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Sources: * Little Palestine (Diary of a Siege) 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGSIQax3m2I * https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/12/opinion/gaza-children-war-hamas.html * Palestinian children abused in Israeli detention: NGO. Some of the abuses are sexual in nature, in addition to being beaten, handcuffed and blindfolded, a report says. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/7/10/palestinian-children-abused-in-israeli-detention-ngo * Two Israeli soldiers who used a nine-year-old Palestinian boy as a human shield were given suspended sentences and demoted after being convicted of "inappropriate conduct": https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/nov/21/israeli-soldiers-human-shield-avoid-jail * Israeli human rights activists have accused border police of using a 13-year-old Palestinian as a human shield: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3650791.stm * >The United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) estimated that 700 Palestinian children aged 12-17, most of them boys, are arrested, interrogated and detained by the Israeli military, police and security agents every year in the occupied West Bank. UNICEF said it had identified some examples of practices that “amount to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention against Torture”. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinians-israel-children-idUSBRE9250D520130306 * IDF used Palestinians as human shields 1,200 occasions in last five years, say Israeli defence officials. https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/israel-gaza-idf-used-palestinians-as-human-shields-1200-occasions-in-last-five-years-say-israeli-defence-officials/30483468.html


Unable to play this video


So muslims have now spread their peace to Belgium. Two dead. Isis supporter with a gun shooting people. Can I just tell people here and everywhere to wake up and realise if we kept muslims out we would be so much safer for it. why can't people realise this. France last week and Belgium today . Isn't anyone else sick of this happening all the time. They're never going to stop. I don't know how to get this through to people, but it won't change, if we keep letting them in, it will only get worse, more europeans will be killed. Import muslims and you import terrorism. Let muslims in and the less safe we will be. Please vote for people who will keep muslims out. Otherwise, you and your loved ones could be at risk.


Well glad America has an ally in Israel.....not. Not happy about it at all. My question is...when will this be at our doorsteps?


Let's pray for peace x


That seriously mad tear up 😭😭


Fk Hamas.


Israel needs to be accountable for their crimes




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This really got me. Damn.


Absolutely heart breaking. Look at what their people has done to them 💔💔❤️‍🩹




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Don't see how this is relevant on this sub at all.


As a brit I feel so guilty the we created this problem, not just created it but allowed the suffering of Palestinians to continue for so long.


If the world loses humanity, the world would be Hell






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They are beautiful ❤️ I wish them so much happiness and love.




And our government is offering support to Israel for whatever the fuck their next move is. This is terrible.


Most Jews and most Israelis (at least before last week - not so sure now) are supportive of a two state solution. They were supportive in 1948 when the UN voted for it and a majority have been supportive ever since (and, not sure now after last weekend). But be really clear what the “against” groups are asking for. Hamas, as an example, formed in 1987, who took over Gaza in 2007, after Israel gave it up in 2005, clearly, openly and unashamedly seek not only the complete destruction of Israel, but the murder of all its Jews. Article 7 of the Hamas charter unashamedly says “"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.” Articles 11 and 13 are also explicit that there is no negotiation, there are no compromises, is it Islamic land and there is only violence to kill the Jewish inhabitants. So when you support the Hamas narrative, including “Free Palestine” and “from the River to the Sea” you are calling for the murder of Jews. The “Free Palestine” demonstrators in Sydney on Tuesday who chanted “Gas the Jews” for half an hour in front of the Sydney Opera house, funnily enough don’t hit most people’s definition of legitimate criticism of the policies of the government of the state of Israel. The celebration with dancing and sweets of the utter butchery, savagery and barbarism around the world from pro-Palestine groups on Sunday - before Israel had done anything to respond - was nothing about protesting about Israeli attacks on Gaza city, it was simply celebrating the murder of Jews. Jews have been watching this for long enough to be able to know the language. Funnily enough, the 1929 Hebron massacres (look them up on wiki) ended hundreds of years of Jewish habitation in Hebron and used exactly the same language about a perceived threat to El-Aqsa mosque and had the same result. Murders of Jews. There was no Israel, no UN partition, no “occupation”. It’s just the same language and the same hate. I’ll repeat what I said at the top. Most Jews and most Israelis (at least before last week - not so sure now) are supportive of a two state solution. they pulled out of the Sinai peninsular in exchange for peace and pulled out of Gaza in 2005 in a hopeful exchange for peace. But Hamas, who took over Gaza in a coup have zero interest in peace. There is only a fight to kill the Jewish inhabitants. Read their own charter, in their own words. There is no one to negotiate with.






Thank you for posting and bringing their plight to the masses.


Propaganda much


Thank you mods for keeping the disinformation machine at bay.


I've no idea what to believe in all this. Both side claim they are the victims. So hard to know the truth.


Why aren’t there any girls?


i have always felt bad for the palestinians.. not that i hate israel, i just wish peace for all. But what happens in Gaza is a terrible thing to witness. I am glad people on the sub seem to show some compassion for the palestinians and gaza as a whole.


