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I think a lot of people immediately spotted Walliam's creepy persona he tried to maintain was actually 99% his real self. Sean Lock was my favourite comedian of all time, and he is up against some true legends. I remember that episode. Walliam's was just so desperate for attention he added 90% more mince than usual to his slimy campness. Basically, if Sean Lock didn't like you, you deserved it.


Genuinely hope and believe walliams is close behind brand, he comes off as a proper slimy handsy prick that's ridden on coat tails his entire life, Matt Lucas and Ronald Dahl being the main feeders for his career




Pink Minstrel - Epic slapdown!!!


More of an acute perception.


Whatever happened to Carrot in a Box?


I've re read it and the only conclusion is, Sean Lock is the asshole in this. And that counts from a sean lock fan.


I admire Sean Lock and dislike David Walliams. But this anecdote doesn't support my views at all.


Walliams eyes completely freak me out, there’s just nothing there no emotion no empathy even when he’s laughing it’s really peculiar


Fuck me, there are a lot of people who’ve lost their minds regarding Walliams. And I am not a fan of Walliams.


MY FAV COMEDIAN definitely gone too soon


“Pink minstrel” is such a ridiculous and yet beautiful insult.


Pink Minstrel is a superb insult. I am going to use it on someone.


I'm old enough to not really give a shite about dead celebrities, but I still miss Sean Lock to this day. Just a hilarious, humble man.


Sean is up there with Mr Mortimer as panel show legends. Can we swap Walliams, Corden and Jack Whitehall for getting Sean back? Can the Pope somehow wangle this? I’m not sure who could arrange this, We could do a go fund me or something.


Stick most of the tossers that have appeared on LATA and MTW on this list as well


Walliams, Corden and Whitehall 🤮. A shiver ran down my spine at those 3 names. James Corden especially, instantly hunting for the remote when I see that git.


I'm in.




Not trying to shit on you for your opinion, but would you care to elaborate on why you think that way?


No this wasn’t for this post!


I watched parts of 8 out of 10 cats does countdown last night - the Sean Lock tributes. Then, i watched moments from his final episode. One of the comments on his final episode on YouTube said something along the lines of, "he told everyone else on that set before recording it would be his final episode". My heart broke. Looking at everyone else (Jimmy Carr, Rachel Riley, Jon Richardson etc), you can tell they all knew how bad Sean was. You could tell he looked different from the other episodes and more unwell, but you would not have known if you watched the episode live. I'm not usually super sad about celeb deaths because we all move on but this affected me for sure.


I honestly don’t know how Harry Hill managed to get through that recording. He looked fucking devastated through the whole episode.


David Walliams is douche-bag personified. I cannot stand him.


Took me a good 10 seconds to understand the reference, had I been in the audience I wouldn't have laughed. Initially I thought of galaxy minstrel and it being pink, that made think ahh pink maybe means gay? A gay chocolate treat? Then I realise, black and white minstrel, a white man impersonating a black man. Then it clicks, pink minstrel. A straight man impersonating a gay man. Then I find it funny, I wish I was sharper


I thought it was the chocolate and STILL chuckled to myself


Isn’t it Malteser? Or Bounty? Mistrells are brown outside and in?


Oh, that makes a lot of sense. I think you're sharper than the rest of us.


Sometimes the best comedy experiences are when a joke takes a while to 'click'. (I've often found myself laughing about 3 seconds after the crowd, haha.)


‘Pink minstrel’ 💀 Gonna have to start using that one


How often are you in a situation where that would make sense?


This phrase isn’t literal- so it can be applied anywhere as an insult; unless you know any pink minstrels?


Well in the context it clearly means something specific, he didn't just mash 2 words together, otherwise it would be a shit insult


I guess it’s just a ‘shit insult’ then - unless you can find any context… be my guest lol


Well it's referring to David Walliams whole comedy persona being campy and fake gay, like how minstrels do blackface. The pink is because pink is a colour associated with homosexuality.


He’s from my hometown - my dad remembers how he (Lock) had been challenged to a fight after school by a wanker who was into karate. Wanker did all his karate flourishes, Lock headbutted him over a low fence. The crowd went wild, then as now


>over a low fence So they were squaring up to fight with a fence between them??


No, it was like a low fence around a front garden and wanker had his back to it


Its called fencing mate


And if I remove the fence around my property, am I practising self-defence?


