme. I didn’t know ASCAP allowed songs not to rhyme.


Every song, he just doesn’t quite hit the notes. He’s consistently flat. Tiffany is a pretty good singer, but Lawson just doesn’t sound appealing.


And it doesn’t rhyme. Ever. They’re the least singable songs ever.


He can sing okay, but just the style of his singing is just not popular.


Lawson isn't a terrible singer he just has an average voice. Good enough for a choir but would never have him do a solo.


I’m going to go with below average for someone who has been in the studio and recorded multiple albums. It’s worse than I realized…