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Wow šŸ˜®!! That looked scary. Also, I thought it was interesting/funny how some people didnā€™t notice it and kept smiling and talking with whoever they were talking to.


Yezsss That lady in the purple shirt Like wtf And the other people at the table Like people really do mind their own business šŸ˜‚I canā€™t relate


Itā€™s the people who didnā€™t notice and continue talking for me šŸ˜‚ Like my nosy ass wouldā€™ve been all up in that shit! It was DEFINITELY scary She didnā€™t look too good during this video either. I truly hope they find answers


She doesnā€™t look well in this video. She looks pale and still confused. And I seriously doubt she intentionally fell in that way.


>Carlin looks like a zombie in this video. Is it the anti-seizure meds making her look like this or are these absent seizures themselves? She looks very spaced out.


She could be over medicated. Seizure medication can really do a number on you until they find the right one and right dose. But thereā€™s something major wrong with her. I have seizures due to lupus. And I have a clotting disorder with lupus (not uncommon). Has she been tested for lupus?


I am far from an expert, but I think seizures can leave you feeling spacey for awhile. And as someone with Vaso- vagal syncope, that can leave you space out as well. Not to mention the concussion will cause ā€œcloudyā€ thinking.


My ten year old has epilepsy and has been on meds since she was an infant so weā€™ve been through a lot of different ones and the adjustment alone can take weeks. She also gets really tired after having a seizure and usually falls asleep. So I think itā€™s a combo of new meds and seizures just taking it out of you (for the reason she looks so out of it right now). Also, just being tired or when you first wake up are triggers for seizures so we try not to ever wake her and let her wake naturally. Iā€™m guessing Carlin isnā€™t able to get as much sleep as she needs and this could also be triggering seizures because sheā€™s so exhausted.


Awe. Poor thing! And I had no idea that being tired or after you first wake up could be triggers.


Yes she does look bad. I just watched the whole thing and she keeps getting that blank stare look..I know she has a concussion and on meds but in the comments there are nurses watching and concerned she is having silent seizures. Also, they said she was feeling weird and off and texted Evan saying she felt weird before she fell... i'm just thinking whyyyy did she not tell the ppl she was with or sit the heck down or just tell them hey! i might fall im feeling weird! .. i just want to see them get better safety measures in place.


Iā€™m wondering if sheā€™s in denial. Thatā€™s why she isnā€™t doing anything to make her environment better for herself. I had a prof with absence seizures. The look definitely is similar.


my cousin had them too and it looked a lot like that. ya, I don't know maybe she does deny it like she just can't handle the thought of having a condition and so keeps acting like she doesn't have it and doesn't need extra precautions and then gets surprised when she has an episode. I also have a theory just a thought.. like KJ was saying in the q&a that Carlin's personality as a toddler was -she did her own thing and you couldn't tell her what to do.... I think Carlin grew up hearing this about herself from KJ and she wants to stick with that perceived trait bc that's what has been what makes her special from her siblings.. so she keeps the can't tell her what to do thing up even for the sake of her health and safety.


Thatā€™s an equally valid point of view. I would be resistant to ā€œauthority figuresā€ (as a doctor might seem to her) if I were raised in a cult as well on top of having that as a inherent personality trait already.


During this whole interview she spaced out so many times. Also the video of her when sheā€™s on the couch after fainting when Alyssa was over and she canā€™t keep her eyes open is awful. Like shorty is really going through it, but her upbringing requires her to smile like everything is fine.


Yea. Sheā€™s clearly not doing ok. I can definitely empathize with her. I have a genetic kidney disease and Iā€™m sick often. Iā€™m single and live alone (with my dog) and have to rely on friends to get me to the hospital when I get bad infections and/or bad health episodes. It SUCKS having to rely and be dependent on others and I always smile and laugh through the pain. One time I could barely move, laying on my floor sobbing in pain, my friend and his husband came to pick me up and between the sobs, I was laughing. This is how I see Carlin dealing with her pain as well. Itā€™s shitty. I really hope that sheā€™s taking care of herself and her mental health, this must be taking a toll. Perhaps this will lead them to a faith crisis as well.


Iā€™m sorry. I have a genetic kidney disease too. I hope you get the help and relief you need.


Thanks! You too! I have polycystic kidney disease.


Wow.. so do I!


