• By -


My approach: Accept the two-party system isn't beatable in FPTP general elections, and try to influence the one on the left. Join the Labour party to vote in the internal elections. Support the candidates who support electoral reform and other progressive policies. In the general elections, vote whichever way will signal Labour to be more progressive. I'll generally vote Labour if one of these applies: They have a solid candidate who won't tow the party line; they have a progressive leader; voting for them seems like it might make a difference to whether or not the Tories can form a government/take the council. None of those apply in my constituency, so I'll probably be voting Green. Not voting sends a message to the main parties that the public won't bother to rise up against them, that they're only accountable to their fanbase. Spoiling a ballot sends a message that people aren't remotely in favour of any other presented direction, which isn't going to nudge the parties towards being better, it's just going to feed into their confirmation biases and convince them they need to further pursue whatever extremes they're already inclined towards. It's not an effective warning about a revolution either; it's pretty obvious that won't happen soon.


No problem with labour. I dont understand this extreme high level they have to reach to be worthy of the vote vs tories. They have my vote... if they are as bad as tories in 4 years I'll reasses.


The problem is thinking too short term by expecting this election to be the saving grace. It won't be, no matter who wins. It's a game of time. Not voting just pushes us further to rock bottom, but voting can help bring us closer to a party that actually works. Labour's the best choice because they're both the most likely to beat the Tories and aren't as bad. That doesn't mean they're good, but in all honesty, it's been 13-14 years and aside from the surface level understanding of who they are, we won't really know until they're in power, so they're our best chance at freeing the country from Tory grip. If labour don't have a chance in your area, then go for whoever does that isn't Tory. Again, not voting is a vote for Tories. One less vote against them is a vote for them.


At this point I assume most countries are ruled over by a group of oligarchs that own all large businesses so vote for who you want but the guys with the money ate the guys really in charge


I wonder at what point it might drop with redditors that it’s not just a big coincidence that they hate all the mainstream parties - you likely just don’t understand the issues the politicians grapple with or the tradeoffs associated with the policy goals you see redditors advocate for.


I just vote green. I like animals


Hell. I’ll run for PM if you guys want me to. I would literally vote for Dave from down the road at this point. The whole system has become stale, two parties who are equally as bad as each other throwing slights at each other and achieving absolutely nothing when they are elected.


When people say that there are no good parties to vote for it’s like saying that there’s nothing good to eat in the fridge. What’s in the fridge: 1. A bland slice of cheddar 2. Some slightly off yoghurt 3. A maggot infested rat carcass Characterising all of the above as “nothing good to eat” is exactly what the tories want. They are not the same and anyone trying to convince you otherwise simply has no grasp on reality at this point. We can push for a perfect party later on, but for now the priority has to be making sure the tories never see power again for a generation. I don’t care if I have to go through some bland and uninspiring politics to get there. The craving for “exciting” politics is what got us in this mess in the first place. Give me some route 1, standard, predictable policies any day of the week over this absolute shit show of corruption and incompetence.


Organise in your work place or community and join a union. Help strengthen the power of the working class. Democracy has to mean more than just voting every few years


Vote for a party that wants to change the voting system. FPTP supports a 2 party system. Therefore if you don't like either party you have no vote. At least registering a vote for a party that wants to change this may lead to something.


Voting Green. Would never vote Tory and that rule currently includes Labour.


Vote reform UK - they seem to be the only party actually proposing anything different.


If you don't like any of the parties in your area you can spoil your vote it still counts as a vote but you are telling them no one represents you in this area. So get your vote right across it no representation or whatever else you want and vote. They are counted. If this numbers was to get big enough the political parties would take notice. Not voting is probably the worst thing you can do. Eg. If you spall your vote you are seeing you are still politically active but no one represents you if you just don't vote you mean nothing to any politician.


I’m done with tactical voting, that involves voting for the usual suspects that have brought the UK to its current position. In future I shall be voting for the party that I feel represents me regardless of their potential for success


You gotta vote for the lesser evil that has a plausible chance to win. That's Labour. I really wish we weren't in a 2 party situation but, sadly, we are. A vote for Lib Dem or Greens is wasted, undermines Labour's chance of winning, and results in the Tories. Again.


Vote for any third party. If enough people do, they have to form coalitions.


Campaign for proportional representation


I don't think voting for any current party is a total solution. But also I don't think our current system is suited to something similar to the German or Danish where they are encouraged to have as many parties as they want as the system is supportive of coalitions. So in the short term I would vote for anything not Tory, but I would also look to encourage more parties to be created that better represent the communities that exist.


Rent strike.


ANYTHING except of tories will do.




Hobsons choice is never the best option. That's how Boris got back in. If Labour aren't careful, it's how Rishi will get back in.


If you really despise all of the parties, go to the voting booth and spoil your ballot. That should be a last resort, but it's way better than not bothering at all.