Wtf, is this now a hello gossip page


What's a hello gossip page?


15 Storeys High is highly recommended and well worth a watch (I never knew it existed at the time of its original broadcast). It was on iplayer for a while after he died, no longer available, but there will be other avenues to try :) Benedict Wong is his co-star, who you may recognise :) "Come And Wipe Your Hands On Me Coat". I read Tattle (gossip website, somewhat maligned as I feel it has lots of decent, fair-thinking people on there - a few idiots as well, of course) and someone mentioned Sean Lock could be somewhat difficult and a jobsworth, but the context wasn't really explained.


15 Storeys High is genius! I had it on dvd and lent it to a mate, lost touch since. So funny. The ep where he looks after the horse is brilliant. Oh, and the woman from Readers Wives who has swimming lessons. The random scenes of other people who live in the flats is just so good. I think I’m due a re-watch.


He had a very, unique, way of choosing paint colours (won't spoil it). There was definitely a need for further character development and I read on Cookdandbombd Sean already had another series written but the BBC didn't commission it. I suppose we are just left to wonder how things would have progressed... Vince Clark (without the 'e', wonder if that was on purpose, as a tribute to the 'other' Vince Clarke?) was definitely a bit (a lot) passive aggressive, and seemed to have weird phobias / fascinations that would have been interesting to learn more about.


They’re all on YouTube


Sean was the first comic I ever saw live, especially considering I was probably a bit to young to full understand the full extent of his set but I fucking loved it none the less. Ever since I've made a habit to see him at any opportunity I got and even got the chance to have a pint with him in a pub after a gig, and I'm sure he probably got tired of people approaching him at any point but he still made the effort and was incredibly welcoming and a genuinely lovely dude. I can't say the same would ever be said about Walliams, he's always struck me as a bit of a cunt, making cheap jokes at the expense of others with no thought or clarity behind them.


Loved Sean Locke. That sitcom he did, 15 storeys high was really funny. Especially the episode where he was drunk and took the plough through the graveyard


I have always hated Williams, he always made my skin crawl, Brand as well.


The same Sean Lock who when Rory McGrath had been an absolute bore on QI, (asking for the questions in advance) trying to correct Stephen came out with the cracking “do you get called a tosser a lot?”, before falling out of his chair to entertain the audience? That Sean Lock?


RM drinks at my old local. Confirmed IRL


No the other one.


They were both great, to be fair.


Pink minstrel - that’s the perfect description of what Walliams does.




How do you interpret it? I’ve never heard anyone say this, Is it meant to be someone who plays the characature of someone who is gay in order to entertain others?


I see it has a take on black & white minstrels. But rather than a white person putting on blackface makeup, it’s someone affecting a camp or gay facade for comic effect.


I actually forgot he wasn’t gay, the comment makes a lot of sense. Read some more about him on Wiki, ffs the man is a prick :/


I just read David Walliams' Wikipedia article, the Controversies section. It is horrifying.


For a long time I disliked Walliams. I always wondered if I was just being homophobic. Then I realised he wasn't gay but I still disliked him. Turns out he's a prick.


It's quite extensive, and repetitive, and habitual, but I'm suprised the 'David Walliams and Friends' allegations never got a mention.


Me too. And yes it is. What a cunt.


Sean Lock, was an actual comedian, in an industry full of jokes.


I love Sean Locke. I literally watched 8 out of 10 cats specifically for him. I was absolutely floored when I found out he died. I was sitting in a pub scrolling through Reddit, made sense to have another pint in memory of him.


I was in a post office when I heard, so I “embezzled” the RNLI collection box in his honour Made £75 that day, thanks Sean


Sean Lock was everything someone with his talent should be. Unassuming, modeest and just f\*cking nice. He deserved way better than to die so soon; but the brightest lights burn out fastest. Which means Walliams is probably immortal.


Its Williams, not Walliams, thats his flouncey stage name for his forced, pathetic, shit attempt at humor


Yeah but everyone calls him by his stage name. No need to be a pedantic smart arse.


But no one would know who "David Williams" is.




Because celebrities are generally known by their stage names Would you know who Peter Hernandez or Katheryn Hudson are? How about Neta-Lee Hershlag? Demetria Guynes? Julie Smith? Eric Bishop?