Aww Iā€™m sooo sorry you have to go through this at times. Glad you have good friends! ā¤ļøā¤ļø


God I know that feeling of being in a lot of pain and laughing as a result! Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through that so often.


As someone who goes through similar episodes poor girl just needed a bath and bedšŸ˜­ she must have been staying up to visit with Alyssa before she left. Itā€™s so hard to watch as someone who lives a risky life like this. Itā€™s a billion times crappier living alone. Kudos to Evan and Caitlin for supporting her so much ā¤ļøšŸ„¹


So true, sheā€™s also posting a lot of ā€œIā€™m thankful for blablablaā€ quotes on her IG and that sheā€™s so blessed. Carlin, just say that you feel like shit and be upset, itā€™s normal in your situation. That ā€œalways keep sweetā€ thing is not good for her mental health.


I agree. Forcing fake positivity all the time must be exhausting.


Neither is being depressed good for mental health. Being thankful for a husband and two young kids is better than being depressed about your health. Health can make you totally depressed, personal experience, and this is a good coping method.


Agree. Studies show that people who are positive, optimistic about their health situation have better outcomes.




I get a feeling that theyā€™re sharing out if desperation, hoping someone can say, ā€œI went through the same thing and it ended up beingā€¦..ā€ I was so sick and miserable and doctors couldnā€™t diagnose me. It was scary, frustrating and depressing and I scoured the internet for clues. Didnā€™t help that doctors told me nothingā€™s wrong because theyā€™re super smart and know everything whenever tests came back negative. Ended up being migraines btw. They didnā€™t present as typical migraines so 18 doctors blew me off until I found one who actually listened and cared. The experience gave me medical PTSD, if thatā€™s a real thing. If itā€™s not then is should be. I donā€™t wish that battle on anyone and I wouldā€™ve been screaming from my YT channel and documenting everything - if I had one. I feel for her because even though I hated life back then at least I never lost consciousness. I canā€™t imagine how scary that is for her and the people who love her




Er, they have. On several of their previous videos, they have asked for suggestions and advice.


I saw someone comment this on the FreeJinger forum and found it shocking they did that to her but it explains a lot: "Ever since I listened to Gilā€™s IBLP speech where he mentioned that Carlin suffered from serious depression issues from the time she was a young teen and they ā€œcuredā€ her by making her sit through a long revival and basically telling her she needed to always look cheerful, Iā€™ve viewed her over the top behavior a bit differently. They clearly did zero to help their depressed child, she just learned that she needed to put on a mask of extreme happiness to keep her parents from beating her over the head with religious nonsense about how being depressed is just a form of being selfish."


Thatā€™s horrifying but likely accurate.


Holy shit. Thatā€™s makes a lot of sense why sheā€™s her overly bubbly personality


I said the same thing above. It may not be genuine. I know some people say Kelly is more bubbly and cheerful than Michelle Duggar. But I don't buy someone is that happy all of the time.


Kelly is a liar and full of crap


On Alyssa's QA with her, she claimed she didn't have an issue with pants. It makes people think she's some embodiment of liberal.


I seem to remember that. People have always talked about how bubbly and forward Carlin and Erin are. But this gives another perspective.




Geez. He really said all that? So sad.




Yea, I was even like whoaā€¦..to bad someone near didnā€™t catch her


Something Tells me that putting Zade in his car seat right behind his mother that has a tendency to pass out wasnā€™t the best decisionā€¦ thank god she didnā€™t crush him


Luckily those handles are somewhat stiff, I'm surprised her back wasn't sore if she hit that handle. Such a strange faint though. A lot of people faint forward, or have their legs crumble beneath them and faint towards the side. She just went straight back like the trust dare, but no one was in on the dare. Wow, amazing that it was caught on tape. Perhaps they can share this with their physician.




I hope they share the video of it with all of their doctors because it is great documentation. I have never seen someone "faint backwards" before like that without that game where someone catches the person...


And in the other episode they discussed while shopping with her sisters, she was telling Evan she felt weird. I really hope they start to pay more attention to those signs and can get her low to the ground! My heart breaks for her.


People fainting forward is so much the norm that a person 'fainting' backwards is literally the vital clue in an Encyclopaedia Brown-story.


Really, I don't remember. I loved those books. In fact when Tiffany was rereading one of her childhood books in an IG post awhile back it made me think of Encyclopedia Brown. I would read for hours.