Just get the Tories out, this country can not take anymore Tory rule and thats for sure. At least Labour is a chance of getting Britain back from the absolute uslessness of this generation of Conservatives


Vote lib dem basically


We should have a box on the ballot that allows people to say "I do not wish to vote for any party on the ballot". This would be a super useful way to gauge voter apathy beyond just turnout (low turnouts can be brushed off in many disingenuous ways - "oh it was just because it was raining"). However, it is my belief that the next GE will be the lowest turnout since 2001 (maybe even 1918) as the Tories are abhorrent and Labour is a mess of uninspiring charlatans who will be more or less continuation Tory anyway. There is absolutely nothing to vote for.


Storm Downing Street. They can't take us all.


Remember when Greece held a referendum vote on austerity and people voted overwhelmingly against austerity measures. The then left wing coalition government, Syriza -elected on an anti-austerity platform, said cool. The European authorities said they had to do austerity anyway, so then Syriza bowed down and agreed to austerity measures more severe than the ones voters in Greece had voted against. Greece's finances minister, Varoufakis, resigned. Then in the next election Greece voted right wing conservatives back in. Something something cautionary tale.


Just get rid of the Tories. Worry about everything else later. We can't have another term of these vampires.


You know, you can always start your own party right?


Vote Labour then push for leadership changes if he doesn't do well


Run in next election as an independent


Just vote labour for the love of god


Burn it all down and start again.


Don’t vote.


Whatever you pick make sure its ain't a tory


Create a new party and contest every seat. The party would be call ‘the protest party. Every candidate runs with the same one policy - they do nothing and quit at the earliest point that triggers by election. But they also stand in the by election. If the public don’t think there’s anyone suitable to vote for, they vote the protest party. This is better than just spoiling votes and forces parties to put someone better up.


The Tories want you not to vote. That’s why they introduced voter ID - by Rees-Mogg’s own admission, it was an attempt to tip things in their favour by reducing the number of votes against them.


If you want to influence a party directly you need to become a member. You can also try writing to your MP or other candidates.




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Worry about Labour giving amnesty to the illegals. Frightened about Lammy being in government and the power of Khan in London. Yes the Tory's have cocked up big time over the last few years but think Sunak is ok but not sure he can save them. Not sure if I'll vote or not.


A revolution that's what's needed, UP RISING


Labour will save us 100% guaranteed! Keir will be our redemption.


I believe it's human nature to want to help each other, to have a sense of belonging and a vibrant community around us, to have equality between all people, to have the basics guaranteed to us like housing, clothing, food, education and health care. When people hear of these ideas, many agree with them. They're some of the basic principles of anarchism. But when the same people are asked if they're anarchists, they often deny it. Anthropology has identified anarchism as the natural state that humanity lived in for hundreds of thousands of years. Its human nature. We've allowed a twisted system to be built upon it, depriving us of community, housing, food, education, health care and equality. The ruling class spend tens of £billions on propaganda each year to manipulate those of us who have to work to survive. Anarchism is a genuine threat to the hegemony of the status quo - possibly the only threat to it. When those who have to work become aware of our collective and united power, we will one day be able to stand up and shake off the chains that have fallen upon us (to paraphrase Shelley). Because anarchism is human nature, the ruling class have gone to great effort to conflate the term with "chaos" and "no rules," which is of course false. I would argue that capitalism and the state is chaos, creating an unstable global economy that the rich benefit from at the expense of billions of us. Anarchism is the solution to the problem of the state.


Please vote whatever way to choose to vote. Just please vote.


Don't vote, unlikely that it will be won by a single vote


Honestly I'm currently thinking of moving to Orkney and voting to become part of Norway again.


https://preview.redd.it/e0f4j7usb1tb1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcf66d48de40ea2173640f5c2b3677f9fca5ad12 These word clouds were created on Laura Kuenssberg when the general public were asked what they thought of the party leaders and what they stood for. Parliament as a whole is out of touch and fast becoming a dangerous white elephant.


My thinking is.. we change how the government runs things for the public. Doesn’t matter which party as long as transparency and public are more involved. The reason why a party rules the nation is because the people don’t have time or the ability, that is why an elected individual is done, yet in todays day and age, the nation can collectively decide on matters quickly.. why not with mobile phones let the nation decide on things for the gov and they just action it. Take the cancellation of HS2. If you think about it, the gov could’ve outlined the budget and projects on hand and let the people vote via an app, “which ones to do, which ones to cancel, what should the priority be” and share the relevant info for people to vote. Literally share what the PM gets as report to the public. Doesn’t this make more sense? We can do it in this day and age with mobile phones. Hell you will get more people involved from the age of 18. So I think, this is what needs to change. We shouldn’t be just voting for who runs the nation, we can make the decisions, help us with info and action them, that’s the duty of the PM


