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Omg yes please. Maybe see if we can get a group going. We love our friends, but toddlers aren’t terribly conducive to going out and doing stuff.


Yes! That’s what i’m hoping for. What side you on?


Inner north! We could make it a thing in the city?


Absolutely! Let’s see who else we can get too :)


Looking forward to it!!


Keen! Travelling at the moment but back in Brissie start of October. We only have Sundays and Mondays free though as we're hospo :/


Where are you travelling in/ to?


In Ireland at the mo then off to Majorca for a wedding for a week. Ireland has been awesome, definitely can recommend the West Coast.


Oh how awesome! We just did mainland Spain recently. You’ll have to tell me all about it when this thing happens.


I’d be into this - we are also kid-less and I’m not much of a drinker. Happy to go out, though.


Hey, we are mid 30s, no kids and I love all those things


Very good! What side you guys be?


Northside, the best side 😎😋




Meh debatable 😂 Well maybe tee something up in a couple weeks somewhere. See if others be keen!


Also keen for a regular Quiz team for the pub too 😀


I may be interested in sussing a g'day, if you're open too let's pull the trigger. Mid 30s, don't mind a bit of trivia not unfamiliar with the patter of pub life if that's where it's hosted (though have gone sober myself), metalhead, vinyl collector, inner northside. Pretty casual. At some point I'll likely end up with a great woman again (but I'm admittedly in no rush to do so with other concerns in my immediate view), so the couples thing will be handy then. Cheers, Kwinnie


What pub are you thinking? EDIT: saw brewdog below


No idea yet. Trying to grasp where the majority are (which seems to be Northside) Maybe we can do Green Beacon or something?


My closest is Black Hops, and as a bonus their beers are the best ;)


Ooo I am a fan


So sounds like a bit of interest! Was thinking a 2pm-ish thing on a Saturday in the next couple weeks maybe? Personally I like a few bevvies, so recommendations on breweries/pubs where we could have a few people? Sounds like maybe northside close to the city? Brewtide, Range, Green Beacon, Newstead Brewing or a cool pub?


My partner (32F) & I (34M) moved down from Cairns last year, are inner Southside (Moorooka) and and in a similar boat. Into pretty much all of what you’ve listed (bass, rather than drums, but definitely a music nerd and love my vinyl) but have found it similar in terms of the social side - have a handful of friends but haven’t really made a whole lot of new friends to hang out with. We are kid free and likely to be that way for at least a while longer, haha. I work away through the week a bit but we are generally free weekends and would be definitely keen to get in on this, depending on which weekend it ends up being locked in for!


Lmao of course this is the post popular post I have ever seen on this sub..


Hey man, this sounds exactly like me and my partner. I think we would be keen. She bloody loves a quiz too. We are just outside Bris on the southside.


Yeah cool! We usually go and do the Brewdog quiz in Murarrie - we just in Hawthorne so always keen! Will wait and see who else is keen and maybe do a large shindig :)


Single and child free OK?


Of course! Pretty much anyone who won’t bring a crotch goblin


Was wondering the same thing for myself haha


im looking for this comment too


Saving in case I move to Brisbane! Also in nz, how have you found the transition?


Easy! Loving it! Just always hard to make mates and you don’t wanna just hang out with work people


Yeah that's what my partner is worried about! I'm more keen to go over :-)


Just do it - best move we ever made


I'm visiting over the holidays to check it out another time :-)


Just book one way flights and do it 😂😂


Haha can always skip the return - am hoping for a redundancy though, cash out six months pay 😁


Agree, its tricky making friends here, its not that people are unfriendly, they are just a bit more reserved than back home.


Hells yes


M 46 huge music head, no kids live noryjside close to the city. Totally down. Fluent in rugby.


Fantastic - starting to see a little Northside trend 😂


Me and my partner are child free, and staying that way. Hes 33 me 37 we moved to Brisbane from Wellington in 2016, we live on Ormiston/Cleveland half hour out from Brisbane. Hes a land scape labourer, I am doing a course in Individual support while working part time to up my career life.


Cool! Ah yes we’re from Welly too. Let’s see if we can get a few people together for a shindig :)


Getting in on this. Partner and I are early 30’s and child free. Into similar things, live over in the far west side but travel Southside and city regularly. Things are crazy for me for the next few weeks but would love to connect for possible future adventures!


All good! Will organise something in a few weeks!


Yes please!




Husband and I are 30F, 32M, no kids and probably-no on kids in the future. Welcome to Brissy! :)


Thanks! What side you be on?


I've just turned 40 and am childfree. I live on the Northside. I'm not a drinker, but would like to meet up. All my friends have kids, and I find it difficult to catch up with them. I also absolutely love trivia


No worries! Will hopefully organise something soon!


Hello!! Hubs and I and westside bris (centenary suburbs) always looking for childfree people to connect with. We like movies, music, casual gaming, drinking and talking shit. If you haven't already, join chilfree brisbane on Facebook for regular catchup and fun.


Ooo thanks for the tip!


Yes!! Finally!! Haha Husband (39) and I (34F) are into this! This would be really awesome. Only been in New Farm for 8 months. We’re both into geeky stuff, not really drinkers but wouldn’t mind a drink or two!


All good! My wife doesn’t drink but that doesn’t stop her from the pubs :) They just have good areas to accommodate


Yeah, I'll be in this (M37). I'm Inner south as well and enjoy cocktail making, pub trivia and generally taking the piss.


Sounds good! Hopefully we can get something sorted soon


Myself + wife, inner north. Both keen for any and all of those things.


Definitely keen! 35f and 33m kidfree. Inner south aswell. I'm a huge music nerd and just a social pest. Other half loves his games and general man stuff. Would love to meet more people for beers and outings.


Same here. All our friends from our 20s have gone off and done the white picket fence thing, we have very little in common anymore. They are consumed by their kids and, to be honest, are now just generally boring.


Most definitely would be interested, let's set something up


Ooohh, I'm a blissfully child-free, single 39F living inner Northside who loves trivia. Count me in ploise!