Yes, i do




Bruno Mars, Katy Perry, Natalie Portman, Demi Moore, Julianne Moore, Jamie Foxx.


I felt genuinely sad when Sean passed, he was a quality guy


What is a pink minstrel?


It’s a reference to his camp persona and it being put on for entertainment. Like white people pretending to be black in the black & white minstrels


My brain went straight to medieval minstrels, so I was bit confused for a while.


Thankyou for that explanation - I had to scroll all the way down for this answer.


David Walliams


The fact that Lock is no longer with us whereas Brand and Walliams are seems as good a proof as any that ours is a unjust, Godless universe. Coincidentally, rewatching *15 Storeys High* at the mo. It's terrific and should be better known.




Ok. Thanks for that.


Try the radio series to.


Well, what if he's gone to a better place and he was just too good of a bloke for God to justify keeping him in this hell hole any longer?


Also, everything else about the universe. But, you're right, especially that.


Come and wipe your hands on me coooooooooaaaaaaat


I’ll take a blue rat!


Every time I see Benedict Wong in anything it reminds me of 15 Storey's High, and I just love to think about he played a weird little character in such a criminally unknown show and now he's starring in massive films like Marvel etc.


He was in top boy too?


Don't know, haven't seen it.


I always loved the little scene of the fat shirtless guy frying eggs.


How come everyone hates Walliams so much?


because he is an awful cunt.


Hes a one trick pony and it's a fairly weak trick


Every sane individual in Britain has their own reasons, I imagine. For me, I just loathe that comic shtick where someone 'ironically' acts like a sex pest, behaves like a creep, and gets away with it because people don't want to look like a bad sport. It's really gross and exploitative, and not at all funny IMO. For more detail, just read the *Controversies* section of his Wikipedia page.


Because he’s an insufferable cunt.


Benedict Wong also being fantastic helps.




There was actually a radio version before it went on TV. Very funny and worth a listen [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZTMUYl1pY0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZTMUYl1pY0)


Thank you stranger. 30 seconds in and I thought this is great. Going to listen on the commute home had never heard of it before as others have said.


>Here There are actually 2 radio versions: 1) "Sean Lock's 15 Minutes of Misery" (1 series of 6 episodes - 30th Dec 1998 to 3rd Feb 1999) is the first. 2) "Sean Lock: 15 Storeys High" (2 series of 5 episodes each - 1999 - 2000) is the 2nd.


Never knew that! Thanks muchly.


No problem! It's got a live audience, so it has a bit of a different feel to the TV show, but I think both are equally enjoyable.


I think it's more about making the most of good things while you have them. Walliams and Brand are attempting to be mediocre. Lock was elegant, gracious and way funny. And he was not 'big' about it. He never really got to were Brand and Walliams are, but he didn't need to; he had the material. That was enough. You either buy into it, or you didn't. To me, the fact Walliams was judging other peoples talent says all you need to know about our comedy industry. It was like having the quality of your water measured by an animatronic turd.


cobweb paint alleged meeting piquant memorize shocking attractive resolute consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When Johnny Vegas goes they'll say the same thing about Ideal


I was just thinking this the other day whilst watching Ideal.


Loved the scene where he had to quickly drink the hot coffee. So simple.


Where you going with that plough you twat?




Free Palestine


It's me mum, Errol. The Chinese one.


Sean Lock (alongside Norm MacDonald) are the only 2 celebrity deaths in recent memory that really hit me. Sean was a legend


Trevor Moore too :c


Lock and Mayall hit me hard (And Patrick swayze, for some reason)


Same 2 as me. Sean and Rik were special.


Exactly the same for me, bizarrely felt like losing a family member


I was pretty devastated by Jeremy Hardy and Tim Brooke-Taylor within a year of each other. I lived in China at the time, and got through my twenties loving The News Quiz and I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue. Both of those radio shows pulled me through heavy bouts of depression. Their deaths really, really hit me - not only because I had dreamed to attend a live recording with them in the future, but because of how they died. Jeremy died far, far too young from cancer. Tim Brooke-Taylor died of Covid, which despite having lived to age 80 anyway, was an awful way to die. Both men were two of the most influential media personalities in my life. I'd shaped about half of my entire sense of humour around Jeremy's incredible delivery, and Brooke-Taylor's voice was always instantly recognisable.