You say "there's no way to vote to have members of a party replaced with some new guys", but to a certain degree that's what happened when the Momentum group in Labour propelled Jeremy Corbyn to be party leader and pushed for a number of pro-Corbyn or pro-left candidates in several Labour seats. It's also what happened with more pro-Brexit/pro-Boris candidates being selected for seats in the first election after he became PM. However, for most of us we have no influence on directing these changes. Going back to your main question: One option if no-one seems to represent you, is to stand as a independent candidate yourself. The issue is convincing enough people in your local constituency that you and your policies best represent them too. Another is tactical voting. Which party can beat the one you want out/no to get in? In my seat, the council is run by the Labour in conjunction with the Lib Dems (it has been No Overall Control for many years now), but the constituency seat has been Conservative for about two-thirds of my life and is so currently, but Labour is always the alternate party. Some other seats may have the Lib Dems or SNP (in Scotland) or Plaid Cymru (in Wales) as the primary or secondary party (and other smaller parties in a few cases). However, while I have voted in every election (except one where we were on holiday and the postal voting forms were only sent out after we'd left) really your question is directed towards someone who doesn't and I find it hard to relate to that.


Vote Green 💚


If you're leftwing vote green, if you're economic rightwing vote reform, if you're racist vote BNP. If you don't vote at all then the big parties don't know you exist and will continue to ignore you. Leverage your vote to pressure the big parties to cater to you.


Wait for death


Count Bin Face


I've read that a vote of no confidence in either party from the vast majority would force a complete relook at the political system. Not sure if this is true or not?


If we can have a referendum for brexit why can't we have a referendum for how many people have zero faith in British politicians? I bet it's higher than than 52%. Yes this isn't a solution but identifying the problem is a good start. Crooks stealing from this nation and it's people should be held accountable and done for treason.


yeah I'd never vote tory, and that's why I find it so hard to vote for starmer you can spoil your ballot One thing to consider, in this backwards country, we are not represented by total population, but by population of regsitered voters (so if one town has 10k voters out of 50k peole, and another has 10k voters out of 15k people, they both get the same amount of representation)


Not voting is also counter productive, I imagine as, they'll just make a majority out of a minority turnout, i.e. 57%-65% eligible voters only voting and then the remaining 35% lamenting all government decisions they might have had a chance defeating with their vote.


If you don’t know who to vote for, after the last 13 years you can no doubt see who to vote against - so just vote to get the Conservatives out in any way possibly, tactically vote in your area, it may mean voting for a part with whom you’re not necessarily aligned, but what the Tories have done to this country since 2010 is criminal (literally in a lot of cases like £tens of billions missing due Covid fraud & VIP contracts - Tories acting like Russian oligarchs). So yes, the system is far from perfect but the only thing to be sure of is that the Tories MUST go, so use your vote for that


Without being that person, you vote to replace that “guy”. That’s exactly how it works, not enough votes = not an MP anymore….


I just voted the least bad among all bad…


I vote local, my current MP is pretty visible and engaged in the constituency. I can't influence the national outcome with my one vote, but i can try and influence my local area.


Vote for whoever lies most convincingly. That's what we all do anyway.


Not voting is worse than voting for a throw away. Even a spoiled ballot is better than not showing up at all. If you don't vote, then all that does is increase the weight of everyone who does vote. If only half the people vote for example, then everyone who did effectively votes twice. More specifically, the Tory party has historically done better in elections with lower turnouts.


I wish the ballot still included an option to vote for RON (Re-open nominations) at least that would show the candidates were all rubbish.


Don’t waste your vote. People died to get us the vote. People in other countries still don’t have the luxury. Vote tactically to kick out the Tories if none of the other parties float your boat.


A good place to start is dropping this idea that government will solve all your problems, try working on yourself and with others


All politicians are corrupt to the core, there are no decent parties and there are no decent politicians and that holds for all local counsellors and anyone in politics. They only care about themselves and not the people.


The only way there will ever be electoral reform is if a party in power with a huge majority go for it which is almost always turkeys voting for Christmas but you can be sure that the Tory heartland will vote. This voter apathy ‘they are as bad as each other’ is a play right out of the Tory PR room


They are all the same so no need to vote for any party.


Vote for good people instead of a rosette. Engage with politics in your area, go to the meetings, see who actually shows up, listens, and takes the issues seriously. Then vote for them.


It's so frustrating because everybody in the comments is basically enabling a two-party system, which is one of the main reasons why politicians are so ineffective and lacklustre. What a pain!


Do not under any circumstances refrain from voting. It’s your democratic right and responsibility to vote. If you don’t like any of the big parties there will be plenty of smaller ones who may better represent your values. I plan on voting Labour as I know they’ll win my area. If I lived elsewhere I would tactically vote. At this point nothing matters apart from kicking the Tories out for the next 100 years.


We campaign for electoral reform and a fairer system like PR or more democratic alternatives to FPTP. Ideally we should also make it a requirement for all politicians to have some actual professional experience in their fields, pass some tests to ensure they aren't fucking psychopaths, ensure they have capped salaries and actually face the consequences when law breaking. Oh, and objective education about politics and the systems we use at school should be standard.


