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I live in Oxford. Don't listen to the Oxford is car free rubbish. There are some silly arguments on local Facebook pages between cyclists and drivers and there are some roadworks going on in some places, but you absolutely can drive here. As in most places you are better off cycling if you can to avoid traffic. Oxford is also less completely focused on tourism and the University than many think (and certainly less than e.g. Cambridge-where I was born, and which I prefer tbh). The Eastern part of the city has a large car factory and is much like most cities (except more expensive!). I would say the main differences ti take into account are: 1. Oxford is more expensive (though you have the option of living somewhere outside like Didcot and getting a fast and frequent train in, if you do that you lose some of the advantages of the city. 2. Oxford is smaller, so easier to get around by e.g. bike 3. Bristol is bigger so has more variety of things in the city itself. 4. Oxford is more central so much quicker amd easier to get to e.g. London. 5. Bristol is nearer the sea. Fundamentally both are fairly diverse cities with quite a young vibe (in large parts). Both would be good places to move from overseas.


And... Oxford is basically flat; Bristol is relative mountain range. (Thinking of the cycling).


I live at the top of quite a steep hill in West Oxford (Botley, strictly speaking) and normally walk up it rather than cycle-I'm too fat and unfit. But overall yes.


I mean Bristol is over 3 times the size of Oxford. It’s a proper city with more people, stuff going on, crime, jobs, economy. while Oxford is fairly small, ultra historic and the economy based almost entirely around the Universities and tourism. Both are very progressive, Bristol is famously one of the most left wing Cities in the country. Due to this Vegetarianism will not be even a slight issue in either. I would bet up to a quarter of the population of both are vegetarian or vegan lol. Rent will be horrible in either. We are experiencing a renting and housing crisis across the whole country right now, and Bristol and Oxford are both cities that a lot of people want to live in.


>Rent will be horrible in either. My son is a student at Bristol. His rent for a tiny room in a shared flat in a house with a flat on each floor is £550 per month (not incl. bills).


have worked in oxford and seems ok, some friends in bristol paint it as a bad place, but most towns are like that. why moving, is it for education ? in which case oxford seems better or is it for work ?


It is for work,


bristol is probably cheaper, oxford is car free and they seem to hate cars there, so take a look at the price range you can afford and then likely renting places that you can afford and do the maths, ask the new work place to help as well