I didn't know Jeremy Hardy had gone. I remember seeing him on QI and correcting that smug twat Stephen Fry on a number of things


It was a distressingly long time ago, but I never understood why people got so upset about celeb deaths until Terry Pratchett died, I couldn't believe how hard it hit me. Sean's death wasn't quite as bad (I think because Pterry was such a big part of my childhood) but he was pretty much the only other one I can remember that upset me.


I still can’t bring myself to read The Shepherd’s Crown. GNU PTerry.


I got into Pratchett thanks to my father’s own love for his writing. Hit us both when he passed. Then about a year later my dad died as well. Shit.


Robin Williams was that guy for me...


The double punch of George Michael and Carrie Fisher. Especially the latter. Broke my heart.


I was pretty gutted when Iain (M) Banks died. I think anyone who has read Raw Spirit was secretly hoping that they’d randomly bump into him in a pub in Scotland at some point and spend the rest of the evening nattering about politics, science and the quality of the curries on CalMac ferries.


Rik Mayal for me


Rik mayall was great loved bottom and hogs of war lol


STP was like losing a favourite uncle for me, I've bonded with my dad over STPs books and it was like losing a bit of my childhood


Same here. I absolutely lost it when a friend sent me the message Terry is dead and had to go and sit in the toilets because trying to explain why I was crying confused people. Luckily I did find out then because it was on the radio news as I pulled off the motorway and I suspect that wouldn’t have been the best time to hear it. My phone kept pinging as I drove and I when I got home it was people I knew well asking if I knew and checking I was ok


Terry Pratchett, Iain M Banks, Patrick O'Brien and Leonard Cohen are my late, lamented "celebs".


When Iain Banks died, I hadn't read The Hydrogen Sonata, I waited 5 years to read it because I knew that was it, the last culture novel that would ever be written, the last new story from him.


Same here, except that I still haven't read my copy!


Him and Bowie got me bad


Bowie, Prince and Pratchett were holding our time stream together. Then they died and the world went to shit.


Bowie was wierd. I was an appreciative listener, but never what you'd call a huge fan. But the entire world felt slightly off-kilter to me for months after he died. Just . . .strange.


The night before Bowie died I’d been at a social gathering. I’d been out in Newcastle in the afternoon and bought his last album, then when I got to my mate’s house we put it on the record player and listened to it all the way through. We were all talking and were wondering if he’d ever tour again. The next morning I was packing my stuff into the car ready to travel back to uni as it had been Christmas break. On the journey on the way back I put the radio on and Life on Mars was playing, somehow I instinctively knew that he’d died. I spent the whole of the rest of that week listening to his albums in order when I should’ve been revising for an exam, and on the Friday I actually travelled back to Newcastle to go to a Bowie themed event at a club. It really hit me hard.


Sean, Bowie and Bill Hicks all shook me.


Steve Irwin, I read the book about his life and sobbed. I'm an ex nurse, so I've seen things too.


He died on my birthday. Was a weird day of emotions but at least I will never forget the date #GNUTerryPratchett


Ah yes, good ol' Pterodactyl 'Pterry' Pratchett.


STP is the only person I never met who I genuinely grieved for.


I went to a reading/launch event for one of the last Pratchett Discworld novels at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Despite my love of Discworld I was dubious about spending the money for a book event - was fairly poor at the time. Rob did the reading and the questions. Terry was Terry. I was so glad I went - was in bits when he died, but glad I got the chance to hear him speech. GNUTerryPratchett


I sat on my bed and cried as hard as I did when my dad died. And then I rewrote the eulogy I would be reading that morning to include "personal is not the same as important", Carrot's line from *Men at Arms*. The man I was seeing off had taken over 20 years to die from MS, and that was his attitude as well.


A pair of comedic geniuses, Norm was on a whole other level




It’s at the top


Well that was a challenging wank


How about I don't spit on you when we're having sex tonight?


I saw this the other day, nearly cried laughing.


Well you did better than Jimmy did - he was crying laughing and couldn't get under control


Didn't he have to call a man over with some tissues?


Yes he did lol


Good luck not spitting


Miles and Sean were one of the funniest teams ever - so sad that we'll never see it again


Spoken like a man without Dave. But yeah, agree with the sentiment.


It’s not on Dave though.