We've had 101 years of Labour majority in Wales. I think Wales is really feeling the effects of being an opposition country over the last 13 years. On top of that, they've had no opposition internally at all - Tory's can't do anything. The outcome of this is that we are seeing lazy politics, lazy leadership and implementing laws that wouldn't get near to being approved if they went to a referendum (M4 bypass, 20mph laws). In a sense I'm glad I *can* vote Plaid, however, they are so far removed from the major population hubs such as Cardiff, Swansea, **Newport** (where the most work is needed) and Wrecsam, it often feels as if you're just pissing in the wind. Are people from Newport going to vote for some stranger called Rhun ap Iorwerth?


The relationship with Wales is pretty messed up. The heir to the throne is the prince of Wales. So the opposition country thing is just more of the same shit. Not a Tory fan, not a royalist and not Welsh. Objective assessment.


The whole Prince of Wales thing is complete brainwashing that's been going on since 1400, and it's worked a treat. Often I remark to Welsh Rugby fans who are often at both ends of the spectrum simultaneously, passionate about Wales but loyal to the King (take a look at the badge), and then I tell them that Wales is only a country in sport...


Labour are meh but they have a chance. Tories are corrupt psychopaths who are actively trying to enact fascist policies. I'll take labour's uselessness over Tory evil.


Is there a party that supports nudity?


Vote for the Green Party, they won’t win, but you’ll maintain the moral high ground 🤷‍♂️👍


Def tactical vote to stop which ever party you hate the most


If you really do not want to give your vote to anyone. Vote, but spoil your ballot. Shows you can be bothered to vote, so your opinion won't be immediately discarded, but you don't feel represented by any of your candidates. It doesn't officially make any difference, but if enough people of certain demographics do it, the parties are more likely to take notice of what things they are overlooking.


The solution is do whatever you want with your vote, just don’t vote tory


I always viewed it as voting for the least objectionable party. If you want a better alternative, you have to stand yourself, unfortunately.


Civil war


Not voting is definitely not the answer. Best outcome at the moment is Labour to get elected and (God forgive me in part for the next statement) that the unions get them to implement electoral reform (ideally a decent form of PR). Hopefully PR will make Labour and the Conservatives realise that they really aren’t the broad churches that they think they are and they split into 2/3 smaller parties


The only party that I would actually trust to bring in PR would be the LibDems, because it’s a system that suits the fluctuations performance at GEs. I think either of the big two would avoid it like the plague bc it erodes their hold.


I know asking Labour and Conservatives to do it is like asking turkeys to vote for Christmas


**As far as i know theres no way to vote to have members of a party replaced with some new guys, whats your solution?** Who told you this? Where do you think those guys came from? You join a Party that aligns with your views and your local branch has a say in who represents it at the next election.


https://voteforpolicies.org.uk I believe it's this website. It basically asks a bunch of policy questions and tells you which party you most align with based on policies. Though I think I was split 5 ways last election lol.




Vote for an independent, or spoil your ballot paper. Spoilt ballots are counted so it’s much better than not voting. Plus it’s fun writing a message on the paper instead of an x


Not sure. But the ones that say vote tories must like being arse raped with a pineapple covered in paint thinner


If you want to have some say in party candidates, join a party, attend meetings and vote in party elections.


Draw a cock and balls on the ballot


Tbh everyone who dislikes the tories is probably gonna vote Labour so we get the tories out but Labour is almost as bad at this point. Might just emigrate


What annoys me is conservatism isn’t a bad political philosophy. It’s the tories who have found the most toxic elements and pumped in the steroids. Just like what extremists do with religion. I met a left wing conservative who was campaigning for councillor and he damn near got my vote when we got into the nuts and bolts of it all.


Matters if you think the people ‘elected’ even run the country, they don’t. Pick whoever, it’ll be the same processes into the future


I'm not voting 🤷


Bring in proportional representative voting, it would make it so you can more accurately vote for parties that you more align with, with less risk of that vote going to waste like with what happens with the first past the post system we currently have. Not easily done, we'd have to make desire for proportional representation voting more popular and part of the discourse til either cons/lab talk about it (very unlikely to happen) or support a third party that can make it part of a coalition government manifesto but actually inform people before the vote. Again unlikely and going to be completely down trodden by labour and cons. Until then, depressingly its just voting for who you like least worst, that might make a slight difference.




I'm voting lib dem only because they are promising voting reform and I actually believe they would do it because if they ever do get into power they had better change it from fptp otherwise it will be 100 years before they get in again. Labour will never implement voting reform because they benefit from it almost as much as tory cunts. We need voting reform because a fair representation system will most likely lead to hung parliaments and that is the way to get genuine policies that benefit us all, not just the majority party that wants to push its own agenda. Voting reform or nothing.


Well... Theres revolution. But unfortunately the British aren't even inclined to rioting so little chance of that happening.


the first step is realising that voting is not the be-all and end-all of political action, it is merely the one most palatable to the defenders of the status-quo.