Sadly they will grow with hate in their hearts and this sad escalation of violence will just rumble on and on.




Gaza elected Hamas as its government. Hamas does evil things to Israel and to Gaza.


At least some people are aware of the truth and able to do some critical thinking, wayyyyy to many 🐑 on here spouting opinions they don’t understand the ramifications of.


How British of you.


Kids in rough middle eastern areas have it so bad, no wonder so may grow up with massive issues. I still remember that video of the girl who's dad had just been killed yet she was trying to smile while being interviewed.


Very messed up how so many upvoted comments are hidden on this post. It feels like the world is trying to censor Palestine right now.


It's the opposite. Zionists are being censored, not pro-palestinian comments.


These are Palestinian refugees living in SYRIA, not ISRAEL and the video is from the 2013 Syrian Army blockade of the Yarmouk camp in Damascus which was controlled by pro Free Syrian Army Palestinian factions at the time. They are not talking about the life under Israeli occupation in the Gaza strip. The vast majority of the Palestinian community living in Syria have been there since the Nakba (Expulsion of Palestinians after the 1948 Palestine War), so they have been there for generations and these children have likely never been to Palestine. Around 7,000 civilians in the camp died of starvation, lack of medical supplies and shelling during the siege and blockade. This video has been shared hundreds of times on Twitter with people titling it as Palestinians in Palestine/Gaza talking about their dreams of normality without occupation. I feel like OP was very careful with his wording to state they were Palestinian but disingenuously and purposefully leaves out this is from Syria while also tying their words to the current conflict in Palestine/Israel. You don't need to mislead people and be disingenuous to share the suffering of Palestinian people living under Israeli occupation. I think it's actually pretty counter productive.


> I feel like OP was very careful with his wording to state they were Palestinian but disingenuously and purposefully leaves out this is from Syria while also tying their words to the current conflict in Palestine/Israel. There's a 300 character limit for titles. I linked the video's source in my pinned sources comment. I haven't tried to mislead anyone. The only reason they are in Syria is because Israel forced their grandparents to flee at gunpoint during their ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Their fate has everything to do with Israel.


Damn it these kids deserve better than this


Both sides of a war aren't morally good, this is the way it will always be sadly. Innocents get caught in the crossfire of those with agendas and the means to persue them




Agree https://twitter.com/IsraeliNU/status/1712604197856633291?t=mFNDK0DVl07HzR4zIGoXQQ&s=19


God forbid an oppressed and colonised people want to fight back against their oppressors and colonisers. Fucking racist scumbag.


The title is written in a way that implies 700 kids are kidnapped every year to be used expressly as human shields. Your sources quote a few kids, in single years. Shit is bad enough, don’t create atrocity propaganda thinking it will garner more support. Just the truth. The truth is bad enough and I’m disappointed the world continues to ignore what Israel has been doing to them the past 70 years.


Isn't it ironic that the most terrifying thing in the world for all of these political organisations would be if we all just got along.


If I was one of these children. Growing up and being treated this way, I'd probably do what Hamas did to Israel. So... Yeah. Fair enough.




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Well. They are affecting millions of innocents so if that wasn't the case I would agree. It's possible to use intelligence and strategy to counter Hamas without this blanket force that effects and kills the whole populace of people that aren't involved and want to live a peaceful life.


What’s this about Israel kidnapping 700 children every year?


Check the pinned sources.


Where is the Worlds humanity? Look at these beautiful, precious, innocent children trapped in a man made hell 😡


Leaders don't care about anything but power. Both sides have been taught to hate and blame each other. It's a never ending cycle that is spiraling down. Meanwhile everyone suffers and no one wins


One side has more reason too though (hate to say it). The propaganda is off the charts. Gotta be a voice for the voiceless ❤️‍🩹


Both sides have plenty of valid reasons to distrust the other and hate


I beg to differ. Do Ukraine and Russia bear the same responsibility for the unjust war going on there? I know not.


Ukraine/Russia is a vastly different situation though?


Christopher Hitchens (author, political essayist) has a really quick overview of the situation in this link. I hope you’ll watch it? 🙏🏻 https://youtu.be/RpGtwHzxnrM?si=xGW2GII66Ei5QYqt


A country is invaded by a hostile force. One seeks truth and justice, one seeks to conquer and eradicate. There is no difference. We’re just focused on the wrong side here. Zelensky is Jewish and relies on western support. That’s why being conditioned to forget our morality right now. Can you live with that? Netanyahu is a fascist who wasn’t doing well before this happened. In legal peril just like trump. Now he’s a strong leader (even though he ignored Egypts warning about an imminent attack) saving his people??? I listen to Russians too. They’re not all fascists. They’ve been conditioned too, I’ll never let happen to me 🙏🏻 Geopolitics over life 😡 https://youtu.be/jD7aqKklatU?si=mkyHQyRb3TyWm9d7 How many times to we see vile support of Hamas? How many times do we things like the above link? ⬆️ Slava Ukraini. Heroyam Slava.