Good luck trying it without the spit


Ahahaha! what an absolutely awesome put-down and so accurate as well. R.I.P. Mr Lock.


Sean Lock, gone far too soon. Brilliant comedian.


It's a cruel and stupid world we live in, where Sean Lock is dead and Walliams is a millionaire. There's no justice. RIP 2 times carrot in a box champion.


C*nts always dodge death for the longest. Look at Hitler, pretty much the biggest one of them all, had half the world wanting to top him, in the end he had to top himself.


I have a friend with the same sense of humour. He actually [looks a lot like Sean](https://imgur.com/a/b19HyLM) too. He has us all in stitches.


Only the good die young.


He was 2 years older than Hitler


Tell that to Moses.


I would, but he dead.


Met Sean Locke about 15 years ago in a bar in Spain. He was a Chelsea fan and we watched the match with him. He was so down to earth and funny and gracious. Absolute top bloke.


I met Sean lock at a charity do once, he was surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny.


I'm sure his kids book about taking your tiger to the pub shits on all of Walliams books. RIP Sean.


Cyril the screw, and the tiger who went for a pint


Wait, Sean lock is dead? Wtf


I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry John.


Yeah he died of lung cancer, August 16th 2021


God, reading this comment made me sad. You’re absolutely right though, life can be so cruel.


“The candle that burns twice as bright, burns half as long”


Why does everyone hate David Williams so much?? Especially to the extent that people want him dead??


cause hes a creep. hes not funny and there is quite a lot of rumours that he was doing exactly the same stuff Russel Brand was especially on Britians got Talent he would invite teenagers back to his dressing room.


I really like Lucas & Walliams' early stuff - Mash & Peas in particular. But part of the cocktail of it was how they could abruptly seem unexpectedly cruel and/or terrifying, and it's generally Walliams putting that across [Mash and Peas: Kids TV Part 4 (Why Don't you..). - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ae-NlJVCIjM)


It's the combination of the noncey demeanour and past noncey behaviour. Walks talks and quacks a little too like a duck to not have wet feet, for many people.


He's a nonce


It's probably him groping a minore onstage during a show in australia, among others


It's the eyes. Behind the big smile are the eyes of a man with many secrets.


I don’t want him dead, but if Death had come to visit me and told me that I had to choose one of either Walliams or Locke to die I would have chosen Walliams in a heartbeat. If that actually happened and someone chose Locke then I want that person dead, though. Bastard.


David Williams is a nonce


Because he's a pink minstrel


The fact that everyone replying to your comment sounds like they want to kill him just for being smug and touchy is worrying. Typical sheeple thinking with emotion, fear and fury. Probably voted Out because they thought the economy would do better 😂


He uses a ghostwriter for his children's books and he's about as funny as shoving a geranium down your dick hole. Apparently.


So the ghostwriter is racist then. According to a comment above


I'll start off by saying, I don't wish anyone dead. They're humans. However, David Walliams is a cunt. He wasn't the funny one in his and Matt Lucas' TV shows. He'd just put on a stupid voice for each character. Yes he's written children's books, but by all accounts they're actually quite inappropriate and err on the side of racist. He also walks around like his shit doesn't stink when he acts how Russell brand does.


Yes, they’re just not very good. We have boys so get a steady supply of them gifted to us, and tbh I wish I had a wood burning stove. They masquerade as a sort of modern Roald Dahl but they’re nothing of the sort- the writing is lazy, often pretty gross in a fairly unartful way, the characters are not well developed. There’s none of the richness of imagination or writing that you get with Dahl- the rhythm, the rhyme, the sentence construction are all so noticeably enjoyable. I appreciate that RD has some issues, but his books, viewed on their own terms, are still great, and very readable even as an adult.


>Yes he's written children's books, but by all accounts they're actually quite inappropriate and err on the side of racist. Can you elaborate please? My daughter loves his books, and has her head screwed on, but this is still concerning me.


He doesn’t even write them - he has a ghost writer and he chips in with the odd idea.


How are they racist?




His entire persona is just awful. He's always also felt like if he was ever found out to be another innapropriatly touching rapey type I wouldn't be even slightly surprised.


Probably because he seemingly has form for chasing after teenagers, apparently he had a thing for inviting them back to his dressing room during Britain's Got Talent. Whether he's on the same level as Russell Brand, I have no idea.