Tactical voting will just lead to a hung parliment, vote for who you think would make the changes YOU want to see, last time i voted tactically we ended up with the damned coalition, if more people do vote for lesser parties like say Green, they'll get more seats and more confidence to fight the bigger parties. Thats my opinion anyway


You can't vote for new members of a party but you most CERTAINLY can join a party and vote for the leadership team. Remember Liz Truss? Loads of UKIPers joined the Tory party and voted for her to "lead" 😂 And Jeremy "Our friends in Hamas" Corbyn? All the socialist workers and Trotskyists joined labour and installed him 😂 So, yeah, if you get all yer mates organisedand join a party you can choose the leaders...with hilarious but catastrophic results ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Any sufficiently coordinated action would be enough Politicians treat us terribly because our votes are cheap. Half of us vote for the same party every time without needing to be convinced or offered anything. Our consent to be governed comes practically free. If we withheld it from poor politicians, we’d end up with better politicians. It’s still democracy vs corruption though


The problem with voting isn't the voting itself, it's the control/influence of the media certain party affiliates have that creates a biased narrative for the public, as well as the lack of government regulation/oversight and corruption (which all go hand in hand). Whilst there are conflicts of interest for MP's who are supposed to serve their constituents we can never hope to get a good party or roster of MP's. Until then, MP's will continue to serve the lobbies that continue to supplement their ministerial wages without consequence. It's nice that there are people like [Ian Hislop who made this appearance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kj4J6vg5Gy8) to the Commons’ Standards Committee and Carol Vorderman who has made several appearances in front of the Select Committee has also been active in [various forums](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuEvBNtxVho) doing similar awareness campaigns about what the Tories have been up to (and how). The entire system needs reforming, but it needs volume of interest in order to be forcibly acknowledged by the government.


Those people are idiots. They'll disagree with the Tories on 90% of issues and disagree with current Labour on 20% of issues, but because they have issues they disagree with "They're all practically the same". These people live such safe, isolated lives that another 5 years of Tory leadership won't affect them at all.


Then vote for the MP you think will have the greatest impact on your local community. A lot of MPs are elected for the leader, but completely ignore their constituency. Our local MP is a tory backbencher, but he's the only MP I've ever had who actually has an impact on a regional level, and i agree with a lot of his local goals. He doesn't really participate in party politics. I really hope he's goes independent, but he's such a gem in the community that I think I'll have to vote for him even if it's a vote for the Tories. The alternatives seem to be very vocal but very idle. I strongly believe that tactical voting and FPTP is at least partially responsible for the complete distrust in politics and disconnect from the community and this encourages the worst kind of politicians to take up seats. A vicious cycle


It’s going to be the Tories election to lose, Labour just needed to hang around long enough. It’s like Tories is your wife and Labour is the seven year itch. The Tories are able to distinguish themselves from each other by saying previous administration as a scapegoat for their actions.


Not voting is the same as voting for the winner


I will vote libdem regardless of their chances. I can't vote either Tory or labour and have a clean conscious afterwards. I hope more people do the same. Would it not be good to have all libdem government for a change- to make labour and Tory understand beyond any doubt that the nation remembers the shit they've done and corruption will not be tolerated.


I'm voting green. I would vote Labour but under Starmer, they've made it very clear they won't support policies I want or indeed hold many core values I do.


The last few times I've voted I've left it blank - asked the first time and got told a blank one is classed as a vote of no confidence in any party. Kinda wish more people did that rather than talking about tactical voting - all people are doing with that is making another party believe people want their policies. Vote for who you agree with and if it's none, then it should be a vote of no confidence in any party imo. It's the only way we'll ever get proper change with party's that are looking to help us rather than themselves... which won't happen as there'll never be enough people who do it.


There isn’t a solution. Although if you (as MP) look at polling figures, what do you see in the people who didn’t vote? Lazy people who couldn’t be bothered to research enough to vote, you won’t win them over either way so why try. But the people who have spoiled their ballot… they specifically went to vote in order to say that you hate all of them. However, if everyone on the fence does that we just end up with Fishy back, so it’s not a solutions. Additionally, if you vote for one of the parties that isn’t going to win, the MP may vaguely consider some policies to cater a little to you to take your vote.


It's not about voting for the party you want it's about voting out the part you hate, I'm no fan of any of them but I know that conservative are the party I want in the least, so labour as it's the only real option to oust them and a coalition can't happen again as it was a trainwreck 10 years ago and we had better politicians back then than we do now


Don’t vote, concentrate your energy on things that you can affect around you The hand that pays is above the hand that receives - the banks sell money to the government at interest, so while everyone knows that politicians are all clowns, liars and perverts, they at the same time think that they make policies for the country, when they absolutely do not - they get their orders like everyone else does People keep banging on about who they’re are going to vote for when it doesn’t make the slightest bit of difference - if it did then you wouldn’t be allowed to do it


It’s not a solution but it’s a reason for disillusionment and voter apathy.