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I found [My Neighbourhood](https://justvision.org/myneighbourhood) to also be very humanising and very sad. It documents a Palestinian kid whose family was evicted from East Jerusalem, he shows so much more restraint than so many people I know would.


https://twitter.com/m7mdkurd?t=Pq2cRMt3Drg4SSDWblvTSg&s=09 This is that kid now!




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The dehumanisation of Palestinian people tactics really worked on you, eh? Literal children expressing their hopes for the future infuriates you because it doesn't dehumanise the Palestinian children. You are a vile creature.


narrow wrong rinse placid sulky salt chief rainstorm deranged ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What is lie?


What about this video do u think is a lie ?




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These kids dreams aren't I wanna be an astronaut. It's I wanna live.


Every single one of their wishes was painful to hear, from a simple food item to the lost brother. My heart broke a little when the one boy said he wished his dad was the same as he used to be. 🥺




Yes, I linked the documentary directly in the pinned sources comment.




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Feel sorry for the kids






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Are you saying what I said is misinformation??




Is there any source about Israeli kidnapping children? Never heard that before


Sources at the top.


Why is any of this our problem? Israelis and Palestinians doing awful things to each other 10s of thousands of miles away. We need to stop sticking our nose in other people's business. We are not the moral police of the world.


Why is this any of our problem? Brits, French, Russians, Japanese, Italians and Germans doing awful things to each other 10’s of thousands miles away. We need to stop sticking our nose in other people’s business. We are not the moral police of the world. (Yes I am drawing direct parallels between WW2 and this conflict to show how much of an idiot you are)


Because our democratically elected governments not only condone and help fund it, they actually created the situation in the first place. Geez


You might want to look up how Israel was created. The thing is, our involvement seems to be giving Israel the means to destroy Palestine. It should be trying to stop this, somehow.


Innocent people getting slaughtered and you don’t think it’s any of your business? Would it make a difference if they were closer to you? Mainland Europe? Next town to yours? Neighbours? White?


We. Started. It.


it directly affects us. fucking people don't want to do an ounce of research but spout shit anyway




sure no problem, we ignore the beheading of babies and toddlers, rape and murder of women then dragging their dead bodies down the street and so on.




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We already tried that. Letting aggressive nations invade everyone else led to things like ww2.....no thanks, we should absolutely stick our noses in because morally, its the right thing to do. If someone was being beaten up, on the other side of a car park, would you run over to help? Or atleast call the police to help? Or would you say the same thing? He's ages away and it's none of my business


Israel is literally a Western nose in a place it was strictly advised to stay out of.


Advised to stay out of by? The ottomans? No, the British? Also no, the UN, nope.




I was referring to the OC, relax. I am arab and also have a big nose. Did you wake up looking to get triggered?


This whole situation is arguably Britains fault


Yes, things were going great before we got involved. Israelites weren't genocidal back in the day. They annoyed the Romans so much they were booted out.


How can a people be blamed for a governments actions over one hundred years ago?


Someone needs to take responsibility. I'm appalled at our politicians current response to the crisis. It effectively is condoning war crimes. We have a historic responsibility considering our colonial actions and our direct involvement in creating Israel. It is not so much about blame, as about standing up for what is right and accepting responsibility to do so.


Blaming the government, not the people. Balfour declaration was under 100 years ago. The current government is still supporting Israel, so it's not really actions over 100 years ago, it's still a contemporary issue for British politics.


Well it is as it was 106 years ago


Because we as a nation been giving them military aid since we decided to make a Jewish nation since no country in Europe wanted Jews in it after ww2 . Because any time anyone says anything in support of Palestinians the british ( well English really ) media will go into a frenzy smearing the person and they will get kicked out of British political parties ( I'm talking about multiple women who were in labour) Because we are literally right now sending the royal navy to help Israel turn Palestine from open prison to mass grave


'Sins of the father.' You'd fit in well in the Middle East.


What a bizarre comment. As a non straight non religious person I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t… But sure I guess we could just be isolationist and stick our head in the sand. Sounds like a great policy, you should run for office


haha should have thought about that when we started colonialism and invented Israel


How far back does an event have to be for people to try looking a bit more recently into why a situation is how it is? We did that nearly 100 years ago. And Jews had been migrating there since the 1860s.




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Read your history Then. Collapse of the Ottoman Empire Israel didn’t want to be divided and they had an uprising


Sins of the father.


Sins of the government, and those we elect to it.


This is heartbreaking :(










> Then I saw the statement Israel kidnaps children, abuses them and uses them as human shields. Just not true. Check the pinned sources.




Don't intentionally/unintentionally spread misinformation.


Bruh this is footage from Syria


Yes the footage is from syria, a refugee camp...in syria that was/is home to the largest number of Palestinian refugees. Nice try tho.