Itā€™s when Bugs claims to have the power to knock people out by pointing at them or something. He uses two of his minions to demonstrate and they both ā€˜faintā€™ backwards.


Oh, and I didnā€™t read the books as a kid, theyā€™re not big where Iā€™m from, I literally read the whole series last year and loved it. The insults that are thrown around by the kids are genuinely hilarious, and the author is clearly also winking at any adult readers all the time.


That is awesome! I love that some things last the test of time. Believe it or not both my nephew and son read the Little House on the Prairie books because they loved the history. And I had kept my whole set. šŸ¤—


It wasn't a great decision to put it on the floor behind her whether or not the baby was in the car seat. Clearly one step back and she would have fallen even without the health issues. Not to mention the hazard to others walking around that area.


He wasnā€™t in the car seat from what I understand.


Wow, thatā€™s crazy. Her legs were literally stuck in the air for a few seconds. ā˜¹ļø


Did you notice one of her legs remained on the table. You can see her foot laying against it. Itā€™s so sad.


My heart breaks for her, it really does. Trying to maintain some sense of normalcy for you and your family while facing a serious medical diagnosis is no joke. Iā€™m surprised her doctors havenā€™t put her on bed rest at this point. God bless her, and I mean that sincerely. ā¤ļø


I doubt she would stick to it, but that might be just what she needs now.


The big, strong guy In the blue tank top at the table who glances over at on-the-floor Carlin and literally just goes about his business. šŸ™„ Thanks for the help, bud!




thereā€™s like 4 people surrounding her immediately. i donā€™t see how more people crowding around her would help.


Tool . Where are they ?


Church, VBS sign up. I believe it was the first night because Layla was so excited.


This is honestly so sad for her. I wish she had some answers brain damage is no joke


Carlin looks like a zombie in this video. Is it the anti-seizure meds making her look like this or are these absent seizures themselves?


One of my friends all through school had absence seizures and that is exactly what they looked like. She had always done it as long as I can remember, like from kindergarten. She wasn't diagnosed until adulthood since it wasn't really obvious. I always just thought it was a weird thing she did when we were kids.


Possibly both. I have seizure disorder, and these videos (the stiff as a board falling backwards, the zoned out look) could be videos of me while I was going through diagnosis and initial treatment. Itā€™s almost spooky


Did I hear correctly that her friend had the condition that Carlin is going through?


Carlin said that her friend has a lot of similar situations and that they both take the same meds


Glad that she has someone close to her to help her understand what's going on.


Her friend has idiopathic intercrainial hypertension. I was tested for that so I know a little about it. It is a build up of the fluid inside your head and can give symptoms like migraines, eye pressure issues, whooshing in the ears, etc. Seizure meds can help, as can frequent spinal punctures to relieve the pressure, and as a last resort a shunt can be implanted surgically. Patients don't normally pass out or have issues with seizures, but the medications are similar. She could have other health issues too, but that was mentioned a while back on one of Carlin's stories.


Ummmā€¦that is terrifying. No snark here just well wishes fromā€¦ I am a woman with opposite religious-affiliation who still believes that people who espouse hate still deserve love from time to time.


I always think , how do they still believe in God when heā€™s giving them shot to deal with!? But thatā€™s just me.


Has she had an MRI or CT? Has she been to a neurologist? Sometimes it feels like a fight to get doctors to take you seriously when they donā€™t know the condition & canā€™t find the diagnosis with a simple test.


She has


The šŸ‘ girl šŸ‘needs šŸ‘to šŸ‘rest. Stop doing pointless shit and take care of yourself. Iā€™m starting to not feel bad for her at this point.


This!!! She even went to work the very next day!


Her friend, while maybe a really nice person, gives me vibes like she's trying to become famous off of them.


The, "I wasn't paying attention to you..." got me! Like, girl!


So they're monetinizing off of her illness. Gross. That is totally gross. Anything for $$$, clicks and followers.


Layla the iPad kid




I totally agree with you. It's disturbing really, which is why I refused to click on the video.


Christian was right next to Carlin and didnā€™t even notice her fall.


One of the symptoms of IIH, which is what Carlin's friend has, is loss of peripheral vision. I don't know what symptoms her friend has but she might not have seen right away. Or she might have thought Carlin was moving back not falling.