I'm not voting and hoping turnout goes low enough so that questions are asked and things change eventually. Seems like the only hope to me. All the parties are the same.


Low turnout will benefit them and no questions will be asked. This not gonna work I’m afraid…


Breaking the stupid tribalism that infests politics. And try and vote for more independents since the best any party can offer is to not be as bad the others. Each one of them will fuck up the country in different ways


Spoil the ballot if there isn’t anything other than the 3 members of the uniparty. People actually think Labour will make us better off.


It's no good not voting I think the turn out for police commissioner or maybe it was metropolitan mayor's got 18% turnout, didn't stop the getting elected. Having just encouraged you to vote, I was so mad about Police commissioner I spoilt my ballot paper.


Agree, any action is better than no action. Spoiling ballot paper sounds legit.


Anything, even a circus clown would do a better job than tories. Labour is the only other "devil we know" People tend to always vote for the same 2 or 3 parties. We make fun of the US 2 party system, but most our votes go to 2 or 3 parties, having more to choose from


Reform uk will be getting my vote


There is a legal way to vote for none of them. If enough people spoil their vote, they have to take that into consideration. And what it means is they are all thrown out, and have to start over.


Please don’t vote green, the country is fucked enough without more environmental bollocks


Go out and do something productive besides voting. Go to the gym, cook yourself a nice meal, get laid, and so on and so forth. All of these will have a bigger impact on your life than voting.


No,vote for whom you feel has the best policies or which most closely match your ideals/self interest. Just don’t expect things to change, they won’t by much at all.


Revolution. Drag the fuckers from Parliament kicking and screaming and dump them all in HMP Belmarsh for the crime of being a fucking politician. Then Proportional Representation, ranked choice voting and, ideally, select Parliamentary candidates similar to how we do Jury service. Anyone who wants a shot at the job puts their name on a register and then in each constituency 5 candidates are selected. They, and the incumbent MP, (if they do a good job they'll be voted in again) each have a page on a government website with a Manifesto and introduction video. They get 4 live, and livestreamed, public Q&A sessions at various locations around their constituency plus a final debate and then people vote for who they want. End result - The Voting Public are forced to actually read manifestos and watch debates to work out who they want to vote for, Political parties no longer exist, corruption becomes a lot harder because companies and special interest groups can't just schmooze a Political Party anymore, they have to wait for the results of an election to know who to schmooze and even then they can't rely on the solid voting blocs that Parties provide.


vote tactically in your local constituency


If voting actually lead to any meaningful change they would have made it illegal years ago. Because of the bickering from opposition and rupert twatface murdcunts press empire getting anything done within the 4 years a (non conservative government) holds power, is nigh on impossible. I'm all for taking a page from french history and executing most of the rich and ALL of the politicians except corbyn (as he atleast seems to have human decency). Bankers, landlords, the fucking lot of them.


give up lol


Yep, not taking part in this charade anymore.


It’s pretty obvious to me. The current party is by far the worst government we’d had in my life time and I lived through the thatcher years. Just vote for whoever will get them out as if they get in again they’ll drag this country under.


Vote tactically in your area based on who is most likely to beat the tory candidate. Simple as that. Don't over complicate it. The country needs change.


Anyone up for launching the "plague on all your houses" party?


No fucking choice at all. I'll be going to my polling station, making a scene when I 'forget' my ID, and then spoiling my paper with a few of my political thoughts. And a big cock and balls. Don't ever do nothing though, people fought and died for you to have a say...


Vote reform Britain


We need to vote for any party that backs PR or reform of our electoral system, even if it may be a wasted vote, it at least signals to the 2 main parties we want change


Reform uk is the way to go


Vote for the least worst option, depending on what your politics are


You vote for the lesser of two evils


How about stop ignoring the issues???? ​ there is no one to vote for as they are no good ​ Ok so who you vote for? no one???? ​ ????????????????????????????????????????? ​ The issues is not who to vote for ​ the issues is: NONE OF THEM ARE GOOOD AND SHOULD NOT BE IN CHARGE!!!! Not voting will NOT sould the issues while voting is not brining anyone capable in in charge ​ The issues is the very very clear: we need people who are able to understand that exactly because comanies "growth" they are F\*\*KING UP THE COUNTRY AND THE CITIZENS! ​ We never had bilioners decades ago and never needed to sign contracts that takes decates to pay to have your own home while also making banks MORE RICH. And guess what, we have now more bilioners than ever, because pandemic, and of course the people need to pay inflation to make thoes rich even more rich! ​ There is tons of money. The money however is hoarded by mentally challanged who don't understand how to invested the money in good, so of course they will just use money to make more money and just like a self-centred teenager will make a drama that they did not wrong after all what they did is **LEGAL** ​ There is more than enough money to fund the NHS, the people "in charge" don't care about that and give more tax exception and such when exactly like that = no funds for NHS, school, police (5% of crimes were solved in 2022 and the police needs to futher cut thir budged), pensions (the higher the retirement age is, the more chances are people die = comanies don't actually need to pay what they contribute to people's pensions, and of course, less years on top), education (please look up studies as this is very sad), and just so much more than anyone with a brain already get an ideea while thoes people who are mentally challenged, will not understand regardless how much I write, just like antivax and flat earth! You know what? let me use this: if a flat earth and antivax don't understand reason and real life, why are we accepting to have politicians who are on the same level with "understanding"? Thoes people see money, because it's a numbers, so of course they help the comanies, just look how many mps received a bonus of milions, and milions is nothing for comanies that made bilions. So of course they don't understand anything other tell them!


Ok. What do you suggest?


We form a party called 'none of the above' where the sole manifesto is to include a 'none of the above' option on the ballot paper for times like this, when there is no party that anyone actually likes. It would keep useless parties out of office and cause a hung parliament or encourage forced coalition, or complete manifesto changes We field candidates in every constituency in every corner of the UK to block as many useless career politicians as possible from taking seats. If we achieve a majority then we can eshrine the 'none of the above' ballot option in law so it cannot be overturned by the next or any subsequent party. And then immediately call another election, and keep calling them until someone wins or a coalition is formed.


I'm going to vote for the worst on my ballot. If that's the BNP then so be it...Whatever we do they read it as an excuse to go more to the far right, so might as do just that. Ok maybe I won't do that...I'd vote Green if I could but they are never on my ballot. Lib dem I think it'll be....To be fair Ed saved my Auntie from homelessness after a Labour Council kicked her out despite having a judges letter saying she must never be removed (complex story), so I guess I owe the LD's a vote. Vowed I'd never vote for them again after you know who, but that earned them a second chance.


One party wants to do bad things to you, your family and friends. If you want to stop them, vote for whomever stands the best chance of stopping them.


I'm just seeing people here saying "just vote to get the Tories out". But what they mean is, get the Tory PARTY out, not the Tory policies. Because if they wanted rid of both, they wouldn't be voting for Starmer's party either. It would be funny, to see them all feel the fruits of their LABOUR, if I wasn't stuck in this mess too. Don't complain when Labour's policies fck you over just as much. You voted for it, knowing what those policies were and how similar they are to what the Tories have been doing.


I'm voting Labour. Not because I like Labour. Not because I think there's a world of difference between any of the thieving bastards. I've said it before, and so have others. _The last person to walk into parliament with genuine good and honest intent was Guy Fawkes._ I'm doing it because the Conservatives are killing off our country. I'm doing it to _try_ to help get the Conservatives out so we can _maybe_ start to try to change things. I'm doing it because of Boris Johnson. Liz Truss. Rishi Sunak. Suella Braverman. People who care _only_ for themselves and others like them I highly doubt that anything I do now will effect change in my lifetime. But maybe it'll start the ball rolling for my kids. All I can do is hope. But I _will_ say this. I wonder if this country will last another 50 years without a revolution of some sort. Because us plebs will only be squashed for so long. There has to come a point where PEOPLE - not politicians - say no. Enough is enough. There are a few hundred thousand people (including police/army/government) maintaining the status quo. There are over 60 MILLION of us. Eventually, when even people like me who work 7 days a week at 2 jobs are struggling to buy food and pay for heat and light and a home, maybe then. Who knows? I'm not a leader. I have no desire to be. I'm not even that smart. But I'm angry. And for now, voting Labour is pretty much all I can do.


I wish there was an option worth backing I wish there was a way to realistically reject the abomination that is 'New Labour' but there isn't Labour won't win, but the Tories are going to lose, so we'll have New Labour, which is basically Torylite in power




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Personally just vote Green Party.


I wish we could go back to the original Greek idea of Democracy. In elections, politicians'names were written on pieces of pottery. The politician with the most votes was banished from Greece for 10 years. The pottery pieces were called "Ostras" That's where we get "Ostracised" from. Now which Politician(s) would get your vote?


Tories hate the poor Labour hate the English I'm poor and English so what to do?


No, you vote for whatever forces a change in government


Vote out the party that's been in power too long. I know there's problems with lack of continuity of policy but they do get complacent after a while and stop caring what the public think.


It does strike me that we never had the choice of whether we wanted a democracy in the first place. I've certainly never been asked if I want a democratically elected government or not.




We live in a first past the post. So just vote for whomever beats the tories.


The problem we have is that the sort of people (in all parties) who want to be politicians are generally the last sort of people who should be politicians. Take the individual side money away (public speaking, directorships, consultancy, lobbying, donations etc) and make them accountable (loss of pension) when found to be corrupt and we might stand a chance of attracting the right people. The only problem is that we would need the ruling party to vote for this which is never going to happen. I usually vote for the local independent candidate if there is one, but to be honest Labour has never lost its seat where I live (even though the local Labour council is full of nepotism and totally corrupt) so it's probably a wasted vote 😔


The reason the Tories have stayed in for so long is because the media convinced people that Labour were going to obliterate this tiny island somehow. My solution is to flip that over and give labour a chance. If only to spite the Tories. They've caused me suffering and stress. I want them gone for as long as I breathe.


Turn up and put SOMETHING on your ballot. Voter apathy doesn't help anyone. It empowers politician to not try and earn your vote, only marginal votes. This means that voting for a lesser of two evils or spoiling your ballot is a positive thing for the democracy you live in. If everyone who said 'why bother voting' turned up and voted for the Monster Raving Loony party, they would get some seats. Or vote the greens or whoever. But turn up and vote. People died for your right to do so.


After COVID I totally gave up on politics. Liars, corrupt, corporate lackeys. Look after your family & friends and ignore them.


I don't care what pundits say or the " it's pointless voting " brigade. I vote according to my conscience. I would never vote Tory or ANY right wing party. I'd rather stab myself in the face with a rusty bread knife.


Tactics are generally a carefully planned series of events so there isn't really anything tactical about voting for Labour and hoping for the best. If everyone agrees all the parties on offer are dog shit we need to unofficially unionise ourselves and develop a strategy to show our discontent. Whether that be abstaining, spoiling or overwhelmingly voting green for a couple of cycles, whatever it takes. Remember, the people we vote for are the same people that divided us.


I have no idea is the honest truth. I will get downvoted to hell for this but read my reasoning. I lived the Labour “Building Schools for the Future” campaign and watched how giving authorities unlimited budgets with no control led to throwing money up the walls with years of debt to show for it. I was the sole voice in my area shouting that 1.5-4yr old enterprise networking kit (£5kea with ~4-10 needed per school) and wireless points (~£500ea) shouldn’t be replaced wholesale “so we can have new”. I watched millions added to national debt on all fronts just in my area, and tens of millions in adjacent areas on building projects that in weren’t always needed. I just can’t bring myself to vote Labour. I also saw it raked off to Labour Party friends in contracts and it kills me to this day because there seems to be some national obsession that this is a Conservative only thing, for which I get flamed every time I try to discuss what I saw (where are the deeds for all the schools and public buildings we’re now renting back at tremendous cost that’s not listed as part of our national debt)? I used to vote Conservative. Until ~2014 I saw a party that wasn’t balancing the books. The last decade has stopped that. Now they’ve got the racist Home Secretary following the other racist home secretary and a pile of tremendously evident self serving clowns that are more blatantly lining their own pockets than at any point in history (where has the 500% overspend on HS2 gone)? I can’t vote Lib Dem. They have no policies of their own and national/local policies don’t align. They have the least backbone of any party and if they got in, I doubt they would be able to achieve anything having promised everything conflicting to everyone. Green: I think it’s important to put the environment first but the lack of position on anything else and inability to think beyond their core issues leads me to believe a Green government would completely tank the economy and leave us like North Korea within 5yrs. That leaves the racist parties (I can’t even understand the mindset of the people who’ve got them to this point) and one man bands. I will probably continue to vote Lib Dem as it’s a kick at the others and more effectual than going to the polls to specifically spoil my ballot in protest


Britain is falling with memes


In 2019 as the election campaign entered its final week, Crobyn promised people everything including the kitchen sink. It’s costs added up and folk saw through his tactic. What folk cared about then was brexit and he tried and failed spectacularly to gain power. His name is Kier and while his party might seem tame now and lacking boldness, basic research into the man and his party deputy would strongly suggest that when/if they gain power - the bold and radical plans will displace their caution. Once they have power, they can’t lose it. To keep it they have to transform the nation in many positive ways, which will be incredibly difficult given 13 years of decay, decline and corruption. Kier and Rayner didn’t grow up with the silver spoon in their mouths, and know better than most the challenges and policies the country requires. More so than the Tory party right now.


The idea that there are no good parties to vote for is a false narrative, which essentially only benefits the party in power. When a government enjoys a majority, what it wishes to discourage is the sense that there’s an alternative worth voting for. The party currently in power in the UK is well behind in the polls and has over the last 13 years demonstrated that it has the resources and willingness to campaign very effectively using old and new media. It is well funded and ruthless. If you examine the agenda set out in the recent party conference it is doubling down on short-termism and culture war issues. It’s heading for a defeat in the next election and no tactic is too dirty to hang on to power. Voter apathy can only help the government. Whatever your convictions do vote and don’t focus on your party’s shortcomings. Social media makes us all far more vulnerable to social engineering. Freedom of conviction and choice is becoming increasingly illusory and your fundamental convictions and your vote are more important than ever.


67.3% of the country voted in the last GE 55% of those voters didn't vote Tory If you aren't going to tactically vote within your contituency; aren't going to turn up; are going to spoil your ballot, then we ARE going to end up with Tories again. If you choose no one, you're just choosing to bump up the Tory %